Happy New Year to you Randy. Love and Hugs.
It’s my favorite week of the year, the time between Christmas and New Year’s, when most of the western world unplugs and shuts down. The texts, emails, and other distractions minimize, and the week tantalizes tremendous opportunities for quiet reflection and creative projects.
What will you do with this moment?
Most will do some type of New Year’s resolutions. Nothing inherently wrong with that. But there is some degree of backward or negative thinking in that, if you’re simply resolving to quit smoking or stop drinking or something similar. (Although quitting smoking, booze, or drugs would be a sensational way for anyone to begin a New Year!)
There’s a next level you can access from that, doing a “burning bowl” ceremony. In this practice you’re not only releasing something negative about yourself, but mindfully replacing it with a positive feature, characteristic, or behavior.
But if you’re really ready for a Radical Rebirth, you can employ this time for a spiritual journey toward becoming the highest possible version of yourself…
To choose this path, you must elevate your thinking from looking backward, or pursuing fragmentary upgrades, and devote some serious critical thinking energy to connecting with the next bold, daring adventure you’re willing to embark on for your life. The epic, monumental, breathtaking challenge that will move the dial for yourself and others in a massive way.
The figurative death-defying leap…
Notice I say “connecting with" not creating, visualizing, or developing. That’s intentional, because I believe most people in their heart of hearts already know what their next adventure should be. They may be afraid of success, or more likely afraid of success, so they do everything possible in their conscious awareness to run away from this adventure. But your subconscious mind has never given up on this, or you, and it’s offering that steady subliminal drumbeat under the surface, reminding you that you are capable of much, much more.
If you spend this week connecting with that adventure, I believe 2022 will be magical for you. It won’t matter what happens with Covid-19, the economy, or the bitter political divide, because prosperous people on a mission create a forcefield around them that protects against outside threats.
Be warned that as you approach this decision, it might seem like the universe is conspiring against you. For every person pursuing greatness there are legions of others, staunchly committed to defending mediocrity at all costs. (Why they do this is a subject for another time and another blog.) But the universe isn’t conspiring against you, it’s simply testing you to see if you’re serious about taking the adventure, or one of the millions of posers who only pay lip service to the ideal.
This point is when the real challenges appear…
Blow. Them. Up.
You can’t wait for the time when it feels right, because most of the time, it will never feel right. Because what you’re defining as feeling right, actually means feeling safe. That’s why it’s called the death-defying leap.
You need a group of people in your life that inspire you to become more.
You need someone who won’t give you permission to stay where you are any longer.
You need someone who believes in the you that you’re meant to become.
You need someone who believes and cares about you enough to say, “It’s go-time. It’s time to let go of the safe, embrace the challenge, and step into your greatness.”
So, I just did.
Happy New Year. Happy New You.
- RG
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Happy New Year to you Randy. Love and Hugs.
Happy Holidays, Randy!
Happy New year!!
Here’s to an amazing new start, new year, new life! 🙂
Happy New Year Randy Gage
It can only be better no going back HNY
Happy New Year to you Randy. Love and Hugs.
Happy Holidays, Randy!
Happy New year!!
Here’s to an amazing new start, new year, new life! 🙂
Happy New Year Randy Gage
It can only be better no going back HNY