Last night I posted an observation on my Facebook Fan Page that after 20 years of working with people to reach success – I can conclusively state – by a very wide margin – that fear of success holds back a lot more people than fear of failure ever did.
I was surprised at the number of people who agreed, but also questioned why that was. And that question takes us back to the root cause – the mother of all prosperity blocks – worthiness issues.
And that, as a result, takes us back to the most insidious and widespread perpetrator of worthiness issues in the world for the last couple thousand years: organized religion.
If you didn’t see the extensive post I did on that subject, find it here. Lisa Jimenez raised an interesting question on that original post. She wants to know what the balance is between critical thinking and faith?
Everyone has faith. The more important question might be – what do you have faith in? Because if I have learned anything, it is this:
You don’t manifest the prosperity you deserve. You manifest the prosperity you believe you deserve.
Hebrews 11:1 proclaims, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” There’s not much I would take literally from the Bible, but that statement is one thing I would. Because faith by definition, is believing in something without proof. All religions are held together with this dynamic. And like I said, everyone has faith in something:
There are people who have faith that bad things always happen to them. “I’m always a day late and a dollar short.” “I can’t believe it! I never win anything.” “All the good guys are married or Gay.”
There are those who believe life is a struggle. They talk about “hump days” and getting to Friday. And of course there are the optimists: those of us who expect good things to happen.
There is no doubt in my mind that people who begin a venture with a positive expectation of success have a dramatically higher success rate that those that approach something expecting to fail. I don’t think there’s any mystical woo-woo factor at play here. More a case of confirmation bias, where people read things and act upon them through the lens they have created.
I’ve won more championships than I can count with different softball teams over the years. And I can categorically state that faith played a big part. I’m a bestselling author and a coach to millions around the world because I have faith. In much bigger issues, when I was shot, laying in a pool of blood on the street, or when I’ve faced life-altering decisions – my faith has pulled me through.
I have faith in myself and my abilities. And I have faith in a power bigger than myself. I honestly believe the universe is constructed in a way that is inherently good. Meaning if I create a vacuum, it will be filled with good. Not in a Pollyanna “watch The Secret 15 times and a yacht will appear in your swimming pool” kind of way, but a belief that if I visualize a thing, feel passionately about it, and work hard to manifest it, I can.
While I have faith that there is quite possibly some entity greater than myself behind the creation of the universe, I’m not so arrogant to think I know what it is. It may be universal order, nature, or some omnipotent being, but I’d be an idiot and a liar to say I know which for sure.
However, when we see the role that faith plays in organized religion today – at least the faith they are propagating – we have to ask the very real and very relevant question:
Has faith become evil?
And if not outright evil, is it really serving us any longer in today’s world? Where does the line between faith in an unknown thing and delusions of a crazy person come into play? When we see people who live, die and kill by these beliefs, the stakes rise dramatically. And millions more struggle needlessly and deprive themselves of happiness, because of a belief they have.
As human consciousness and enlightenment progresses, the need for superstitions and myths has decreased. This is apparent when you look at the people who call themselves New Age, or spiritual not religious. They could be Christians who don’t really believe that Noah took two of every dinosaur on the ark, or Muslims who don’t believe that non-believers are infidels to be converted or killed. You can’t say Christianity or Islam has evolved – neither has.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all still based upon the assertion that God writes or dictates specific books. What has happened is that in today’s modern world, the discrepancies, inaccuracies and folklore in the Bible and Koran no longer stand the test of reason for a rational, intelligent person – or at least one who was not infected with mind viruses since an early age.
Neither the Bible or Koran has evolved or repudiated the slavery and barbarianism they preach. Instead, sensible followers have come to understand these books were not actually written by God, and cannot be taken literally. It’s time to seriously look at whether these books need to be on the shelf next to the stories of Neptune, Zeus, and Poseidon.
Here’s another interesting twist on the issue, that reveals another insidious way that faith – at least the kind that organized religion is dispensing these days – is actually evil…
In the last post, I wrote about the Supreme Court case on same-sex marriage and why it really is a human rights issue. Gina Carr raised a fascinating sidelight when she said, “as late as 1967 in THIS country, people were literally JAILED for marrying a person of a different race.”
Like most people of prosperity consciousness, Gina is appalled that legislation banning interracial marriage could be present in an enlightened society, especially so recently.
But here’s something she and many other may not be considering…
Many of the people who believe homosexuals should be banned from marrying also are still against interracial marriage and would ban it if they could. They can’t campaign for that in today’s political environment, but their beliefs haven’t changed. They believe their race is superior and consider mixing blood with an inferior one to be an aberration. Obviously, groups like the Nazis and KKK are not extinct, they have just moved more underground. They don’t pose as grave a danger to society, however, because their malevolence is so readily apparent.
The organizations that may be the most dangerous to your health, safety and prosperity are the organized religion ones. Because they preach prosperity and love, but all too often their real message is hate, intolerance, and programming which destroys your self-esteem.
Any rational, compassionate human upon any serious reflection would have to come to the conclusion that all human beings deserve to live free and pursue their own happiness, regarding of their gender, race, creed or sexual orientation.
Yet here in the United States, there are still a lot of Bible-thumping Bubba’s who can’t understand what all the fuss with slavery was all about. And if they came across a mob stoning a homosexual or setting them on fire, they would immediately stop to assist. The killing, that is. They would do this based on their faith.
There are millions of Muslims who believe a woman should be stoned for showing her face in public or killed if she wants to get an education. They too, believe this because it is spelled out in no uncertain terms, in the sacred book they believe in.
I’ve been studying the major (and many minor) religions of the world for almost 20 years now. I used to say that at their core, they were all about love, and this message of love had been high jacked by fundamentalist extremists.
But that really isn’t accurate.
Because realistically, the people who espouse the most exclusion, hate and intolerance – are actually the people who have the most faith in their particular religion. They are the ones who believe their particular book is the literal word of God. As a result, they have no problem with slavery, subjugating women, or murdering homosexuals and non-believers, because they can quote scripture verbatim authorizing it.
This is why I said in the last post that these are not rational, compassionate people, but are crazed zealots who persecute and kill their own people in the name of sky God superstitions. And they will kill you in the name of (and because of) their faith.
So what is the need and the role of faith today?
In times like these, faith in yourself is more important than ever. As for faith in something more, something bigger than yourself, if you have it – it needs to be an empowering faith, one that is congruent with the principles of prosperity and one that offers that same prosperity to all people.
There are too many mind viruses from religion today, teaching people that they are sorry sinners, unworthy, and that they must suffer in this lifetime to receive a reward in an afterlife. Most of these scriptures can be traced to mythology from the Iron Age, and even the Stone Age.
If your faith is based upon the belief that you are unworthy or undeserving – it doesn’t serve you. If you faith is based on the belief that you are in a chosen group and deserving of abundance that others are not – it doesn’t serve you. If your faith is built upon the premise that you are meant to suffer here to earn your way into paradise later – it doesn’t serve you.
If your faith is one where you are a co-creator of your good, and are meant to be happy, healthy and prosperous – that is a faith that serves you.
Be mindful of what you place your faith in.
I am happy you are successful and have accomplished so much. I love your channel but sometimes you come across as you did it all alone and never had any help from the man above. Believe me god does exist so please don't treat his favours upon you by bringing him down. don't forget if he can shake up the earth then he can shake up your whole life in a blink of an eye. so be very careful my dear!
I agree with you Randy....!
"god exists"...
Wow Randy, I read your article... Just way to heavy for me... Even though I feel that I do have a vary extraordinary kind of faith, I don't bog it down with questions and answers. I just like to keep it simple. All I know is that tomorrow I'm going to celebrate 10 yrs without a drink and I have absolute faith that if I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll keep on getting what I'm getting and it all good...
your best thus far if you ask me!
Yeah Smarty pants, I meant G.O.D. P.S. I don't think God cares if u put his name in Caps or not, he just cares that u know his existence. nevertheless Maybe God>G.O.D will somehow Forgive your sins LOL!!
Dude you are brilliant and I 100% agree!
This is an awesome post! Great job Randy!
I agree with you on almost all of it. Here is a thought for you Randy Gage. Based on the IDEAS. You say "Because realistically, the people who espouse the most exclusion, hate and intolerance-are actually the people who have the MOST FAITH in their particular religion. I disagree. You cannot actually have faith in something you consider a fact. IF you take the Bible literally, then you don't have to have faith, because it is like reading a text book. We don't have faith that pie equals 3.14 repeating,it is a fact and we know it is true. Faith is about not knowing for sure what is really true, but deciding to believe in it anyways. I just didn't want faith to get a bad name. Because, I think people of true faith are usually the most tolerant, wise, and loving people around. Real faith takes courage.
Let me just reiterate I don't think fundamentalists have "FAITH". They have what they think is the truth without question, it is not the same. It is only the person who questions who has true faith.
Having said all that, it is a really good post Randy.
wonderful blog!! you do not have to follow a specific religion to be connected with god!!!
RonaeHOPEcoach I just read this, not what I expected either, but I think he makes a valid point.
Great post. Another beautiful example of why I love this blog and your work, Randy.
Yet, this really doesn't address my question, which is, other than worthiness issues, what else may keep a person in a type of self-sabotage pattern?
I've been a prosperity student or student of Truth for some time now. Studying stuff like your work, A Course In Miracles, Eric Butterworth, Abraham Hicks, as well as many others. I even help facilitate a A Course In Miracles study group at my church.
I've taken honest looks at my beliefs, etc about myself and my relationship with God. I understand that I am an individualized manifestation (expression) of God, or Love Energy or Source or One MInd or BlahBlahBlah. Whatever label we give it. I am of All-That-Is and worthy of every singe desire I experience.
I don't have any faith in the separation, unworthy, evil "dirty sinner" insanity spouted by many organizations like you're talking about. This isn't my issue.
I don't think this is my challenge. Yet, evidently something's not aligned because I've been going nowhere fast for far too long now. I am more than prepared for a significant breakthrough. Yet here I sit, in my shit.
I am (yuck, I hated to affirm that in present tense) holding myself back for some reason that I've yet to identify.
So other than these worthiness challenges such as mentioned in this post, what else could be the challenge folks face? Cause there's more than a few folks out there who believe they're worthy of happiness and wholeness (Prosperity) and yet aren't realizing their dreams.
If it's not a worthiness issue, caused by organized religion, parents, the data-sphere, what ever... what else might it be?
Wow...very thought provoking. Bound to stir up extreme hatred; as a great many of the "faith" crowd has become more militant.
The title made me cringe! MT flipkitten: ... not what I expected either, but I think he makes a valid point.
Preach it Randy! I wish more people could read this, you explained your thoughts so eloquently! I believe in a higher power, a God, but I don't believe in following any particular religion either. The Bible, Koran, and etc were written by man, and like you said cannot be taken word for word as the gospel of God himself. I also believe the most "religious" people tend to be the most hateful, discriminating, and condemning.
Well said, Randy. I also have a lot of faith. I agree with your definition: "a belief that if I visualize a thing, feel passionately about it, and work hard to manifest it, I can."
That is indeed my explanation of faith and I have it in abundance.
You might be interested in another tidbit I picked up about racial segregation in the not-so-old South. Did you know that until 2010, Montgomery County High School in Georgia held SEPARATE proms for African-American and white students? (Times Magazine, June 11, 2012). I was shocked.
It is amazing how far - and yet, not so far - we have come as a society.
Thanks much for continuing to ring the bell of sanity and awaken the world to these dangerous, unpopular issues that we allow to rule our minds, our lives, and our wallets.
Matt Shorty WellsDid you also see this post? It shows some others ways you can get programmed with self-sabotage behavior and not even know it.
GinaCarr Thanks for the love!
MilissaEthan Thanks 4 the love!
Thanks mate for sharing this. I received a copy few months ago of your book: "Why you're dumb, sick & broke..." and you had a chapter there about the organized religion, it helped me a lot, but with you're new posts you are taking it to another level. To a level that we learn more and more about what's been holding us back these years. I observe even now that i can not trust all my actions and even have a little fear of someone who's watching me and can't wait to judge my actions. I observe a tendency of unworthiness. I believe this will subdue over a period of time if i continue to question my beliefs and you continue to do your great job of destroying all this myths. Thanks a lot again!
Randy, I've bought a lot of your materials and read your books, I like many of your beliefs that lead to prosperity. But I think your blanket statements of lumping all religions and people into one group of 'hate' is inaccurate. I am a bible believing Christian and I am not against inter-racial marriage...there were many inter-racial marriages in the Bible
..I don't know any Christians who believe this, God is love as the Bible says and Jesus was sent out of love for the world. The Bible is a message of love, to read otherwise is to not understand it's core message.
I've been thinking a lot lately about this topic. A lot. I don't pretend that I understand everything, but I will say that it's a paradoxical thing - that the only way to KNOW is to do.
I am coming out of a cycle of success recently where I spiritually abandoned my religious roots. I had the extreme privilege of being closely mentored by someone very similar to you in terms of wisdom and success. Everything in your article became true for me during this time. I started looking at spirituality as being superior to organized religion and relished the new found freedom I felt as I abandoned the "unsophisticated" dogma of my youth. When I was around people from my home town, I would internally roll my eyes at their inexperience, their silly fascinations etc.
However, in really quiet moments, like when I would wake up around 4 am, I would experience clarity on what really mattered and it would disturb me - momentarily - then I would get up and get going on my path of success which was exciting and fulfilling etc.
Several abrupt changes in my life brought me back to serious study of scripture, and what I found there was power. Real power. Delivering power. (I know deliverance is really an uncool thing to talk about...and I get it, but in the end - it's real) I have looked at those people that I was so recently pitying for being provincial and inexperienced and have honestly felt a little depressed that I have wasted some time. Business/success/law of attraction philosophy, with all it's merits, does not have sufficient power in it's roots to sustain the soul's awakening process and ultimately It's elevation and complete deliverance. There is wisdom in the ages of scripture, of classics, even in myth that transcend "success" in a personal bank account, or even in one lifespan.
Don't get me wrong, I have gained experience and great ideas on how to manage the affairs of "this world/sphere of existence", manipulating matter on my terms, but in terms of Freedom, true freedom, in terms of Real government - personally and societally, in terms of liberty/liberation, generationally, there is a reality that IS, and there is one that appears. The one that IS, can only be seen on certain terms, and organized religion, with all its faults, is still the bedrock for initiating and providing longevity to awakening and liberation. It isn't the enemy.
The societies that have abandoned organized religion have done so at their peril, not their prosperity - and most often to tragic and horrific ends. As a thought leader in your sphere - I wonder if your words on this matter are going to have the outcome that you are really going for.
thanks for sharing your unique gift of putting into words what's in our hearts.
DixieDynamite The question then is, can they practice their faith without the dogma?
Randy_Gage I cannot answer for them. I can only answer for me. I don't "practice" and I guard against dogma and yet... sometimes I fail.
Randy_Gage But truly I do not believe in "evil" only in challenge and trial which is there to allow me to grow.
DixieDynamite Amen
@TJensenThank you for a very thoughtful reply and adding to the discussion. You didn't specify what scripture you studied. But if it is one of the texts believed by Islam, Christians or Jews to be written or dictated by God, here is where we can agree: There is definitely more real power in any of them than you'll find in the current law of attraction memes currently sweeping the world. I've always maintained that the Bible is a wonderful metaphysical textbook on prosperity. The Torah, Rigveda and many other religious texts also offer much wisdom in many areas. The Koran offers some thoughts on generosity, but is mostly devoted to
converting or killing the infidels. (And anyone who says otherwise has
never actually read it cover to cover.)
Frankly to me, they probably all fall short to Buddhism, which may have amassed a collective wisdom unparalleled by any other philosophy. But even Buddhism has the common sense to say the Buddha was not a god.
So we can agree that there is real power in scripture. But no rational, critical thinking person not infected with mind viruses could believe ANY of these sacred books were written or dictated by God. And anyone who takes the Bible or Koran literally will be practicing hate, intolerance, murder and barbarianism - certainly not love.
- RG
@Chad Leatherby I didn't make any blanket statements lumping all religions and people into one group. What I did say is that the people in each religion that seem to have the most faith - meaning they believe their book is written personally by God and they read it literally - demonstrate the most hate and intolerance. And do it with the piety like they are attempting to save humanity.
You don't know of any Christians who disapprove of interracial marriage or thinks other races are inferior? Seriously? There are about 40 or 50 million here in the US south. You can spot a lot of them because they have Confederate flags behind their gun racks in the pickup.
Great post RG. I find the more I awaken to Prosperity Consciousness the more clearly I can detect memes, old programming, and dis-empowering beleifs. Like you said clearly a congruent (with prosperity) empowering faith and beleifs are key to happiness, piece of mind, abundance, prosperity etc.. sometimes it seems never ending, that's the challenging part. ................ you acheive a "breakthrough" and then a whole new set of old programming comes to consciousness for clearing. It's humbling.. I so appreciate your blog, work and community. So very helpful, thanks.
A lot of people have become more controlling.
They are so afraid of losing what they have, that they'd rather bully others than encourage or even just leave people alone.
thanks for your reply, I live in Denver and things are bit more diverse here, maybe that's why. I also go to a church that chooses to demonstrate God's love and compassion. They're not as 'religious' but more 'spiritual. I've heard it said that 'religion is man's way to try to get to God, whereas relationship is God's way to reach out to man. Although historically religion has done some things in God's name that are intolerable to think about. I have friends who are from all different backgrounds and races and couldn't imagine discriminating or judging them based on that.
Randy, you are an outstanding writer. But too long of post for my liking. Thanks for all you do.
I for one, LOVE when you get on your 'virtual soap box' Randy.. It serves a higher purpose.. at least for me! I have maintained the same beliefs in these areas as you for years now..Organized religion, in MY eyes, is THE guiltiest of all for memes that have caused most of us to believe in OURSELVES.. Even the expression, "God fearing" is one I NEVER understood.. And being in FL, a Bible belt state, I'm sure you're exposed to this all the time. But the MOST important thing here is as you say, BELIEF IN OURSELVES and what's possible.. James Allen's book is more a 'bible' to me than any spiritual text.. But books are tools; our minds, thoughts and beliefs are what shape our lives.
Can you specify the memes RG: "find in the current law of attraction memes currently sweeping the world."
I was trying to "decipher" the bible too, for it's prosperous message, before I read "Prosperity", by Charles Fillmore. Charles, in his book pointed out, the bible is more of a guide on "how to" develop each of our prosperity faculties, within consciousness; for unfolding our prosperity.
I hadn't looked at your Facebook page.. thought I get your stuff here.. with the headline I thought I was was going to throw my two cents in and say, I don't think people are scared of success, it's just that most people are lazy, things get a little tough, have to work hard and wade through some shit and most people give up.. nothing to do with fear of success.. I'm like that in a way.. ha ha.. ever see Body Heat? great film noir homage and the husband who's going to get knocked off says to Ned, "Most people say they want success but they really don't want to work for it," and Ned says, "I'm one of those people." Ha Ha.. Exactly. And it all comes back on him... says to the cop at the end, "Matty was one of those people who could do whatever it took..."
But instead a big rant about religious memes.. was pleasantly surprised that you dig what Buddha had to say about striving... and Chad from Denver.. ever hear that great song from Bob Seger, "Get outta Denver, because you look just like a commie, etc.. haha I don't think Denver is the height of liberalism...
The Bible is a collection of myths, parables, laws, and poetry written by mortal men, and should be treated as such.
I believe in a higher power, but not a father figure who lives in the clouds, but rather a force.
I also am not quite sure if God exists or not. So I can not totally believe either way, and neither can anyone else.
I had to do something very hard recently.
While I have kept my distance from negative family and friends, I've always tried to extend the olive branch.
Whenever I've tried to tell the truth about how toxic and harmful their behavior and beliefs are, I have been treated very poorly.
They honestly believe life is meant to be hard and full of struggle. That life is about "paying your dues","doing what you're told", "sucking it up", etc.
I can not live my life this way. There isn't enough time or energy to do so.
Today, I left a message with the following words:
"I see I can't change your mind. The best of luck to you."
I want to believe people can become better people, but when it's hurting me too much to maintain a relationship, even with distance, I'm going to walk away.
Who we are has little to do with our upbringing, but how we chose to be.
I could easily use the excuses of a bad upbringing to be very cruel to others, and stand in their way, but I don't.
I'd rather encourage people to do what they value. Life is too short to do otherwise.
A agree on every point made in this post Randy and on the other post on the same subject before this.
I am however curious about something you don't mention.
In your reference to organised religion you usually refer to either Christianity, Islam or Judaism. When all you say about them is true, it is also true that they are quickly becoming second class. Second to the biggest, fastest growing religion ever. And that is "environmentalism".
This new religion openly states humans are a weed to be destroyed, that rich humans are the plague responsible for damage to mother earth, Industry, Mining, Transportation, Fishing, large scale Agriculture and everything that makes us who we are today is to be blocked, sabotaged, banned, outlawed, that we must go back to one or two billions at most and de-develop, go back to straw huts and horse carts, their brain child "global warming" or "climate change" and their claims of "saving the planet" are as far fetched as any traditional religion will ever be, their actions worthy of the crusades, their strategies, better than the Spanish Inquisition, their open mindedness equal to that of a Southern Baptist preacher.
Environmentalism is the new religion that fills in the vast blanks left behind from all the other religions and has the backing of the political machine. If ever there was a more effective way to make individuals guilty of everything even breathing that is it.
Sad really.
Randy_Gage Your definition of faith and the "faithful" is wrong. That isn't faith. It is not real faith anyway. Taking something literally is not faith. To have "Faith" in something your first have to have doubt. There is no room for doubt in the Fundamentalist belief system.
@1Marc I know for a fact that Randy and other "evil" rich people are buying chunks of rain forest from the tribes and private parties which are selling land to logging companies.
I agree with you.
We should we respect our planet and how we use it.
Like any religion, it was probably originally intended to be beneficial, but corrupted by others.
I also know that while "green" technologies may produce less emissions during consumer use, they are not always the most efficient and manufacturing can be toxic.
Many compact flourescent lightbulbs have mercury ballasts. Mercury is a common water contaminate, and makes it unsafe for people to eat too much wild fish in many parts of the US.
The copper used to build wind generators requires a highly toxic extraction and refining process.
A modern turbo diesel engine gets more gas mileage than a hybrid car, does not emit noxious fumes as in the past, and most modern hybrids are not efficient designs. We also must remember in an electric or hybrid car there is a bank of lithium ion cells which can be highly reactive and we have a problem disposing spent batteries effectively.
Global warming is real, but is was warmer during the Renaissance. I doubt humans are responsible for all of it and we're still thawing out from the last ice age.
I have also noticed "green" is an excuse sometimes to reduce the amount of materials used to make a product and cheapen it while charging a premium.
I could go on.
malejagonzam Thanks for the love!
Randy_Gage 😀
Hum ... I think you misread my post. I really doubt that you agree with me.
My point is that the new religion of "environmentalism" is as poisonous or even more than all the other religions put together. The "global warming" fraud has united those with an ax to grind and created a new army of moral police just like it was in the dark ages. The fact that most of the claims are false is irrelevant and I don't think this is the forum for a skeptics vs believers. Throwing around unfounded and unproven accusations of wrongdoing is precisely what the moral police does. Let's burn the witch.
That is precisely the consequence of the new religion I am referring to and it has permeated every corner of the western world with pretenses of "I know better what is best for you" and "I care for the planet you do not" attitude.
Invariably (and probably present company excepted, I hope) the most virulent activist are idle and unproductive members of society that have taken this new flag and are marching "against the bad rich people" with the conviction of a higher moral ground equal to Mao's red brigades. Entire political parties have fallen like domino behind this force of hate and retrograde thinking seeking to capture votes.
Environmentalist is the new official religion of the majority who is rather average in the everyday thing but excels in telling me what I should do, or else.
Faith should be based in your relationship with God, not in keeping the manmade rules of the organized religions that can not be found in the Bible.