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The Magic Metamorphosis

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 7, 2011

Amazing discussion going on the last post about the freedom from discipline. And what we’re really talking about is the positive channeling of energy.  It isn’t always easy…

But that is the way to greatness. Living a life of abundance is not a microwave project.  It’s a process of transformation.  Nature demands patience as the price for evolution. And that process is not always pleasant and painless. Because what we’re really talking about is metamorphosis.

When we release lack beliefs, we can replace them with prosperity ones.  When we let go of bad habits, we create an opening for positive ones.  Renunciation opens the way for regeneration…

But the price for this is self-control.  Now this doesn’t mean destructive repression, but constructive expression.  It’s not a process of killing off, but one of giving birth.  Transmuting the weak into the strong, the base into the noble, vices into virtues.

Sometimes this means things we have to go through and grow through.  It may seem easier to slip backward and avoid the pain.  But victory lies in going through the pain.  Because the pain is temporary, the payoff is permanent!


32 comments on “The Magic Metamorphosis”

  1. Affirmation for Prosperity by Raymond Charles Barker

    There is only one God, one Life, one Power, one Presence, one Creative Cause throughout the Universe and there is only one Substance, God.

    The world around me, and I myself, am the Substance of God. The world in which I live is a moving, fluid, flexible creation. It is alive with the life, the abundance, and the richness of God. I abide in this richness. Mind created me to live and to live abundantly.

    I accept this abundance today.

    I am receptive to its circulation in my life in the form of money. Money is God’s idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this idea; I appreciate this idea. Money is a blessing to me and I am now prospered in it. I let my old ideas of money go, and renew this idea of prosperity in my life as God, as abundance, flowing through my life.

    I am now free in money. I appreciate it, I give thanks for it, and I release my word to law, knowing its action is already in place in Universal Mind.

    And so it is.

    by Raymond Charles Barker

    1. Wonderful affirmation!

      In the last few months I’ve become more disciplined in my meditation practice and in daily journaling. As a result I’ve noticed changes in my thinking. I’m a lot more conscious when I have a thought that’s not serving my greater good and I quickly change that thought. Saying an affirmation similar to the one above on whatever that thought might be, only changing it around to the positive (I hope that makes sense!)
      Thanks for sharing your knowledge & wisdom with us Randy!

  2. thank you Randy, I read these every day! I love them.
    With much appreciation!

    Toby Brand
    Empower You Coaching for Women, LLC.

  3. Just curious Randy, did you become a meth addict after you made it? I saw an interview with Bill Graham on why so many rock stars kill themselves when they got everything and he said, when you're down you always got hope, but what do you do when you got everything and you're still not getting off?? your thoughts???

    1. These people are lacking in repose. And they are too young to deal with their situation. A large and fast influx of wealth is not an easy thing to handle. It could also be they do not have a purpose or they do not think that far ahead.

  4. Beautiful! God talks always in many different ways.
    This message is a perfect Example. Today, I heard his voice through you. Blessing to you and for evreybody in this world.....with love clauz

    1. I agree. This is going on my wall along with Randy's:

      “I will do today what others will not, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot.”

  5. You're a wise cat, Randy. Axiom from a great friend of mine - "Short term pain, long term gain". Conversely, when we are unwilling to get honest, do our work and feel the pain (and not the surface pain, but the dark messy smelly shit - a deeply honest reflection of ourselves and really feel it), we will live a life of pretending to be prosperous, evolved and wise...and wonderfully transparent - short term gain, long term pain.

  6. I went through a training class in my first sales job years ago. A little booklet was handed out which had a saying in it that always sticks with me to this day. "Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't do"

  7. Beautiful Article!
    It's an absolute shame, but due to fear of change, far too many people fall victim to circumstance. If only they would have persevered and gone the extra mile, their life today could have been a marvelous merit to all of the hard work they put in. Too many,too often are stuck in the 'now' of life and that's part of a huge problem we are plagued with...

    Visualize a better tomorrow, regardless of your current situation..Brighter days aren't far away..Keep your head up and remember...

    When the going gets rough, the tough get going!!

    "Success Is A Process..."
    -Brandon Bronowicz

  8. Wattle says in SOGR that the changing of beliefs work is some of the hardest work we will ever do. And I completely agree since the thoughts and beliefs we've adopted for years are as you say, comfortable. But when we KNOW the HUGE payoff of changing our thoughts and beliefs, the work becomes more pleasurable as long as we focus on what's possible!

    It's kind of like training for a marathon. The body doesn't condition itself overnight, but eventually we hit that turning point and it's cause for celebration!

    I find the process of manifesting quite miraculous. And as we focus our intention for our highest and best, the speed at which we manifests increases.

    Thanks Randy..great stuff!

  9. You are a powerful man Randy Gage. I love what you said "victory lies in going through the pain. Because the pain is temporary, the payoff is permanent! Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Actually, born on this planet, you pretty much entered a “sink or swim” reality. I guess you needed to push yourself really hard this time.

    We really don’t have what should be considered a normal life here.

    As a child, you don’t get any confirmation of your perception of reality, which is real. You see and experience things that are explained away as fantasies, if you can even talk about them. You get shut down.

    And you don’t experience a normal and sequential opening of your DNA as you grow up.

    The number of years people live here are ridiculously low, mostly because early on they are told (read programmed) how long they will live. It’s called death programming.

    You really know who and what you are, but there have been few things out there and accessible to confirm it, until only in the last ten years or so, especially with the internet.

    But you have to dig deep and hard to get trough all the junk. This leads to doubt and confusion. You're not really sure, so the easy way is then to go with the flavor of the day.

    Things are changing though, and I’m quite impressed by humanity, who despite what is going on here and who actually run this planet, is breaking through the oppression into true prosperity.

    This planet and its population is entering a time that will change humanity forever. In fact, it can be considered going full circle, from space beings to earthly grunts to space beings again.

    No longer will humanity be isolated from the true history and knowledge that is their heritage. The time for full awareness is here.

    And remember, without you, there would be nothing, for you. Have you really thought about that? You are everything.

    Don’t survive, surpass! God is not a gullible victim. And you are an extension of the God-Mind frequency. Nothing is more prosperous than that!

  11. No matter how many books we read or seminars we go to... the only true healing/transformation in our lives has to be lived, experienced. The good and the bad, as you so aptly stated. It definitely isn't convenient or quick. But I would not remain in the sorry condition I was for anything. Each redeeming step forward brings amazing rewards and freedom.
    Thank you for being our tour guide and BFF.

  12. I guess self control is much easier if it is being used towards one's purpose. Of course that purpose is the long term perpetuation of health, happiness, and wealth. If self control is part of my purpose then it makes it so much easier.

  13. This blog brings to mind something I learned years ago. It was a light bulb moment for me. I agree with Randy that change is an evolution and definitely has it's highs and lows, but it doesn't have to take a lot of time. I recall a speaker saying that, " it is in the moment of decision, that we are changed". What he was implying was that we all think change takes forever, when in reality, it happens the moment we decide to change and that only takes a second or two. What's great about deciding to change, and making it a definite purpose, is, there's no going back. Your life, if moved even 1% in a positive direction, will never be the same. The only thing I might regret in life is ever looking back when I'm in my rocking chair in my 80's and saying, I wish I had......... We only regret what we didn't do, when all is said and done so let's all make it a goal this year (yes, 1 week gone already) to take action on our dreams so we don't end up with any regrets.

  14. One other thought just came to mind. When making decisions and setting goals, I have found that I replace the word goal with, " I promise myself I will change.... or I promise myself to do....., I found, at least for me, that it is much harder for me to break a promise to myself than to break a goal. It's something subconcious, I think, that happens when you promise yourself something. It has a much stronger impact than just setting a goal, since we all tend to fail making many of our goals and I think our subconcious sometimes connects goals with failures. Something to think about or try out anyway.

      1. You are welcome Mim. I don't understand why so much emphasis is placed and supported on making growth painful. If we think it takes pain to get there, it will and if we anticipate pain, we will surely get it. Why not say, for example, success comes to me easily, frequently, effortlessly and in great abundance. Isn't that more empowering than visualizing pain. Too many people don't take action for this reason. They are continually told it is going to be painful. Who wants to pursue pain? Thank God only a few.

  15. Randy,

    thank you for sharing so honestly. I think you have more credibility for being honest about your experiences. And your experiences are very inspiring.

    I found a quotation some time ago kind of along the sames lines as the topic. I keep it by my desk to help me remember (during my obstacles, usually self-imposed, LOL) that I'm not the only one going through barriers:

    "I am willing to put myself through anything: temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only path tot he unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process."
    ~ Diane Nyad, marathon swimmer

  16. Wow, this is powerful, "Because the pain is temporary, the payoff is permanent!" I do agree and so worth it.

    For example, my moment of clarity/'aha' came when I diligently studied "A Course in Miracles" for exactly two years. Little did I know what I would get out of it, but I was committed to putting a stop to my suffering, as well as taming the annoying chatter box in my mind.

    Of course, it was painful and by the end of the course there definitely was a light at the end of tunnel. It was a cause for the celebration of my freedom.
    I learned that I was responsible for doing the work and no one else could do it for me. I also learned that you can't change the past, and you can't change people only yourself. And as Randy stated, "Nature demands patience...", too

    I believe that Life is a school of self-discovery. The experiences and lessons learned are necessary. We are all hidden treasures waiting for our wake-up call. March on!

    Victory to all,

  17. How can you become a butterfly? You have to want to learn to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

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  • 32 comments on “The Magic Metamorphosis”

    1. Affirmation for Prosperity by Raymond Charles Barker

      There is only one God, one Life, one Power, one Presence, one Creative Cause throughout the Universe and there is only one Substance, God.

      The world around me, and I myself, am the Substance of God. The world in which I live is a moving, fluid, flexible creation. It is alive with the life, the abundance, and the richness of God. I abide in this richness. Mind created me to live and to live abundantly.

      I accept this abundance today.

      I am receptive to its circulation in my life in the form of money. Money is God’s idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this idea; I appreciate this idea. Money is a blessing to me and I am now prospered in it. I let my old ideas of money go, and renew this idea of prosperity in my life as God, as abundance, flowing through my life.

      I am now free in money. I appreciate it, I give thanks for it, and I release my word to law, knowing its action is already in place in Universal Mind.

      And so it is.

      by Raymond Charles Barker

      1. Wonderful affirmation!

        In the last few months I’ve become more disciplined in my meditation practice and in daily journaling. As a result I’ve noticed changes in my thinking. I’m a lot more conscious when I have a thought that’s not serving my greater good and I quickly change that thought. Saying an affirmation similar to the one above on whatever that thought might be, only changing it around to the positive (I hope that makes sense!)
        Thanks for sharing your knowledge & wisdom with us Randy!

    2. thank you Randy, I read these every day! I love them.
      With much appreciation!

      Toby Brand
      Empower You Coaching for Women, LLC.

    3. Just curious Randy, did you become a meth addict after you made it? I saw an interview with Bill Graham on why so many rock stars kill themselves when they got everything and he said, when you're down you always got hope, but what do you do when you got everything and you're still not getting off?? your thoughts???

      1. These people are lacking in repose. And they are too young to deal with their situation. A large and fast influx of wealth is not an easy thing to handle. It could also be they do not have a purpose or they do not think that far ahead.

    4. Beautiful! God talks always in many different ways.
      This message is a perfect Example. Today, I heard his voice through you. Blessing to you and for evreybody in this world.....with love clauz

      1. I agree. This is going on my wall along with Randy's:

        “I will do today what others will not, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot.”

    5. You're a wise cat, Randy. Axiom from a great friend of mine - "Short term pain, long term gain". Conversely, when we are unwilling to get honest, do our work and feel the pain (and not the surface pain, but the dark messy smelly shit - a deeply honest reflection of ourselves and really feel it), we will live a life of pretending to be prosperous, evolved and wise...and wonderfully transparent - short term gain, long term pain.

    6. I went through a training class in my first sales job years ago. A little booklet was handed out which had a saying in it that always sticks with me to this day. "Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't do"

    7. Beautiful Article!
      It's an absolute shame, but due to fear of change, far too many people fall victim to circumstance. If only they would have persevered and gone the extra mile, their life today could have been a marvelous merit to all of the hard work they put in. Too many,too often are stuck in the 'now' of life and that's part of a huge problem we are plagued with...

      Visualize a better tomorrow, regardless of your current situation..Brighter days aren't far away..Keep your head up and remember...

      When the going gets rough, the tough get going!!

      "Success Is A Process..."
      -Brandon Bronowicz

    8. Wattle says in SOGR that the changing of beliefs work is some of the hardest work we will ever do. And I completely agree since the thoughts and beliefs we've adopted for years are as you say, comfortable. But when we KNOW the HUGE payoff of changing our thoughts and beliefs, the work becomes more pleasurable as long as we focus on what's possible!

      It's kind of like training for a marathon. The body doesn't condition itself overnight, but eventually we hit that turning point and it's cause for celebration!

      I find the process of manifesting quite miraculous. And as we focus our intention for our highest and best, the speed at which we manifests increases.

      Thanks Randy..great stuff!

    9. You are a powerful man Randy Gage. I love what you said "victory lies in going through the pain. Because the pain is temporary, the payoff is permanent! Have a wonderful weekend.

    10. Actually, born on this planet, you pretty much entered a “sink or swim” reality. I guess you needed to push yourself really hard this time.

      We really don’t have what should be considered a normal life here.

      As a child, you don’t get any confirmation of your perception of reality, which is real. You see and experience things that are explained away as fantasies, if you can even talk about them. You get shut down.

      And you don’t experience a normal and sequential opening of your DNA as you grow up.

      The number of years people live here are ridiculously low, mostly because early on they are told (read programmed) how long they will live. It’s called death programming.

      You really know who and what you are, but there have been few things out there and accessible to confirm it, until only in the last ten years or so, especially with the internet.

      But you have to dig deep and hard to get trough all the junk. This leads to doubt and confusion. You're not really sure, so the easy way is then to go with the flavor of the day.

      Things are changing though, and I’m quite impressed by humanity, who despite what is going on here and who actually run this planet, is breaking through the oppression into true prosperity.

      This planet and its population is entering a time that will change humanity forever. In fact, it can be considered going full circle, from space beings to earthly grunts to space beings again.

      No longer will humanity be isolated from the true history and knowledge that is their heritage. The time for full awareness is here.

      And remember, without you, there would be nothing, for you. Have you really thought about that? You are everything.

      Don’t survive, surpass! God is not a gullible victim. And you are an extension of the God-Mind frequency. Nothing is more prosperous than that!

    11. No matter how many books we read or seminars we go to... the only true healing/transformation in our lives has to be lived, experienced. The good and the bad, as you so aptly stated. It definitely isn't convenient or quick. But I would not remain in the sorry condition I was for anything. Each redeeming step forward brings amazing rewards and freedom.
      Thank you for being our tour guide and BFF.

    12. I guess self control is much easier if it is being used towards one's purpose. Of course that purpose is the long term perpetuation of health, happiness, and wealth. If self control is part of my purpose then it makes it so much easier.

    13. This blog brings to mind something I learned years ago. It was a light bulb moment for me. I agree with Randy that change is an evolution and definitely has it's highs and lows, but it doesn't have to take a lot of time. I recall a speaker saying that, " it is in the moment of decision, that we are changed". What he was implying was that we all think change takes forever, when in reality, it happens the moment we decide to change and that only takes a second or two. What's great about deciding to change, and making it a definite purpose, is, there's no going back. Your life, if moved even 1% in a positive direction, will never be the same. The only thing I might regret in life is ever looking back when I'm in my rocking chair in my 80's and saying, I wish I had......... We only regret what we didn't do, when all is said and done so let's all make it a goal this year (yes, 1 week gone already) to take action on our dreams so we don't end up with any regrets.

    14. One other thought just came to mind. When making decisions and setting goals, I have found that I replace the word goal with, " I promise myself I will change.... or I promise myself to do....., I found, at least for me, that it is much harder for me to break a promise to myself than to break a goal. It's something subconcious, I think, that happens when you promise yourself something. It has a much stronger impact than just setting a goal, since we all tend to fail making many of our goals and I think our subconcious sometimes connects goals with failures. Something to think about or try out anyway.

        1. You are welcome Mim. I don't understand why so much emphasis is placed and supported on making growth painful. If we think it takes pain to get there, it will and if we anticipate pain, we will surely get it. Why not say, for example, success comes to me easily, frequently, effortlessly and in great abundance. Isn't that more empowering than visualizing pain. Too many people don't take action for this reason. They are continually told it is going to be painful. Who wants to pursue pain? Thank God only a few.

    15. Randy,

      thank you for sharing so honestly. I think you have more credibility for being honest about your experiences. And your experiences are very inspiring.

      I found a quotation some time ago kind of along the sames lines as the topic. I keep it by my desk to help me remember (during my obstacles, usually self-imposed, LOL) that I'm not the only one going through barriers:

      "I am willing to put myself through anything: temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only path tot he unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process."
      ~ Diane Nyad, marathon swimmer

    16. Wow, this is powerful, "Because the pain is temporary, the payoff is permanent!" I do agree and so worth it.

      For example, my moment of clarity/'aha' came when I diligently studied "A Course in Miracles" for exactly two years. Little did I know what I would get out of it, but I was committed to putting a stop to my suffering, as well as taming the annoying chatter box in my mind.

      Of course, it was painful and by the end of the course there definitely was a light at the end of tunnel. It was a cause for the celebration of my freedom.
      I learned that I was responsible for doing the work and no one else could do it for me. I also learned that you can't change the past, and you can't change people only yourself. And as Randy stated, "Nature demands patience...", too

      I believe that Life is a school of self-discovery. The experiences and lessons learned are necessary. We are all hidden treasures waiting for our wake-up call. March on!

      Victory to all,

    17. How can you become a butterfly? You have to want to learn to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

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