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Your Moment…

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 4, 2013

A moment will come in your life, if it hasn’t already.  And it will be immediately followed by an illumination, if you are open to it.  And then that illumination will reveal a secret, which can lead to a major breakthrough.

The magic moment will come when you decide to do something to improve your station in life.  It may be opening your own business, undertaking an epic adventure, or beginning a self-development program.

The magic in the moment will come when you make this conscious choice for improvement without guilt or reservation, without feeling you have to apologize for having the desire and the guts to do it.   

The illumination is there if you conduct a critical analysis of the reaction of the people in your life to your moment…

  • Some will tell you that you can’t do it because they have wise experience, know you and your strengths well, and want to redirect you to a path that better serves you.
  • Some will tell you that you can’t do it because they are petty, bitter, or jealous, and your potential growth scares them.
  • Some will tell you that you can do it, but they’re not really qualified to make that statement.
  • Some will tell you that you can do it, and offer you support, guidance and encouragement.
  • Some will tell you that you can do it and they’ll support you, but the negative memes they are infected with will actually cause them to subconsciously work to sabotage you.

The secret is revealed when you use discernment to process the feedback that all these people give you.  Knowing that some are qualified to give you advice; most are not.  Some have your highest good at heart; some do not.

The breakthrough comes when you realize that the moment you made the decision, the real battle was won.  And while input that comes from other people can be helpful, the person who matters most is the one that looks back from the mirror.

You made that decision from an inner knowing.  Respect it.


33 comments on “Your Moment…”

  1. I like this, Randy, and I have the experience to validate it.  I have a mental "incredulity index" that I apply to my ideas.  The crazier people think I am, the more likely I am to be on to something great (like getting rid of all my possessions and relocating to Abu Dhabi).  When your travels bring you to this area, I hope you will be our guest.
    Denise and Mark

  2. I like this, Randy, and I have the experience to validate it.  I have a mental "incredulity index" that I apply to my ideas.  The crazier people think I am, the more likely I am to be on to something great (like getting rid of all my possessions and relocating to Abu Dhabi).  When your travels bring you to this area, I hope you will be our guest.
    Denise and Mark

  3. "..And while input that comes from other people can be helpful, the person who matters most is the one that looks back from the mirror..."
    Michael Jackson, bless his soul, said it best when he wrote "Man in the Mirror".. Yes, this is SO true Randy.
    And let's not forget Gratitude.. Neal Donald Walsh just had a great prayer in today's message that goes "Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for what is not".. 

  4. "..And while input that comes from other people can be helpful, the person who matters most is the one that looks back from the mirror..."
    Michael Jackson, bless his soul, said it best when he wrote "Man in the Mirror".. Yes, this is SO true Randy.
    And let's not forget Gratitude.. Neal Donald Walsh just had a great prayer in today's message that goes "Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for what is not".. 

  5. I've always known this to be true at an intellectual level.At a subconscious and emotional level-no. That was taken many years to achieve.A friend of mine and a mentor talked about similar ideas on a Skype call recently. I had heard them before, but we discussed in a way that finally connected at a level where it really resonated.I no longer feel guilty when I decide to not follow anyone who acts anyway but the positive way.I no longer feel that I am arrogant or self-centered the way these people have wanted me to feel, no matter what the intentions were.I think they are the arrogant, self-centered ones if they believe it is their right to determine what I or someone else are worth or what I will do with my time, energy, and resources.I thank Randy and all of the people throughout my life who chose to see someone from a broken home, who didn't get the special advantages, or know the right people, have the right experience, who was once very arrogant, entitled, and self-centered as a human being worth saving.

  6. I've always known this to be true at an intellectual level.At a subconscious and emotional level-no. That was taken many years to achieve.A friend of mine and a mentor talked about similar ideas on a Skype call recently. I had heard them before, but we discussed in a way that finally connected at a level where it really resonated.I no longer feel guilty when I decide to not follow anyone who acts anyway but the positive way.I no longer feel that I am arrogant or self-centered the way these people have wanted me to feel, no matter what the intentions were.I think they are the arrogant, self-centered ones if they believe it is their right to determine what I or someone else are worth or what I will do with my time, energy, and resources.I thank Randy and all of the people throughout my life who chose to see someone from a broken home, who didn't get the special advantages, or know the right people, have the right experience, who was once very arrogant, entitled, and self-centered as a human being worth saving.

  7. Very well written. I used to always be so influenced by other people's comments, I'm slowly learning to listen to myself. Thanks for the reminder

  8. Very well written. I used to always be so influenced by other people's comments, I'm slowly learning to listen to myself. Thanks for the reminder

  9. Great post we should believe in our self and our decision , because we are the best who know our life better then everyone else ,,,amen

  10. Great post we should believe in our self and our decision , because we are the best who know our life better then everyone else ,,,amen

  11. You are what your influence is, it maybe people, circumstances or even thoughts for that matter

  12. You are what your influence is, it maybe people, circumstances or even thoughts for that matter

  13. I swear I had goose bumps while reading this post... I had my calling not too long ago and I'm on my way in achieving my goal, my life goal that is. I'm not even sure if I'm will be alive when it happens but I know that it will eventually happen because I believe in myself and of what I can do. Thank you so much Randy. It feels so good knowing that "Some" people are just like you. Me, being able to read your blogs and books was never an accident. Again, thanks Randy. This day is going to be perfect! 🙂

  14. I swear I had goose bumps while reading this post... I had my calling not too long ago and I'm on my way in achieving my goal, my life goal that is. I'm not even sure if I'm will be alive when it happens but I know that it will eventually happen because I believe in myself and of what I can do. Thank you so much Randy. It feels so good knowing that "Some" people are just like you. Me, being able to read your blogs and books was never an accident. Again, thanks Randy. This day is going to be perfect! 🙂

  15. Sometimes, that epic work requires a purification process.  It is not for the faint of heart.  Deep waters bring forth richer value.  I honour all those who have chosen the journey.  Thank you for a great post!

  16. Sometimes, that epic work requires a purification process.  It is not for the faint of heart.  Deep waters bring forth richer value.  I honour all those who have chosen the journey.  Thank you for a great post!

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  • 33 comments on “Your Moment…”

    1. I like this, Randy, and I have the experience to validate it.  I have a mental "incredulity index" that I apply to my ideas.  The crazier people think I am, the more likely I am to be on to something great (like getting rid of all my possessions and relocating to Abu Dhabi).  When your travels bring you to this area, I hope you will be our guest.
      Denise and Mark

    2. I like this, Randy, and I have the experience to validate it.  I have a mental "incredulity index" that I apply to my ideas.  The crazier people think I am, the more likely I am to be on to something great (like getting rid of all my possessions and relocating to Abu Dhabi).  When your travels bring you to this area, I hope you will be our guest.
      Denise and Mark

    3. "..And while input that comes from other people can be helpful, the person who matters most is the one that looks back from the mirror..."
      Michael Jackson, bless his soul, said it best when he wrote "Man in the Mirror".. Yes, this is SO true Randy.
      And let's not forget Gratitude.. Neal Donald Walsh just had a great prayer in today's message that goes "Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for what is not".. 

    4. "..And while input that comes from other people can be helpful, the person who matters most is the one that looks back from the mirror..."
      Michael Jackson, bless his soul, said it best when he wrote "Man in the Mirror".. Yes, this is SO true Randy.
      And let's not forget Gratitude.. Neal Donald Walsh just had a great prayer in today's message that goes "Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for what is not".. 

    5. I've always known this to be true at an intellectual level.At a subconscious and emotional level-no. That was taken many years to achieve.A friend of mine and a mentor talked about similar ideas on a Skype call recently. I had heard them before, but we discussed in a way that finally connected at a level where it really resonated.I no longer feel guilty when I decide to not follow anyone who acts anyway but the positive way.I no longer feel that I am arrogant or self-centered the way these people have wanted me to feel, no matter what the intentions were.I think they are the arrogant, self-centered ones if they believe it is their right to determine what I or someone else are worth or what I will do with my time, energy, and resources.I thank Randy and all of the people throughout my life who chose to see someone from a broken home, who didn't get the special advantages, or know the right people, have the right experience, who was once very arrogant, entitled, and self-centered as a human being worth saving.

    6. I've always known this to be true at an intellectual level.At a subconscious and emotional level-no. That was taken many years to achieve.A friend of mine and a mentor talked about similar ideas on a Skype call recently. I had heard them before, but we discussed in a way that finally connected at a level where it really resonated.I no longer feel guilty when I decide to not follow anyone who acts anyway but the positive way.I no longer feel that I am arrogant or self-centered the way these people have wanted me to feel, no matter what the intentions were.I think they are the arrogant, self-centered ones if they believe it is their right to determine what I or someone else are worth or what I will do with my time, energy, and resources.I thank Randy and all of the people throughout my life who chose to see someone from a broken home, who didn't get the special advantages, or know the right people, have the right experience, who was once very arrogant, entitled, and self-centered as a human being worth saving.

    7. Very well written. I used to always be so influenced by other people's comments, I'm slowly learning to listen to myself. Thanks for the reminder

    8. Very well written. I used to always be so influenced by other people's comments, I'm slowly learning to listen to myself. Thanks for the reminder

    9. Great post we should believe in our self and our decision , because we are the best who know our life better then everyone else ,,,amen

    10. Great post we should believe in our self and our decision , because we are the best who know our life better then everyone else ,,,amen

    11. You are what your influence is, it maybe people, circumstances or even thoughts for that matter

    12. You are what your influence is, it maybe people, circumstances or even thoughts for that matter

    13. I swear I had goose bumps while reading this post... I had my calling not too long ago and I'm on my way in achieving my goal, my life goal that is. I'm not even sure if I'm will be alive when it happens but I know that it will eventually happen because I believe in myself and of what I can do. Thank you so much Randy. It feels so good knowing that "Some" people are just like you. Me, being able to read your blogs and books was never an accident. Again, thanks Randy. This day is going to be perfect! 🙂

    14. I swear I had goose bumps while reading this post... I had my calling not too long ago and I'm on my way in achieving my goal, my life goal that is. I'm not even sure if I'm will be alive when it happens but I know that it will eventually happen because I believe in myself and of what I can do. Thank you so much Randy. It feels so good knowing that "Some" people are just like you. Me, being able to read your blogs and books was never an accident. Again, thanks Randy. This day is going to be perfect! 🙂

    15. Sometimes, that epic work requires a purification process.  It is not for the faint of heart.  Deep waters bring forth richer value.  I honour all those who have chosen the journey.  Thank you for a great post!

    16. Sometimes, that epic work requires a purification process.  It is not for the faint of heart.  Deep waters bring forth richer value.  I honour all those who have chosen the journey.  Thank you for a great post!

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