I'll read the first one but Robert Ringer you can shove you know where... it's not that I don't disagree with his capitalist message... but I hate all the holy than thou crap he puts around it... and painting any Dem and Obama like there the second coming of Satan.. and just telling blatant lies... sure Reagan cut taxes for his rich buddies and increased defense spending which, surprise, surprise left record deficits... and he's credited with giving America a big recovery!!! what a joke!!
When that that Satan Clinton left office the U.S. had a record surplus... and was well respected around the world.. you can still see the respect he gets now with his foundation...
And what did Dubya do?? get the U.S. into a war and trillions of dollars of debt, draft into law, things right of Orwell and call it the Patriot Act which stomps all over the Constitution and a-holes like Ringer defend him as paragon of virtue because he didn't get hummers in the oval office!!!!
Let's deal with reality here... Obama got handed a big pile of crap from his predecessor and all these wing nuts who says he's taxing the poor rich ought to get their head examined... I think anyone making over $250,000 a year can afford to handle a 1% tax increase and should pay it gladly... Oh the horror!! Out here in Washington state Bill Gates father had no problem agreeing with a tax that would make the rich pay a little more... oh the hue and cry...
Or you can do like Robert Ringer and put on Neil Sedaka and talks to his trees... even you Randy, you got some musical taste, might puke at that thought!!!
I'll read the first one but Robert Ringer you can shove you know where... it's not that I don't disagree with his capitalist message... but I hate all the holy than thou crap he puts around it... and painting any Dem and Obama like there the second coming of Satan.. and just telling blatant lies... sure Reagan cut taxes for his rich buddies and increased defense spending which, surprise, surprise left record deficits... and he's credited with giving America a big recovery!!! what a joke!!
When that that Satan Clinton left office the U.S. had a record surplus... and was well respected around the world.. you can still see the respect he gets now with his foundation...
And what did Dubya do?? get the U.S. into a war and trillions of dollars of debt, draft into law, things right of Orwell and call it the Patriot Act which stomps all over the Constitution and a-holes like Ringer defend him as paragon of virtue because he didn't get hummers in the oval office!!!!
Let's deal with reality here... Obama got handed a big pile of crap from his predecessor and all these wing nuts who says he's taxing the poor rich ought to get their head examined... I think anyone making over $250,000 a year can afford to handle a 1% tax increase and should pay it gladly... Oh the horror!! Out here in Washington state Bill Gates father had no problem agreeing with a tax that would make the rich pay a little more... oh the hue and cry...
Or you can do like Robert Ringer and put on Neil Sedaka and talks to his trees... even you Randy, you got some musical taste, might puke at that thought!!!
I don't think you'll find anything like that in this book. It's a great look at Libertarian principles and how they apply to creating prosperity.
Thanks for your input. I value your opinions greatly.
I agree. Ringer doesn't espouse party. In fact, he clearly urges readers to develop an ideologically consistent governing philosophy based on actual results and not the party line!
As a Libertarian, he's an equal opportunity "pain in the neck" to both sides of the political aisle 😉
David, I'm seeing a lot of talk from you about past and current presidents - pro and con. But, I'm not seeing where you are challenging any of Mr. Ringer's actual thoughts. I'd love to know what you really felt about the book AFTER you've read it.
I haven't read Robet Ringer, but I do find your comment interesting about someone making over $250,000 / year being taxed higher and should gladly pay it. Why shouldn't someone making $30,000 / year pay the same tax rate? Personally, the more I make, the more I am willing to give.... but should not be FORCED to give.
Explain to me why they are Swedish billionaries if you use the climate as factor to creating wealth?
David, You need to take a breath, step back and not buy into the Party debate...I'm in Australia where we had the wierdest election ever...but I continued being positive because I believe my life is directed by me regardless of whose in power. Why waste time debating on Party rhetoric when theres adventures to be had and possibilities to muster? I'm not waiting to see what deals the Government can make on my behalf because ultimately I don't believe they give a rat's petooty about me. I do like your passion though and that energy can be directed into so many positive things..Whoo Hoo!...and if you play Neil S on higher speed it's hilarious!
I is all very nice. I am sure the books will teach a lot! But Randy, how many people will understand what is author are trying to say... You know that better than anyone! I highly recommend to start with NLP!!!
My readers will understand these books just fine.
They will!! What I am trying to say... We see things not as they are but what we are!!!
It all starts with ourselves!
Get Rebel Brown's book now!
Rob - you just made my day my friend. THANKS for your support!!!
You are a "class act!" I LOVE that you aren't part of the "million dollars" in bonuses types of book launches!
Because you only refer and endorse books that truly contain great value, your recommendations actually mean something!
Thanks for sharing your wisdom and the wisdom of others with us!
Wow Randy -thanks so much for your support. You've taken me to a whole new class - Jedi Knight. I LOVE that part of your support video - made me feel like I could fly. Wow - I CAN Defy Gravity! Yeehaaa!!!
Thanks for your unfailing support of me and my book my friend. I am blessed to have the experiences that from the basis of the concepts and lessons in Defy Gravity. I'm even more blessed by associates like you who read the book, believe in me and the lessons and are there to support me as I take the next step along my journey.
My destiny is to help others grow - in life and in business - beyond our Personal and Business Gravity. This is the first step on that path, and I'm honored to have you helping me to do just that!!!
Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments.
THAT would make a difference and kill the monster the usa has become.
I got no problem with Ringer's Libertarian principles... I used to subscribe to his e-newsletter but I got so fed up with his one note, annoying, pathetic, etc Obama bashing that I cancelled... I'm all for debate but what made me puke is he never once criticized his hero Dubya...
If his ideas are as bad as his musical taste I'll pass thanks....
While I have not read the book, I don't see the relationship between been a libertarian and having a prosperity mindset.
They are billionaries from Sweden with a social democracy. I am yet to find someone to explain that lower taxes or no taxes at all will created more jobs. In fact,most of the wealth in the nation (U.S) is been created in California and New York, which have higher taxes than Florida(no state income tax, and $30 billions in tax-loopholes for the corporations),or Alabama or Mississippi-the poorest state in the Union.
I would follow Soros-a liberal billionarie on political philosophy.
Corporations are also relocating from California in droves due to high taxes. I've been a California native all my life. I see 3 main reasons people come to live here....
-The weather
-A great hi tech job opportunity (but then they complain about the taxes)
-The welfare benefits are better here for those that aren't looking to be productive
I just came back from the Silicon Valley. There are at least 30 new alternative energy companies within 30 miles range?
Where is all the innovation been created in Mississippi?
For that read MY last book! I make a very clear case about how to get government out of the way so people can manifest prosperity.
Your book is a great read Randy. It always baffles me when I hear someone talk about the wealth created in California with the high tax rate.. almost as if the high taxes help build that wealth. Wealthy people love California due to the climate and beauty of the state... DESPITE the high tax rate. How much more wealth could be created if government got out of our way?!
That's the most twisted logic I have ever heard. People are billions in california because they like the weather not because they are living in the 21th century economic.
We will have to disagree on this one. You have a Norwegian proteges who is a millionarie in NM. Guess,What?Norway has one of the highest taxation and income distribution in the world.
No relation between less govertment,climate as RJ would us to believe,and creating wealth.
Hi Randy,
Thanks for sharing each read. I used to stop by Rebel's blog; time to visit her again as I wasn't sure she had Jedi Night status 😉
Ryan Biddulph
Thanks Randy, its always nice to know a new, good book. You've always got killer advice.
Ha Ha! This is a fun and heated thread! I am ordering Rebel's book and telling my list about it too. I had the workbook printed out some time ago, and anything she says is worth listening to for sure - her voice is so fresh and proven at the same time.
Plus she knows how to make herself a REAL FRIEND on social media, which is why I would take the time to do anything for her. Good one, Randy. In fact, it was Rebel and Bob Burg who turned me on to your blog in the first place.
The Golden Rule is "Whoever has the Gold makes the Rules".
If the Govt "gives" to the "unproductive", I guarantee that the corporations that run the govt want it that way.
I'm looking forward to reading those books! Can you recommend any books on turning your business ideas into realities? I've got big dreams and need to know where to go from here.
Hi Shannon:
There are two sources I have found very useful:Forbes and Inc magazines.
Forbes publishes the top 400 billionaries every year. That would give you a template on what fields people make money.
Inc magazine talks about entrepreneurs and very small companies.
You probably have to find out what you are passionated about and then get those SKILLS.
Making money is about skills and right prosperity mindset,which Randy is very good on teaching and describing how to change our limiting beliefs.