Randy, its just like you say, prosperity is not needing anything, however its ok to have wants;) I'm not sure how big my yacht will be, but someday my wife and some close friends will be chillin on it on our way to the tropics! I want more!
The last post on the many myths about money and wealth totally blew up! Shows what a fascinating subject it is. Dani asked if people don’t sometimes create limiting beliefs to protect their egos. Not ten minutes later I got a comment on my Prosperity TV channel proving exactly that…
The viewer wrote, “That yacht in the opening scene is great inspiration for the handful of millionaires that actually make it. But the rest of us 6 billion people who don’t, it’s just inspiration to continue running on the hamster wheal. Yes being rich may not be stressful but trying to get rich definitely is. It’s really a preference thing. If you need possessions to be happy than start running, if you don’t, then enjoy what you have already.”
That meme, “enjoy what you have already” can be a very slippery slope. Of course you want to appreciate and be grateful for what you have. But the day you stop there, is the day you stop growing, challenging yourself, and reaching your potential.
So celebrate what you have. And know that you can do, have, and become more!
P.S. Remember Atlas Shrugged is now open! Find a theater and check it out. Next week we’ll star a series on the role of health for your prosperity.
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Randy, its just like you say, prosperity is not needing anything, however its ok to have wants;) I'm not sure how big my yacht will be, but someday my wife and some close friends will be chillin on it on our way to the tropics! I want more!
Randy might jump on your use of "someday" because in reality, you already have the yacht, it's just up to you to manifest it 🙂
These meme's come up again, and again, and again in the course of normal conversations. How many really prosperous-minded people are you going to run into? How many complain about money problems, or joke about not having enough money? It's almost as if most are proud about not having enough, or being content with a little when they want more, but don't have the courage to get uncomfortable as hell to reach out and take what they really want. Thanks Randy!
Yes it's about challenging oneself, growing and reaching our potential as that is living and part of life otherwise it's death, decay and settling.
It's not always even to want or have more possessions, for me personally it's also about creating experiences, new experiences, living feeling and doing.
When I leave this earth I want to have no regrets and to have been able to see, do and experience things as much as possible!!!
Keep up the good work of spreading prosperity. It is so sad to see so many good meaning people with such utter lack, negativity, and limitation in their mindsets! You are the man!
Definitely is a balancing act between enjoying what you have and staying hungry for more. I cringe when I hear comments like the one above in your post. To be blunt, statements like that tell me that someone has given up on their dreams. Of course, not everyone wants a yacht, but it's human nature to continually want more, do better, and achieve more. Jim Rohn used to have a saying and an analogy, something to the effect of, ever try to get a tree to stop growing?
Yes. I think that is why the bible uses so many parables relating to tree's and bearing fruit. Also the parable about the talons. I love the story of the talons. I think people misunderstand the meaning. My understanding is the one who was given one talon, and buried it, was called a useless servant. If you do not use what you are given, you will not be entrusted with more. If you multiply what you are given, you will be given more, and much more will be expected. These people chose to look at their assignment in different ways. Some took on the responsibility given and used their talents to increase. The one with one, chose to take the attitude that his master did not sow what he had reaped so why should his multiply. There is so much profound wisdom in this parable. I hope you all take time to study it. It speaks volumes about prosperity and the way in which we are rewarded for multiplying.
Really looking forward to the health posts!
Thanks Randy for this amazing post. Truly learning so many new things from you. Just got a fee books of yours on my tablet looking forward to more.
*I want More*
It's amazing! That guy is "happy with what he has", but he still reads your posts. Isn't that called a paradox? If he is so happy, he should be reading comic strips on a bench in the park. I also believe that being grateful for what you have is important. But affirming that you don't want more is pure laziness. And people who say that they are happy with only air and love are lying. It gives them the justification not to get off their a.. .
I am trying to understand all of this now. I am truly confused. I really don't know if I can believe everyone in the world can manifest a yacht or millions, billions of dollars and it having no effect on the earth.
For instance, could it be someone's potential to just be a janitor, or garbage collector? I mean these things are important. Or are they also supposed to find other outlets for making money as well? Do we all have the skills, talents, and desire to be wealthy? Or is prosperity and individual construct?
I am still thinking about money and wondering if it is even real? I watched your video and I really liked it, and as always it is so positive, but is it truth or theory? And if we believe what your saying is true does it make it true because we believe it?
Really it is a little like a belief in God right? I mean believing prosperity is infinite? Do you think it can be scientifically proven?
For instance, if gold backs up money's worth, how much gold is there? Does it matter? For instance to me the national deficit is beyond my comprehension. I think is all that money real or is it just a representation of some other kind of value?
It seems dumb, but isn't most matter finite? These are deep philosophical issues and difficult to answer. So, would you say you are really teaching beliefs that may or may not be true? But, it is in our best interest to believe this way, because it is more positive?
Sometimes, I wonder if it is just wishful thinking and if it isn't better to be more in touch with reality.
However, I do think that always challenging yourself to do better is the best way to live. I definitly agree with that.
I guess what I am thinking is, I don't want to believe all these things and be disappointed. Is it the self discipline that teaches us to find our limits? So, where are the limits?
Annie - YES indeed a Janitor could do it - and in fact has.
There was once a Janitor - who's father had walked out when he was 8 I believe. As an adult he was in working as a janitor with little money. Tho let me go back first to when he was 8 so you get where he came from. You see when he was 8 someone knocked on the door and asked to speak to his father. He called his dad. The delivery man said that he'd heard that he was out of work and he'd come to drop off a food parcel for Thanksgiving. This boys father was insulted and outraged - he tried to slam the door in the delivery persons face. But the person put their foot in the way and told his father that he shouldn't let his pride come in the way of his kids having a good thanksgiving. The person dropped of food and groceries. His father was so humiliated that he walked out and left them. On that day this boy - who had a VERY distrusting father - decided that strangers are good and that one day he'd be a stranger and give to the poor.
At the time he was a depressed janitor with no hope... Then he was in the hall where Jim Rohn was conducting an event - and he heard words that inspired him, and be began to believe in himself....
He saved all year and had enough money to buy 2 families groceries. The first family was spanish, and someone wrote in spanish what he should say on a card and he read out "this is from a friend!" And the single mother with all these kids jumping on his leg, cried and cried with joy!!!! And it filled him with such love that he vowed to do it again... He doubled it the next year....
He's gone on to be a multi millionaire - having spoken to 3 million people.... And his basket brigade that takes food for christmas and thanksgiving now feeds over 3 million people ALL around the year.
That person is Tony Robbins - once a depressed janitor- that just heard some new words that changed his belief and transformed his life. You can too Annie!! We all can if we want to, and shift believe, take the right action, work the right systems, create with amazing people...
Jill Koenig - shares a few more people that also came from little...
Madeline Albright, former US Sec of State first job: Dept Store Bra Sales Clerk
Alan Dershowitz, Author, Attorney first job: Deli Factory Worker
Michael Eisner, former CEO Disney first job: Camp Counselor
Nancy Grace, CNN Host, Attorney first job: Sears Candy Clerk
Jay Leno, Comedian, Host of The Tonight Show first job: McDonalds
Cal Ripken, jr, Former Major League Baseball player first job: Errand Boy in Minor League Clubhouse
Tony Robbins, Author, Motivational Speaker first job: Janitor
Gene Simmons, KISS Rock Star first job: Paper Boy
Russell Simmons, Founder Def Jam Records first job: fast food- Orange Julius
George Steinbrenner, owner NY Yankees first job: Raising Chickens
Isiah Thomas, Former NBA Basketball Player first job: Shoe Shine Boy
Donald Trump, Real Estate Investor first job: Collected Soda Bottles, then Rent Money for father
Oprah Winfrey, Billionaire, Talk Show Host first job: Radio Station Announcer
All it is a choice, Annie... 🙂
Randy Gage: minimum wage dishwasher at Mr. C's Pancake & Steak House!
Randy weren't you a teenager? I mean what else are you gonna do at that age, be the CFO of GE? I mean come on you guys that is not what I am talking about. Your story is still impressive, not saying that.
I'm saying that, what if a person wants to be a dishwasher, is there something wrong with that? Or do you believe that these people are just hiding behind excuses? Oh, it doesn't matter, I just think to much. I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, Annie
How could I leave off my favourite man in the whole world?!!!
Well - kay I didn't leave you off - Jill did.
You're up there!!!!
And Annie - at 15 Randy was a high school drop out... No contacts, no leg ups into success, moved to a new state, lied about his age to get a promotion to manager....
Anyway - sure if someone WANTS to be a dishwasher they can be. But who dreams all their life of being a DISHWASHER? Really?
My daughter for instance, used to say she wants to be a mother. I would say - you're greater than that, you can be a mother and make a difference. She said a teacher. I asked how she'd touch the world, how many schools would she build? Then she said a farmer...
Her dreams change - and each time, I say "You can be that AND more, dream BIG!"
I didn't have that - each dream I had my mother told me I couldn't achieve. That's the story for MOST people. They END UP the dishwasher not out of a dream, but out of toxic programming....
Speaking of toxic programming, have you thought about the fact that telling your daughter everytime she tells you her dream, that you can be even better, is in a sense saying your dream isn't good enough?
Real support and positive programming comes from unconditional support. I am not saying you are not doing that, you may well be. However, on the flip side you might be discouraging your daughter from her real dream.
Also, your are sending the message that women who stay at home with their children are not making a difference in the world. I was a stay at home mom and I have made a difference in the world. Many mothers stay at home and never have had any other job,are you saying they haven't made a difference? I know men who stay at home and raise their children. I hope you are not saying that. Maybe you are not, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
I know you said your daughter said she wanted to be a "mother" and you told her you can do better than that. Mothering, whether you stay at home, or go to work is in and of itself a chance to make a difference in the world. Raising a happy loving child to give more love to the world, is a HUGE thing. I don't like the "mommy wars" either. I think the point of women's rights or any human beings' is to be able to choose what they want their life to look like. Your daughter should have that right too. If she decides when she is older she just wants to be a mother, I hope you support her.
To me the things you are saying to your daughter also reflect and attitude that some careers and people are better than others. I am sure you don't want to do that.
I am sorry your mother didn't support your dreams Natalie. Their is nothing worse than that, (trust me I know). To be honest though, I am not sure that what you are saying to your daughter is really supportive either.
Sorry Natalie, Patrick is my husband and he wrote a comment earlier.
PS Natalie, I also wanted to say everyone should be encouraged to pursue "their" dream. Also, we all should be supported especially by our parents, in following and owning those dreams.
Oh Natalie, I loved that story! Thanks for sharing. It really is inspirational, and he helped so many others too. I Love it.
However, not to put a damper on it, but it isn't what I meant. I know there are lots of success stories like that, they are fabulous. We see lots of them on American Idol, and I think people are enthralled by them (myself included). But, what I meant was what if someone wanted to be a janitor and enjoyed it? It is an important job (have you read "Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth"?), someone has to do it. Could that possibly be someone's true potential, and if it is what is wrong with that? It is kinda insulting actually to suggest otherwise, don't you agree?
I am not saying that someone who is a janitor,etc...can't become something else if they want to, but what if they don't want to? Does that mean they will never reach their true potential or ever have the chance to be considered properous?
Thanks, Annie
Prosperity is about what brings joy to your life. And if someone is happy as a janitor, it's not my place to tell them different. But I believe the natural human condition is to grow and develop. I have been a janitor, dishwasher, cook, paper boy, and delivery guy. And we need cooks waiters, janitors, etc. But for people of prosperity consciousness, these are jobs they do to earn a living and develop experience on their journey to something higher.
I enjoyed being a restaurant cook when I was 17. When I lost everything at 30 and had to get a job as a breakfast cook in a dinette in a drug store, it didn't quite have the same level of satisfaction!
Wow, you have had a really interesting life! 🙂 I hope you get to see your movie this weekend. I read a review of "Atlas Shrugged", it looked good.
BTW, you didn't mention that novel had graphic sex scenes, (it said this in the review of the movie I read). I bet if you had mentioned that more people would have read it sooner!!! (Just Kidding. Kinda. 🙂
I also have to say, I think it is so beautiful how you want everyone to have abundance. I love that I really do, and I hope you continue to have so much abundance, and myself too. Thanks Randy, for all your kind replies.
PS I will just shut up now.
We all seem to agree that everyone is capable of becoming anything that they want to. It's a matter of whether they make the choice to do so. A very small minority of the population will decide that they're satisfied with a basic, minimum wage job. They might not be super intelligent perhaps, (let's face it, there are people on both ends of the bell curve and the less intelligent among us aren't going to become rocket scientists). For some, being a janitor is fulfilling their maximum potential. I would say that the majority of people making minimum wage however are there because they don't believe that they deserve better - maybe that it's their lot in life. There will be some brilliantly intelligent people in this group but their upbringing probably didn't support and encourage above average results and they haven't managed to break the pattern. Matt Damon's portrayal in the movie 'Good Will Hunting' is a good example of this.
Then there's the next step up - people making double, trip, quadruple the minimum wage. The majority of people sit here and always will. To quote Jim Rohn again here on this thread, "it's just the way it is". Their upbring, on average, was probably better than the category mentioned before, but they still don't believe that they deserve better. Some of them will have busted out of the category mentioned before. Then some, a small minority, will bust out of here and push through to creating the lifestyle others dream about.
The point I'm making here is that statistics apply to the masses but not to individuals. Almost everyone is capable, but not everyone will. Some minute number of people are suited to minimum wage jobs but the vast majority of them don't really want to be there, they're just not going to do what they need to do to break through.
Carmen, thank you for your reply. I do not believe we all can agree that everyone is capable of being whatever they want, that just isn't so. You can say it all you want but it doesn't make it a reality. (If only Simon Cowell could weigh in on this discussion! :))
I have to tell you too, that being a janitor does not equate to having a minimum wage position here in America. I worked in a psychiatrists office where certified and licensed therapists were making less than the Janitor! Crazy, huh?
Carmen, I reread your post. I have to say I agree there are some, myself included, who settle for less not thinking we are capable or worthy of doing, getting more. In trying to figure this out for myself, I was thinking about those individuals who might just be happy at some of the jobs mentioned above, and didn't care if they could be making more, becuase they actually enjoyed doing what they do.
I think a lot of people (myself included) struggle with worthiness issues.
(In fact, I am quite uncultured and uneducated, and my only saving grace is that I am an auto-didact.)
We don't exactly have a culture in the US where the majority of people are encouraged to be themselves.
Most of the people I have known who were encouraged to be the best version of themselves either came from wealthy or upper middle class backgrounds.
Union workers don't encourage their children to be great artists or doctors; they expect them to have a "good stable job" and get a pension.
We have a culture where we do what someone else wants, and we buy products/watch TV and live out our fantasies that way. Or through other people.
(I am not against entertainment or TV.)
I am not sure how the hell I would ever be able to do this, but with many schools cutting the arts, especially music programs, there must be a way to create some sort of initiative to get more people interested in learning about and appreciating music.
There is also a lot of room for creating/improving better sound/performance technology.
The biggest problem I see is, I won't be able to do much without a lot of cash and a lot of clout.
I am neither famous nor rich; Just some 29 year old dude who likes beep beep noises. lol
I think that it's important to distinguish between possibility and probability. Is it possible for a paraplegic to become a marathon runner? I think yes, (we just haven't figured it out yet). Is it probable? I would say no. Is it possible for a very low IQ individual to become a rocket scientist? I would say yes. Is it probable? No. If you had cancer and I came to you and told you that the cure already existed and it's been proven my government scientists, you would probably say that it was possible, but improbable.
You see we close ourselves off to results because of our thinking. Things that were impossible before and now possible. By being open to everything being possible, we increase their probability - we open ourselves up to the universe to provide it to us.
Yes, I see your point. I don't want to squash anyones enthusiam or discourage new ideas and ways of thinking. I also wouldn't want someone to sacrafice their dream to practicality, but there is time to know when to say when. Thanks for your thoughts, I liked them very much.
I enjoy what I have now and ask God to help me to do now what will make tomorrow even better, by helping me face challenges to grow into my potential...there is so much in life to experience and when we grow we allow ourselves access to that. Money and possessions are just the tools that we acquire for that purpose, not in and of themselves the goal.
Amen Eve. God brings challenges into our lives and others that we are not humanly capable of understanding, since we do not see things as God see's them from his infinite plan. One thing I can say for truth, every adversity, leaves with it the seeds of greatness. It's what makes us stronger. That's the purpose. We may not like it but we always come out of it changed, and hopefully for the better. That's our free will choice too.
I am reminded of the saying that at the end of it all, it is never what we do that we will regret, it is what we could have done, have or become, but did not.
And what is that hell of the gnashing of teeth, if not regret over what could have been?
Once we truly understand just how infinite the Abundance in the Universe is, we MUST eradicate the beliefs that we're not worthy of it. This is a steep climb as you know, since the majority of us, me included, were taught otherwise.
I'm a firm proponent of Wally Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich, and as you know, we must FIRST move from the competitive to the CREATIVE mind, hold our vision as if we already have it and above all, BE GRATEFUL.
I love how you approach Prosperity as well as being true to the fact that it's our THOUGHTS that create our REALITY. Bravo for taking all of us on and committing to everyone enjoying the abundance of the Universe. Thanks Randy!
Thanks, Randy.
It seems that some of us who are following this blog, and commenting, are pretending that we've got it all figured out. I'd love to know how many of the people who are agreeing with you 100% are actually as prosperous as you?
If we aren't (like me) it is because at some (non) conscious level, we DON'T really agree with what you say.
Consequently, it is more productive, friends, to admit that somehow, you don't quite get it...than to pretend you do!
Being grateful for what we've got is indeed a slippery slope. "Wanting" is equally slippy, and I'll admit, I'm slipping around on that one! I want...which reminds me of what I haven't got...which attracts more of what I don't want...dang!!
The best that I can say is, Whether I achieve my Prosperity Goals, or not, the Process is a mighty interesting adventure.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't have it all figured out either! I’m just a guy who started off poor, uneducated, unhealthy, unhappy, and unfulfilled, who has been able to manifest a life of magnificent abundance. This blog is my running commentary on what's working and not working for me and the people I work with.
Evaluate these ideas, apply them and see what they can do for you. And if they work for you the way they have for me, please spread the word and circulate the abundance yet further.
I'm going to throw up a thing of ambivalence... I hate how greedy corporations can be.. GE on 14b profits... and not pay any tax... 700 tax lawyers on the payroll.. well if we don't we'll take our biz elsewhere.. etc..
All these entitlement programs .. well how you going to pay for it?? etc..
As a Canuck I look at how f - your health care system is you pay twice as much as us, and get half the service all because of greedy insurance co's and frivolous lawsuits..
Don't believe me.. read the http://www.theglobeandmail.com
click on the life section and read how a doc from New York checked out our health care system and coudn't believe how people got served without an insurance card... she says I didn't become a doctor to get rich.. I did it to serve people ..and the system has screwed me and the patients over...
My point being.. find a balance between what you want to do do and greed...
I would agree that the health care system in the US is fucked up. But that's because of the government meddling in it, not because it is a free market situation. (Which it certainly is not.)
That's nice that the woman you mention became a doctor to serve people. But if she doesn't get her own needs met first - doesn't take care of the money thing - she can't much help others. Interesting parallel is Emile Cady who was a metaphysical healer.
She decided she didn't want to charge anything for her services and then she began experiencing serious lack. She realized that she also needed to ask and accept for her prosperity, so she did. She because quite prosperous and still served anyone who came to her, regardless of their ability to pay.
Randy, it is not so simple why the Health Care system is a mess. I'm not saying that our Government isn't making mistakes, but really do you believe that is the only reason?
To me you have shifted your oppression from rich people, when you were younger, to the Government. Now the Government is oppressing and causing you to be victimized, by taxation and meddling in health care. Do you really do your research? Have you seen Michael Moore's movie? And, no I don't think everything in that film was completely fair, but it was for the most part a good appraisal of the troubles facing Health Care in America. Remember too, that we vote for taxation in America often times. Majority rules, love it, or hate it.
If you feel the same even after all those considerations, fine. To be honest in 2003 when I was a graduate student of social work at KU, I was one of only two students who believed in Universal Health care, which really saddened me,(I mean we were to be social workers for God's sake!).
Did you just mention a Michael Moore movie with a straight face!?! BAHAHAHAHAHA!
I needed that laugh, thank-you.
I listen to Conservative theories as well, and I don't laugh at them, even though I may not agree. I happen to think all view points are valid, and help us to see what is the best choice for our society's welfare.
Some of those cases in that movie, whether or not you agree with the premise, were tragic, and I happen to find your reaction callous. I am just hoping maybe you didn't actually see the film. Maybe you should if you haven't. We learn the most by hearing all points of view.
Not sure why, but I cannot post under your comment to my comment, to your comment...
My reaction to Michael Moore has nothing to do with the people he interviews in his movies. He, to quote a favorite GEICO commercial, is a jackwagon.
Michale Moore is a mind virus with his own zipcode, I would not purposely infect or subject myself with and to his filth. I'm not a sadist.
If there was ever a champion for the victim, it's Michael Moore. He sees every situation as what was done to someone, and seeks "justice" from the government. He never sees the event (or tragedy, as you so "doom and gloomily" put it) as an opportunity for the person to rise up and be better from what happened.
At some point, you have to realize that not every point of view IS valid. Everyone has a right to their point of view; that doesn't make their point of view right, stable, or legal.
Oh! It did post under your comment... go me! 🙂
First of all, I think you meant to say you're not a 'masochist,'" not a sadist. A sadist is one who inflicts pain on others. Second of all, I disagree with you: you ARE a sadist, because you're killing me with your ignorance!
The reason the US is the only civilized country without Universal Health Care, is because the rest of the world realizes that health care should not be a "for profit" enterprise. Look, all you prosperity seekers can have all the fancy cars you want (Randy), the biggest house on the block, the niftiest threads in fashion, and the glitziest jewelry. But when you get off on having health care when someone else doesn't, or making a major killing on someone else's illnesses, etc., well, that makes you just about as sick and broken as our health care system.
Show your "superiority" in other arenas, if you like. No one has a problem with that. But when you agree with a system that will turn away those without health care, (and 44,000 Americans die each year for that very reason), well, that just pure evil. Obama got health care for those without it. OOOOh, what a horrible, evil man. If you've been brainwashed enough to actually think that way, or you want to whine about paying a little more in taxes, so others might live, then you need a serious morality check.
By the way, do Libertarians think that it is EVER okay to pay taxes?
First of all, I think you meant to consult a dictionary before you threw out your tart response. According to Merriam-Webster, I used the word sadist correctly. Whose ignorance is killing whom here?
There are options for all people in America to have health insurance and care. Whether or not you choose to make it a priority and pay for it, is up to you. It's your choice, and you're responsible for that decision. NOT the government. And don't tell me it's too expensive! It's a choice. Well all make choices as to what we spend our money on.
I would kindly suggest you do not make assumptions about me that are tainted with your own prejudice and lack of information. You don't know me, you don't know what I know, or what I "get off on". Business has a right to profit. Doctors don't work for free, nor should they be expected to.
What is sick and broken is our current government and our elected officials. Sick and broken are the people who don't know there needs to be a change. Sick and broken are the victims who look to someone other then themselves to "fix" their problems.
The reason the US is the only civilized country without Universal Health Care, is because we masquerade as a democracy. By design, we were never to be a country that was dependent on our government.
My goal here, is not to show superiority. Your rant is very angry, and I would suggest you look at what you are saying. You appear to have an issue with prosperity, wealth, etc. I would encourage you to look at that in yourself, and discover why you are holding those beliefs.
I know full well I am not brainwashed, I am not evil, my thoughts are not evil, and my morality is not in need of questioning. I am aware of no hospital or doctor that turns people away because they have no health insurance. They are all quite happy to accept cash.:) Most healthcare providers and facilities will also give non insured patients a discount. So to say they are "turned away for no insurance" is not factual.
As I have not properly researched the Libertarian party, I cannot attach that label to myself or my beliefs. Perhaps Randy would like to weigh in on this from a Libertarian perspective?
Taxes are unconstitutional, do not get me started. We've taken this thread far of course already.
Southernsweetie, I wanted to reply to you as well. My husband is an avid Michael Moore fan so he wanted to weigh in.
I will tell you though, I doubt my husband will reply again, so I will just say this on his behalf. Pat is a man of facts and very rarely gets them wrong. If he quoted a number about how many Americans get turned away for not having health insurance, rest assured it is a fact. He is very particular about not misconstruing the truth. He has been a guest editorialist for our newspaper, and when he writes something he makes sure he gets all the facts and figures correct.
I only want to say I hope you do watch Michael Moore's film, before you determine it is filth. You seem like a woman who is firm minded, I don't think you have to worry about being infected with Michael Moore mind virus.
Michael Moore is also very critical of the government, and he in my opinion is a man of social justice. He try's to point out what is bad for the citizen's of this country, and if the government has made a mistake he points that out too. Not to say he is never wrong, everyone makes mistakes.
I will say this, and I am done with the topic. IT IS ILLEGAL for a healthcare provider (DOCTOR OR FACILITY)to turn someone way for not having health insurance! Now, these 44,000 people he speaks of might not have received care from the number one doctor in the country, or the facility might not be the newest in the city, but healthcare WAS available to them!
Moore is critical of the government because he wants them to do more. He wants to continue the nightmare of victim hood citing that the government needs to rise up and save us from our own choices! He's looking for a handout. I simply cannot support that way of thinking.
This was the premise of Roger and Me as well. He didn't suggest the laid off GM plant workers pull themselves up by their bootstraps and find a new job. NO! He took GM to task for daring to close their doors and leaving these people unemployed! In the same vein, he's not asking the uninsured to insure themselves. He's blaming the government for not doing it for them! To buy into Micheal Moore is to buy into being the victim! And as Randy would say, " that dog don't hunt!"
Well Randy I disagree ever see Sicko Michael Moore's doc on health care?? Every civilized country has universal health care... except the US... I don't believe you should lose your house because you didn't have the right insurance or you can't get insurance because of a health problem or any of the other nightmare scenarios that can happen in the US... I'm all for free markets, but health care should be a basic right of every citizen...
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I so agree. I think health care should be the right of everyone.
Annie 😉
The "right" of everyone? So we should just conscript doctors, nurses and other health care providers to work for free? Are you okay with other forms of slavery also?
Randy,of course Doctors and Nurses should be paid and paid well. I believe in other countries with universal healthcare their medical employees are paid well.
Even in communist Czech Republic, where my ex-boyfriend's father was a surgeon, he was paid, and they lived better than most of the citizens in his country and city.
No, I am not for slavery, you should know that by now.
PS Randy, it is from my interpretation of Christian philosophy that I believe everyone should have a right to health care. I think if we have a chance to help people live longer or live better we should do it, regardless of higher taxes. It isn't, in my opinion, always our place to say who is deserving and who isn't.
David- We do have universal health care here in the US. Oh yea, that's right. It's only for members of congress, the senate and the President. 🙂
Okay, I know I said I was done. However, I cannot let this be looked over. Would you please be so kind as to point me to the Bible verse or verses that say everyone has a right to healthcare?
Thank You
I replied in the wrong place! I hope Annie reads this.
How funny, I just wrote you a comment! 🙂
Southernsweetie, I do not know Bible verses. I simply don't read the Bible. However, I think there is a verse that is something like "We are our brothers Keepers", "Do onto others as you would have done unto yourself", and "Whatsoever you do to the the little one's you do to me".
That it was I drew my interpretation from. I am not a literalist when it comes to bible verse, I hear the words and decide what it means to me.
You don't want your life to become static so it is necessary to want to achieve more. The mind will tell you to stop you already have enough but the spirit wants to keep going forward.
Randy,I tell you what I want more of....
is your blogs!
Dear Mary Ellen, Thank you for sharing - may you find comfort and strength to rise above your adversity - and may you feel the infinite love that surrounds you today and always.
Thank you so very much.
May I share a few words here from Wattles book The Science of Getting Rich -
" The object of all life is development and everything that lives has an unalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining. No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and attaining more. The purpose of nature is the advancement and unfoldment of life - and every man should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty and richness of life - to be content with less is sinful."
Thank you all for your prayers. I really felt them and I am sure they gave me strength though it all. When I read this blog and comments I can't help but think of a friend who said that so many people had commented to him about how lucky he is to be able to pick his son up from school and spend time with him regularly. He made a comment that at first, disturbed me, by saying that it's a choice, the other fathers choose not too. At first I thought... but they have to work and you fly around in private jets. After thinking more and discussing it with him, I realized he was right. He made a choice to change his life and do whatever it took to get out of poverty and into prosperity. He came from nothing, was told by most that he was crazy to invest in himself and get a real job, yet continued to believe that he could do it and make a life where he controlled his time. I know life is not fair, and I just experienced an extreme example of it, but the truth is, I have a choice of what to do from here. I'm glad to see a janitor happy and satisfied with his work and others who enjoy what they do for living that does not afford them luxuries but let's be honest. We can all blame the government for this mess we are in and yes they do have some accountability, but didn't we all make choices to leverage the hell out of ourselves and live beyond our means? We could all be multi millionaires in 30 years if we just put 10% of our income aside and let it compound. If we are honest, again, we can all do that. Heck we spend that at starbucks, on martini's or a weekend out for dinner. There are exceptions to everything and I am sure many have been thrown a bad hand, but thank you God there are wealthy people out there who are able to lend a helping hand to those in need. And to knock people who have private planes, boats, etc.. Why? I can promise you that if you have ever flew private, you won't enjoy commercial again. And if you have ever sailed for days to islands and enjoyed the beautiful sand while lying on the beach, you would want to do it again and again. It's like a comfortable pair of shoes, you can't wait to put them on again.
God bless you all again for your thoughts and prayers.
In my opinion, I think people have it wrong thinking that everyone who is wealthy suffered all the time to get there or that endless pain is required to succeed.
I suppose if you're working 80 hours a week to impress your boss so you can get a bonus, but miss out on your children growing up because you can't go to their soccer game or the school play, or you're going to law school when you really would rather be a chef in order make mom and dad happy and be "safe", then yeah, I am sure you will suffer greatly and miss out on that "1 in 6 billion" chance.
While I am sure that some people could force themselves to do something out of pure drudgery or because they "have to" to get wealthy, I think some people do get there partially out out of their passion for what they are doing.
For example: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak really love technology.
I don't need to tell the story, but if you have ever heard Steve Wozniak talk about building things, he's like a kid in a candy store. I need not say anything about Steve Jobs and his marketing wizardry.
iPod and iPad anyone?
I am sure they would have done something anyway because they enjoyed it.
In writing, we have JK Rowling, who loved literature so much she studied it at college, and in her darkest hour decided that her purpose in life was to tell the story of a young wizard named Harry.
Or the story of the housewife who taught people to love making their houses homes. Love or loath her, Martha Stewart is still a powerhouse to behold.
I could tell many other stories.
Yes, chance may have something to do with it.
It probably is chance that I have an interest in making beep beep noises, while your interest may be teaching children, or hang-gliding, or telling funny jokes about hamsters.
The point is, if you've ever seen "The Lion King" "There is more to see than can ever be seen, and more to do than can ever be done."
We each only have one life- what will you do, what will you see?
May you all experience what you are looking for.
Good points Tom. Very nicely done. Maybe we don't have to pay our dues, maybe we should expect good fortune and believe we can receive it with ease. 🙂 I like it.
Hi Tom -how great to be a 29 year old dude with your whole life in front of you.
Rather than tell us about the biggest problem you see - let's hear about the biggest opportunity you see - remember imagination really is the true magic carpet - just take some time to imagine yourself rich and famous ( if that's what you want) and start flying. Not too sure what the beep beep thing is about - road runner?? However remember coca cola was once just a recipe sold for $500 and look what an empire it is today thanks to an idea and a dollop of creativity. Forget about the money and the other apparent obstacles - and focus on how you can move towards your dreams today one step at a time. So many of the people who made it really big did so because they had so little going for them they had to make it on their own. Dan Kennedy one of the top marketers says "I had to start my own business cos I was totally unemployable." Bob Proctor left school at 14 and after being fired from multiple jobs ended up a fireman on $4 000 a year - ( he owed $6 000 at that time ) til he read "Think and Grow Rich" at which point he wrote his goal on a piece of paper and would go to the bathroom to read it all the time until one day his co-workers jumped on him, grabbed the note and laughed their heads off at his dream. This humiliating experience was his trigger to leave and do his own thing - and the rest was history! He coined the phrase - MSI - Multiple Streams of Income. He once told me "I dont know how many I have. I know it's several hundred - someone else looks after that. I'm too busy creating them!" Last tip for you Mark that Bob told me once too "Focus on what you want and everything will fall into place. Go Tom Go - Beep beep!!
PS - Glad you agree with my logo in the pic enclosed - You don't have to struggle - if you listen to your heart you will always be prosperous.
I did't see the pic.
You can e-mail it. tedmrak@gmail.com
As for the beep beep thing, I really love synthesizers (love real instruments a lot too), but I like a synthesizer because it can create sounds which real instruments can't. Sounds which can be shaped from nothing.
Which is similar to the stories you have told me. I'll think about this and write a better response.
I believe it was Jim Rohn who said "Be content with what you have, but be eager for more."
Just a small advice for you people who struggle hard and dont ever think you reach anything;Maybe you have to forgive yourself.Yes,I mean it.I realized that 98% of my lack today depended on that I had not forgiven myself for everything in the past that happened to me.tO GET Yourself in the perfect condition for prosperity,you have to forgive yourself.Check it out(thanks Joe) on http://www.radicalforgiveness.com.Before you do that,too many of your blessings will still be in the past and you are going to struggle for nothing!Thanks Randy for your blog.
Excelente Sensei!! Thanks
I read wealth consciousness stuff daily Randy. I have a variety of sources of material but you have become my favorite. Your Blog post are brief but stimulate serious thought around the subject of wealth consciousness. You have a knack for getting right to the heart of the matter. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy what you do.
Randy, its just like you say, prosperity is not needing anything, however its ok to have wants;) I'm not sure how big my yacht will be, but someday my wife and some close friends will be chillin on it on our way to the tropics! I want more!
Randy might jump on your use of "someday" because in reality, you already have the yacht, it's just up to you to manifest it 🙂
These meme's come up again, and again, and again in the course of normal conversations. How many really prosperous-minded people are you going to run into? How many complain about money problems, or joke about not having enough money? It's almost as if most are proud about not having enough, or being content with a little when they want more, but don't have the courage to get uncomfortable as hell to reach out and take what they really want. Thanks Randy!
Yes it's about challenging oneself, growing and reaching our potential as that is living and part of life otherwise it's death, decay and settling.
It's not always even to want or have more possessions, for me personally it's also about creating experiences, new experiences, living feeling and doing.
When I leave this earth I want to have no regrets and to have been able to see, do and experience things as much as possible!!!
Keep up the good work of spreading prosperity. It is so sad to see so many good meaning people with such utter lack, negativity, and limitation in their mindsets! You are the man!
Definitely is a balancing act between enjoying what you have and staying hungry for more. I cringe when I hear comments like the one above in your post. To be blunt, statements like that tell me that someone has given up on their dreams. Of course, not everyone wants a yacht, but it's human nature to continually want more, do better, and achieve more. Jim Rohn used to have a saying and an analogy, something to the effect of, ever try to get a tree to stop growing?
Yes. I think that is why the bible uses so many parables relating to tree's and bearing fruit. Also the parable about the talons. I love the story of the talons. I think people misunderstand the meaning. My understanding is the one who was given one talon, and buried it, was called a useless servant. If you do not use what you are given, you will not be entrusted with more. If you multiply what you are given, you will be given more, and much more will be expected. These people chose to look at their assignment in different ways. Some took on the responsibility given and used their talents to increase. The one with one, chose to take the attitude that his master did not sow what he had reaped so why should his multiply. There is so much profound wisdom in this parable. I hope you all take time to study it. It speaks volumes about prosperity and the way in which we are rewarded for multiplying.
Really looking forward to the health posts!
Thanks Randy for this amazing post. Truly learning so many new things from you. Just got a fee books of yours on my tablet looking forward to more.
*I want More*
It's amazing! That guy is "happy with what he has", but he still reads your posts. Isn't that called a paradox? If he is so happy, he should be reading comic strips on a bench in the park. I also believe that being grateful for what you have is important. But affirming that you don't want more is pure laziness. And people who say that they are happy with only air and love are lying. It gives them the justification not to get off their a.. .
I am trying to understand all of this now. I am truly confused. I really don't know if I can believe everyone in the world can manifest a yacht or millions, billions of dollars and it having no effect on the earth.
For instance, could it be someone's potential to just be a janitor, or garbage collector? I mean these things are important. Or are they also supposed to find other outlets for making money as well? Do we all have the skills, talents, and desire to be wealthy? Or is prosperity and individual construct?
I am still thinking about money and wondering if it is even real? I watched your video and I really liked it, and as always it is so positive, but is it truth or theory? And if we believe what your saying is true does it make it true because we believe it?
Really it is a little like a belief in God right? I mean believing prosperity is infinite? Do you think it can be scientifically proven?
For instance, if gold backs up money's worth, how much gold is there? Does it matter? For instance to me the national deficit is beyond my comprehension. I think is all that money real or is it just a representation of some other kind of value?
It seems dumb, but isn't most matter finite? These are deep philosophical issues and difficult to answer. So, would you say you are really teaching beliefs that may or may not be true? But, it is in our best interest to believe this way, because it is more positive?
Sometimes, I wonder if it is just wishful thinking and if it isn't better to be more in touch with reality.
However, I do think that always challenging yourself to do better is the best way to live. I definitly agree with that.
I guess what I am thinking is, I don't want to believe all these things and be disappointed. Is it the self discipline that teaches us to find our limits? So, where are the limits?
Annie - YES indeed a Janitor could do it - and in fact has.
There was once a Janitor - who's father had walked out when he was 8 I believe. As an adult he was in working as a janitor with little money. Tho let me go back first to when he was 8 so you get where he came from. You see when he was 8 someone knocked on the door and asked to speak to his father. He called his dad. The delivery man said that he'd heard that he was out of work and he'd come to drop off a food parcel for Thanksgiving. This boys father was insulted and outraged - he tried to slam the door in the delivery persons face. But the person put their foot in the way and told his father that he shouldn't let his pride come in the way of his kids having a good thanksgiving. The person dropped of food and groceries. His father was so humiliated that he walked out and left them. On that day this boy - who had a VERY distrusting father - decided that strangers are good and that one day he'd be a stranger and give to the poor.
At the time he was a depressed janitor with no hope... Then he was in the hall where Jim Rohn was conducting an event - and he heard words that inspired him, and be began to believe in himself....
He saved all year and had enough money to buy 2 families groceries. The first family was spanish, and someone wrote in spanish what he should say on a card and he read out "this is from a friend!" And the single mother with all these kids jumping on his leg, cried and cried with joy!!!! And it filled him with such love that he vowed to do it again... He doubled it the next year....
He's gone on to be a multi millionaire - having spoken to 3 million people.... And his basket brigade that takes food for christmas and thanksgiving now feeds over 3 million people ALL around the year.
That person is Tony Robbins - once a depressed janitor- that just heard some new words that changed his belief and transformed his life. You can too Annie!! We all can if we want to, and shift believe, take the right action, work the right systems, create with amazing people...
Jill Koenig - shares a few more people that also came from little...
Madeline Albright, former US Sec of State first job: Dept Store Bra Sales Clerk
Alan Dershowitz, Author, Attorney first job: Deli Factory Worker
Michael Eisner, former CEO Disney first job: Camp Counselor
Nancy Grace, CNN Host, Attorney first job: Sears Candy Clerk
Jay Leno, Comedian, Host of The Tonight Show first job: McDonalds
Cal Ripken, jr, Former Major League Baseball player first job: Errand Boy in Minor League Clubhouse
Tony Robbins, Author, Motivational Speaker first job: Janitor
Gene Simmons, KISS Rock Star first job: Paper Boy
Russell Simmons, Founder Def Jam Records first job: fast food- Orange Julius
George Steinbrenner, owner NY Yankees first job: Raising Chickens
Isiah Thomas, Former NBA Basketball Player first job: Shoe Shine Boy
Donald Trump, Real Estate Investor first job: Collected Soda Bottles, then Rent Money for father
Oprah Winfrey, Billionaire, Talk Show Host first job: Radio Station Announcer
All it is a choice, Annie... 🙂
Randy Gage: minimum wage dishwasher at Mr. C's Pancake & Steak House!
Randy weren't you a teenager? I mean what else are you gonna do at that age, be the CFO of GE? I mean come on you guys that is not what I am talking about. Your story is still impressive, not saying that.
I'm saying that, what if a person wants to be a dishwasher, is there something wrong with that? Or do you believe that these people are just hiding behind excuses? Oh, it doesn't matter, I just think to much. I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, Annie
How could I leave off my favourite man in the whole world?!!!
Well - kay I didn't leave you off - Jill did.
You're up there!!!!
And Annie - at 15 Randy was a high school drop out... No contacts, no leg ups into success, moved to a new state, lied about his age to get a promotion to manager....
Anyway - sure if someone WANTS to be a dishwasher they can be. But who dreams all their life of being a DISHWASHER? Really?
My daughter for instance, used to say she wants to be a mother. I would say - you're greater than that, you can be a mother and make a difference. She said a teacher. I asked how she'd touch the world, how many schools would she build? Then she said a farmer...
Her dreams change - and each time, I say "You can be that AND more, dream BIG!"
I didn't have that - each dream I had my mother told me I couldn't achieve. That's the story for MOST people. They END UP the dishwasher not out of a dream, but out of toxic programming....
Speaking of toxic programming, have you thought about the fact that telling your daughter everytime she tells you her dream, that you can be even better, is in a sense saying your dream isn't good enough?
Real support and positive programming comes from unconditional support. I am not saying you are not doing that, you may well be. However, on the flip side you might be discouraging your daughter from her real dream.
Also, your are sending the message that women who stay at home with their children are not making a difference in the world. I was a stay at home mom and I have made a difference in the world. Many mothers stay at home and never have had any other job,are you saying they haven't made a difference? I know men who stay at home and raise their children. I hope you are not saying that. Maybe you are not, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
I know you said your daughter said she wanted to be a "mother" and you told her you can do better than that. Mothering, whether you stay at home, or go to work is in and of itself a chance to make a difference in the world. Raising a happy loving child to give more love to the world, is a HUGE thing. I don't like the "mommy wars" either. I think the point of women's rights or any human beings' is to be able to choose what they want their life to look like. Your daughter should have that right too. If she decides when she is older she just wants to be a mother, I hope you support her.
To me the things you are saying to your daughter also reflect and attitude that some careers and people are better than others. I am sure you don't want to do that.
I am sorry your mother didn't support your dreams Natalie. Their is nothing worse than that, (trust me I know). To be honest though, I am not sure that what you are saying to your daughter is really supportive either.
Sorry Natalie, Patrick is my husband and he wrote a comment earlier.
PS Natalie, I also wanted to say everyone should be encouraged to pursue "their" dream. Also, we all should be supported especially by our parents, in following and owning those dreams.
Oh Natalie, I loved that story! Thanks for sharing. It really is inspirational, and he helped so many others too. I Love it.
However, not to put a damper on it, but it isn't what I meant. I know there are lots of success stories like that, they are fabulous. We see lots of them on American Idol, and I think people are enthralled by them (myself included). But, what I meant was what if someone wanted to be a janitor and enjoyed it? It is an important job (have you read "Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth"?), someone has to do it. Could that possibly be someone's true potential, and if it is what is wrong with that? It is kinda insulting actually to suggest otherwise, don't you agree?
I am not saying that someone who is a janitor,etc...can't become something else if they want to, but what if they don't want to? Does that mean they will never reach their true potential or ever have the chance to be considered properous?
Thanks, Annie
Prosperity is about what brings joy to your life. And if someone is happy as a janitor, it's not my place to tell them different. But I believe the natural human condition is to grow and develop. I have been a janitor, dishwasher, cook, paper boy, and delivery guy. And we need cooks waiters, janitors, etc. But for people of prosperity consciousness, these are jobs they do to earn a living and develop experience on their journey to something higher.
I enjoyed being a restaurant cook when I was 17. When I lost everything at 30 and had to get a job as a breakfast cook in a dinette in a drug store, it didn't quite have the same level of satisfaction!
Wow, you have had a really interesting life! 🙂 I hope you get to see your movie this weekend. I read a review of "Atlas Shrugged", it looked good.
BTW, you didn't mention that novel had graphic sex scenes, (it said this in the review of the movie I read). I bet if you had mentioned that more people would have read it sooner!!! (Just Kidding. Kinda. 🙂
I also have to say, I think it is so beautiful how you want everyone to have abundance. I love that I really do, and I hope you continue to have so much abundance, and myself too. Thanks Randy, for all your kind replies.
PS I will just shut up now.
We all seem to agree that everyone is capable of becoming anything that they want to. It's a matter of whether they make the choice to do so. A very small minority of the population will decide that they're satisfied with a basic, minimum wage job. They might not be super intelligent perhaps, (let's face it, there are people on both ends of the bell curve and the less intelligent among us aren't going to become rocket scientists). For some, being a janitor is fulfilling their maximum potential. I would say that the majority of people making minimum wage however are there because they don't believe that they deserve better - maybe that it's their lot in life. There will be some brilliantly intelligent people in this group but their upbringing probably didn't support and encourage above average results and they haven't managed to break the pattern. Matt Damon's portrayal in the movie 'Good Will Hunting' is a good example of this.
Then there's the next step up - people making double, trip, quadruple the minimum wage. The majority of people sit here and always will. To quote Jim Rohn again here on this thread, "it's just the way it is". Their upbring, on average, was probably better than the category mentioned before, but they still don't believe that they deserve better. Some of them will have busted out of the category mentioned before. Then some, a small minority, will bust out of here and push through to creating the lifestyle others dream about.
The point I'm making here is that statistics apply to the masses but not to individuals. Almost everyone is capable, but not everyone will. Some minute number of people are suited to minimum wage jobs but the vast majority of them don't really want to be there, they're just not going to do what they need to do to break through.
Carmen, thank you for your reply. I do not believe we all can agree that everyone is capable of being whatever they want, that just isn't so. You can say it all you want but it doesn't make it a reality. (If only Simon Cowell could weigh in on this discussion! :))
I have to tell you too, that being a janitor does not equate to having a minimum wage position here in America. I worked in a psychiatrists office where certified and licensed therapists were making less than the Janitor! Crazy, huh?
Carmen, I reread your post. I have to say I agree there are some, myself included, who settle for less not thinking we are capable or worthy of doing, getting more. In trying to figure this out for myself, I was thinking about those individuals who might just be happy at some of the jobs mentioned above, and didn't care if they could be making more, becuase they actually enjoyed doing what they do.
I think a lot of people (myself included) struggle with worthiness issues.
(In fact, I am quite uncultured and uneducated, and my only saving grace is that I am an auto-didact.)
We don't exactly have a culture in the US where the majority of people are encouraged to be themselves.
Most of the people I have known who were encouraged to be the best version of themselves either came from wealthy or upper middle class backgrounds.
Union workers don't encourage their children to be great artists or doctors; they expect them to have a "good stable job" and get a pension.
We have a culture where we do what someone else wants, and we buy products/watch TV and live out our fantasies that way. Or through other people.
(I am not against entertainment or TV.)
I am not sure how the hell I would ever be able to do this, but with many schools cutting the arts, especially music programs, there must be a way to create some sort of initiative to get more people interested in learning about and appreciating music.
There is also a lot of room for creating/improving better sound/performance technology.
The biggest problem I see is, I won't be able to do much without a lot of cash and a lot of clout.
I am neither famous nor rich; Just some 29 year old dude who likes beep beep noises. lol
I think that it's important to distinguish between possibility and probability. Is it possible for a paraplegic to become a marathon runner? I think yes, (we just haven't figured it out yet). Is it probable? I would say no. Is it possible for a very low IQ individual to become a rocket scientist? I would say yes. Is it probable? No. If you had cancer and I came to you and told you that the cure already existed and it's been proven my government scientists, you would probably say that it was possible, but improbable.
You see we close ourselves off to results because of our thinking. Things that were impossible before and now possible. By being open to everything being possible, we increase their probability - we open ourselves up to the universe to provide it to us.
Yes, I see your point. I don't want to squash anyones enthusiam or discourage new ideas and ways of thinking. I also wouldn't want someone to sacrafice their dream to practicality, but there is time to know when to say when. Thanks for your thoughts, I liked them very much.
I enjoy what I have now and ask God to help me to do now what will make tomorrow even better, by helping me face challenges to grow into my potential...there is so much in life to experience and when we grow we allow ourselves access to that. Money and possessions are just the tools that we acquire for that purpose, not in and of themselves the goal.
Amen Eve. God brings challenges into our lives and others that we are not humanly capable of understanding, since we do not see things as God see's them from his infinite plan. One thing I can say for truth, every adversity, leaves with it the seeds of greatness. It's what makes us stronger. That's the purpose. We may not like it but we always come out of it changed, and hopefully for the better. That's our free will choice too.
I am reminded of the saying that at the end of it all, it is never what we do that we will regret, it is what we could have done, have or become, but did not.
And what is that hell of the gnashing of teeth, if not regret over what could have been?
Once we truly understand just how infinite the Abundance in the Universe is, we MUST eradicate the beliefs that we're not worthy of it. This is a steep climb as you know, since the majority of us, me included, were taught otherwise.
I'm a firm proponent of Wally Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich, and as you know, we must FIRST move from the competitive to the CREATIVE mind, hold our vision as if we already have it and above all, BE GRATEFUL.
I love how you approach Prosperity as well as being true to the fact that it's our THOUGHTS that create our REALITY. Bravo for taking all of us on and committing to everyone enjoying the abundance of the Universe. Thanks Randy!
Thanks, Randy.
It seems that some of us who are following this blog, and commenting, are pretending that we've got it all figured out. I'd love to know how many of the people who are agreeing with you 100% are actually as prosperous as you?
If we aren't (like me) it is because at some (non) conscious level, we DON'T really agree with what you say.
Consequently, it is more productive, friends, to admit that somehow, you don't quite get it...than to pretend you do!
Being grateful for what we've got is indeed a slippery slope. "Wanting" is equally slippy, and I'll admit, I'm slipping around on that one! I want...which reminds me of what I haven't got...which attracts more of what I don't want...dang!!
The best that I can say is, Whether I achieve my Prosperity Goals, or not, the Process is a mighty interesting adventure.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't have it all figured out either! I’m just a guy who started off poor, uneducated, unhealthy, unhappy, and unfulfilled, who has been able to manifest a life of magnificent abundance. This blog is my running commentary on what's working and not working for me and the people I work with.
Evaluate these ideas, apply them and see what they can do for you. And if they work for you the way they have for me, please spread the word and circulate the abundance yet further.
I'm going to throw up a thing of ambivalence... I hate how greedy corporations can be.. GE on 14b profits... and not pay any tax... 700 tax lawyers on the payroll.. well if we don't we'll take our biz elsewhere.. etc..
All these entitlement programs .. well how you going to pay for it?? etc..
As a Canuck I look at how f - your health care system is you pay twice as much as us, and get half the service all because of greedy insurance co's and frivolous lawsuits..
Don't believe me.. read the http://www.theglobeandmail.com
click on the life section and read how a doc from New York checked out our health care system and coudn't believe how people got served without an insurance card... she says I didn't become a doctor to get rich.. I did it to serve people ..and the system has screwed me and the patients over...
My point being.. find a balance between what you want to do do and greed...
I would agree that the health care system in the US is fucked up. But that's because of the government meddling in it, not because it is a free market situation. (Which it certainly is not.)
That's nice that the woman you mention became a doctor to serve people. But if she doesn't get her own needs met first - doesn't take care of the money thing - she can't much help others. Interesting parallel is Emile Cady who was a metaphysical healer.
She decided she didn't want to charge anything for her services and then she began experiencing serious lack. She realized that she also needed to ask and accept for her prosperity, so she did. She because quite prosperous and still served anyone who came to her, regardless of their ability to pay.
Randy, it is not so simple why the Health Care system is a mess. I'm not saying that our Government isn't making mistakes, but really do you believe that is the only reason?
To me you have shifted your oppression from rich people, when you were younger, to the Government. Now the Government is oppressing and causing you to be victimized, by taxation and meddling in health care. Do you really do your research? Have you seen Michael Moore's movie? And, no I don't think everything in that film was completely fair, but it was for the most part a good appraisal of the troubles facing Health Care in America. Remember too, that we vote for taxation in America often times. Majority rules, love it, or hate it.
If you feel the same even after all those considerations, fine. To be honest in 2003 when I was a graduate student of social work at KU, I was one of only two students who believed in Universal Health care, which really saddened me,(I mean we were to be social workers for God's sake!).
Did you just mention a Michael Moore movie with a straight face!?! BAHAHAHAHAHA!
I needed that laugh, thank-you.
I listen to Conservative theories as well, and I don't laugh at them, even though I may not agree. I happen to think all view points are valid, and help us to see what is the best choice for our society's welfare.
Some of those cases in that movie, whether or not you agree with the premise, were tragic, and I happen to find your reaction callous. I am just hoping maybe you didn't actually see the film. Maybe you should if you haven't. We learn the most by hearing all points of view.
Not sure why, but I cannot post under your comment to my comment, to your comment...
My reaction to Michael Moore has nothing to do with the people he interviews in his movies. He, to quote a favorite GEICO commercial, is a jackwagon.
Michale Moore is a mind virus with his own zipcode, I would not purposely infect or subject myself with and to his filth. I'm not a sadist.
If there was ever a champion for the victim, it's Michael Moore. He sees every situation as what was done to someone, and seeks "justice" from the government. He never sees the event (or tragedy, as you so "doom and gloomily" put it) as an opportunity for the person to rise up and be better from what happened.
At some point, you have to realize that not every point of view IS valid. Everyone has a right to their point of view; that doesn't make their point of view right, stable, or legal.
Oh! It did post under your comment... go me! 🙂
First of all, I think you meant to say you're not a 'masochist,'" not a sadist. A sadist is one who inflicts pain on others. Second of all, I disagree with you: you ARE a sadist, because you're killing me with your ignorance!
The reason the US is the only civilized country without Universal Health Care, is because the rest of the world realizes that health care should not be a "for profit" enterprise. Look, all you prosperity seekers can have all the fancy cars you want (Randy), the biggest house on the block, the niftiest threads in fashion, and the glitziest jewelry. But when you get off on having health care when someone else doesn't, or making a major killing on someone else's illnesses, etc., well, that makes you just about as sick and broken as our health care system.
Show your "superiority" in other arenas, if you like. No one has a problem with that. But when you agree with a system that will turn away those without health care, (and 44,000 Americans die each year for that very reason), well, that just pure evil. Obama got health care for those without it. OOOOh, what a horrible, evil man. If you've been brainwashed enough to actually think that way, or you want to whine about paying a little more in taxes, so others might live, then you need a serious morality check.
By the way, do Libertarians think that it is EVER okay to pay taxes?
First of all, I think you meant to consult a dictionary before you threw out your tart response. According to Merriam-Webster, I used the word sadist correctly. Whose ignorance is killing whom here?
There are options for all people in America to have health insurance and care. Whether or not you choose to make it a priority and pay for it, is up to you. It's your choice, and you're responsible for that decision. NOT the government. And don't tell me it's too expensive! It's a choice. Well all make choices as to what we spend our money on.
I would kindly suggest you do not make assumptions about me that are tainted with your own prejudice and lack of information. You don't know me, you don't know what I know, or what I "get off on". Business has a right to profit. Doctors don't work for free, nor should they be expected to.
What is sick and broken is our current government and our elected officials. Sick and broken are the people who don't know there needs to be a change. Sick and broken are the victims who look to someone other then themselves to "fix" their problems.
The reason the US is the only civilized country without Universal Health Care, is because we masquerade as a democracy. By design, we were never to be a country that was dependent on our government.
My goal here, is not to show superiority. Your rant is very angry, and I would suggest you look at what you are saying. You appear to have an issue with prosperity, wealth, etc. I would encourage you to look at that in yourself, and discover why you are holding those beliefs.
I know full well I am not brainwashed, I am not evil, my thoughts are not evil, and my morality is not in need of questioning. I am aware of no hospital or doctor that turns people away because they have no health insurance. They are all quite happy to accept cash.:) Most healthcare providers and facilities will also give non insured patients a discount. So to say they are "turned away for no insurance" is not factual.
As I have not properly researched the Libertarian party, I cannot attach that label to myself or my beliefs. Perhaps Randy would like to weigh in on this from a Libertarian perspective?
Taxes are unconstitutional, do not get me started. We've taken this thread far of course already.
Southernsweetie, I wanted to reply to you as well. My husband is an avid Michael Moore fan so he wanted to weigh in.
I will tell you though, I doubt my husband will reply again, so I will just say this on his behalf. Pat is a man of facts and very rarely gets them wrong. If he quoted a number about how many Americans get turned away for not having health insurance, rest assured it is a fact. He is very particular about not misconstruing the truth. He has been a guest editorialist for our newspaper, and when he writes something he makes sure he gets all the facts and figures correct.
I only want to say I hope you do watch Michael Moore's film, before you determine it is filth. You seem like a woman who is firm minded, I don't think you have to worry about being infected with Michael Moore mind virus.
Michael Moore is also very critical of the government, and he in my opinion is a man of social justice. He try's to point out what is bad for the citizen's of this country, and if the government has made a mistake he points that out too. Not to say he is never wrong, everyone makes mistakes.
I will say this, and I am done with the topic. IT IS ILLEGAL for a healthcare provider (DOCTOR OR FACILITY)to turn someone way for not having health insurance! Now, these 44,000 people he speaks of might not have received care from the number one doctor in the country, or the facility might not be the newest in the city, but healthcare WAS available to them!
Moore is critical of the government because he wants them to do more. He wants to continue the nightmare of victim hood citing that the government needs to rise up and save us from our own choices! He's looking for a handout. I simply cannot support that way of thinking.
This was the premise of Roger and Me as well. He didn't suggest the laid off GM plant workers pull themselves up by their bootstraps and find a new job. NO! He took GM to task for daring to close their doors and leaving these people unemployed! In the same vein, he's not asking the uninsured to insure themselves. He's blaming the government for not doing it for them! To buy into Micheal Moore is to buy into being the victim! And as Randy would say, " that dog don't hunt!"
Well Randy I disagree ever see Sicko Michael Moore's doc on health care?? Every civilized country has universal health care... except the US... I don't believe you should lose your house because you didn't have the right insurance or you can't get insurance because of a health problem or any of the other nightmare scenarios that can happen in the US... I'm all for free markets, but health care should be a basic right of every citizen...
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I so agree. I think health care should be the right of everyone.
Annie 😉
The "right" of everyone? So we should just conscript doctors, nurses and other health care providers to work for free? Are you okay with other forms of slavery also?
Randy,of course Doctors and Nurses should be paid and paid well. I believe in other countries with universal healthcare their medical employees are paid well.
Even in communist Czech Republic, where my ex-boyfriend's father was a surgeon, he was paid, and they lived better than most of the citizens in his country and city.
No, I am not for slavery, you should know that by now.
PS Randy, it is from my interpretation of Christian philosophy that I believe everyone should have a right to health care. I think if we have a chance to help people live longer or live better we should do it, regardless of higher taxes. It isn't, in my opinion, always our place to say who is deserving and who isn't.
David- We do have universal health care here in the US. Oh yea, that's right. It's only for members of congress, the senate and the President. 🙂
Okay, I know I said I was done. However, I cannot let this be looked over. Would you please be so kind as to point me to the Bible verse or verses that say everyone has a right to healthcare?
Thank You
I replied in the wrong place! I hope Annie reads this.
How funny, I just wrote you a comment! 🙂
Southernsweetie, I do not know Bible verses. I simply don't read the Bible. However, I think there is a verse that is something like "We are our brothers Keepers", "Do onto others as you would have done unto yourself", and "Whatsoever you do to the the little one's you do to me".
That it was I drew my interpretation from. I am not a literalist when it comes to bible verse, I hear the words and decide what it means to me.
You don't want your life to become static so it is necessary to want to achieve more. The mind will tell you to stop you already have enough but the spirit wants to keep going forward.
Randy,I tell you what I want more of....
is your blogs!
Dear Mary Ellen, Thank you for sharing - may you find comfort and strength to rise above your adversity - and may you feel the infinite love that surrounds you today and always.
Thank you so very much.
May I share a few words here from Wattles book The Science of Getting Rich -
" The object of all life is development and everything that lives has an unalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining. No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and attaining more. The purpose of nature is the advancement and unfoldment of life - and every man should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty and richness of life - to be content with less is sinful."
Thank you all for your prayers. I really felt them and I am sure they gave me strength though it all. When I read this blog and comments I can't help but think of a friend who said that so many people had commented to him about how lucky he is to be able to pick his son up from school and spend time with him regularly. He made a comment that at first, disturbed me, by saying that it's a choice, the other fathers choose not too. At first I thought... but they have to work and you fly around in private jets. After thinking more and discussing it with him, I realized he was right. He made a choice to change his life and do whatever it took to get out of poverty and into prosperity. He came from nothing, was told by most that he was crazy to invest in himself and get a real job, yet continued to believe that he could do it and make a life where he controlled his time. I know life is not fair, and I just experienced an extreme example of it, but the truth is, I have a choice of what to do from here. I'm glad to see a janitor happy and satisfied with his work and others who enjoy what they do for living that does not afford them luxuries but let's be honest. We can all blame the government for this mess we are in and yes they do have some accountability, but didn't we all make choices to leverage the hell out of ourselves and live beyond our means? We could all be multi millionaires in 30 years if we just put 10% of our income aside and let it compound. If we are honest, again, we can all do that. Heck we spend that at starbucks, on martini's or a weekend out for dinner. There are exceptions to everything and I am sure many have been thrown a bad hand, but thank you God there are wealthy people out there who are able to lend a helping hand to those in need. And to knock people who have private planes, boats, etc.. Why? I can promise you that if you have ever flew private, you won't enjoy commercial again. And if you have ever sailed for days to islands and enjoyed the beautiful sand while lying on the beach, you would want to do it again and again. It's like a comfortable pair of shoes, you can't wait to put them on again.
God bless you all again for your thoughts and prayers.
In my opinion, I think people have it wrong thinking that everyone who is wealthy suffered all the time to get there or that endless pain is required to succeed.
I suppose if you're working 80 hours a week to impress your boss so you can get a bonus, but miss out on your children growing up because you can't go to their soccer game or the school play, or you're going to law school when you really would rather be a chef in order make mom and dad happy and be "safe", then yeah, I am sure you will suffer greatly and miss out on that "1 in 6 billion" chance.
While I am sure that some people could force themselves to do something out of pure drudgery or because they "have to" to get wealthy, I think some people do get there partially out out of their passion for what they are doing.
For example: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak really love technology.
I don't need to tell the story, but if you have ever heard Steve Wozniak talk about building things, he's like a kid in a candy store. I need not say anything about Steve Jobs and his marketing wizardry.
iPod and iPad anyone?
I am sure they would have done something anyway because they enjoyed it.
In writing, we have JK Rowling, who loved literature so much she studied it at college, and in her darkest hour decided that her purpose in life was to tell the story of a young wizard named Harry.
Or the story of the housewife who taught people to love making their houses homes. Love or loath her, Martha Stewart is still a powerhouse to behold.
I could tell many other stories.
Yes, chance may have something to do with it.
It probably is chance that I have an interest in making beep beep noises, while your interest may be teaching children, or hang-gliding, or telling funny jokes about hamsters.
The point is, if you've ever seen "The Lion King" "There is more to see than can ever be seen, and more to do than can ever be done."
We each only have one life- what will you do, what will you see?
May you all experience what you are looking for.
Good points Tom. Very nicely done. Maybe we don't have to pay our dues, maybe we should expect good fortune and believe we can receive it with ease. 🙂 I like it.
Hi Tom -how great to be a 29 year old dude with your whole life in front of you.
Rather than tell us about the biggest problem you see - let's hear about the biggest opportunity you see - remember imagination really is the true magic carpet - just take some time to imagine yourself rich and famous ( if that's what you want) and start flying. Not too sure what the beep beep thing is about - road runner?? However remember coca cola was once just a recipe sold for $500 and look what an empire it is today thanks to an idea and a dollop of creativity. Forget about the money and the other apparent obstacles - and focus on how you can move towards your dreams today one step at a time. So many of the people who made it really big did so because they had so little going for them they had to make it on their own. Dan Kennedy one of the top marketers says "I had to start my own business cos I was totally unemployable." Bob Proctor left school at 14 and after being fired from multiple jobs ended up a fireman on $4 000 a year - ( he owed $6 000 at that time ) til he read "Think and Grow Rich" at which point he wrote his goal on a piece of paper and would go to the bathroom to read it all the time until one day his co-workers jumped on him, grabbed the note and laughed their heads off at his dream. This humiliating experience was his trigger to leave and do his own thing - and the rest was history! He coined the phrase - MSI - Multiple Streams of Income. He once told me "I dont know how many I have. I know it's several hundred - someone else looks after that. I'm too busy creating them!" Last tip for you Mark that Bob told me once too "Focus on what you want and everything will fall into place. Go Tom Go - Beep beep!!
PS - Glad you agree with my logo in the pic enclosed - You don't have to struggle - if you listen to your heart you will always be prosperous.
I did't see the pic.
You can e-mail it. tedmrak@gmail.com
As for the beep beep thing, I really love synthesizers (love real instruments a lot too), but I like a synthesizer because it can create sounds which real instruments can't. Sounds which can be shaped from nothing.
Which is similar to the stories you have told me. I'll think about this and write a better response.
I believe it was Jim Rohn who said "Be content with what you have, but be eager for more."
Just a small advice for you people who struggle hard and dont ever think you reach anything;Maybe you have to forgive yourself.Yes,I mean it.I realized that 98% of my lack today depended on that I had not forgiven myself for everything in the past that happened to me.tO GET Yourself in the perfect condition for prosperity,you have to forgive yourself.Check it out(thanks Joe) on http://www.radicalforgiveness.com.Before you do that,too many of your blessings will still be in the past and you are going to struggle for nothing!Thanks Randy for your blog.
Excelente Sensei!! Thanks
I read wealth consciousness stuff daily Randy. I have a variety of sources of material but you have become my favorite. Your Blog post are brief but stimulate serious thought around the subject of wealth consciousness. You have a knack for getting right to the heart of the matter. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy what you do.