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Your Own Role in Your Success

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 21, 2010

So next month I’ll be starting my new Sacred Secrets of Prosperity workshop here in Miami.  But there is one thing I will make very clear to the attendees:  It isn’t about me giving them prosperity.  It’s about them taking it.

The workshop is a series of events, exercises and information designed to cause you to change the way you think about prosperity.  So in that respect, it is very similar to what we do here.  This blog certainly isn’t about me giving you success.  It’s about me causing you to reflect about things, see them a different way, and do the critical thinking about them.  I’m simply creating an environment that allows you to go after success and prosperity.

So how are you doing on your part?

Are you just reading the posts and nodding along?  Or do you really think about the issues and questions I raise?  Do you participate on the comments and expose yourself to the collective wisdom of the community?

I guess what I am asking is this:  Are you doing your part for success, or are you waiting for someone to dispense it to you?  Please give that some real thought and share your thoughts below.


24 comments on “Your Own Role in Your Success”

  1. What do you think Randy? That my definition of a leader is that of someone who tells me what to do or that it is of someone who listens, thinks and draws his own conclusion and goes for what he/she believes is right, whatever anyone thinks about it.
    My definition is that of a stubborn person who is open-minded as well. A very rare combo but there you have it.

    1. "my definition of a leader is that of someone who tells me what to do" should of course be "my definition of a leader is that of someone who waits for someone who tells him what to do"

  2. I believe that individuals will achieve more success by applying the laws of prosperity in their own life. It is not just enough to read and listen to prosperity tapes and cd's.

  3. I think about what you are telling us, and you are so right. Just reading the material doesn't get us there. I have always loved reading success things. Then I finally got busy building me own business etc, and worked way too hard....and way to busy...I still am...But, I'm now realizing that most of it is busywork,,,,thinking that I'm really achieving. Events lately have made me realize BIG BIG time...I'm working but NOT following all the great help that would get me there. I'm sabatoging my own success....I STILL have the fear...I'm afraid I WON'T succeed, so I'm not allowing myself to do so.
    Then I have a reason to not be successful. So...I appreciate your posts...I'm holding myself accountable weekly for the choices I make that week...and try to correct the things that didn't work. I'm so busy still I chase circles...however it is posts like yours that help keep me on track, keep me picking myself up once again and trying once again. Thanks so much Randy for your thought provoking posts and for putting up with us, even when we fail to take the action...some of us are late favorite saying is: "If you keep doing what you have always done will get what you have NOW"

  4. Randy, great point about taking the prosperity that is all around us, instead of waiting for it to descend from the heavens.
    This thought reminds me of playing softball and stroking a line drive to left center. If there was any hesitation on the part of the outfielder, or I knew that they did not have a very strong "arm", I would round first base and proceed to second. I knew that my quick decision making, speed and ability to enact an evasive slide into the base would most likely allow me to "take" second. While the opposing team would not usher me into second base willingly, I had the confidence to know that I could, with effort have a high percentage of "safes" under my belt, and add to the Team's and my overall success, create momentum and excitement.
    Thanks for another great post, Randy.

  5. I realize that critical thinking and analysis keeps me from living in a programmed state which makes it that much more important. I often find myself fighting to keep living in state of consciousness, and realize how I handle circumstances and who I surround myself with has a direct correlation with how easier or difficult it will be to sustain this higher state of consciousness and not succumb to the negative and lack programming.

  6. You can read a book 10 times but until you put it into action it's just information. You can read the post here and even comment on them but until you take action daily nothing will change you must make your destiny. This is your life you most TAKE IT.

    Great stuff Randy.

  7. Hi Randy,

    No doubt on my part that your post and questions are thought provoking, I enjoy very much visiting the sub conscious programming and allowing myself to release what is not working for me.

    It may not always be pleasant and I know many prefer not stir things up or open Pandora"s box but I found that there is no getting around it it's essential to do house keeping and maintain the rooms of your mind clean and fresh:)

    With Gratitude

  8. First off, I'm VERY grateful for your blog, insights, ProsperityTV and everything you share with us.

    Like you, I've had a past filled with challenges and missteps, but they have all made me a better person who is now on the path to living my dream! I feel excited about what my Life is about and much of it is due to the insights you post. In fact the "Let Go and Let God" is one of my favorite mantras. I notice very subtle but important changes in my beliefs and behavior and they all are in alignment with achieving my goals.

    So yes, I read what you post and contemplate every word. I also actively comment here as you know, since sharing our beliefs and experiences helps US grow and hopefully contributes to others that read the blog, too!

    Thanks so much Randy.. I'm very grateful.

  9. Hi Randy,
    I've heard it said that those who do are the envy of those who only watch. Yet, there are so many of those who are only watching, waiting for someone else to dispense their success to them.

    Until we become responsible for our own success, we're doomed to a life of mediocrity.

    Awesome post. Thanks for sharing!


  10. I am glad to hear you say to us that we need to gain our prosperity. It's not something you wait to drop out of a 747. It's available to all of us and I think your blog subjects are so well focused on the core of what we need to develop to get it. The money will come once we have transformed ourselves into prosperity energy magnets and givers.
    Any chance you will offer your Miami training via live or taped video webinar?

  11. Yes, it is easy just to sit and nod along without taking really action in the mind. So, by you pointing that out I feel I can do better and will do my best to be more active, even though my English isn't perfect.

    It is hard work to do the right things for success and it is easy just to follow without doing critical thinking. I noticed people are more likely to be followers than leaders and the work to become that leader and critical thinker can be tough when it's not in the blood from start. That is my biggest challenge at the moment.

    Thank you for every post you do. They are helping me to see more than I usually would have.

  12. I know that only I can create prosperity for myself but at the same time I look for mentors to help me. To share with me with the thoughts they have about some issues. To show me where I am ok and where I need to improve. I guess that is a great help. People need that help. It is hard to achieve success without a coach who will approve you and give you advice.

    Yours faithfully, Levon

  13. Exactly! Just reading won't grant one success. But as I go about my day, I keep asking myself, is what I'm doing enough? Is what I'm doing going to get me to accomplish all that I desire? I"m beginning to understand and correct myself when I doubt myself, but I still feel lost when I think of prosperity. What can I do to live an abundant life and attract my dream job?... Critical thinking required indeed, but now to act...

  14. Am I doing my part. Yes I am. My thinking and actions are changing slowly but surely. I have 40 years of de-programmimg to do. Not so much de-programming but re-programming in the sense that I have never had any prosperity programming like I get from here. Many of these posts are really great and am very thankful for the service you provide.
    Here is how I made my business a little more prosperous as of lately :I make creams and lotions by the barrel for marketing firms who fill and market them. Half of what I made was my own formulae and the other half formulae they give me to do. 3 months ago I presented them my substitions for the formulae they give me. My versions were much better quality. They accepted them and I just got a big order for them. My formulae are more profitable for me and for them because they'll get more repeat buys. I bought my own piece of land a put a building on it but that was done before I logged into this blog.

  15. You really get me to think, after reading your posts.

    And, I do not rely on anyone to achieve success, there is this sentence in the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" which really influenced me.

    "Hem had to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears. No one else could do it for him, or talk him into it."

    It's good to get help and also help others, but not to wait for others to do all for us.

    Your posts push us into thinking and help us to step into the success path.

    Thanks for all the great things you share.

  16. Making decisions and taking action...that's where success lies. Your commentaries and rants are great for getting the blood and spirit stirred up, Randy, but I certainly do not expect you to deliver me to the 'promised land'.

  17. I will start today, I really got to know you Randy Gage since I read the book "You are broke because you want to Be" by Larry Winget...and ever since I was curious about your story and about what you do. I'm lucky enough to have a physical mento that I see once a week but having a blog to do some critical thinking like the one you have it's truly like having another mentor.

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  • 24 comments on “Your Own Role in Your Success”

    1. What do you think Randy? That my definition of a leader is that of someone who tells me what to do or that it is of someone who listens, thinks and draws his own conclusion and goes for what he/she believes is right, whatever anyone thinks about it.
      My definition is that of a stubborn person who is open-minded as well. A very rare combo but there you have it.

      1. "my definition of a leader is that of someone who tells me what to do" should of course be "my definition of a leader is that of someone who waits for someone who tells him what to do"

    2. I believe that individuals will achieve more success by applying the laws of prosperity in their own life. It is not just enough to read and listen to prosperity tapes and cd's.

    3. I think about what you are telling us, and you are so right. Just reading the material doesn't get us there. I have always loved reading success things. Then I finally got busy building me own business etc, and worked way too hard....and way to busy...I still am...But, I'm now realizing that most of it is busywork,,,,thinking that I'm really achieving. Events lately have made me realize BIG BIG time...I'm working but NOT following all the great help that would get me there. I'm sabatoging my own success....I STILL have the fear...I'm afraid I WON'T succeed, so I'm not allowing myself to do so.
      Then I have a reason to not be successful. So...I appreciate your posts...I'm holding myself accountable weekly for the choices I make that week...and try to correct the things that didn't work. I'm so busy still I chase circles...however it is posts like yours that help keep me on track, keep me picking myself up once again and trying once again. Thanks so much Randy for your thought provoking posts and for putting up with us, even when we fail to take the action...some of us are late favorite saying is: "If you keep doing what you have always done will get what you have NOW"

    4. Randy, great point about taking the prosperity that is all around us, instead of waiting for it to descend from the heavens.
      This thought reminds me of playing softball and stroking a line drive to left center. If there was any hesitation on the part of the outfielder, or I knew that they did not have a very strong "arm", I would round first base and proceed to second. I knew that my quick decision making, speed and ability to enact an evasive slide into the base would most likely allow me to "take" second. While the opposing team would not usher me into second base willingly, I had the confidence to know that I could, with effort have a high percentage of "safes" under my belt, and add to the Team's and my overall success, create momentum and excitement.
      Thanks for another great post, Randy.

    5. I realize that critical thinking and analysis keeps me from living in a programmed state which makes it that much more important. I often find myself fighting to keep living in state of consciousness, and realize how I handle circumstances and who I surround myself with has a direct correlation with how easier or difficult it will be to sustain this higher state of consciousness and not succumb to the negative and lack programming.

    6. You can read a book 10 times but until you put it into action it's just information. You can read the post here and even comment on them but until you take action daily nothing will change you must make your destiny. This is your life you most TAKE IT.

      Great stuff Randy.

    7. Hi Randy,

      No doubt on my part that your post and questions are thought provoking, I enjoy very much visiting the sub conscious programming and allowing myself to release what is not working for me.

      It may not always be pleasant and I know many prefer not stir things up or open Pandora"s box but I found that there is no getting around it it's essential to do house keeping and maintain the rooms of your mind clean and fresh:)

      With Gratitude

    8. First off, I'm VERY grateful for your blog, insights, ProsperityTV and everything you share with us.

      Like you, I've had a past filled with challenges and missteps, but they have all made me a better person who is now on the path to living my dream! I feel excited about what my Life is about and much of it is due to the insights you post. In fact the "Let Go and Let God" is one of my favorite mantras. I notice very subtle but important changes in my beliefs and behavior and they all are in alignment with achieving my goals.

      So yes, I read what you post and contemplate every word. I also actively comment here as you know, since sharing our beliefs and experiences helps US grow and hopefully contributes to others that read the blog, too!

      Thanks so much Randy.. I'm very grateful.

    9. Hi Randy,
      I've heard it said that those who do are the envy of those who only watch. Yet, there are so many of those who are only watching, waiting for someone else to dispense their success to them.

      Until we become responsible for our own success, we're doomed to a life of mediocrity.

      Awesome post. Thanks for sharing!


    10. I am glad to hear you say to us that we need to gain our prosperity. It's not something you wait to drop out of a 747. It's available to all of us and I think your blog subjects are so well focused on the core of what we need to develop to get it. The money will come once we have transformed ourselves into prosperity energy magnets and givers.
      Any chance you will offer your Miami training via live or taped video webinar?

    11. Yes, it is easy just to sit and nod along without taking really action in the mind. So, by you pointing that out I feel I can do better and will do my best to be more active, even though my English isn't perfect.

      It is hard work to do the right things for success and it is easy just to follow without doing critical thinking. I noticed people are more likely to be followers than leaders and the work to become that leader and critical thinker can be tough when it's not in the blood from start. That is my biggest challenge at the moment.

      Thank you for every post you do. They are helping me to see more than I usually would have.

    12. I know that only I can create prosperity for myself but at the same time I look for mentors to help me. To share with me with the thoughts they have about some issues. To show me where I am ok and where I need to improve. I guess that is a great help. People need that help. It is hard to achieve success without a coach who will approve you and give you advice.

      Yours faithfully, Levon

    13. Exactly! Just reading won't grant one success. But as I go about my day, I keep asking myself, is what I'm doing enough? Is what I'm doing going to get me to accomplish all that I desire? I"m beginning to understand and correct myself when I doubt myself, but I still feel lost when I think of prosperity. What can I do to live an abundant life and attract my dream job?... Critical thinking required indeed, but now to act...

    14. Am I doing my part. Yes I am. My thinking and actions are changing slowly but surely. I have 40 years of de-programmimg to do. Not so much de-programming but re-programming in the sense that I have never had any prosperity programming like I get from here. Many of these posts are really great and am very thankful for the service you provide.
      Here is how I made my business a little more prosperous as of lately :I make creams and lotions by the barrel for marketing firms who fill and market them. Half of what I made was my own formulae and the other half formulae they give me to do. 3 months ago I presented them my substitions for the formulae they give me. My versions were much better quality. They accepted them and I just got a big order for them. My formulae are more profitable for me and for them because they'll get more repeat buys. I bought my own piece of land a put a building on it but that was done before I logged into this blog.

    15. You really get me to think, after reading your posts.

      And, I do not rely on anyone to achieve success, there is this sentence in the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" which really influenced me.

      "Hem had to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears. No one else could do it for him, or talk him into it."

      It's good to get help and also help others, but not to wait for others to do all for us.

      Your posts push us into thinking and help us to step into the success path.

      Thanks for all the great things you share.

    16. Making decisions and taking action...that's where success lies. Your commentaries and rants are great for getting the blood and spirit stirred up, Randy, but I certainly do not expect you to deliver me to the 'promised land'.

    17. I will start today, I really got to know you Randy Gage since I read the book "You are broke because you want to Be" by Larry Winget...and ever since I was curious about your story and about what you do. I'm lucky enough to have a physical mento that I see once a week but having a blog to do some critical thinking like the one you have it's truly like having another mentor.

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