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The Discipline of Happiness

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 18, 2009

So Tuesday I woke up down.  Not suicidal, not clinically depressed, just not with the enthusiasm I usually throw back the covers with.  I was doing a cleansing in my body and probably had  toxins not yet washed out or something.

Anyway, I certainly didn’t feel like doing my cardio.  I just wanted to check emails, eat breakfast, and go back to bed.

So I made myself do my cardio.  And I hadn’t gone two blocks when I started feeling great.  Happy, healthy, and energized.  And felt great all day.

Working out is always like that.  When you don’t want to do it, is when you need to do it.  And there’s a lot of other things that are the same way.  So what’s the lesson in this for you?   Share your thoughts below and you may give some insight for others, and pick up some for yourself.

I’m back at my place in Sydney, heading to the Gold Coast tonight.  Will check in from there.

26 comments on “The Discipline of Happiness”

  1. That is so true !! I am the King of procrastination, so I start in fooling myself by first washing my drowsy face then telling myself that I will just go for a tan at the gym, (there are tanning beds at the gym) because that is the easiest thing you can do at the gym since I don't feel like working out, BUT once I get there and see people doing their cardio or lifting weights my mind just wakes up and I forget about tanning and I just get on the easiest workout there is "the elliptical machine" within 10-15 minutes I am pumped and I will end up going to the treadmill to lifting weights and finish off with an ab workout and I finish my workout feeling like a million bucks that day !! and I have totally have forgotten about getting a tan ...

  2. Great message Randy! You actually helped your body more by increasing circulation and purging those toxins out of there.

    Like everything, there is a season. To reap the benefits of the harvest, one must till and fertilize the soil, plant, water and give care. These actions are what give us the harvest and fruit that we desire.

    I like to think of it not as what I have to do, but what I must do to reap the harvest. And in taking daily action, I am doing just that!

    Blessings and thanks for all you do!

  3. You are definetly right randy about when dont feel like doing it is when you should.
    Great insight on how we should develop good habits despite the present difficulty that would develop our character that would make us happy within ourselves.

  4. It took me a while, but I came to the same conclusion, using my left-brained logic, of course:

    Option 1: Stay in bed
    initially - feel great
    afterward - feel same or worse than before (tired, run-down, foggy)

    Option 2: Do cardio
    initially - feel awful
    afterward - feel great (energetic, focused, sharp)

    And yes, same goes for making sales calls, writing books, articles, etc. As Randy says spot on, if you don't want to do it, that's precisely when you need to do it.

  5. Your title is a great one; " The Discipline of Happiness"

    The status quo doesn't require discipline because it is habitual.
    It is a choice of lifestyle formed into habits. That's great if our
    habits make us truly happy and as effective as we want to be.
    So, the trick is to use discipline doing things, everything, which
    makes us happy and fulfilled until they become habits.
    Then our lifestyle naturally carries us to happiness everyday.

    While trying to mold your life to suit yourself, remember what
    someone wrote: " Action dilutes the negatives such as fears
    and whatever else seems to be stopping you or slowing you
    down. Let immediate action on any idea that even seems like
    it might move you even one inch closer to your goal be the first
    habit you work on."

    Someone else wrote " If you will take one step toward your goal,
    the universe will take 10,000 steps for you to bring it to you. "

  6. But of course there is a flip side to that coin, especially for the work-a-holic inclined personality. Using myself and fitness as an example, I'm a pretty dedicated sort of person. I get out of bed before dawn, (in summer and in winter), and go to the gym or go to my dancing lessons regardless of the weather or how I'm feeling. I've been doing it for years and I've created the habit. Since it's a habit, I don't really know what it feels like not to do it. For those of you that haven't achieved this, let me tell you that it's definitely worth your while. I'm very happy with my body shape and I can wear any clothes that I like.

    So what I need to learn is when not to exercise. Sometimes my body needs rest and I actually feel worse for exercising rather than better. I do pick up on the signals my body is telling me but sometimes I let habit override my instincts. This week, I took a week off the gym. I've really been needing it. But next week I'll be back on track again.

  7. I would highly recommend that everyone check out and buy Terry Gogna's book, "How can I get myself to do what I need to do"?

    How many people do you know who always seem so busy. They will even tell you just how busy they are. They are "beyond busy". They are always running around every single minute of every day.

    I know several people in my life like this and what I've noticed is that they are in the exact same place today as they were 10 years ago. They haven't moved ahead at all which makes me wonder,,,,what the heck is keeping them so busy?

    I also know several people who are very wealthy. I know they work very hard but, it always seems like they are running a smooth ship. They never seem too busy. They certainly are not running around like the person I described above.

    Now some might think that the wealthy person is just more focused and organized than the one who is constantly running around but Terry Gogna would tell you it's not that simple. He writes about how there is no such thing as time management. We all have the same time and we cannot change or alter it. The only thing we can do is create and manage personal events that we carry out in the time that already exisits.

    In his book, Terry Gogna talks about Present-Based and Future-Based events.

    Present based events allow us to maintain a certain level of comfort and happiness in our life. However, no matter how much time and dedication we put into these events, they will not cause any SIGNIFICANT change in our present life or lifestyle. These Present-based events alone, will not create a new and better future significantly different from the one we currently experience.

    For example, no matter how much time we put into cleaning our house, the house cleaning event will not move us to a nicer home in the future. It will only keep our present home clean.

    Reading positive mental attitude books will amost always make us feel good about the possibilities of a better future. However, no matter how much we read, our future will never differ from our present until we apply what we've learned from our reading and actually do something that will directly create a different future.

    Future-Based events are the soure of change in our life and lifestyle; they create our new and better future. However, unless we know exactly why we are engaged in this event, we can easily get discouraged to the brink of quitting. When we engage in a Future-Based event, immediate results are often not seen. The results of Future-Based events "show up in the future".

    Sales people can listen to motivational CD's and practice their presentations all day long but until they pick up the phone and contact somebody about their product or business they will never create a future that is different from their present; they will only continue to experience what they presently have in the future. If we busy ourselves all day long with ONLY Present-Based events, we will be guranteeing our future lifestyle to look exactly like the one we currently have in the present. The key to success lies in truly understanding and differentiating between a Present-Based and Future-Based event.

    The person above who is always running around is staying busy with Present-Based Events only. Everything she does keeps her in the present and that is why nothing has changed in her life in 10 years.

    My wealthy friends on the other hand, spend the majority of their day on Future-Based Events or at least they tackle those events before the Present-Based Events. They are continuily moving ahead toward a better future.

    The point of all this is yes, it's important to become disciplined and engage in certain activities every day until they become habits, but, just be sure that the activities you're engaging in are future based events.

  8. "The Discipline of Happiness” the title is the reason I read it!


    With a new born of 6days old, I've stilled continue to train (doing marathon in May) all be it a bit less intensity (do weights as well) and last night going for my run, my "mind talk" started from the time I left the house and finally I gave into it at the 15km mark!

    I have NO regret with stopping, I'm glad I did actually. All sorts of justifications however for me, I'm smashed & last night I didn't have it mentally to do 25km.

    Today day of rest, was the best thing for me. Tomorrow, I know I will have the mental strength to "push through".

    However you feel, just START!

  9. Hi Randy!

    I have noticed this as well.

    I find that it is helpful to not concentrate on how I will feel "today" while working out, but how I will feel "tomorrow" knowing that I worked out in spite of how I felt.

    This may be simplistic, but I had an epiphany last week while performing some "inner negotiations." 😀

    Hope the weather is great in Sydney!


  10. Randy,

    It is refreshing, as you lead by example.

    I am undertaking a personal challenge of 400 sit-ups each day for 400 days. Like in your comment it is far too easy to think that it doesn't matter if you miss a day, on the basis that you will make it up.

    85 days into the challenge, 34000 sit-ups completed and getting a great feeling of well being from this and the warm glow of knowing that it is possible to be dedicated.

  11. RG,

    Thank Goodness, somebody else has this. Although I make a decision to be happy. Sometimes it just doesn't happen for whatever reason. You just wake up flat or even down.

    Normally I find because you have something on your mind and you can't shift it. Actually I think it often stems from overwhelm or fear. So the best thing to do is face it and as much as you can get on with whatever you don't want to.

    That is easier said than done, when you're feeling down. Yet as you proved to yourself. How great do you feel now you have accomplished it!

    Happy Travels


  12. I have a great idea!

    Buy a Dog! I take 3-5 walks every day in the beautiful area where I live in the southwest part of Sweden close to the long beach of Skalderviken. It´s easier when you have company. I have seen a lot of Ceasars Dogtrainingprograms and he always ask the dogowners if they walk the dog??? Sounds like a stupid question to me. On my way out! Have a great weekend!

  13. I find working out in the morning soon after I wake up sets me up great for the rest of the day. I feel refreshed and energised.

    I think a morning workout wakes you up better than any cup of coffee and cigarette could ever do!

    I used to workout in the evenings but then I switched to mornings, I had to reduce the duration and intensity at first because it required more discipline than I could handle at the time but I slowly built up and now its becoming a habit to exercise in the morning.
    Its getting to the point where I dont feel right if I dont get a workout done.

    Im now also starting to wake up 30min earlier because its nice and quiet and a great opportunity to meditate. I think thats a discipline that will lead to some great benefits and greater prosperity. Its a discipline which I`m determined to master and make a habit of.

    Best wishes

  14. "The Discipline of Happiness." I thank Randy has just come up with the name of his next book - the one that is going to sell over 10,000,000 copies!

    And I'm buying the first one.

    Way to go, Randy!

  15. Randy

    I agree with you 100 % on this. A lot of people sort of say "When I get motivated, then I will do so and so". Actually I believe it works the other way round - just start to "do" and you will become motivated!

    I like the Woody Allen quote when he said "80% of success is turning up". Let's say there is a job you don't particularly feel like doing, for example mowing the lawn. Just take the first step of getting the mower out of the shed. You are then in momentum and will feel inclined to mow one strip. Then when you have done that you will feel like doing some more..etc.

    25 years ago I was the orginal couch potato, went on the diets and lost and gained the weight. Then I started getting into exercise and have never looked back. In the recent past I have taken at least 30 mins cardio every day since October last year (including Christmas Day when the gym was closed so I went for a run!) and have never felt better. In fact at the age of 58 years I feel far fitter, healthier and happier than when I was in my 20s. My target is the marathon later this year (did the half 2 years ago).

    My exercise is scheduled like an urgent appoinment which is never missed. My belief is that the biggest benefit of exercise is MENTAL - I know get far more done than when I was that couch potato.


  16. Persistence is what Napoleon Hill thinks is the ONLY difference between the people that are most successful and the ones that are not in any area of life.

    Both Edison and Ford had not much education but whatever the project "Persistence" was their biggest asset. Do not take that little word lightly it will be the key to your success.
    Have been a sports addict since the age of 6 and it feels phenomenal to feel healthy(great feeling to wake up in the morning and while brushing your teeth to see your ABS).
    Started 2 years ago and in the process of adding same Persistence to guiding my MIND to success(kicking those "Old Habits" out of the way great challenge, love it)
    Way to go Mike of 400 sit-ups that is PERSISTENCE
    have a successful day everyone

  17. I tend to always be ready for some exercise, but not necessarily to do things on the house... However, I get those few day when you just need to do it and you do it all at once!

    It feels really good when you look back and there is nothing there to be done anymore.. I thank my wife because she kindly tells me that I need to do those things, so when she pushes me I improve!

    Go out there, do something or learn something new! Improve, be better today than yesterday, put your 10,000 hours up for whatever you want to excel at....but DO it!


  18. During my work out junkie days, not doing my cardio always left me feeling far worse than if I just did it regardless of how I felt.

    My problem now is I have gone too far the other way, and must get back on a daily exercise program. I would recommend anyone struggling with this issue to stop, look at where they are at, make some goals, and apply yourself to achieving them. That is what I am doing!!


  19. I think it's bit simplified and superficial to think that things you don't feel like to do is right for you to do now.
    I would rather say that it is not right to follow feelings of wanting or not wanting to do something. What right is to follow what your mind and your conscience is saying you should do.

  20. Well, we're in physical reality because we don't fully internalize our thoughts, so instead we get a physical manifestation.

    The time we spend on working out we always get back and more! So, there's a lesson to learn and remember!

    Make the extraordinary ordinary!

  21. Hey Randy, been there done that...about two weeks ago I went for a lymphatic massage and man oh man, the mood swings over the next couple of days were incredible. Emotionally I was a wreck but came through..may have a few family members or friends ticked but that's par for the are so right...even when you don't feel like it...get out and move it, move it....soon your problems are forgotten and you are one hell of alot and the world smiles with you ....Frown and you frown alone!! God Bless

  22. What I am getting from avoiding responsability in my life?, what is my payoff from not doing what I know, it will get me to a higher level?, maybe I want to be right, in control, analizing........, well every second there is a choice to GET TO DO and being in my power or HAVE TO DO and be a victim from cisrcuntances....

  23. Randy, got your note about my previous link and comment ...

    As you know, David & I and my brother Mark woke up one day last February 08 to a rude awakening when a few unsightly pictures of us showed up on the internet after a national event (Jessica, I know what it feels like Baby!) and we all realized that with David's gormet cooking, we had all really packed on the pounds ... YUCK ... ok time for change ... got to rally the tribe and set some new ground rules and hold each other accountable. Nothing like a tribal plan & commitment to get the juices flowing ...

    My intentions were good at the beginning as I led the tribe down the stairs to the gym and David took responsibility for the cooking and setting a new meal plan ... Mark had no choice but to give in to the program and we began to see big time results as 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60+ pounds melted away!

    However, after all the hoopla, I found myself back to procrastinating and rationalizing on all the other things I could be doing early in the morning eventhough Mark & David held their ground and were becoming global "poster boys" with our program!

    I knew I had to come up with something fast to make it fun for me again and I wanted to stay in the game long-term ... what to do? ... so I thought "I need a workout partner who would be willing to get up each morning with me … who would be there every day without any whining, bitching or any stupid excuse that would take me off my plan" … so I looked around and found my solution right in front me! Check this out:

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  • 26 comments on “The Discipline of Happiness”

    1. That is so true !! I am the King of procrastination, so I start in fooling myself by first washing my drowsy face then telling myself that I will just go for a tan at the gym, (there are tanning beds at the gym) because that is the easiest thing you can do at the gym since I don't feel like working out, BUT once I get there and see people doing their cardio or lifting weights my mind just wakes up and I forget about tanning and I just get on the easiest workout there is "the elliptical machine" within 10-15 minutes I am pumped and I will end up going to the treadmill to lifting weights and finish off with an ab workout and I finish my workout feeling like a million bucks that day !! and I have totally have forgotten about getting a tan ...

    2. Great message Randy! You actually helped your body more by increasing circulation and purging those toxins out of there.

      Like everything, there is a season. To reap the benefits of the harvest, one must till and fertilize the soil, plant, water and give care. These actions are what give us the harvest and fruit that we desire.

      I like to think of it not as what I have to do, but what I must do to reap the harvest. And in taking daily action, I am doing just that!

      Blessings and thanks for all you do!

    3. You are definetly right randy about when dont feel like doing it is when you should.
      Great insight on how we should develop good habits despite the present difficulty that would develop our character that would make us happy within ourselves.

    4. It took me a while, but I came to the same conclusion, using my left-brained logic, of course:

      Option 1: Stay in bed
      initially - feel great
      afterward - feel same or worse than before (tired, run-down, foggy)

      Option 2: Do cardio
      initially - feel awful
      afterward - feel great (energetic, focused, sharp)

      And yes, same goes for making sales calls, writing books, articles, etc. As Randy says spot on, if you don't want to do it, that's precisely when you need to do it.

    5. Your title is a great one; " The Discipline of Happiness"

      The status quo doesn't require discipline because it is habitual.
      It is a choice of lifestyle formed into habits. That's great if our
      habits make us truly happy and as effective as we want to be.
      So, the trick is to use discipline doing things, everything, which
      makes us happy and fulfilled until they become habits.
      Then our lifestyle naturally carries us to happiness everyday.

      While trying to mold your life to suit yourself, remember what
      someone wrote: " Action dilutes the negatives such as fears
      and whatever else seems to be stopping you or slowing you
      down. Let immediate action on any idea that even seems like
      it might move you even one inch closer to your goal be the first
      habit you work on."

      Someone else wrote " If you will take one step toward your goal,
      the universe will take 10,000 steps for you to bring it to you. "

    6. But of course there is a flip side to that coin, especially for the work-a-holic inclined personality. Using myself and fitness as an example, I'm a pretty dedicated sort of person. I get out of bed before dawn, (in summer and in winter), and go to the gym or go to my dancing lessons regardless of the weather or how I'm feeling. I've been doing it for years and I've created the habit. Since it's a habit, I don't really know what it feels like not to do it. For those of you that haven't achieved this, let me tell you that it's definitely worth your while. I'm very happy with my body shape and I can wear any clothes that I like.

      So what I need to learn is when not to exercise. Sometimes my body needs rest and I actually feel worse for exercising rather than better. I do pick up on the signals my body is telling me but sometimes I let habit override my instincts. This week, I took a week off the gym. I've really been needing it. But next week I'll be back on track again.

    7. I would highly recommend that everyone check out and buy Terry Gogna's book, "How can I get myself to do what I need to do"?

      How many people do you know who always seem so busy. They will even tell you just how busy they are. They are "beyond busy". They are always running around every single minute of every day.

      I know several people in my life like this and what I've noticed is that they are in the exact same place today as they were 10 years ago. They haven't moved ahead at all which makes me wonder,,,,what the heck is keeping them so busy?

      I also know several people who are very wealthy. I know they work very hard but, it always seems like they are running a smooth ship. They never seem too busy. They certainly are not running around like the person I described above.

      Now some might think that the wealthy person is just more focused and organized than the one who is constantly running around but Terry Gogna would tell you it's not that simple. He writes about how there is no such thing as time management. We all have the same time and we cannot change or alter it. The only thing we can do is create and manage personal events that we carry out in the time that already exisits.

      In his book, Terry Gogna talks about Present-Based and Future-Based events.

      Present based events allow us to maintain a certain level of comfort and happiness in our life. However, no matter how much time and dedication we put into these events, they will not cause any SIGNIFICANT change in our present life or lifestyle. These Present-based events alone, will not create a new and better future significantly different from the one we currently experience.

      For example, no matter how much time we put into cleaning our house, the house cleaning event will not move us to a nicer home in the future. It will only keep our present home clean.

      Reading positive mental attitude books will amost always make us feel good about the possibilities of a better future. However, no matter how much we read, our future will never differ from our present until we apply what we've learned from our reading and actually do something that will directly create a different future.

      Future-Based events are the soure of change in our life and lifestyle; they create our new and better future. However, unless we know exactly why we are engaged in this event, we can easily get discouraged to the brink of quitting. When we engage in a Future-Based event, immediate results are often not seen. The results of Future-Based events "show up in the future".

      Sales people can listen to motivational CD's and practice their presentations all day long but until they pick up the phone and contact somebody about their product or business they will never create a future that is different from their present; they will only continue to experience what they presently have in the future. If we busy ourselves all day long with ONLY Present-Based events, we will be guranteeing our future lifestyle to look exactly like the one we currently have in the present. The key to success lies in truly understanding and differentiating between a Present-Based and Future-Based event.

      The person above who is always running around is staying busy with Present-Based Events only. Everything she does keeps her in the present and that is why nothing has changed in her life in 10 years.

      My wealthy friends on the other hand, spend the majority of their day on Future-Based Events or at least they tackle those events before the Present-Based Events. They are continuily moving ahead toward a better future.

      The point of all this is yes, it's important to become disciplined and engage in certain activities every day until they become habits, but, just be sure that the activities you're engaging in are future based events.

    8. "The Discipline of Happiness” the title is the reason I read it!

      NO fluff just DISCIPLINE & COMMITMENT!

      With a new born of 6days old, I've stilled continue to train (doing marathon in May) all be it a bit less intensity (do weights as well) and last night going for my run, my "mind talk" started from the time I left the house and finally I gave into it at the 15km mark!

      I have NO regret with stopping, I'm glad I did actually. All sorts of justifications however for me, I'm smashed & last night I didn't have it mentally to do 25km.

      Today day of rest, was the best thing for me. Tomorrow, I know I will have the mental strength to "push through".

      However you feel, just START!

    9. Hi Randy!

      I have noticed this as well.

      I find that it is helpful to not concentrate on how I will feel "today" while working out, but how I will feel "tomorrow" knowing that I worked out in spite of how I felt.

      This may be simplistic, but I had an epiphany last week while performing some "inner negotiations." 😀

      Hope the weather is great in Sydney!


    10. Randy,

      It is refreshing, as you lead by example.

      I am undertaking a personal challenge of 400 sit-ups each day for 400 days. Like in your comment it is far too easy to think that it doesn't matter if you miss a day, on the basis that you will make it up.

      85 days into the challenge, 34000 sit-ups completed and getting a great feeling of well being from this and the warm glow of knowing that it is possible to be dedicated.

    11. RG,

      Thank Goodness, somebody else has this. Although I make a decision to be happy. Sometimes it just doesn't happen for whatever reason. You just wake up flat or even down.

      Normally I find because you have something on your mind and you can't shift it. Actually I think it often stems from overwhelm or fear. So the best thing to do is face it and as much as you can get on with whatever you don't want to.

      That is easier said than done, when you're feeling down. Yet as you proved to yourself. How great do you feel now you have accomplished it!

      Happy Travels


    12. I have a great idea!

      Buy a Dog! I take 3-5 walks every day in the beautiful area where I live in the southwest part of Sweden close to the long beach of Skalderviken. It´s easier when you have company. I have seen a lot of Ceasars Dogtrainingprograms and he always ask the dogowners if they walk the dog??? Sounds like a stupid question to me. On my way out! Have a great weekend!

    13. I find working out in the morning soon after I wake up sets me up great for the rest of the day. I feel refreshed and energised.

      I think a morning workout wakes you up better than any cup of coffee and cigarette could ever do!

      I used to workout in the evenings but then I switched to mornings, I had to reduce the duration and intensity at first because it required more discipline than I could handle at the time but I slowly built up and now its becoming a habit to exercise in the morning.
      Its getting to the point where I dont feel right if I dont get a workout done.

      Im now also starting to wake up 30min earlier because its nice and quiet and a great opportunity to meditate. I think thats a discipline that will lead to some great benefits and greater prosperity. Its a discipline which I`m determined to master and make a habit of.

      Best wishes

    14. "The Discipline of Happiness." I thank Randy has just come up with the name of his next book - the one that is going to sell over 10,000,000 copies!

      And I'm buying the first one.

      Way to go, Randy!

    15. Randy

      I agree with you 100 % on this. A lot of people sort of say "When I get motivated, then I will do so and so". Actually I believe it works the other way round - just start to "do" and you will become motivated!

      I like the Woody Allen quote when he said "80% of success is turning up". Let's say there is a job you don't particularly feel like doing, for example mowing the lawn. Just take the first step of getting the mower out of the shed. You are then in momentum and will feel inclined to mow one strip. Then when you have done that you will feel like doing some more..etc.

      25 years ago I was the orginal couch potato, went on the diets and lost and gained the weight. Then I started getting into exercise and have never looked back. In the recent past I have taken at least 30 mins cardio every day since October last year (including Christmas Day when the gym was closed so I went for a run!) and have never felt better. In fact at the age of 58 years I feel far fitter, healthier and happier than when I was in my 20s. My target is the marathon later this year (did the half 2 years ago).

      My exercise is scheduled like an urgent appoinment which is never missed. My belief is that the biggest benefit of exercise is MENTAL - I know get far more done than when I was that couch potato.


    16. Persistence is what Napoleon Hill thinks is the ONLY difference between the people that are most successful and the ones that are not in any area of life.

      Both Edison and Ford had not much education but whatever the project "Persistence" was their biggest asset. Do not take that little word lightly it will be the key to your success.
      Have been a sports addict since the age of 6 and it feels phenomenal to feel healthy(great feeling to wake up in the morning and while brushing your teeth to see your ABS).
      Started 2 years ago and in the process of adding same Persistence to guiding my MIND to success(kicking those "Old Habits" out of the way great challenge, love it)
      Way to go Mike of 400 sit-ups that is PERSISTENCE
      have a successful day everyone

    17. I tend to always be ready for some exercise, but not necessarily to do things on the house... However, I get those few day when you just need to do it and you do it all at once!

      It feels really good when you look back and there is nothing there to be done anymore.. I thank my wife because she kindly tells me that I need to do those things, so when she pushes me I improve!

      Go out there, do something or learn something new! Improve, be better today than yesterday, put your 10,000 hours up for whatever you want to excel at....but DO it!


    18. During my work out junkie days, not doing my cardio always left me feeling far worse than if I just did it regardless of how I felt.

      My problem now is I have gone too far the other way, and must get back on a daily exercise program. I would recommend anyone struggling with this issue to stop, look at where they are at, make some goals, and apply yourself to achieving them. That is what I am doing!!


    19. I think it's bit simplified and superficial to think that things you don't feel like to do is right for you to do now.
      I would rather say that it is not right to follow feelings of wanting or not wanting to do something. What right is to follow what your mind and your conscience is saying you should do.

    20. Well, we're in physical reality because we don't fully internalize our thoughts, so instead we get a physical manifestation.

      The time we spend on working out we always get back and more! So, there's a lesson to learn and remember!

      Make the extraordinary ordinary!

    21. Hey Randy, been there done that...about two weeks ago I went for a lymphatic massage and man oh man, the mood swings over the next couple of days were incredible. Emotionally I was a wreck but came through..may have a few family members or friends ticked but that's par for the are so right...even when you don't feel like it...get out and move it, move it....soon your problems are forgotten and you are one hell of alot and the world smiles with you ....Frown and you frown alone!! God Bless

    22. What I am getting from avoiding responsability in my life?, what is my payoff from not doing what I know, it will get me to a higher level?, maybe I want to be right, in control, analizing........, well every second there is a choice to GET TO DO and being in my power or HAVE TO DO and be a victim from cisrcuntances....

    23. Randy, got your note about my previous link and comment ...

      As you know, David & I and my brother Mark woke up one day last February 08 to a rude awakening when a few unsightly pictures of us showed up on the internet after a national event (Jessica, I know what it feels like Baby!) and we all realized that with David's gormet cooking, we had all really packed on the pounds ... YUCK ... ok time for change ... got to rally the tribe and set some new ground rules and hold each other accountable. Nothing like a tribal plan & commitment to get the juices flowing ...

      My intentions were good at the beginning as I led the tribe down the stairs to the gym and David took responsibility for the cooking and setting a new meal plan ... Mark had no choice but to give in to the program and we began to see big time results as 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60+ pounds melted away!

      However, after all the hoopla, I found myself back to procrastinating and rationalizing on all the other things I could be doing early in the morning eventhough Mark & David held their ground and were becoming global "poster boys" with our program!

      I knew I had to come up with something fast to make it fun for me again and I wanted to stay in the game long-term ... what to do? ... so I thought "I need a workout partner who would be willing to get up each morning with me … who would be there every day without any whining, bitching or any stupid excuse that would take me off my plan" … so I looked around and found my solution right in front me! Check this out:

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