The transformational difference between your results in 2024 and those in 2025 – will be determined by how much you transform in the New Year.
After conducting my latest burning bowl ceremony, ten insights came to me about how I can continue toward the highest possible version of myself. I’d like to share them, in case you want to study and adopt or adapt any that may serve you.
The insights are an exploration into the cause-and-effect relation between your core beliefs, the vision they create, the habits produced by that vision, and finally, the results that you can create by changing those core beliefs. Let’s unpack them…
1) Challenge is Liberating.
Once they become moderately comfortable, most people would rather go on autopilot than face the uncertainty of change. That is the path to mediocrity.
No one ever had a momentous breakthrough in their comfort zone, and you won’t be the first.
Face the things that terrify you and your courage will grow each time. Fear is okay. Simply channel it toward what it is you want to accomplish. You don’t grow when you’re fulfilled. You stagnate.
Your biggest breakthrough is on the other side of the thing that scares you the most.
2) You Can Do More than You Imagine.
You likely see yourself as you were five or more years ago, because you are buying into the signals of how many people in your inner circle see you. They’re comfortable with seeing you (and pretty much everyone they know) as you were in the past – because they don’t do the personal work that produces evolving beliefs.
Your mom might still see you as the child who disappointed her by not becoming a doctor. Your BFF from college might still define you from your keg party days. Your boss might still see you as the apprentice you were on the day you started work. Don’t allow their stagnant perspective of the world to define you in a limiting way.
It’s time to take back your power and view yourself through the lens of the struggles you have grown through. See yourself as the catalyst you truly can be.
Mastery comes from going to, and sometimes past, the breaking point. Usually, it is your failures, not the successes, which make you stronger.
3) Gratitude Creates Energy.
Do more things that bring joy to your life. Begin every day with a reflection on the many things you have to be grateful for. This sets your mindset to have a harmonious day and attracts more things to be thankful for.
Listen for the birds singing, schedule a sunrise, smell the fragrance of the foliage. Celebrate the little things like the changing season, a playful puppy, or a laughing baby. Stop searching for the flaws in people and look for the beauty.
And always make the time to thank those who believed in you and offered encouragement along the way.
4) The Only Free Cheese is in the Mousetrap.
Stop swiping up for ebooks selling shortcuts from doing the necessary work that success requires. Lose the entitlement belief that the world owes you something. All you’re entitled to is the wondrous opportunity to manifest your own prosperity.
Prosperity is created in three ways:
- Solving problems
- Adding value
- Envisioning superior realities
Look for ways to do one or more of these things and know that the principles of prosperity will ensure that you create it.
Success never goes on sale. Be willing to pay the market price.
5) Your Mind Needs Aerobics.
Do fun exercises like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or Wordle to hone your mental acuity. Develop friendships with people smarter than you are. Read for at least 30 minutes every day. This will stimulate your critical thinking abilities, help you excel at pretty much everything, and make you a better human being.
You’ve learned the three ways to manifest prosperity above. The fastest way to achieve any of them is to continuously develop new skills, nurture your genius, and gain more wisdom.
6) Champions Need Fans.
Your income, responsibilities, rank, or titles will never exceed your self-identity – how you see yourself. If necessary, borrow my belief in you until you have it for yourself. See yourself as successful and expect success. That is your natural destiny.
There are enough people who will criticize, doubt or ridicule you; you don’t need to be one of them. Be your own number one fan.
7) It’s Time for Scheduled Maintenance.
If you want to achieve mastery of most things, you need a body that can keep up with your mind. Take care of yours.
Eat for energy. Get adequate sleep. Exercise every day. Get proper medical, dental, and chiropractic care. Schedule a weekly massage.
8) You’re Doing Better than You Think.
Stop comparing your real life to the mirage of someone else’s made up Instagram life. And stop beating yourself up with how far you have yet to go.
What I like to call Divine Discontent is what you feel when you’re on the precipice of a breakthrough. It’s not uncommon to feel insecure, uncertain, or lost. This is frequently a sign from the universe that your limiting beliefs about what you “should” be, are dissolving into the nothingness from which they came from. Celebrate how far you’ve already come and resolve to enjoy the journey without the judgment.
9) You’re Responsible for Your Prosperity.
Your wealth is not determined by your boss, the government, or the economy. And your success and happiness are not restricted by your ex-spouse, age, sexuality, race, or nationality. Your environment influences your results. You, however, create them.
Blaming others is usually a copout from accepting personal responsibility. Take responsibility for the bad things and recognize the part you played. This may seem frightening when you first accept responsibility because it means that if you fuck up, it’s on you. But conversely, when you manifest powerful prosperity, you get the credit for that. The risk is worth the reward here. Always.
10) Your Destiny is Determined by Your Input Sources
The difference in your prosperity between today and January 2026 will be the direct result of the:
- People you hang with
- Diet you eat
- Podcasts you listen to
- Social media accounts you follow
- Blogs and books you read
- Entertainment you consume
Hopefully, you will receive these ten insights in the spirit they are shared with you. If we wove them all together into one sentence, it would be this…
Your health, happiness, and prosperity transform only as fast as you do.
- RG
Previous post: Unlocking Prosperity in the New Year
This post encourages to trace the cause-and-effect correlation between the core beliefs and the environment (or circumstances) each person lives in. The sequence of proposed insights leads readers from a process of rethinking to practical steps. First, direct your attention to identifying that autopilot mode (or habitual behaviour) that keeps you in a place incongruent with your desires. Then, accept your duty to be the only catalyst of change with own comfort zone extantion. Taking responsibility for own growth protects from manipulation. Finally, take action on what you are meant to do. On the personal journey to achieving desired outcomes, the tools (ideas of input) generously shared in this post can support. Their application allows to deepen knowledge (books), to strengthen mind (mental aerobics), body (self-care), and spirit (be a fan of yourself and celebrate every victory).
Thank you for sharing these insights to help readers structure their thoughts and gain mental clarity.
Hello Randy,
We met years ago at Unity on the Bay
in Miami.
The last time I saw you was when we did a burning bowl ceremony in Manhattan. I wanna know if you come to New York at all. I have an amazing practice mental health in marriage and family, and I do many workshops, including incorporating the 4T program from Unity into my groups and I was wondering, are you still doingappearances and sharing
your work with communities?
Great to hear from you! I'm doing programs but because my long-term consulting clients book so much of my time, I limit the other programs I do to only 6 a year. Details are here: But nothing coming up in New York anytime soon. All the best!
With hindsight I've known several of these insights, though I've rarely, if ever, brought them together. More importantly now, I'll will put them into practice each day from today.
These insights have made me realise how to get back into the "life track" I was on until 2 years ago. Many thanks Randy.
Happy New Year Prosperity Consciousness students, aspirants & our esteemed Prosperity Coach - Randy
As we know Prosperity is a result of our "Prosperity Consciousness" and that is an effect really of of applied knowledge of Prosperity dynamics..
What I'd like to bring to this conversation is many of these steps outlined are intended to increase our prosperity demonstrations on the physical plane..
This wonderful & beautiful & desirable..
Giving our fidelity to the sacred "Spiritual substance" or prosperity
substance - IN OUR INNER REALM - is very important in my experience!
Understanding "substance" will become "axiomatic" to a transformation in consciousness. The excercises are good, true, very practical & necessary in essence..
"Availability to one's inner prosperity or spiritual substance" - via intentionally turning inward to FEEL its infinity.. is a dynamic spiritual practice that must be adhered to I've found..
Its truly fundamental!
Thank you! Printing this out so I can refer to it throughout the year. Happy New Year!
Nice! Thank you!