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7 Keys for Higher Prosperity Consciousness

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 30, 2021

As we enter the New Year, it’s a great time to evaluate your level of prosperity consciousness and think about how you can improve it.  There are seven keys to creating a mindset for prosperity.  Let’s break them down:

1) Recognize and Release Victim/Entitlement Mentality.

You can be a victor or a victim, but you can’t be both.  Unfortunately, most people choose the victim mentality.  You have to fight that urge. You’re going to continually be tempted to backslide into victim mentality, because it gets you such good support and acceptance from most people.  They will invite you to commiserate how you have been victimized, so they can then share their victim experience with you.  This creates a negative feedback loop that keeps you justifying failure, instead of seeking success.

Beware also of the entitlement trap.  This could come in the form of college aid, special government grants, or a wealthy relative advising you that you’re in their will.  Once you know that you could be eligible to receive something, it’s a short step to thinking you’re entitled to it.  And entitlement has nothing to do with prosperity.  True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange.

2) Recognize and Reject Jealousy/Envy Mentality.

This one is another easy trap to fall into, particularly when you’re exposed to large doses of social media and traditional media.  Their business model is to build people up, and then tear them down.  It makes for great entertainment and keeps the public engrossed.  You have to stay away from this, as it demeans good people, and fosters self-hate, doubt, and jealousy.  Being jealous of someone else’s success is fear-based and blocks your own prosperity.  Celebrating others’ success comes from love, and attracts more prosperity.

3) Understand the Infinite Nature of Prosperity.

If you are like most people, you believe that money is finite.  But like all forms of prosperity, it is infinite.  Love is infinite.  Hugs are infinite.  Joy is infinite.  Wellness is infinite.  And so is wealth.

4) Build Your “Sacred Circle” of People Who Nurture and Support Your Highest Good.

One of the most important things you can ever do for success is to consciously select your mentors and partners.  Remember what Jim Rohn said about the five people you spend the most time with.  I call this your “sacred circle,” because who is in this inner circle of yours is going to dramatically impact all areas of your life.

If you’re married or living with someone, one of your five spots is already taken.  If you work all day closely beside someone, another slot is filled.  So if those two slots aren’t bringing you up, you better look very carefully at who fills the remaining ones.

You may also want to have some extended mentors.  In my case, I am mentored by Naval Ravikant, Elon Musk, Paul Graham, Oprah Winfrey, Balaji Srinivasan, Jacqueline Novogratz, Jeff Bezos, Ben Horowitz, Cathie Wood, and others.  (Most of them aren’t aware of this.)  But I study everything I can find by or about these people, so to better understand how they think.  Look for people who are where you want to be and learn all you can about them.

5) Frequent Abundance Environments and Limit Your Time in Lack Surroundings. 

A life of health, happiness, and prosperity doesn’t require living like a monk in a monastery.  But savvy prosperity students place themselves in abundance environments where they are surrounded with people of higher consciousness.    You could spend the evening doing another Tiger King binge or taking a continuing education class at your local college.

Look for churches like Science of Mind and Unity where they offer classes and workshops.  Register when business, success, and health seminars come to your area.  People who attend these are people dedicated to growth, and that’s a good environment to place yourself.

6) Practice a Daily Self-Development Program

Daily self-development time is critical to create and maintain a strong prosperity consciousness.  Even if you’re mindful about the tv shows and movies you watch, the people you hang out with and the books you read – you’re still going to be assaulted with tons of negative and limiting programming.  It’s vital that you counter-program with something positive every day.  Don’t leave the house until you have a bullet-proof mindset for success and happiness.

Spend some critical thinking time developing your daily playlist – the blogs, podcasts, and book you want to influence you. (Please consider my Power Prosperity Podcast.) Train your subconscious to work for you and you have a powerful ally.

7) Know not Just What You are Moving Away From – but also What You are Moving Toward. 

You probably already know you don’t want to be poor any longer, or perhaps you’ve decided to end a toxic relationship. That may not be enough, or you may find yourself repeating negative patterns.  It’s important that you create a new vision of what you want to move toward.

I’m a big believer in creating prosperity manifestation maps of the things you want to do, have, and become.  Also helpful are goal cards, notes on the mirror, and other items that remind you what you are moving toward.  Affirmations are a great resource to remind you what is important.

All of these things help to program your subconscious mind with the prosperity you want to create.  And once your subconscious mind has a goal to shoot for, it won’t stop working until that goal is achieved.  My New Year’s wish for you is that you will put these seven keys into action, and make 2022 your most prosperous year ever.

Happy New Year.  Happy New You.

- RG

Previous post: Your Test from the Universe

6 comments on “7 Keys for Higher Prosperity Consciousness”

  1. Great post Randy.. love number 5.. at my b-day dinner was surrounded by rich people ordering $125 caviar appy's ... while I love caviar.. wasn't envious at all.. just thought, what a rip off.. same way when I pass first class on most tin can flights.. you're paying 5 times what I am for a little more leg room and shitty drinks and food?? But maybe that's my poverty consciousness or just plain common sense.. I don't like being ripped off.. happy new year every one and see you at my fav restaurant and bar.. cheers David

  2. Such a great list and reminder! This has pushed me to ensure that I bring more of RG back into my life in 2022. Happy New Year all!

  3. Thank you Randy Gage. This is a brilliant ending to 2021 + Start 2022. I've grown more in 12mts with Prosperity Livestream than in the last 10yrs. Very excited approaching 2022.

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  • 6 comments on “7 Keys for Higher Prosperity Consciousness”

    1. Great post Randy.. love number 5.. at my b-day dinner was surrounded by rich people ordering $125 caviar appy's ... while I love caviar.. wasn't envious at all.. just thought, what a rip off.. same way when I pass first class on most tin can flights.. you're paying 5 times what I am for a little more leg room and shitty drinks and food?? But maybe that's my poverty consciousness or just plain common sense.. I don't like being ripped off.. happy new year every one and see you at my fav restaurant and bar.. cheers David

    2. Such a great list and reminder! This has pushed me to ensure that I bring more of RG back into my life in 2022. Happy New Year all!

    3. Thank you Randy Gage. This is a brilliant ending to 2021 + Start 2022. I've grown more in 12mts with Prosperity Livestream than in the last 10yrs. Very excited approaching 2022.

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