So where's the book? 🙂
My publisher once refused a book I wanted to write. The desired title was, “Fuck the Homies!” For some reason, they felt it lacked my usual diplomacy, subtlety, and tact.
Then there’s the problem with getting printed on the New York Times list and getting the cover art displayed for the appearance on Good Morning America. Obviously I had some fun with the idea, but the issue of being held back by the people around you is a serious one.
There are two chunks in this problem:
1) We like to surround ourselves with people who give us permission to stay the way we are. We love the safety of our comfort zone.
2) Often our family and friends are invested in keeping us where we are at. They know you as you are, not necessarily as you could be. And sometimes that person you can be - is very threatening to them and their own comfort zone.
One of the greatest gifts you can give another is challenging them, telling them the truth with love. And finding people who will do this with you is one of the greatest gifts you can receive.
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So where's the book? 🙂
So where's the book? 🙂
That's fucking ridiculous they wouldn't want such a great title.
That's fucking ridiculous they wouldn't want such a great title.
TUCK the homies!
why not?
...but you´re onto another book already -
2: it took me YEARS to realize that my parents blocked me/my future dreams on purpose.... cracked that secret open for good 😉
TUCK the homies!
why not?
...but you´re onto another book already -
2: it took me YEARS to realize that my parents blocked me/my future dreams on purpose.... cracked that secret open for good 😉
You know what I LOVE about this post is that it's EXACTLY the theme of the film/TV series we're developing right now...I have found that MOST people are scared to death to step away from what's familiar and possibly uncover their REAL purpose. Worse yet, they have a passion that they could easily explore as a career, but are too locked into what's comfortable to venture out.. Often the Universes will provide us with little road signs but most people ignore them and never live their dream.. Thanks for posting Randy.. BOOM!
You know what I LOVE about this post is that it's EXACTLY the theme of the film/TV series we're developing right now...I have found that MOST people are scared to death to step away from what's familiar and possibly uncover their REAL purpose. Worse yet, they have a passion that they could easily explore as a career, but are too locked into what's comfortable to venture out.. Often the Universes will provide us with little road signs but most people ignore them and never live their dream.. Thanks for posting Randy.. BOOM!
Randy, you know I am with you on this. I do speak the truth, but I think I'm missing "in love" tact. I usually get a lot of pissed off people at me.......
Randy, you know I am with you on this. I do speak the truth, but I think I'm missing "in love" tact. I usually get a lot of pissed off people at me.......
My trainer says it's like the famous Jack Nicholson line "you can't handle the truth!" What do you think?
My trainer says it's like the famous Jack Nicholson line "you can't handle the truth!" What do you think?
The one that is holding back you is you. Based on the law of attraction, you attract the people and situation into your life more like you. This all stems from social conditioning. How to get out? Know who you really are. You're true essence. Pure awareness. Everything else will just fall into place.
The one that is holding back you is you. Based on the law of attraction, you attract the people and situation into your life more like you. This all stems from social conditioning. How to get out? Know who you really are. You're true essence. Pure awareness. Everything else will just fall into place.
I think that people just want to bully other people because they're self-centered and entitled.I receive criticism from immediate and extended family for not having a high-end college degree and for pursuing my interests, especially since at 31 I am too "old" to do anything creative.They have been downright abusive and neglectful and times too.I will admit I am scared and sometimes I feel very alone..I've always been into music, but I'm 31. While I'm focusing on electronic stuff, it's taken most of my adult life to build up the confidence to learn how to do things well since family helped me very little and abused me away from it."Gotta work a good Union job" and "do it all yourself".Not asking for pity, but why can't people who act like that look in the mirror and show empathy?Why are they so damn cruel?
(function () { var last_mouse_move_point; var is_not_move; var script_id = 'maxthon-gestures-extention-helper'; var is_message_sended; // Whether the mouse is moved between 2 adjacent mousemove events function notMove(point) { if (is_not_move == false) { return false; } if (Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.y - point.y) < 2 && Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.x - point.x) < 2) { return true; } else { is_not_move = false; return false; } } if (window === top) { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'true'); } else { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'false'); document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { if (event.button !== 2) { return; } is_not_move = true; last_mouse_move_point = null; is_message_sended = false; }, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) { var point; if (is_message_sended) { return; } if (event.button !== 2) { // not right key is pressed down return; } point = { 'x': event.clientX, 'y': event.clientY }; if (last_mouse_move_point == null) { last_mouse_move_point = point; return; } if (notMove(point)) { return; } top.postMessage({ 'action': 'maxthon-gestures-start-drawing' }, '*'); is_message_sended = true; } ,false); } })();
I think that people just want to bully other people because they're self-centered and entitled.I receive criticism from immediate and extended family for not having a high-end college degree and for pursuing my interests, especially since at 31 I am too "old" to do anything creative.They have been downright abusive and neglectful and times too.I will admit I am scared and sometimes I feel very alone..I've always been into music, but I'm 31. While I'm focusing on electronic stuff, it's taken most of my adult life to build up the confidence to learn how to do things well since family helped me very little and abused me away from it."Gotta work a good Union job" and "do it all yourself".Not asking for pity, but why can't people who act like that look in the mirror and show empathy?Why are they so damn cruel?
(function () { var last_mouse_move_point; var is_not_move; var script_id = 'maxthon-gestures-extention-helper'; var is_message_sended; // Whether the mouse is moved between 2 adjacent mousemove events function notMove(point) { if (is_not_move == false) { return false; } if (Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.y - point.y) < 2 && Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.x - point.x) < 2) { return true; } else { is_not_move = false; return false; } } if (window === top) { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'true'); } else { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'false'); document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { if (event.button !== 2) { return; } is_not_move = true; last_mouse_move_point = null; is_message_sended = false; }, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) { var point; if (is_message_sended) { return; } if (event.button !== 2) { // not right key is pressed down return; } point = { 'x': event.clientX, 'y': event.clientY }; if (last_mouse_move_point == null) { last_mouse_move_point = point; return; } if (notMove(point)) { return; } top.postMessage({ 'action': 'maxthon-gestures-start-drawing' }, '*'); is_message_sended = true; } ,false); } })();
Personally, I love the title, Randy -- and completely agree with you 101%. What's even more amazing is how it seems the media and the powers that be, would have "the homies" to remain the way they are too. One must never miss the opportunity to say, "Goodbye" -- to anyone who "can no longer be", or "no longer wants to be," apart of our lives. Purpose is too huge for us to let that happen. If they must go, let them. If they don't want to hear, see, or experience a better life, don't share it. Focus on those who are seeking the help we can provide, and shake the dust from our feet on the rest. I won't try to make anyone something they obviously don't want to be. If they are meant to be apart of our purpose, then they will certainly push (encourage) us along. If they are wise and not completely blind to the, oh so prevalent, crab mentality, they will grab a hold of our ankles, just like Jacob did the angel in Genesis. Wait on no one. I refuse to keep missing out, holding out for something that may never happen anyway. When we are aligned with our life's purpose, anyone around us will catch the "greatness bug" too. Greatness is contagious! Those who want to catch it... know where, and to whom, they should go. Fantastic message, mate! Awesome read! 🙂
Personally, I love the title, Randy -- and completely agree with you 101%. What's even more amazing is how it seems the media and the powers that be, would have "the homies" to remain the way they are too. One must never miss the opportunity to say, "Goodbye" -- to anyone who "can no longer be", or "no longer wants to be," apart of our lives. Purpose is too huge for us to let that happen. If they must go, let them. If they don't want to hear, see, or experience a better life, don't share it. Focus on those who are seeking the help we can provide, and shake the dust from our feet on the rest. I won't try to make anyone something they obviously don't want to be. If they are meant to be apart of our purpose, then they will certainly push (encourage) us along. If they are wise and not completely blind to the, oh so prevalent, crab mentality, they will grab a hold of our ankles, just like Jacob did the angel in Genesis. Wait on no one. I refuse to keep missing out, holding out for something that may never happen anyway. When we are aligned with our life's purpose, anyone around us will catch the "greatness bug" too. Greatness is contagious! Those who want to catch it... know where, and to whom, they should go. Fantastic message, mate! Awesome read! 🙂
True they don't like to see us RISE above situations as most don't like change and will therefore attempt to hold you back
True they don't like to see us RISE above situations as most don't like change and will therefore attempt to hold you back
What are Homies?
What are Homies?
This is 1000% truth. I left "home" twice in my life so far and both movings just skyrocked my self-developement. In fact I have already scheduled moving to new city even before I have moved to this one. I just know that people (circumstances) around here won't be able to keep up with my growth.
Edward D DeveroFriends, parents, collegues, ... people around you ...
So where's the book? 🙂
So where's the book? 🙂
That's fucking ridiculous they wouldn't want such a great title.
That's fucking ridiculous they wouldn't want such a great title.
TUCK the homies!
why not?
...but you´re onto another book already -
2: it took me YEARS to realize that my parents blocked me/my future dreams on purpose.... cracked that secret open for good 😉
TUCK the homies!
why not?
...but you´re onto another book already -
2: it took me YEARS to realize that my parents blocked me/my future dreams on purpose.... cracked that secret open for good 😉
You know what I LOVE about this post is that it's EXACTLY the theme of the film/TV series we're developing right now...I have found that MOST people are scared to death to step away from what's familiar and possibly uncover their REAL purpose. Worse yet, they have a passion that they could easily explore as a career, but are too locked into what's comfortable to venture out.. Often the Universes will provide us with little road signs but most people ignore them and never live their dream.. Thanks for posting Randy.. BOOM!
You know what I LOVE about this post is that it's EXACTLY the theme of the film/TV series we're developing right now...I have found that MOST people are scared to death to step away from what's familiar and possibly uncover their REAL purpose. Worse yet, they have a passion that they could easily explore as a career, but are too locked into what's comfortable to venture out.. Often the Universes will provide us with little road signs but most people ignore them and never live their dream.. Thanks for posting Randy.. BOOM!
Randy, you know I am with you on this. I do speak the truth, but I think I'm missing "in love" tact. I usually get a lot of pissed off people at me.......
Randy, you know I am with you on this. I do speak the truth, but I think I'm missing "in love" tact. I usually get a lot of pissed off people at me.......
My trainer says it's like the famous Jack Nicholson line "you can't handle the truth!" What do you think?
My trainer says it's like the famous Jack Nicholson line "you can't handle the truth!" What do you think?
The one that is holding back you is you. Based on the law of attraction, you attract the people and situation into your life more like you. This all stems from social conditioning. How to get out? Know who you really are. You're true essence. Pure awareness. Everything else will just fall into place.
The one that is holding back you is you. Based on the law of attraction, you attract the people and situation into your life more like you. This all stems from social conditioning. How to get out? Know who you really are. You're true essence. Pure awareness. Everything else will just fall into place.
I think that people just want to bully other people because they're self-centered and entitled.I receive criticism from immediate and extended family for not having a high-end college degree and for pursuing my interests, especially since at 31 I am too "old" to do anything creative.They have been downright abusive and neglectful and times too.I will admit I am scared and sometimes I feel very alone..I've always been into music, but I'm 31. While I'm focusing on electronic stuff, it's taken most of my adult life to build up the confidence to learn how to do things well since family helped me very little and abused me away from it."Gotta work a good Union job" and "do it all yourself".Not asking for pity, but why can't people who act like that look in the mirror and show empathy?Why are they so damn cruel?
(function () { var last_mouse_move_point; var is_not_move; var script_id = 'maxthon-gestures-extention-helper'; var is_message_sended; // Whether the mouse is moved between 2 adjacent mousemove events function notMove(point) { if (is_not_move == false) { return false; } if (Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.y - point.y) < 2 && Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.x - point.x) < 2) { return true; } else { is_not_move = false; return false; } } if (window === top) { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'true'); } else { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'false'); document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { if (event.button !== 2) { return; } is_not_move = true; last_mouse_move_point = null; is_message_sended = false; }, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) { var point; if (is_message_sended) { return; } if (event.button !== 2) { // not right key is pressed down return; } point = { 'x': event.clientX, 'y': event.clientY }; if (last_mouse_move_point == null) { last_mouse_move_point = point; return; } if (notMove(point)) { return; } top.postMessage({ 'action': 'maxthon-gestures-start-drawing' }, '*'); is_message_sended = true; } ,false); } })();
I think that people just want to bully other people because they're self-centered and entitled.I receive criticism from immediate and extended family for not having a high-end college degree and for pursuing my interests, especially since at 31 I am too "old" to do anything creative.They have been downright abusive and neglectful and times too.I will admit I am scared and sometimes I feel very alone..I've always been into music, but I'm 31. While I'm focusing on electronic stuff, it's taken most of my adult life to build up the confidence to learn how to do things well since family helped me very little and abused me away from it."Gotta work a good Union job" and "do it all yourself".Not asking for pity, but why can't people who act like that look in the mirror and show empathy?Why are they so damn cruel?
(function () { var last_mouse_move_point; var is_not_move; var script_id = 'maxthon-gestures-extention-helper'; var is_message_sended; // Whether the mouse is moved between 2 adjacent mousemove events function notMove(point) { if (is_not_move == false) { return false; } if (Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.y - point.y) < 2 && Math.abs(last_mouse_move_point.x - point.x) < 2) { return true; } else { is_not_move = false; return false; } } if (window === top) { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'true'); } else { document.querySelector('#' + script_id).setAttribute('istopwindow', 'false'); document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { if (event.button !== 2) { return; } is_not_move = true; last_mouse_move_point = null; is_message_sended = false; }, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) { var point; if (is_message_sended) { return; } if (event.button !== 2) { // not right key is pressed down return; } point = { 'x': event.clientX, 'y': event.clientY }; if (last_mouse_move_point == null) { last_mouse_move_point = point; return; } if (notMove(point)) { return; } top.postMessage({ 'action': 'maxthon-gestures-start-drawing' }, '*'); is_message_sended = true; } ,false); } })();
Personally, I love the title, Randy -- and completely agree with you 101%. What's even more amazing is how it seems the media and the powers that be, would have "the homies" to remain the way they are too. One must never miss the opportunity to say, "Goodbye" -- to anyone who "can no longer be", or "no longer wants to be," apart of our lives. Purpose is too huge for us to let that happen. If they must go, let them. If they don't want to hear, see, or experience a better life, don't share it. Focus on those who are seeking the help we can provide, and shake the dust from our feet on the rest. I won't try to make anyone something they obviously don't want to be. If they are meant to be apart of our purpose, then they will certainly push (encourage) us along. If they are wise and not completely blind to the, oh so prevalent, crab mentality, they will grab a hold of our ankles, just like Jacob did the angel in Genesis. Wait on no one. I refuse to keep missing out, holding out for something that may never happen anyway. When we are aligned with our life's purpose, anyone around us will catch the "greatness bug" too. Greatness is contagious! Those who want to catch it... know where, and to whom, they should go. Fantastic message, mate! Awesome read! 🙂
Personally, I love the title, Randy -- and completely agree with you 101%. What's even more amazing is how it seems the media and the powers that be, would have "the homies" to remain the way they are too. One must never miss the opportunity to say, "Goodbye" -- to anyone who "can no longer be", or "no longer wants to be," apart of our lives. Purpose is too huge for us to let that happen. If they must go, let them. If they don't want to hear, see, or experience a better life, don't share it. Focus on those who are seeking the help we can provide, and shake the dust from our feet on the rest. I won't try to make anyone something they obviously don't want to be. If they are meant to be apart of our purpose, then they will certainly push (encourage) us along. If they are wise and not completely blind to the, oh so prevalent, crab mentality, they will grab a hold of our ankles, just like Jacob did the angel in Genesis. Wait on no one. I refuse to keep missing out, holding out for something that may never happen anyway. When we are aligned with our life's purpose, anyone around us will catch the "greatness bug" too. Greatness is contagious! Those who want to catch it... know where, and to whom, they should go. Fantastic message, mate! Awesome read! 🙂
True they don't like to see us RISE above situations as most don't like change and will therefore attempt to hold you back
True they don't like to see us RISE above situations as most don't like change and will therefore attempt to hold you back
What are Homies?
What are Homies?
This is 1000% truth. I left "home" twice in my life so far and both movings just skyrocked my self-developement. In fact I have already scheduled moving to new city even before I have moved to this one. I just know that people (circumstances) around here won't be able to keep up with my growth.
Edward D DeveroFriends, parents, collegues, ... people around you ...