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Amnesty Day

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 5, 2023

(Monday Mojo 2/06/23)

Thank God it’s Monday!  Let’s get after it…

Sometimes you might be tempted to start your week beating yourself up over the things you didn’t accomplish the week before.  That doesn't serve you. There are enough people who are happy to criticize you; don’t add yourself to the list.  Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

Today would be a great day to extend amnesty to someone in your life.  (And that someone might be yourself.)


- RG

P.S. to you guys who are in the direct selling profession.  Check out the new newsletter I’m publishing here.

Previous Post: Getting to Self-Mastery

2 comments on “Amnesty Day”

  1. Your post is very timely. I'm reading a wonderful book right now called "Radical Forgiveness," by Colin Tipping. I highly recommend it. I'm guessing that you probably know it.

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  • 2 comments on “Amnesty Day”

    1. Your post is very timely. I'm reading a wonderful book right now called "Radical Forgiveness," by Colin Tipping. I highly recommend it. I'm guessing that you probably know it.

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