Simple but powerful.. I never thought of it like that. I have known for a while now that the thing that saved me is the thing that is killing me now. Killing my drive, killing my desire, killing my joy. I don't want to be "Dead at 50, buried at 80".
I think the removal of the limiting beliefs and the insertion of positive visions to fill the vacuum are the answer. It must be tied to a dream inside and it must be for the good of others.
Simple but powerful.. I never thought of it like that. I have known for a while now that the thing that saved me is the thing that is killing me now. Killing my drive, killing my desire, killing my joy. I don't want to be "Dead at 50, buried at 80".
I think the removal of the limiting beliefs and the insertion of positive visions to fill the vacuum are the answer. It must be tied to a dream inside and it must be for the good of others.
I love that "Dead at 50, buried at 80" quote. Randy, thanks for the great post today. "Paralysis by analysis" gets me every time when I'm not conscious of it. Definitely important to keep this concept at the forefront. Just do it!
To hell with self preservation. Throw caution to the wind. 🙂 True glory is found in well timed risk taking.
Peace? Friends? I find lots of flaws in myself and you (Randy), my country, my mom and dad, but I still love all of us.
You must be confusing me with someone else. I just checked and I don't have any flaws!
Hey yeah, me either! The rest of those people and nation, I'm pretty sure do. 🙂
Man, Randy....luv your logic!
We can rationalize ourself out of living a dream life. It's easy to aim low in the name of saving face or remaining safe(like that's possible).
Meanwhile, the people who "ran the risk" - ie, grabbed an opportunity and ran with it - live their dream life while the other comfort zone cat is sitting in front of the TV, watching Jersey Shore and bemoaning the fact they have to get up at 5 AM tomorrow to go spend 8 hours working on somebody else's definite major purpose.
If that's you reading these comments, don't sweat, it was me too for quite a while. Stick around Randy and your mindset WILL change.
Thanks for sharing RG!
No that is NOT the life that I want! If that was so, I would not be here every single day. That is because I want to change my life, and nothing can get me away from that now. I even was attacked for following you from my lokal church, but I handled it, by going to the leader of my church here in Denmark, and told him about this judgemental attitude from my lokal church leader, and he totally agreed with me, that it was bad publicity for my church to react like this, and it told more about the person attacking, than about me. This person have now stepped down, and is not leading anymore. I have studied most of the great religions, and all of them is actually quite beautifull and alike in the core. It's the people using the religions that makes it either a good or a bad thing. And I'm not letting limiting beliefs stop me either. The world that it is possible to create with this, can create "heaven on earth", that everyone can benefit from, and I love it.
Thanks Randy
That's not the life that I am willing to settle for. The sheep mentality is for new or young souls.
You're so good Randy : )
And what is interesting is that our self-preservation system stays dormant while we are in the visioning stage. It let's us dream the dream. Because it doesn't really believe that we'll take action on it.
"Look at her dreaming again...isn't she cute?" It says to itself.
But the moment we step forward into growth, it kicks in. "Whoa, boys looks like she means this one, let's get to work!"
And it's devious, conniving, insidious methods kick into gear.
It starts subtly...sending you conscious thoughts of self-doubt. And will use your own logic against you.
It will present to you completely rationale thoughts about why what you are about to do cannot or should not be done. These thoughts will make complete sense to you. (Afterall, it knows you).
The rationalizations are usually enough to stop people dead in their tracks.
And the dream dies.
But, if you understand it's methods. If you know what is happening, you can stop it.
"Nice try" is how I respond. Then I get busy doing.
What you said with, "But, if you understand it’s methods. If you know what is happening, you can stop it," is absolutely the key!
Oh, I dreamed and dreamed, for sure, but for years what held me back from really working toward my dream life was my own internal voice, echoing the voices of many others I had heard my whole life saying ... "How dare you?"
How dare you think you have something of value to offer? How dare you want to live big? How dare you think you are Wise? Strong? Powerful? Worthy? How dare you want to be a leader?
Summed up: Who do you think you are?
That question was certainly big and scary – so rather than brave an answer, I stayed safely in the background, living a life of ‘not standing out’ too much. 🙁 Funny thing was – it never silenced the voices of those others who felt small themselves, and sought to appear bigger by putting others down. 🙂
I'm willing to bet that there are many others here who have played small and limited themselves by staying 'safe' because of this same sad thought playing over and over in their heads. And if so, I am inviting you to be brave enough to answer that question today – for real! Who do you think you are? Because the answer is unique, yet identical for every one of us. Unique in that we each have original gifts, talents and perspectives of value to offer … identical in that we are each magnificent and vitally important to this planet.
It took me forever to really understand (and I can thank Randy for helping drive this home) but …
It is truly one of the most selfish things you can do to not share who you are with the whole world.
Once I had that epiphany, everything fell into line for me. 🙂 So, if you struggle with the same internal battle I used to, be brave and I can promise you that when you step up, there will be support, encouragement, and a lot of people who are unendingly grateful that you decided to come out of the shadows and help show the way for others (and I will be one of them!)
Big Love,
Wow, those few little words in your post expressed so much! Self preservation has it's place, but I think it may be too often hijacked by limiting beliefs as a rationalization for playing small ball. My husband would call that the "high cost of low living"; and it has now become too expensive a price to pay any longer. Thank you for shedding the light in that dark little corner!
Doe, I love "the high costs of low living". That's terrific!
Hey all, check this article out:
There was looting in Japan as reported by the Japanese media. I think the word Mr. Steinberg of the "Chicago Sun Times" used, for those who wanted to compare our culture to Japan, by jumping on the "Japanese didn't loot" bandwagon, was "biggoted".
I don't want to argue again Randy, but I do wish you would read this. Really, I don't want to argue, and I still think your a very nice man. But, I also want you to see what I see. And, see that I am not so far off on my thinking. Peace and Peaceful wishes to you, even as you hopefully read this article.
Sorry I don't get your point at all. Are you suggesting that the way the Japanese have handled this disaster is even remotely similar to the way we have handled previous ones here in the States? Really?
Yes, I am saying that Randy. Perhaps the cultural difference is that they don't discuss their embarassing displays of public misbehavior as we do.
No one is better than anyone else. You said that. Are you suggesting that the Japanese citizens are somehow better are so different than Americans? That is not to say there are not cultural differnces, but people are people.
I think the author of that column was suggesting that amongst other things, like the fact looting was being under reported in Japan, a subtle form of racism was taking place as well.
I would also say, that in America, unlike Japan, I think, is that we have laws and policies, that hurt the poor and indigent when disaster strikes. For instance, in the aftermath of Katrina, the people that were left behind to face the storm were, well, the sick, the black people, and the poor. What does that tell you about America?
Randy, sorry to be taking up so much space on this post, about this topic, but it is important.
You have a pulitzer prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts who writes for the "The Miami Herald". Today in "The Kansas City Star" was one of his editorials, "Race Studies Tell A Story That Too few Americans Want to Hear". Before his article started he had a quote from George Orwell's
novel "1984", "Then the lie Passed into history and became truth".
Racism is so subtle now, we all who live around it, have these lies ingrained in us, even those who the lies are about believe these lies to be true.
Mr.Pitts next words were, "This will be a futile column. "It will inspire no reconsideration among those who disagree."
I only hope he is wrong. He said he wrote it to protect his mental health, because he felt his head was about to explode! Sometimes I feel that way too Leonard.
I know we may never agree Randy, but I just feel I need to put it out there to keep my own head from exploding. I have racists thoughts too. It is so difficult to transcend the many lies and half truths that this country has purported for so long about African Americans and other minorities.
Hey Annie-
I have been super busy with my business, so have not replied to your post on the last blog, and have not read through all the replies here yet, but I will answer you here.
What I hear you saying is this; that you have a passion to raise awareness about Racism and inequality in the world, particularly in the USA. That in many places you see Racism that most people are blind to and that you want to see that changed. You take offense to seeing anyone "belittled". When Randy uses the term "sinner" in partnership with "poor", you take offense and think it doesn't take into account the "institutionalized" Racism that many poor people of color have to overcome, along with their mindset. So, this makes it offensive and un-true to call that population "sinners". That there is something more you are wanting from Randy, then what he is currently doing, to add more goodness to the world. Did I get your thinking accurately?
I understand your passion for this cause.
If I may, I would like to offer you a caution however. It sounds like you are SOOO committed to this epidemic, and that your heart aches over the "unfairness", that sometimes you actively look for Racism in places it may not be. As if you have become "hyper-sensitive".
I used to be a fairly radical feminist, so I speak from experience. Different "cause" similar drama. I was so angry about all the "issues" I was AGAINST that, no one could hear what I was "FOR".
So, I challenge you, EVERY TIME you jump to the conclusion that someones thinking or behavior is Racist, make yourself look at the real data and see if it is so or if are you just "projecting". You may be so entrenched in your passion (and resentment about the unfairness of it all) that you loose discernment from time to time. In other words, you may be fighting so hard "against" the problem, that you loose site of peoples real meaning and your own vision for better possibilities.
I have a friend who builds schools for girls in South Sudan. He motto is, "Optimism is a choice, so that is what I choose" She doesn't focus on the "problem" she just works everyday on solutions. She doesn't care what anyone else says, she just gets herself in the trenches. She is a 5'10" pasty white, bleached blond woman who is teaching girls that they have options other than marriage and motherhood and that they are the economic future of their country.
Imagine the impact you could have if YOU decided to go out each day asking yourself how you can make the world more compassionate and open minded? How can you make your connections more diverse? How can YOU help people engage in face to face dialog in your home town? Let your fire over Racism be the force that helps you decide, "what will I be FOR today?"
Everyone has prejudices and judgements, that does not make everyone a Racist. I have known Randy a long time and I assure you he for sure is not. Not even a little bit. (Just read through the names of the dedications in his books and you will figure that out.)
It's late, and I am tired, so I hope this was coherent and that you feel heard. And thanks Randy for this forum.
Jeanne, well-written.
Thank you so much that was well-written, and many other readers will agree with you.
As for me, I promise to consider very carefully before judging or making accusations. You are write it is always best to be cautious in those situations, especially where we are passionate.
I am so happy you say Randy is not racist, I so do not want to believe that! So, thank you. Thank you for all your words.
Ok, Randy, I'm a little weeee bit confused. You say, "If your self-preservation instinct can rationalize you out of trying something, it can guarantee you that you can’t fail."
I like the idea of being "guaranteed I can't fail" (that great Robt. Schuller question,"What would you do if you knew couldn't fail?")
Are you saying that the same Self-Pres. Instict that can undermine me, can also be used to Guarantee My Success? That I can somehow harness that internal power and use it for my good?
Thanks for clarifying!
I'm saying sometimes you need your conscious mind to override your subconscious mind and take some risks to get great results.
No, it's not the life I want. I've been thinking about this subject over the last two days. I've come to realise that I put up a wall to stop people from liking me. I even do things that make people dislike me so they can't get close. I'm still working to the bottom of this one as far as what it's protecting. I'm sure that if I let this one go, I would shoot to the moon.
No that is not the life that I want. But still I can't scape from wrok 10 hours per day and not being succesfull in my biz. Yes, yes, it is in my mind, I have it very clear. But I can't leave old Gabriel, because I don't know if a new Gabriel is in somewhere.
Trust me, he's in there!
When I read stories of success are beautiful. There are success stories, but not the success that I want. I have a beautiful wife and she is also an excellent person, I have two wonderful children, I love them with all my heart. Many times I think I'm an idiot, when I take my time with them and not enjoy their growth for a business where I have failure after failure (yes yes it is my mind, i know). Where everyone else is very successful, excelent, congratulations and I'm happy for them! I am involved in a perfect business, with a wonderful product, but which I am a failure. Whenever I hear the stories, is poker have had a stroke of luck. They had a positive mental attitude, yeah yeah, but they received a lucky break, they were given all the circumstances to be successful.
Occupationally I feel like a failure. Sometimes I think just to enjoy time with my family is the only thing that matters, instead of spending time with something that I will not acieve. Leave home every afternoon, and going out and search like a treasure some guy that will say yes? and leave my children, after 10 hours? It looks like every body in this city throughout the world, is happy as it is. Are they blind??
Yes yes no matter the time today but tomorrow, the future of my children, that what I will give them tomorrow. If I keep like this a life of work and rick but they can grow with me! Or work my biz and to have the finantial problems solved, butresults.....
However, not under arms, now I will make a coaching preceded. But the battle is within me! It is becoming larger.
If you say you earn 100 dollars for each wall to get up. How many rise? Dependson you. It not depends on another idiot who does not see reality, only me?. So how many wall dayily you will rise? as many walls as you can, because you know it is under your control. But in my business, but I think it's beautiful, it depends on others.
A thousand apologies for download in this way, but it is what I feel today, success stories yes yes yes! ufffff....sorry for being the only loser in this web page. please thousand apologize and be patient with me
And none of this has to do with the generous act of giving. Because as a pastor of a church, I give 10 hours (or more) a week of my time for spiritual assistance, I am dedicated to the care of souls with spiritual needs, visiting them, praying for them, calling them, and if they need me I'm there. I have not influenced by any financial compensation for this, I do it for love of those who seek God, just look for the blessing and joy of happiness of the people assisted. When you can go forward with faith in God. Nobody paid me a penny for this hour, to help others. So it has nothing to do give me my time. Because I am willing to sacrifice my time for something worthwhile. My contribution in this direction is 100% voluntary.
I don't mix the people in my church with spiritual needs with my biz. I don't take my biz into church!
The life I want...is all the good I have now, plus more. Life is Terrific! More will be better. Especially more money, tho I do already have more than I need.
I used to believe I didn't have enough money.
Then over the past 5 years or so, by letting go of that "lack & limitation, not-enough mentality", I came to believe that I was at the "break even, I've got enough money" point. That's ok, but now, I'm letting go of "enough" and looking for every little bit of evidence I can find that I have "more than enough."
When I pay for something, & the cashier returns my change, I know for sure that in that moment, I have More Than Enough.
The Big Risk, I s'pose, is the letting-go of my good ol' "true" beliefs & ideas.
Oh come on, Farmville is GREAT! Just like the Sims, WoW or anything that simulates life without actually having to have one? Hahah...don't get me wrong, I love video games in moderation, television as well- but I see your point!
I went home for a visit last Christmas and realized how many people love to consume culture that emulates real life without being a part of it. I don't play Sorority Life or Farmville on Facebook- I joined one and I have a garden IN REAL LIFE. What a concept! haha I don't watch CSI I took criminology in college for electives...
Don't watch life. Live it. Great post Randy!
spending 3 hours a day comparing free-range spinach leaves at whole foods and reading books my indian shaman about thier peyote induced spirit animal visions don't make you any better than people that watch formulaic cop shows, randy.
apparently the life you want is to write on the interwebs about how superiour you feel to everybody because you eat vegan cupcakes and peddle a bicycle an hour every other day.
how's that workin out for you?
Sure Not....
All Of Our Reactions Are Controled By Our Mind, So If I Am Here, It Means That I'm Thinking To Creat My Own Prosperity Life In My Mind,So I'm Here...
But The Question I Have, An I hope You Can Help Me Is:
When You decide To Be Best, Wealthy, Healthy And Happy, The War Between Unconcious Mind And My Decision will Start...
And All The Time I can See The Powerfull Attacts...(Problems,Events and....)
Everything Try To Hold Me...
And Everything Seems So Hard And Unbearable..., So I HAVE To Stop For A While
And After I Work On Myself An Motivate Myself To Start Again, Again The War Starts With We...
These Several Beginning Is SomeTimes Boring , And I Lose Too Much Energy...
I Will Be So Happy, If You Could Help Me And Tell Me What I Should Do Practically Then?
TNX Randy
For All The Things You've taught Me By Your Books, Audios And....