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The 5 Stages of Wisdom

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 6, 2015

Last post on transmutation, I promised that in 2015 this blog would feature some of the lessons – both simple and profound – that I discovered during the time of intense reflection and self-development on my sabbatical.


Today begins that process. However, be forewarned that I have a new perspective on my role as a teacher and that may or may not fit in with your preconceived expectations. This post and the ones that will follow, will allow me to think out loud and present some concepts that will make up my next, next book, (after Mad Genius, coming January 2016) working title, The Way.


Because I’m not willing to leave philosophy to the academics, The Way will outline my own philosophy on life and the lessons that developed it. The Way is not a religion, a creed, or a system. In fact, probably the best term would be an anti-religion. I will present no doctrines or dogma, and have no desire to tell you how to live. I simply want to share the lessons that bring me closer toward enlightenment and wisdom.


Twenty-five years ago, when I began professional speaking and writing, I believed my job was to get you to agree with me. It took me almost a decade to realize the foolishness of that. Before the sabbatical, I still believed it was my job to share my truth as I know it.


Now I recognize that the greatest teachers are never givers of truth, but simply catalysts who cause you to think in a way that allows you to discover the truth for yourself.


So I don’t seek your approval and have no intrinsic need to influence you. When you find your way to this blog each day, please don’t reach any conclusions that ‘this is this or that is that.’ Please simply be open to think about things in ways you have never previously thought about them before.


The philosophy I’m now sharing with you is not a philosophy to live for anyone or anything. You must live, not live for.


My wish is for you to experience the inherent meaning that comes from living a life of growth, adventure, and wonder – as you evolve into the you that you are meant to be.


The Way at its core is really about self-actualization. Not the illusionary actualization of self-image, but the real actualization of you as a conscious and evolving human being. So let’s begin with the most foundational of lessons, the one upon which all that follow will stand on:


The Five Stages of Wisdom


Stage one begins with silence. To learn, we must first quiet the noise and distractions, and empty the mind of dogma, memes, and preconceived beliefs. The most valuable bucket is an empty one.


Stage two is listening. Not merely listening to all that can be heard, because then everything is lost in the raucous clamor. Wisdom comes from listening with a purpose.


Stage three of wisdom is creation. To be wise, one must express oneself. And that expression comes from merging what we learn with action; actually living a life of meaning. The wise person does not react to circumstances; she creates them.


The fourth stage of wisdom is practice. Taking that which you create in stage three and practicing it daily – learning and growing, modifying and evolving. All of which leads us to the fifth stage of wisdom…


Teaching. For it is in the crystallization process that you must go through to conceptualize and teach something, that your greatest understanding is developed. (And why I’m writing The Way.) This is when you become an artist of life, which of course, is an artist of wisdom.


Although teaching is the fifth stage of wisdom, it is never the final stage...


Because the person who acquires wisdom to develop a dogmatic conclusion, is but a fool. The searching and inquiry of the four stages bring us to certain conclusions. Yet those conclusions are simply staging areas for our next adventure of inquiry and growth. To take us through the entire process again.


And again, and again, and again...



19 comments on “The 5 Stages of Wisdom”

  1. Wisdom!,...I love talking about wisdom:)!.
    Thanks for this post RG.
    Happy new year...
    U0001f49e,your Cali friendU0001f31eU0001f423

  2. Happy New Year to you Randy Gage and all who support you! Thank you for continuing to be an impacting change and positive support effort for me and countless others. You rock! Feature article coming one day.... Hopefully sooner than later. Keep up the good work sir and God bless you always.  DAC aka: God's Writer Girl *

  3. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~ Lao Tzu. When I read you have named your book "The Way" my past studies of the Tao and of course those written by Lao Tzu came to mind immediately. Among other favorite quotes are “When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” Wisdom is what we're here for and as we gain it we must share it with those who are willing to listen as well as those who are not. The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose, and what better way to live than to share wisdom, which is what you have been doing for years and continue to RG. So thank you.. I'm grateful in all ways. And with gratitude comes abundance.. It's a gorgeous day here in the Bay area and this adds more light to the brilliant sunshine!

  4. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end
    of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for
    the first time." ~ T. S. Eliot

  5. Anti-religion?  Sign me up for a copy.  Anything that will help dispel supernatural, hocus-pocus bullshit I am completely on board with.

  6. ......share the lessons that bring me closer toward enlightenment and wisdom. I love this statement as this will lead one to freedom. Thank you RG for always sharing your thought with openness.

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  • 19 comments on “The 5 Stages of Wisdom”

    1. Wisdom!,...I love talking about wisdom:)!.
      Thanks for this post RG.
      Happy new year...
      U0001f49e,your Cali friendU0001f31eU0001f423

    2. Happy New Year to you Randy Gage and all who support you! Thank you for continuing to be an impacting change and positive support effort for me and countless others. You rock! Feature article coming one day.... Hopefully sooner than later. Keep up the good work sir and God bless you always.  DAC aka: God's Writer Girl *

    3. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~ Lao Tzu. When I read you have named your book "The Way" my past studies of the Tao and of course those written by Lao Tzu came to mind immediately. Among other favorite quotes are “When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” Wisdom is what we're here for and as we gain it we must share it with those who are willing to listen as well as those who are not. The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose, and what better way to live than to share wisdom, which is what you have been doing for years and continue to RG. So thank you.. I'm grateful in all ways. And with gratitude comes abundance.. It's a gorgeous day here in the Bay area and this adds more light to the brilliant sunshine!

    4. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end
      of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for
      the first time." ~ T. S. Eliot

    5. Anti-religion?  Sign me up for a copy.  Anything that will help dispel supernatural, hocus-pocus bullshit I am completely on board with.

    6. ......share the lessons that bring me closer toward enlightenment and wisdom. I love this statement as this will lead one to freedom. Thank you RG for always sharing your thought with openness.

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