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The Language of Perpetual Victims…

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 16, 2018

In yesterday’s post, I promised to reveal how you can tell if someone – including you – is a professional victim.  The fastest tip off is the language they use.

People who are professional victims delight in using expressions like these:

I’m always a day late and a dollar short.

If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

 All the good guys are married or gay. (Unless you’re gay. Then it’s, “all the good guys are married or straight.”)

 Why am I always the last one to know?

 I’m always the last hired, and the first fired.

They like to think they’re just being clever and self-depreciating when they say things like this.  But in truth, they’re wallowing in victim-hood, and avoiding taking responsibility for their own life.

So, what do you think?  Please share your thoughts below.

Have an abundant weekend.  I’ll check in on the other side...


9 comments on “The Language of Perpetual Victims…”

  1. Randy - we should partner up and make T-shirts that say "Why Me?". Since everyone feels he or she is a victim to some extent, we should make us billionaires.

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more Randy. The question is how to unlearn all the years of self-degradation, whining and apathy that we’ve learned from our familial relationships, as well as associated contacts!

  3. I think as to my self personally, one has to be in complete control of their own actions an behavior, first, . An to be cautious about the evildoers in the world around them.. if you can do that an keep your goals in the first part of your mind an not be persuaded off track, your going to be just fine.. to me, that's what I think .. but I never when to college but I did have a experience of a lifetime to learn from some of the best in business .. end of comment .. thanks..

  4. I agree this is completely accurate, and I think a solution to the issue is to change that language, and the thoughts behind it.
    No matter your goals, no matter what you're aiming towards, your thoughts and the language you use MOST of the time dictates your actions.
    Great points my friend!

    1. Thank you to the Bloggers and Vloggers who are real with us.

      By being real, you help people see their issues. We may never have realized we don't believe in eternity/God or that we believe in a cycle of violence. Thinking that you wouldn't want eternity if you think it is an abusive cycle of violence.

      Once we see it, we can change it.

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  • 9 comments on “The Language of Perpetual Victims…”

    1. Randy - we should partner up and make T-shirts that say "Why Me?". Since everyone feels he or she is a victim to some extent, we should make us billionaires.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more Randy. The question is how to unlearn all the years of self-degradation, whining and apathy that we’ve learned from our familial relationships, as well as associated contacts!

    3. I think as to my self personally, one has to be in complete control of their own actions an behavior, first, . An to be cautious about the evildoers in the world around them.. if you can do that an keep your goals in the first part of your mind an not be persuaded off track, your going to be just fine.. to me, that's what I think .. but I never when to college but I did have a experience of a lifetime to learn from some of the best in business .. end of comment .. thanks..

    4. I agree this is completely accurate, and I think a solution to the issue is to change that language, and the thoughts behind it.
      No matter your goals, no matter what you're aiming towards, your thoughts and the language you use MOST of the time dictates your actions.
      Great points my friend!

      1. Thank you to the Bloggers and Vloggers who are real with us.

        By being real, you help people see their issues. We may never have realized we don't believe in eternity/God or that we believe in a cycle of violence. Thinking that you wouldn't want eternity if you think it is an abusive cycle of violence.

        Once we see it, we can change it.

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