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The Ability of Discernment

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 1, 2011

The universe offers so many profound lessons.  But the key is being teachable enough to learn them.  And that means also having the ability to question what you think you already know.

There were more than a few lessons I didn’t learn early and had to have them taught to me more than a few times.  Usually it was a case of not being a critical thinker and using discernment.

I had a lot invested in being “right.”  But wise people are always willing to question all their beliefs and let go of the ones that don't serve them.  Otherwise you are a slave to your prejudices and mind viruses, and every day is Groundhog Day.

Question a bad premise and it always goes dark.  Be as skeptical of truth as you want, it still shines through.  It is this willingness to question your more emotional and deep-seated beliefs where the real life-changing breakthroughs live.

So how you doing on that?




12 comments on “The Ability of Discernment”

  1. Hi, Randy

    Absolute agree with that !

    I believe that everything that happen to us is coming from God so it's suppose to help us & or teach us something that we can not see yet.

    I have been prayed and saw a lot of this on my life.

    Like you off course I loose the lesson and need to have a seoond



  2. Я считаю, что нужно научиться слушать свое сердце. Это глубже, чем просто разум. Это очень важно! Я сегодня учусь этому.

  3. Hi Randy.
    I had an apiffany at my day-time job today on this topic. I need not be right as long as I speek my mind and allow others to do the same, and most importantly listen to them. Just by keeping this in mind a situation of conflict was resolved before even occuring. And it is so easy to do, reach out with an open mind.

  4. As I think about how many I encounter in Life that run the 'need to be right' behavior, its staggering. And while I used to be this way many years ago, I prefer to listen closely to learn another perspective. The Skill of Listening is a critical one and needs constant work. We can always tell when another isn't listening also but its best to never judge. The beauty of being aware of this in others as well as ourselves is that it opens the door to growth. And of course THIS is what's most important.

    So I guess the lesson here is to focus on what someone's sharing and take it all in BEFORE responding. I think that many of us are too busy contemplating a response WHILE the other person is talking that we may actually miss out on the essence!

  5. Hi RG,

    Doing better and better, great topic!

    Holding to one belief keeps you blind to opportunity. See things one way, things will be one way. Enter the Groundhog Day way of living you speak of: same ish, different day.

    If you have the ability to see something from an entirely different perspective - one not at all in alignment with your currently held belief system - chances are you can become pretty darn wise.

    Focus on being open-minded, yet discerning. Be willing to question yourself, and your deepest held beliefs. See more ways other than one way and your life becomes much richer and more fulfilling.

    Thanks for sharing your insight Randy!


  6. Hey randy, I have heard you several times before mention how wise people allow themselves to question their own beliefs. However, I wonder, sometimes we encounter highly "convincing" people, with the ability to make us doubt what we feel like a very strong and "right" core belief. So my question is: how can we discern from those people who want us to question our belief for our own good from those who just want us to manipulate us?

    1. Very good critical thinking question! Trust your instincts and question everything. I think at some level we always know what is true and what is not.

  7. Last couple blogs about infinite intelligence ignited and had elicit inside me a longing and a trust that outside MY rational thinking mind there is another realm in which other centers of consciousness connects.
    Ayn Rand I'm quite sure didn't experience this level.

    (ah didn't some thinking occur - huh?)

    Infinite Intelligence resonate well with tradition I've grown in since 1991: YOGA. A initiation it is spoken about. There's a control issue that when released allow meditation. When the word meditation here used, it differ from programming!
    Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged ridiculed the yogis in India. Historically though these practices also were used by AMERICAN Indians.

    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

  8. Funny.. I've met a holes that just go out of their way to wind people up..or bosses being jerks just because they can..
    You can never change close minded people's thing.. and it's really rare that someone can listen with an open mind to an opposite view point.. much hilarity cruising around the Sydney harbor.. with a typical British twit going on about the Empire and me laughing at him and him calling me Otto.. still great mates. having a blast drinking wine, listening to jazz and debating a Fish Called Wanda and your troubles fade..

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  • 12 comments on “The Ability of Discernment”

    1. Hi, Randy

      Absolute agree with that !

      I believe that everything that happen to us is coming from God so it's suppose to help us & or teach us something that we can not see yet.

      I have been prayed and saw a lot of this on my life.

      Like you off course I loose the lesson and need to have a seoond



    2. Я считаю, что нужно научиться слушать свое сердце. Это глубже, чем просто разум. Это очень важно! Я сегодня учусь этому.

    3. Hi Randy.
      I had an apiffany at my day-time job today on this topic. I need not be right as long as I speek my mind and allow others to do the same, and most importantly listen to them. Just by keeping this in mind a situation of conflict was resolved before even occuring. And it is so easy to do, reach out with an open mind.

    4. As I think about how many I encounter in Life that run the 'need to be right' behavior, its staggering. And while I used to be this way many years ago, I prefer to listen closely to learn another perspective. The Skill of Listening is a critical one and needs constant work. We can always tell when another isn't listening also but its best to never judge. The beauty of being aware of this in others as well as ourselves is that it opens the door to growth. And of course THIS is what's most important.

      So I guess the lesson here is to focus on what someone's sharing and take it all in BEFORE responding. I think that many of us are too busy contemplating a response WHILE the other person is talking that we may actually miss out on the essence!

    5. Hi RG,

      Doing better and better, great topic!

      Holding to one belief keeps you blind to opportunity. See things one way, things will be one way. Enter the Groundhog Day way of living you speak of: same ish, different day.

      If you have the ability to see something from an entirely different perspective - one not at all in alignment with your currently held belief system - chances are you can become pretty darn wise.

      Focus on being open-minded, yet discerning. Be willing to question yourself, and your deepest held beliefs. See more ways other than one way and your life becomes much richer and more fulfilling.

      Thanks for sharing your insight Randy!


    6. Hey randy, I have heard you several times before mention how wise people allow themselves to question their own beliefs. However, I wonder, sometimes we encounter highly "convincing" people, with the ability to make us doubt what we feel like a very strong and "right" core belief. So my question is: how can we discern from those people who want us to question our belief for our own good from those who just want us to manipulate us?

      1. Very good critical thinking question! Trust your instincts and question everything. I think at some level we always know what is true and what is not.

    7. Last couple blogs about infinite intelligence ignited and had elicit inside me a longing and a trust that outside MY rational thinking mind there is another realm in which other centers of consciousness connects.
      Ayn Rand I'm quite sure didn't experience this level.

      (ah didn't some thinking occur - huh?)

      Infinite Intelligence resonate well with tradition I've grown in since 1991: YOGA. A initiation it is spoken about. There's a control issue that when released allow meditation. When the word meditation here used, it differ from programming!
      Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged ridiculed the yogis in India. Historically though these practices also were used by AMERICAN Indians.

      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    8. Funny.. I've met a holes that just go out of their way to wind people up..or bosses being jerks just because they can..
      You can never change close minded people's thing.. and it's really rare that someone can listen with an open mind to an opposite view point.. much hilarity cruising around the Sydney harbor.. with a typical British twit going on about the Empire and me laughing at him and him calling me Otto.. still great mates. having a blast drinking wine, listening to jazz and debating a Fish Called Wanda and your troubles fade..

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