A trick post - loved it!
You have someone who desperately needs your support right now. You know it. But you’re busy…
I mean we all are, right. There’s only so any hours in the day. And so many people tugging at your cape. They need advice, a loan, a handout, or worst of all, more of your time. There are only so many people you can help. Yet so many who seem to need you…
But this person is different. They really need you.
Because they’re stuck in their hero’s journey like we all are. They’re in the shit right now. And of all the 7.7 billion people in the world, you are the one they need the most.
They need you to acknowledge their worth. They need you to show them some belief. They need you to let them know you’re aware they exist and are worthy. Please. Do me a favor…
Find a mirror and tell them.
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A trick post - loved it!
Excellent, even brought a smile to my face.
A trick post - loved it!
Excellent, even brought a smile to my face.