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Think Differently

Posted By: Randy GageApril 23, 2013

Here’s a fact – both metaphysical and scientific:  Healthy people think differently than sick people, happy people think differently than depressed people, and wealthy people think differently than broke people. 

Unfortunately, it seems natural when you’re sick to think about your runny nose, cough, aches, or pain.  When you’re depressed, it’s easy to think about all the things that haven’t gone the way you want.  And when you’re broke, the stress of looming bills can dominate your thoughts.

But the only way to change your results – is to change the way you think.


13 comments on “Think Differently”

  1. I think it's how you feel about your life. If you feel great, it's easy to think positive and overcome some opbstacles on your way. But if your in a negative spiral and your life s*cks it's hard to see things positive. And because you feel bad, you hate it to work your way out.

  2. So true!
    Even when the cause and effect is probably in reverse. Healthy thoughts produce healthy people etc ... 🙂

  3. Pensamientos positivos siempre, todas las situaciones de la vida nos dejan abundancia, por el aprendizaje y por lo que compartes con otros súper, gracias Randy

  4. Yes, our body or feeling can direct how we think. One way to change it, hang around with a positive group. The saying you are who you hang out with stays true.

  5. Once you truly understand the truth "we reap what we sow" you'll know exactly what to do. Sow money, love, recognition, attention etc.

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  • 13 comments on “Think Differently”

    1. I think it's how you feel about your life. If you feel great, it's easy to think positive and overcome some opbstacles on your way. But if your in a negative spiral and your life s*cks it's hard to see things positive. And because you feel bad, you hate it to work your way out.

    2. So true!
      Even when the cause and effect is probably in reverse. Healthy thoughts produce healthy people etc ... 🙂

    3. Pensamientos positivos siempre, todas las situaciones de la vida nos dejan abundancia, por el aprendizaje y por lo que compartes con otros súper, gracias Randy

    4. Yes, our body or feeling can direct how we think. One way to change it, hang around with a positive group. The saying you are who you hang out with stays true.

    5. Once you truly understand the truth "we reap what we sow" you'll know exactly what to do. Sow money, love, recognition, attention etc.

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