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A Fresh Start

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 29, 2009

Well I’m back from Thailand, but someone forgot to tell my body.  I went to bed at 1 am, and woke up at 5 am, unable to go back to sleep.  But what an amazing trip!

As you can see by the absence of postings, I pretty much just vegged out.  And I’m still figuring out the best way to stay in touch between the two blogs, two newsletters, Facebook and other social networking sites.   One service I am using a lot and I recommend you do also is Twitter.  It’s free and you can set up an account in about 30 seconds.  You can follow me there at:

So how are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions?   For most of the herd, they’re long forgotten.  Self-development has been replaced with CSI, working out has been replaced with Pizza Hut, and understanding has been replaced with impatience.

But that doesn’t have to happen with you.  And you can always start fresh.  As the late Ray Pelletier used to say, any day can be January 1st.  Last year, and all the years before it, are past.  Today is your chance to go forward with faith, fun and passion.

Let go of regret.  Let go of hurt.  Release doubt.  Forget about vengeance.  Give everyone – yourself included – a fresh start for the New Year.

There’s no need for regrets or judgments for the time gone past.  Nothing there can be undone.  But your future is a blank canvas you can start work on right now.  Ain’t it great!


14 comments on “A Fresh Start”

  1. You are perfectly right, your blog got me so inspired, this is what I needed...thank you...this is what we all should do ' every day go on forward with faith, fun and passion' forgetting about all the rest!!!
    Thank you again for reminding me, I wish u to recover soon from the time differences that you suffer:) and I am looking forward for what is to come:)
    all the best to you, georgiana

  2. Right on, Randy! I was feeling a little down this a.m. because it's already the end of January and it seems that I've made so little progress on what I want to accomplish in 2009. But you're right --- today is a brand-new day, and there's no time like the present to start afresh! Thanks for the reminder!
    -- jim
    PS -- I miss Ray.

  3. I have accomplished a lot as I look back on January, though there are still some things I haven't started yet - like exercise. Some things I've done just aren't working so a little tweaking is in order - like a picking the right detox program for me, the right way to eat for me. I am on track with my business goals, though! I like that it can be Jan 1st - everyday!

  4. Spoken like a champ Randy! I believe in giving giving giving and this helps you become a better person with passion, purpose, and forgiveness.

    I actually get up each day and start new. Get up and know who you are, what you are going to accomplish, then go out and crush it!

    Thanks for this inspiring post.

  5. Nice having you back Randy. With my resolutions, well I want to lose some weight, I started my diet january 1st, but quit, ha,ha,ha. But Monday I started again, and this time I know is for real, so I will tell you when I gain my lines back 🙂
    I have been a bit scare to start with my business plans, but reading your post make me realize that I have to do it, and work on my range of fear to advance with my personal and financial growth.

    Have a great evening

  6. It's the fifth day of Chinese New Year and it's been a good holiday to re-focus on my resolutions, did some fine-tuning.

    I found the CCCSS model very useful - what to Continue, what to Change, what to Complete, what to Start and I think this was most significant for me, what to STOP doing because those activities were not contributing to achieving my Goals.

    Thanks Randy, for your reminder, it was another good "knock-knock" for me! (Don't want to ignore the small "knock"s and get a mack truck later!)

  7. January has almost gone by. Time is flying by. Late Dec 08 I made the committment to restructure my finances to improve my cashflow. What I am finding is the structure is sound; but there is and has been alot of fine tuning as i go. Staying committed to the outcome is challenging and there are times I want to pull my hair out [not that there is any to grab hold of]
    Changing some old habbitts and belief systems that no longer support the direction I am going is proving the most challenging and will take daily conditioning. Sounds like hard work? Your post has given me a fresh perspective today is my chance to make a difference. The distance of change does not seem so far off.

    Cheers Mate

  8. Hi Randy!

    New year's resolutions are going great!

    I had put on about 40 lbs extra over the past couple of years. I have never had a problem losing weight when my mind was right, but I have never been on a bodybuilding program.

    Last Sunday was the two-week mark, and I have already lost 1 inch around the waist and gained 1/2 inch on the upper arm (unflexed). The weight has (predictably) not changed as the first 4 weeks are my "bulking" stage (I'm eating 500 more calories/day than I need to build muscle).

    Of course, the diet has to be exact (thanks, and my good friend and nutritionist Jon helped me cut through the hype on the right supplements. Nevertheless, you have been instrumental in raising my awareness (THANKS).

    Now that I'm approaching the three week mark, I know without a doubt that I can achieve my goal as the habits and affirmations are reaching "critical mass" within my subconscious.

    I'm working my way down the "top 10" book list (I had read 5 already). Just finished "Shibumi", and am in the middle of "The Science of Mind". I must say that my universe is absolutely changing faster than I (previously) would have thought possible (and no, I'm not under the influence of Kool-Aid!).

    Thanks again for being congruent on every level!


  9. Hello Elsa,
    Reading your post right now,good job for refocusing so quickly.If you think a little support would be helpful to you, it would be my pleasure to do so.
    Hold your image.

  10. Hello Randy,
    You are the best. Thank you for keeping things so simple and direct.It really wakes one up.
    May only good things happen to you.

  11. Sounds like an awesome time and very educational.....I'm putting it down for next year on my calendar now! It's on!
    Any pics and vids yet? Any links to learn from?

  12. Yes...forget about the past...people that wronged you, think only positive things from now on....stay focused.....don't worry about the dream stealers, etc! Stay on high priority 24/7......FOCUS! Right?
    Tony Beach
    I focused again.....Have a few that want to come to Vegas....2 for sure! Will keep you up to date...Must register them 1st..

  13. New Year’s resolutions? = Creating new habits
    What I found works best for me is adding a new habit every week. Small continuous changes make more of an impact than ONE big change and then STOP. Our mind will rebel if the change is too dramatic and that will definitely lead to a STOP.
    Best ex: If we have been eating a certain way for 20 years and not working out for 20 years and try to change all that in a week? good luck....
    One good approach - first week I would split all my meals in 1/2 and start with 15 min. work-out and keep small changes going every week.
    Changing completely our way of eating and starting with 2 our work-out on Monday??? Chances are we will not last very long.
    Everything starts in the mind so give your mind time to adjust.

    Small continuous changes more powerful that one big change!
    Find some positive friends as well!

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  • 14 comments on “A Fresh Start”

    1. You are perfectly right, your blog got me so inspired, this is what I needed...thank you...this is what we all should do ' every day go on forward with faith, fun and passion' forgetting about all the rest!!!
      Thank you again for reminding me, I wish u to recover soon from the time differences that you suffer:) and I am looking forward for what is to come:)
      all the best to you, georgiana

    2. Right on, Randy! I was feeling a little down this a.m. because it's already the end of January and it seems that I've made so little progress on what I want to accomplish in 2009. But you're right --- today is a brand-new day, and there's no time like the present to start afresh! Thanks for the reminder!
      -- jim
      PS -- I miss Ray.

    3. I have accomplished a lot as I look back on January, though there are still some things I haven't started yet - like exercise. Some things I've done just aren't working so a little tweaking is in order - like a picking the right detox program for me, the right way to eat for me. I am on track with my business goals, though! I like that it can be Jan 1st - everyday!

    4. Spoken like a champ Randy! I believe in giving giving giving and this helps you become a better person with passion, purpose, and forgiveness.

      I actually get up each day and start new. Get up and know who you are, what you are going to accomplish, then go out and crush it!

      Thanks for this inspiring post.

    5. Nice having you back Randy. With my resolutions, well I want to lose some weight, I started my diet january 1st, but quit, ha,ha,ha. But Monday I started again, and this time I know is for real, so I will tell you when I gain my lines back 🙂
      I have been a bit scare to start with my business plans, but reading your post make me realize that I have to do it, and work on my range of fear to advance with my personal and financial growth.

      Have a great evening

    6. It's the fifth day of Chinese New Year and it's been a good holiday to re-focus on my resolutions, did some fine-tuning.

      I found the CCCSS model very useful - what to Continue, what to Change, what to Complete, what to Start and I think this was most significant for me, what to STOP doing because those activities were not contributing to achieving my Goals.

      Thanks Randy, for your reminder, it was another good "knock-knock" for me! (Don't want to ignore the small "knock"s and get a mack truck later!)

    7. January has almost gone by. Time is flying by. Late Dec 08 I made the committment to restructure my finances to improve my cashflow. What I am finding is the structure is sound; but there is and has been alot of fine tuning as i go. Staying committed to the outcome is challenging and there are times I want to pull my hair out [not that there is any to grab hold of]
      Changing some old habbitts and belief systems that no longer support the direction I am going is proving the most challenging and will take daily conditioning. Sounds like hard work? Your post has given me a fresh perspective today is my chance to make a difference. The distance of change does not seem so far off.

      Cheers Mate

    8. Hi Randy!

      New year's resolutions are going great!

      I had put on about 40 lbs extra over the past couple of years. I have never had a problem losing weight when my mind was right, but I have never been on a bodybuilding program.

      Last Sunday was the two-week mark, and I have already lost 1 inch around the waist and gained 1/2 inch on the upper arm (unflexed). The weight has (predictably) not changed as the first 4 weeks are my "bulking" stage (I'm eating 500 more calories/day than I need to build muscle).

      Of course, the diet has to be exact (thanks, and my good friend and nutritionist Jon helped me cut through the hype on the right supplements. Nevertheless, you have been instrumental in raising my awareness (THANKS).

      Now that I'm approaching the three week mark, I know without a doubt that I can achieve my goal as the habits and affirmations are reaching "critical mass" within my subconscious.

      I'm working my way down the "top 10" book list (I had read 5 already). Just finished "Shibumi", and am in the middle of "The Science of Mind". I must say that my universe is absolutely changing faster than I (previously) would have thought possible (and no, I'm not under the influence of Kool-Aid!).

      Thanks again for being congruent on every level!


    9. Hello Elsa,
      Reading your post right now,good job for refocusing so quickly.If you think a little support would be helpful to you, it would be my pleasure to do so.
      Hold your image.

    10. Hello Randy,
      You are the best. Thank you for keeping things so simple and direct.It really wakes one up.
      May only good things happen to you.

    11. Sounds like an awesome time and very educational.....I'm putting it down for next year on my calendar now! It's on!
      Any pics and vids yet? Any links to learn from?

    12. Yes...forget about the past...people that wronged you, think only positive things from now on....stay focused.....don't worry about the dream stealers, etc! Stay on high priority 24/7......FOCUS! Right?
      Tony Beach
      I focused again.....Have a few that want to come to Vegas....2 for sure! Will keep you up to date...Must register them 1st..

    13. New Year’s resolutions? = Creating new habits
      What I found works best for me is adding a new habit every week. Small continuous changes make more of an impact than ONE big change and then STOP. Our mind will rebel if the change is too dramatic and that will definitely lead to a STOP.
      Best ex: If we have been eating a certain way for 20 years and not working out for 20 years and try to change all that in a week? good luck....
      One good approach - first week I would split all my meals in 1/2 and start with 15 min. work-out and keep small changes going every week.
      Changing completely our way of eating and starting with 2 our work-out on Monday??? Chances are we will not last very long.
      Everything starts in the mind so give your mind time to adjust.

      Small continuous changes more powerful that one big change!
      Find some positive friends as well!

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