So newly inaugurated Alabama Governor Robert Bentley told a church crowd that those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior are not his brothers and sisters. Once again this demonstrates the intolerance of many proclaiming themselves as fundamentalists, and how they miss the mark they claim to aspire to. And how dangerous it is to let these people govern…
It is the perfect example of my comments in yesterday’s post about people who worship creeds, doctrines, and dogma, but don’t actually live the principles they are forever braying to the world.
They view God as a cosmic Santa Claus, who’s making a list and checking it twice, gonna’ find out who’s naughty and nice. And they see faith as a cosmic frequent flyer program. They’re forever attacking people of other faiths, figuring they’ll accumulate enough points to win the award ticket to the afterlife.
Want to know real Truth?
Let your limited conceptions, prejudices, and judgments that you are so tenaciously clinging to fall away from you. Stop looking at your own religion as superior to all the others. Instead, endeavor to learn the real lessons of love it teaches and strive live by them.
Release the belief that the Savior you worship is the only one, and that the Savior someone else worships is an impostor. If you really want to walk the path of holiness, you realize that every holy person is a savior.
Dear Randy... This is so true, The true savior is within us. We can never find him else where outside our true subconscious self.
And who are we to judge others? this only means we don't really know who we are... If we spend much time analyzing ourselves and understanding the power that lies within, we will have less or no time to find faults in others...
.... and Randy, thank u so much. Be blessed!
I really appreciate the guts this probably took to put this up for sure Randy. Though I do agree typically with what you say there are some statements I don't quite agree with, but I do understand the point is to make us really analyze and think, which I highly respect. I am very thankful to you for being able to say some things no matter what other people will say in order for us to really sit back and think about why we believe things, and just in general what we believe.
Thanks for a thoughtful response.
Anybody who believes anything this man writes is only comdeming themselves to an eternity in hell. There is a real truth out there and its found in the word of God.
There is only one way to see God and His name is Jesus Christ!
Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life. NO MAN comes unto the Father, BUT BY ME!" John 14:6
Now refute that.....
I think you have distorted Christ's message. Christ was loving, it isn't very loving to condemn us all to hell, now is it?
I don't know where I am going when I die, but I think like all things we probably get to choose.
I think Randy's going to heaven, and I don't even agree with him most of the time. 🙂 (Although I don't know now after the Pope hat thing)
Yes God IS a loving God, but also a jealous God.We condemn OURSELVES to hell by our actions. God allows that freedom of choice
Wade said: “I am the way the truth and the life. NO MAN comes unto the Father, BUT BY ME!” John 14:6
Bob said: “I am the way the truth and the life. NO MAN comes unto the Father, BUT BY ME!” John 14:6
Sue said: “I am the way the truth and the life. NO MAN comes unto the Father, BUT BY ME!” John 14:6
Don't you get it Jesus was, and is teaching us that the answer is in us.... you, me, everyone.
The Real Truth?
Randy, I agree with most of your points. Yet, I don't agree at all with it being presented as Truth, much less the Real Truth.
Whatever we believe is simply what we believe, what we accept by faith. There is no knowing for sure what Truth is.
I love what you teach and the way you teach it. Your perspectives, understandings and beliefs resonate with me. But that's how I see them, as perspectives, understandings and beliefs, not Real Truth.
That's my take on it.
Actually I'd agree with you. I'm tweaking those that proclaim their truth is the real truth. This blog is just my truth as I know it and an opportunity to get the dialogue going.
NO, NO, NO. Some of it is real truth. You just ruined my response!!! Hmpf!
Well if Annie is agreeing with me for the first time on anything, then I must know the real Truth! I may even run for Pope, since I look fabulous in those hats!
You are impossible. And you would look better in a baseball hat.:)
The Papal hat--fabulous!
Except not in the Viper 😉
You do look great in the "pope hat." I guess I might otherwise call it the papal mitre.
Anyway, if you ever run for pope, I'll vote for ya!
Thanks for the great posts
There is definitly real truth out there. The truth is the truth, if that makes any sense.
I can't believe this, but I am actually going to stick up for Randy here. What he wrote after he said "Want to know the real truth?", is the truth, it is a principle of love and tolerance. Love is a truth, it is perhaps the loveliest truth of all.
Love is love no matter how you say it, and it can't be anything else. It is the highest truth, and it is true for everyone. There really are universal truths out there.
You should really endeavor to know love when you see it, and hate when you see it. You must. We all know, just like animals have instincts, what is love and what is not. It is real and it is palpable. So is hate, you know hate when you see it. Hate is just as real as love, and love and hate are the same for everyone all the world over. That's why Shakespeare is still relevent hundreds of years later.
Absolutely, Annie. There are some universal truths. When we choose to denigrate those who don't hold with our beliefs, then we are ignoring (or maybe just ignorant of) those universal truths.
Annie, my belief is this: Just as it cannot be proved that a God/Infinite Intelligence exists, no one can prove that what he or she believes on the matters under discussion is Truth. What I believe is a matter of faith, not a matter of me having discovered Truth.
Whether it is a fundamentalist or a new thought person making a statement about God, morality, etc, both are stating their opinion, not Truth. Deeply feeling something is Truth doesn't prove it is.
I defiantly see what you are saying annie for sure. We should be loving towards other people not attacking them, but tolerance is another issue. In fact by saying be tolerant, that in and of itself is intolerance. By telling someone to be tolerant of someone else's beliefs, you in and of yourself are intolerant of that person's belief to spread their beliefs. Now attacking someone else, and being cruel is different then having a discussion with someone else about their beliefs and question why they believe something. Now I do agree that there is truth, and yes I do believe their is love and their is the absence of love (hate), but tolerancy is another matter. I do understand what Alan was talking about, when saying that the Real Truth is all religions are true (sorry Randy if that's not what you were going for and I just misunderstood) than yes I see what he is saying that, that is not an absolute truth. Now also again, I do believe their are things that other religions say that are incredibly true and that I can apply to my daily walk. Such that, I am not Buddhist, but I do believe that people who follow that belief system have a lot of great quality character traits that I should strive to emulate. That is not saying however that if I meet a Buddhist I should not ask him, and question his beliefs, and if so being try to persuade him to change his belief system because that in itself is love. Being intolerant in my religion means saving that man/woman from an eternal life in hell. Just the same as Randy will get up in front of thousands of people and tell the their beliefs in money, and organized religion, and all the other subconscious memes they have are evil. Him doing that is very loving, but he is not tolerant of what they believe.
Hmm. Interesting points Cotton. Okay, I hear you, very convincing, I was almost ready to just agree with you. Almost, and partly I will.
Tolerance is a part of love. It is letting another be who they are meant to be. But, in the presence of hate and intolerance, we have to be intolerant. Love is also making judgements about what is right and what is good, and fighting for those principals.
In my humble opinion, as a Christian myself, I think on the point of being tolerant of others belief in different saviors is Christian. It is loving and saying that others have their own truth and their truth works for them, and my truth works for me. It is a paradox, with the belief that faith is a personal truth, love and tolerance is a universal truth. So we have our own personal truths, but know that the higher truth is just that, that the truth in our faith is a personal issue and must respected as such. Which requires us, if we want to live in the truth is to know this, that everybody's truth is their truth and that is the universal truth. It is a paradox of sorts.
So, you can believe Jesus is the only way to Heaven and that is your truth, but it may not be others' truth and it is not a universal truth.
I think in some ways we are saying the same thing. That at times love requires intolerance. I think though, where we are different is where intolerance is required. So, for the record, unless you are trying to persuade friends of different religions to be more loving, I think you are being hateful and unloving.
In arrogance, we diminish our wisdom. (Got that from a Clone Wars episode) Arrogance is always hateful, to suggest you can save another from hell is arrogant in and of itself. And, I beg your pardon, but how the hell do you know where they are going after death if anywhere?
Yes, Jesus is the truth the light and the way for Christians. However, all Jesus every really truly preached was love. Maybe when he said he was the way, he meant he was the way to live and be. In other words Jesus was saying be the way I am, loving and tolerant of others.
One more point, I do believe you are correct that saying to be tolerant is intolerant. a s
So of others being intolerant, I am intolerant, because I think we should be respectful and loving of other people's faith beliefs. And in saying so, I am being loving, tolerant and intolerant.
I completely agree with Randy on that point, and I think he is speaking Christ's message there. And yes that is being intolerant of Fundamental belief, but he has the universal truth of this matter.
One more idea, you can be intolerant of one's belief, but still be respectful. (I don't always do that by the way, I am working on it.)
As for some of Randy's other beliefs, yeah he is intolerant. And spreading hate, not love in my opinion.
In conclusion, because I think what I wrote is about as clear as mud, you have to be tolerant and intolerant. Just make sure it is for a higher principal when your making a judgement. If it is to bring more light and love into the world, than you will always be in the right.
Well said annie!
We are just as extreme in this country with religion as anywhere in the middle east, yeah I said it, and I'm going to say this to, I love Jesus, but can't stand religion. The religious right are the ones who killed him, and would do it again if given the chance. Religion has been all about power and control for ever.I believe we are to seek God out first in ourselves, next in humanity. The message that Christ tought was one of loving all our brothers and sisters. We were not given the option to profile. We don't need to do some kind of 15 step program set up by the church in order to be like God, we just have to realize that we were created in his image and start acting like God is in us, and people like this small minded misled dinosaur will be a thing of the past!!
Great stuff man - you know what I like about you?
You speak your mind even if it pisses people off. I can just imagine a couple hundred people reading this, fuming mad - and that's why it's great.
The Governor's dogma is poisonous. It breeds separation, destructive behavior, and most dangerously is the cause of most wars. It is up to each individual to look with-In to find the Wisdom, the One that speaks with The Truth.
Remember, we all can choose to unlearn these old beliefs that do not serve our higher self and society. Imagine, the treasures we will discover about ourselves and about our world when we Let Go.
Randy, insightful post!
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, published by Harvard University Press, is the work of eleven scholars that ignited a continental firestorm when it first hit bookstores in France in 1997. The authors estimate the century's death toll at the hands of Communist governments (excluding wars) at 100 million people. Country by country, deaths by the state in China stand at 65 million, in the USSR 20 million, Vietnam 1 million, North Korea 2 million, Cambodia 2 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000, Africa 1.7 million, and Afghanistan 1.5 million. Additionally, the international Communist movement murdered about 10,000 people throughout the world." (Author's emphasis).
I think the hardest concept for some to grasp is the differences between a religionist and a spiritualist. And when you throw in belief you can kiss agreement on any topic goodbye.
Being raised a christian, I use it as my baseline so I apologize for any insults but I'm using it as my base line. I have seen christians who try to live what I consider to be a good christian life style, also, I have met muslims, buddhists, athiests, socialists/ communists and non-card carrying members of society who also live by the spiritual ideals I attribute to Christianity. Of course we also see daily the examples of religionist, leaders and brethern, who live contrary to my concept of a religions ideals.
Man's ego is the divider, factions within a religion splinter, beliefs can unite and destroy in the name of religion, its an attempt at self justification.
Brian J
Yes I'm actually dealing with that issue in the new book I'm currently writing. How to have a healthy ego that helps you succeed, but not be controlled by it in a negative way.
Excellent news! I've been pondering this topic since Monday and am looking forward to reading what you have to say.
Fascinating topic HEALTHY EGO.. looking forward to your exploration on this in your new book! Best Wishes to you sir
Thankyou for this Randy. You are so spot on and I agree totally with what you posted.
My truth is within me and it is only there. When I try to look outside then it's a non-truth and only serves to confuse me and pulls me further away from who I truly am.
I still am searching to unblock my resistance to the word 'god' and hopefully one day I'll hear or read something that will click and release that block.
I describe myself as a spiritual person but non-religious. I have no desire for anyone else to feel the way I do about reality.
Ultimately, my thoughts and feelings regarding reality/god(s)/and belief are speculation. For that matter, all religious and spiritual issues are speculation, regardless of what any person or group feels.
The Universe is the way it is. I am a part of it. Groovy.
To get over my aversion to the word, "God", I reversed it and started thinking, "Dog". It made me laugh and realize how uptight I was being about something as fluid as language.
We're all doing our best. I honor that.
Thank you for this Patrick, yes it is just a language and just a word.
We are ALL brothers and sisters because each of us is part of the human race. We all stem from the same Creator-Almighty God. The Bible book of Acts states that "God made out of one man every nation of men to dwell upon the surface of the earth" so we are ONE earthly family! We ARE family! (sounds like a hit song doesn't it?) There may be many heros/heroines but Jesus is the Savior since he shed his lifeblood in behalf of the entire human race. (Matthew 20:28, John 3:16, Acts 4:12)No person past, present, or future can ever make that same claim! Jesus also taught love and the Scriptures show that he reached out and helped people of different faiths. The scriptures also make it quite clear that religion and politics must remain separate. Jesus nor his apostles never ever got personally involved. His followers today don't participate either.(Daniel 2:44, James 4:4, Revelation 13:1-2)Like oil and water-the two don't mix very well at all! Can't we all get just along?
Religion is the World's biggest problem.
I'm looking forward to the person who comments on this post and says:
"Yeah, if he were REALLY Christian, he would know that it's the one and only Truth, and he wouldn't need to tell people they're going to hell"
That'll be funny to me.
Randy, you missed printing his whole statement. Here is what he said: "Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother." When you consider the context of this statement (where it was said, the audience, his beliefs, the way in which he said it), it was in fact a loving statement. Wanting to be someone's brother in this case, represents his desire to bring others to the saving knowledge of Christ. This was not a malicious statement by any means. In fact it was quite the contrary.
The Governor, as any professing Christian, recognizes that salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ, and in no other. Yes, Christians believe in absolutes truth (as do Jews and Muslims). The issue at hand is not Robert's beliefs, which are essential to the Christian faith; it is the conflict that now exists between post-modern thinking (all truth is relative), and God given truth, which in this case, comes from the inspired Word of God (the Bible). Jesus himself said that He is the only way through which humanity is saved. If you don't believe in what Jesus did on the cross and what it means, all of Christianity falls. So, there is no "happy" medium that exists when it comes to salvation and the atonement that only Christ provides. If there was, His death meant nothing. Furthermore, either Jesus was a liar, a lunatic or the real thing. You cannot simply label Him a great teacher or philosopher, because He claimed to be God.
In addition, to use your own logic, you are as "guilty" as Robert is. You claim to know the "real" truth....sounds like an absolute statement to me: "Release the belief that the Savior you worship is the only one, and that the Savior someone else worships is an impostor. If you really want to walk the path of holiness, you realize that every holy person is a savior." WOW, what a statement! But, what is it based on? It would require a lot more faith to believe what you just wrote, than to believe in a historical Jesus, who after He was crucified, resurrected Himself from the dead. Many have tried to disprove this fact, but it can't be done...why, because it is a fact. If you have the intellectual courage, please take on the task of disproving the resurrection.
Many have died in His name, and many continue to die (approx. 4000 Christians per year are murdered because of their faith). In this century, more have died and are currently being persecuted for Christ than in all other centuries since Christ's death and resurrection. Why is that? Would they do so if Christ wasn't who He said he was?
Randy, I'm not sure you will post this, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you use your God given talents to reach others with the Truth. Jesus Christ. This life is but a vapour and all of its riches and glory will fade. No one will remember you when you are dead and buried - save but one person. Jesus. Don't waste your life on things that don't matter.
I did read his whole statement and wrote my post based upon that.
Whoa! Mr Jim. I am surprised Randy has not grilled you for the lack sub-text that is in the last part of your message. His Meme radar is usually pretty good. I just wish I had the time to expound upon it. Maybe later.
Grill away and feel free to expound....I can go as far and deep into the rabbit hole as you would like. Far deeper than you may care to, at this juncture.
I know people like Randy, and I would like nothing more than to have a heart to heart conversation with him. It saddens me to see intelligent and gifted people like him (and he is no different than Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, James Ray, Ed Proctor and a host of others that sell the ancient concept of "success laws" and pseudo spirituality), sell snake oil for lucre, and in so doing, miss out on what God had intended for them, and ultimately put their own souls in peril.
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.”
Ecclesiastes 1:9-14
You are speaking my thoughts on this one. I intuitively feel that Randy, if I knew him intimately, would prove to have a heart of gold and all good intentions, but is deveating from what I see his true gifts to be. Criticsm and opinions can be found for free in every direction, but insight and wisdom and truth are rare commodities, as are our true friends. Randy has said he is on a development journey with this blog as well as we are, with good intent as functional caring people supporting our fellow man, with our own frailties and flaws. So it's all good.
Hey Jim-
I can't speak for Muslims, but most Jews don't profess belief in any "absolute truths". It would be considered limiting to the never ending depth of possible ways for humanity to experience the divine.
It's both intolerance and (accepted) mind-control.
You are the one who is superior.
I use the concept of Me, Oversoul and God-Mind, all intertwined and always connected.
What I experience, God experience too. That's the whole point, and that's why we can't stagnate.
All experiences originate from my Oversoul. I get a net of energy but eventually send it back and ask for other experiences.
And the importance here is sending back.
Send back all that you don't want anymore.
I'm going for that "burning bowl" ceremony again.
Randy, while absolutely correct about the state of fundamentalism, remember that this is Alabama -- home of George and Lurleen Wallace, Bull Connor, and now Robert Bentley. They've turned political stupidity and pandering into an art form.
Having lived in Birmingham, which leads the nation per capita in the number of churches, you'd be shocked at how many of them are roadside operations that are led by people whose theological training is, at best, minimal. But the flock follows, because their leader carries the title "Reverend".
They didn't seem to get that Allah and God are supposed to be the same thing, and I did indeed have a minister ask me why they didn't call Allah God if this being was the same thing. I had to explain to him that the Islamic world mostly doesn't speak English.
David, having been born a Georgia cracker, I have little use for Alabama. Nevertheless, I must come to the state's defense, like it or not.
First, Alabama is not alone in people who "turn political stupidity and pandering into an art form". That form of art seems to be found in quite a few states of the US, and even a few other countries around the world.
And I agree that there are many religious leaders in Alabama "whose theological training is, at best, minimal", but I'm not sure that highly-trained theologians are any less close-minded. They just make their prejudice sound more convincing.
Alabama has given us Jesse Owens, Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, Condoleezza Rice, Helen Keller, and one or two other nice folks. (Even lowly Birmingham gave us Courteney Cox!) It's only fair that the state also produces its share of idiots... and some of them get elected to public office.
David, I suspect you were being humorous, but there are people reading this blog who have never been to Alabama, and I'd hate for them to get the impression that the people of Alabama are any different than people anyplace else.
After all, as Randy said, "If you really want to walk the path of holiness, you realize that every holy person is a savior." Even if they happen to live in Alabama.
Randy, I have heard so much about you and your blog and your Rants and your "teachings" from Rasheed, I finally found time to check it out for my self. I like a lot of what I see and it is absolutely the very first time I am commenting on anything on the internet. (Obviously, I've got too much time on my hands.
David -It just so happens I can read some Arabic - not necessarily understand it all - and your comment prompted me to look up something I suspected. It reinforces your point. Not only Muslims don't call Allah God, even Christians call God Allah - No choice... it's the language. Here's a link to Holy Bible in Arabic. And the word for God is Allah - second word from right in Arabic script above (bold) and below where it says "God's simple plan for salvation"
There's some interesting reading on this Arabic Bible website.
By definition, a belief is a fact that has been verified. If you bring quantum physics into this discussion you might recall that the observer affects the outcome of the experiment. We see what we want to see and we attract that which we are.
I think that there's a danger in proclaiming our beliefs as truths. The moment we do that, they become absolute in our minds and we no longer subject them to scrutiny.
I meant to say that a truth is a fact that has been verified.
Randy, when are you going to be able to edit our own comments?
When are we going to be able to edit our own comments? Can't believe I did that twice in a row. LOL!
Randy, love the picture! It's so "you"!
God is an encounter, the basis of our life. In a certain way, we must experience this encounter and, at certain moments, it must be something so interior to ourselves that we touch it not with human hands, but as a mother can touch the soul of her child and the child the soul of its mother…
There are moments in the existence of a being when there is no longer anything but God, when a being is transformed to the point of letting Presence show through him, a Presence which makes him a source, a creator, a greater being, a liberator. We ourselves feel enlightened, liberated. We ourselves feel there is something wonderful happening in us, an experience which, if we follow it through, will take us to an infinite reality. That is an essential experience…
There are moments within me when it is no longer I. Then, everything is wonderful. There are no longer any ties to life, nor is there any fear of death. We are totally absorbed by this Presence, totally lost in this love and, in these moments, we can take last place, we can accept the whole world, we can identify with others, because all the limitations have been shattered, because we are no longer anything but a dialogue of love with the Presence.
It is at this moment that true religion is born, that true humanity comes into being… The true God is hidden from us as long as we are hidden from ourselves.
- Maurice Zundel
This goes back to my question again, "Why do we need the South". I'll take Chicago and give back Birmingham. People who follow this line of thinking are dangerous and as America is a free country, they should not be allowed to govern.
When we don't respect each other we are not living the life that Christ wanted us too.
Randy Gage for Pope!
Good Picture.
Whoa. Nothing quite like religion and faith to get an argument going.
Really, I think it is about moral stages. You know I think it was Kholberg who did the psychological experiments to determine the different stages of moral development(the experiment in of itself though, has some ethical issues in my opinion).
I won't go over them all, but the people in the beginning stages of moral development, had authoritarian dispositions. Meaning, they did whatever someone in authority asked them to do without question. Those people in a higher stage of morality thought for themselves and questioned authority, doing what they thought was right irrespective of direction giving from a higher authority figure. (This experiment was partly done to understand the Nazis and why so many people were willing participants in such an atrocity).
I bring this up because I think Fundamentalist thinking is often done by those in a begininng morality stage. The stage where it is easier to do what one is asked and not question the right or wrong of it. It is easy to listen to an authority figure like a priest or even the Bible for that matter, and say here is the truth and this is right and this wrong. That way you don't have to think for yourself.
But, in reality we should really question everything and everyone to discover the real truths, the universal truths, which are rarely based on absolutes.
It is the same thing Randy says when he uses the Cosmic Santa Clause theory. Don't believe that there is some main authority figure out there that knows the absolute truth. It just isn't so. And that is a little scary. But, truth is always within us, and the knowledge of love and universal truth is apart of us from the time we are born. It is instinct I think. "Truth is always enlightening, but it doesn't always lead to a happy heart." (Another Clone Wars episode)
We are raised by our parents often to view them as the absolute authority. But, this is never the truth even when we are children. Parents are just there to guide us, they don't have all the answers either, and no they don't even know what's best all the time. Parents make a mistake when they don't teach children to question, to question even them.
Jesus was a rule breaker. Jesus questioned the Religious leaders of the day. Jesus questioned and broke religious law. He broke laws that didn't lead to love. What do you think he would say today? (And he was a highly controversial figure, in his time.:))
It is dangerous for people with such low moral functioning to be in power. I agree with you Randy. Furthermore, it only creates an atmosphere of hate. I think lately we can all see the danger of hate in American politics.
Hey Randy,
I'm sure happy to have my button back. I used it lots today to make up for lost time. You know it took me a long time to figure out that only I seemed to be missing something. I kept trying to figure out how to work your new page, until it dawned on me. Touche. 🙂
Simply put; I agree and live by it.
Great post once again, The idea of non-prejudicial spiritual devotion is the beginning of a more peaceful world.
After all, the first real wars, the Crusades, were all about religion, not territory.
Tolerance is a Christian principle. Many Christians however miss the part that it's not their job to convict - that's the holy spirit's job. Good for you for having the courage to violate a cardinal rule of business - looks like maybe you can mention religion.
I have learned that having an open mind is the one of the best characteristics one can have.
I also know that no one knows the truth. It's only your perception of reality, so why would anyone agree anyway? I love it when people try to argue religion or anything else for that matter.
In relation to what Jim stated above, ' see intelligent and gifted people like him (and he is no different than Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, ..a host of others that sell the ancient concept of “success laws” and pseudo spirituality,' those people are so influential right now, and I absolutely agree with him. Our Randy Gage is super intelligent and is very gifted, having a keen sense of perception and intuition. In fact, he has so much more with his real-life testimonies to share to change the whole world upside down for the ultimate best, making more money than they do - billions of dollars, serving God. Please hire me as one of your assistants, when that happens. 🙂 Love your honesty about your view on spirituality and Christianity. Love you, RG. Hugs:::
As usual I read your Blog first thing in the morning, ponder it all day, and by the time I get any thoughts together so much response has been written I'm not sure I have anything to add!!
I will say this, my husband and I have prayed around the world in every kind of holy place you can name; Mosques, Temples, Churches, Sweat Lodges etc and I totally get what you're wanting to say here.
My take on it is that there is the personal experience of touching the divine that is universal and it is sad when one person uses their "belief" to demean anyone else's experience of G-d.
As for me, I have practiced the "spiritual" thing in many ways throughout my life and the truth is, now that I have become more "religious" I find levels of spirituality I never found before. I LOVE having a formal Sabbath dinner, lighting candles and saying prayers that have been said for ages. My soul delights in saying ancient prayers every morning and night. And the experiences of praying under a prayer shawl have been some of the deepest meditation experiences I know.
So, I think a person can be deeply religious and deeply spiritual simultaneously. The two are not always exclusive.
PS. Some GREAT reading recommendations:
God is a Verb (fabulous Kabbalah book)
The History of God
Pillars of Islam
Rabbi Jesus. (one of my favorites)
Hello everybody,
Great post, Randy. Opened an interesting dialogue. Respect.
I describe myself as a deeply spiritual but non-religious person. I love the Universe and the planet upon which I live. There are some behaviors I could do without but that's another issue.
I'm a big believer in objectivity. I don't need to know what the truth is. I need only do my best.
The only thing I know for sure is that Love is the most powerful thing. After that, it all gets a bit fuzzy.
Thanks to everybody for sharing their thoughts. May your hearts be light and your peaches perfect.
Wow, so many emotions in this discussion!
Tell 'em Randy...LOL.
I always say Jesus needs to come down for a day or so and clarify a few things! Coz religion has become a circus full of clowns...
"Coz religion has become a circus full of clowns…" I wish I had written that!
Far out what a collection of opinions. I dont trust anyone in Govt and strongly believe they are and will be the demise of Humanity, but I ensure to pay my taxes! I believe our saviour provided the means to be our own saviour within. To develop our true subconscious self. There is no Hell, why do people persist to believe that. Why would a God of Love create such a place of opposition.
the problem is that people concentrate on how their actions will be valued by the church leader.
Everytime they do something they will think "would he like this or not"? This way of thinking is very dangerous. It causes lots of issues with self-esteem.
You have to release that.
I'm lucky not to be infected with those mind viruses. And I've found that it is pretty easy to determine the viruses you are not infected.
But it is really hard to determine the ones you ARE INFECTED. It goes to your subconscious mind and you have to make very deep analysis to find it. Sometimes you can't do it withuot someone's help.
But when you determine it as a mind virus it is a very pleasant feeling. You feel like you've found the split in you ship.
And I'm thankfull to you, Randy, for the impact you make to help me determine those beliefs.
by the way, where can I see the instructions of how to upload a photo?
I couldn't do it last time I tried.
great post and 100% agree
We are not here to judge anyone. W are all made equal. God will be our ultimate judge and he will judge us until the last day
What right do we have to judge people every day of our lies because of our own superficial beliefs ?
Fully agree
We can belief in all the things that we want to belief. But we must not be a fundamentalist with intolerance, because that is the oposite feeling of all good feelings. How could someone show to anybady something good early on whether I you think that person is not worthy of a good thing? Fundamentalism leads to hate, intolerances, Desireless. Love unites and assists! Love Gabe
Love it ... Love it ... Love it. Great post and great comments. Brings to mind the first blog post of yours I read, "Christ IS coming and He Looks Pissed" ...
Actually, Randy, I think you WOULD look 'simply mahhvalus' in the viper WITH the Papal hat. Although you might have to sew one of those elastic chin straps on it so it won't blow away. 😉
Randy, I don't think you are past prejudice & judgment. Now you are telling others what's wrong with other religions. The head gear...poor taste.
Randy, you're a sneaky devil.
You love to post the most controversial stuff just to get us rushing here to defend our opinion. ha ha
It's kinda funny to see (and yet, we can't help ourselves).
One day, when we all die, we'll ALL know what the REAL TRUTH really is.
In the meantime, we have FAITH.
Now "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." That's the Bible's definition.
The Book of Mormon's definition is, "Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."
So I think all of us will be a little surprised, shocked, happy and sad when we move onto our next existence (assuming that's the truth 🙂
All the best.
Hi Randy
I can never understand how people can judge others cos of their religion, breed, sexuality etc. and indicate that only they have the best recipe for living. It brings only anger and limitations, also for them. But they are blind.
Yes, it is a great issue.Who you choose to be, and who you don´t choose to be and who you choose not to be!Religion can be great and it can be very dangerous as we see in the world.Though,we have to see the differences in what you have chosen and what you haven´t chosen, and learn to realize that before we judge.If somebody really choose to be evil because of religious dogmas,I would not say that he has the right to do what he want with his religion.And I would say I really respect gay people,but when they start to demonstrate it on the streets, I am not with them anymore.So I do not 100 % agree in that point that people just do what they want and that is ok.But I have not thought of it more.And you Randy, you think everybody can be liberal, right?
That was not really the point here.Every time you look into another persons eyes,you also look at yourself.If you can see god everywhere,you are at home.Well,nobody is going to read this anyway!God bless you Randy-anyway...........