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Telling the Truth

Posted By: Randy GageApril 28, 2011

The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.

Those words from French diplomat, dramatist and novelist Jean Giraudoux are always good to elicit a smile.  Sadly a lot of businesses and people think that is a viable approach. But nothing will keep you from prosperity faster than insincerity.

Our relationships, economy and the very fabric of our society are glued together by sincerity.  The free enterprise system would crash without it.  Relationships would be fearful and guarded, and no intimacy would be possible.

Insincere people imagine everyone else operates that way.  They project their beliefs on everything around them, for everything is yellow to the jaundiced eye.  But the real business breakthroughs and the wonderful, joyous relationships that enrich your life, are always based on honesty.

This is a hard thing for many people to develop in relationships…

I know lots of people whose highest value is avoiding confrontation.  They were raised in dysfunctional environments such as an alcoholic or abusive parent, so they walk on eggshells.  Before they say anything, they edit it mentally in the supercomputer of their mind, screening to ensure that there’s no possible way they could offend anyone.  This makes them even more fear-based and neurotic, and continues the downward cycle of their interactions.

Other people were taught that it is poor manners to ever disagree with anyone, and they avoid subjects like politics, religion or anything that could be perceived as controversial.   So they never offend anyone.  They’re also boring as hell.  And no one ever really trusts them either.

The first challenge I have in new relationships – business or personal – is getting the other party to understand I want the truth.  My highest value in relationships is being real.  I want you to be real with me and need to know I can be real with you.  If you ask me if the turkey is too dry, or if those pants make your ass look fat, you’re going to get the truth.

Now that doesn’t mean that you have to be mean-spirited.  Truth telling only works when people know that you really do care about them and have their best wishes at heart.   You can let them know things in a loving way that serves them.

That’s for the people that care about you and you care about them…

Other people don’t have your best interests at heart.  They may be competitors trying to sabotage your business, people with petty jealousies, or personal mommy issues they haven’t resolved yet.  And the best way to handle them is also telling the truth…

That may mean telling them they have to deal with you with more respect in the future, it could be letting them know you no longer trust doing business with them, or it could even mean telling them to get the fuck out of your life forever.

And that really is for everyone’s highest good…

When businesses get complaints, that tells them where they need to improve.  And when the people around you “call you on your stuff,” it allows you to know where you need to get better if you want to keep those people in your life.

It’s not about changing to make yourself attractive to others, however.  That is really just more insincerity.  It’s about being real with each other and being a sounding board.  In a positive, functional relationship you each have a safe space to check things out.  It’s a partnership of growing along this journey we call life.  Because to pull another quote from Giraudoux, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”

The real journey is about challenge and growth, and that only happens when you have real relationships based on honesty and integrity with people you can trust.

If you get out of the politically correct societal perceptions of relationships and live in truth, it’s amazing what wonderful people you can attract, and the value and joy those relationships can bring for both sides.

So how you doing on that?


97 comments on “Telling the Truth”

  1. This has been something I've always felt at my core but struggled with much of my life. After years of working out the baggage I've have found that truth in relationships (be it business or personal) makes that relationship SO much better, deeper and of such a greater quality. AND, I'm much happier, I truly enjoy the relationships I have.

  2. I usually tell you the truth. I don't lie. I have only kept a truth to myself that isn't anyone else's business. I would tell you if I knew you, but not in public. Other times I have said things that were not entirely true, because at the time I may not have realized my own truth.

    I know this blog isn't about me. I do know that we had a dispute on the last blog, and you questioned the voracity of my argument. Which is about truth telling, so it is relevent to this post. Are you wishing I would just get the fuck off your blog?


    1. Annie, I'm sure you mean well and I don't know you personally, but in the sprit of today's post, I do have to be honest with you. I too, don't always agree with what Randy says, but I do think he has a great message overall that he works hard at conveying daily. I also like to see the debate here on this blog, but when I see you post a response I know automatically it is only to disagree with the message that was posted that day, and that does get monotonous. You do sound very intelligent and would like to see more feedback from you that doesn't just automatically create disagreement.

      1. Annie,

        There are 4 people who've shared a wish that you wouldn't be negative, disagreeable and attacking here.

        I just keep wondering why you do it?

        And when people do specifically ask you... rather than answering and facing it, you go into feeling sorry for yourself, rather than facing yourself. I hate to see your disempwoering yourself in this way...

        If you were an outsider looking on, and saw an 'Annie' acting out, being critical, negative, personally attacking... and it was frustrating, annoying, and draining other readers...

        What would you say to Annie?

        What does she need?

        How can others support and challenge her to come to this blog to learn, contribute, share, be curious, discover, grow in awareness, and become successfully prosperous?

        What works best for Annie?

        Do you notice that when Annie gets challenged she avoids it, tries to vie for support and colludes against the people who believe that she has better to offer?

        Can you see the dynamic she dances it?

        What might help her to break the negative cycle?

        What does Annie need and how can she get it in a healthy way that leaves her feeling loved, enjoyed, accepted... and that she gains a sense of belonging in a gifted, beautiful community that wants everyone to succeed?!

        PS The psychologist Harriet Lerner - writes beautifully on dynamics, and how to break them... The Dance of Connection: How to Talk to Someone When you're Mad, Hurt, Scared, etc...' by Harriet Lerner or The Dance of Fear

    2. What my very hard,very honest truthful ex husband used to say to me I really want to say to you Annie:WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM????????????????????????????????????

    3. Hi Annie,

      I don't normally partake in these discussions - waaaaayy above my head but, having said that, whilst I don't always agree with what Randy has to say, I do respect that which he does say and have been known to Tweet him accordingly!

      I used to go out with an Annie - come to think way back to it, I went out with 4 Annies in sequence - saved getting the name wrong!

      The weather here in Belfast is beautiful and yesterday, the country helped celebrate an incredible Royal Wedding.

      Why don't you just join the spirit of goodwill. Yup, you may not agree with Randy and that is your right, but do we really have to read about your issues? As you said, this blog is not about you but if that is what you want, well there are plenty of places to go where you can let loose as much as you want.

      Could I just remind you of the rules concerning posting here "Comment Rules: Okay kids, we want to hear what you have to say. Critical is fine, but if you're crude, rude, or tacky, we'll delete your stuff." Randy hasn't, although in my opinion he should.

      Go take a breath of the fantastic good weather we are having (here) and on your return, contribute with something we could all benefit from.

      Cheers from Belfast

  3. Hi Randy,

    Some feeling telling it like it is means being an a-hole. Not true.

    You can be passionate about something like politics without being a pr*ck. Intelligent people do this all the time. It's called offering your viewpoint without being emotionally attached to it.

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Great article. One thought; With regards to your statement, "The free enterprise system would crash without {sincerity}." Not quite sure it could happen. Seems to me that - without sincerity and other high moral values, those companies would eventually find themselves out of business and perhaps their owners in jail (if the insincerity was coupled with thievery). And, the marketplace itself (the best natural regulator there is) would cause the sincere ones to rise to the top. So, the very nature of reward for behavior would cause more people to be sincere. 🙂 Well, going back to your original statement, if there was in fact absolutely no sincerity, I guess the free enterprise system *would* collapse. Though, difficult also to imagine a world in which "no one" was sincere. Thanks again for the post!

    1. Fortunately the argument is academic, because as you point out, the dishonest merchants create more opportunities for those that provide real value with integrity.


  5. Randy, When you live your life with integrity, there is nothing else but the truth. It all starts with how comfortable you are in your own skin.

    This statement "The real journey is about challenge and growth, and that only happens when you have real relationships based on honesty and integrity with people you can trust." is so true. What a wonderful way to live.

    Loved your post today.


  6. Great one, Randy!

    The truth will set you free.

    Thanks again for sharing. This has been one for me to ruminate on.

  7. Blimey this is a timely one for me. I'm having a bit of an ethical dilemma at the moment. I do a bit of voluntary work and a part of the work involves being a mystery shopper. It involves a fair bit of deception on my part about my circumstances. I'm good at playing my part but when the service I'm investigating does a bang up job I feel really guilty about misleading them and I feel that they've wasted their valuable time with me when they could have been helping someone else. So I'm left asking myself is it justified to use deception to expose poor services or is there a better more ethical way to test them?

    1. Why feel guilty? If someone does a great job you report that and they get the rewards and recognition they deserve. And if someone does a horrible job, that needs to come out as well. Otherwise the employees working there doing great work could lose their jobs. And you are actually doing the employee doing a poor job a favor. Their highest good is to find work they enjoy and will do competently.

      Unless you're just secret shopping my blog, to see if I actually respond to these comments... 🙂

  8. Randy, there is a lot I want to say about this post. I agree sincerity is one of the most important qualities a person can possess.

    However, knowing when to be honest and when to withold information, until the right time comes along is also important. For instance, telling someone their "ass is fat" needs to be done at the right time when the person is ready to hear it and in more kind terms. Empathy is the key. And just as sincerity is important so is empathy in intimate relationships. No real intimacy can happen without that either. Can you imagine the distance it would create between you and a loved one if you told them they look fat and they were not ready to hear it. Bad for intimacy, very bad.

    How are you doing on the sincerity gig Randy? Don't mistake sinceritiy for rude comments that are doled out in attempt to discredit criticism aimed in your direction. I am unfortunately got personal. Not disrespectful, but personal.

    I feel, (my opinion only, no one else has to agree) that you are someone who can dish it, but can't always take it. You say criticism is fine, but usually you seem very defensive and sarcastic in it's presence. Not always. I have to say at times I am very impressed at how well you take criticism, other times I am appalled at the lack of professionalism you display in the face of it.

    I think most bloggers here feel a bit intimidated criticizing you or giving you unflattering information. I know, I know, their are a bunch of bloggers out there gasping with indignity. Don't worry, I realize this is only my perspective. I say this because often when people make critical comments they apologize about it, or take it back. Not everyone, and maybe this is just their issue. But, it is something to think about. If you want honesty if have to be willing to accept it back.

    I don't know why you didn't answer my question above. But, I will assume you don't want me off your blog.

    I have taken a lot on this blog. I have dished it as well. I don't like being the critical one, but I will do it for myself and my integrity. I don't care if the others here have a favorable opinion of me or not. I even risk your favorable opinion if need be. I am not always sincere in life either, I try my best.

    I keep at you Randy because you don't always come across as having integrity in my opinion. You say what you think without empathy, but that is not integrity. I want you to have more integrity and empathy.

    Yes, I compete for your attention here, I will not deny that. So do others. Lots of women here love you and would love you to love them. But, I am working on my integrity, empathy, and centeredness all the same. I also hope to help you some too. That's the truth.


    1. Annie,

      I hear you wanting empathy from RG. That it hurts not to get full, constant and devoted attention. And when you don't get that it makes you mad and upset and makes you want to attack what feels to be his faults. It makes sense. It's a understandable.

      RG has amazing integrity. He's honest, stable, disciplined, consistently present, strong... He is reliable... And he takes criticism, and he adjusts when something is presented to him... He's good like that!

      When I see your statement "I want you to have more integrity and empathy." I feel the inner mama bear coming on, and I want to ask you to go home. I mean that in the deepest respect.

      With clients I say "if you're over THERE, telling him who to be and what to do, or in his business, who is HOME FOR YOU?"

      I PROMISE you RG does masses of growth and development. DAILY he works on himself. I've known his work for a decade, and known him closer for the last 2.5 years... I've seen MANY things improve in him. Obviously with him they are more subtle because it's not as obvious.

      Empathy is my BIG thing at the moment - I'm just creating a free call for people on it. I'm reading a book a week on empathy/trauma/parenting... I'm passionate about it... and see it's impact frequently. RG has never trained as a therapist. I personally have experienced RG's deep loving listening, and times when he's got too much on to fully step into my shoes, and wants me to hurry up and step into his Great ones. And when I poke my fingers in his pie, I just get my fingers burnt. And then we laugh... And I go back to working on me! Shifting from Victim to Creator...

      When I notice myself attacking him for either his empathy or integrity - I normally find it's because I'm sick, tired, upset, or out of integrity and not listening to myself. When I get into integrity, and have deeper empathy for myself and others amazingly I see the ways RG is empathic, and has remarkable integrity.

      My state dictates the lens I see him and what I challenge and celebrate in him. The more I challenge my integrity and pull my socks up, and the more I am totally focused on genuine empathy for myself - the LESS I'm critical of Randy.

      When I am NOT being empathic with myself, and I'm out of sense - I tend to badger him to meet my needs. It's then he and I know that I've slipped into a victim, attacking cycle. And he's mostly really gracious and brilliant with me...

      He cracks me up and it melts my resistance... and I see his beauty, goodness and high integrity...

      My request- and the place I've found power for me and hope you will too - is that instead of keeping going for HIM, can you go for YOURSELF?

      KEEP ON AT YOURSELF! That's where you'll GAIN your power. I find I lose my power when I'm attacking - as it reveals often my weakness, and shadow not theirs.

      1. Natalie, sometimes criticism is just criticism. It's what I think. Randy does it a lot, even with you, if what you say is accurate. Is he above criticism?

        So far, I am pretty sure he is just a regular person. Maybe keep some of that Mama Bear protection for someone who really needs it.

        Randy is promoting himself as an expert in prosperity, including being honest, having integrity, being a critical thinker etc. I have never made such a claim. I criticize him and his philosophy as he is claiming to be an expert.

        Finally, I really ponder why you always intercede in these moments. Don't you?


        1. Annie,

          Beloved Bob Burg is a dear man, and he often says something like "Ensure you are speaking from the same PREMISE, otherwise you're not on the same page."

          SO lets get clear - so we're together, hm?
          Starting with definition...

          "Criticism is the judgement of the merits and faults of the work or actions of an individual or group by another (the critic).

          To criticize does not necessarily imply to find fault, but the word is often taken to mean the simple expression of an objection against prejudice, or a disapproval.

          Another meaning of criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature, social movements, film, arts, and similar objects and events. The goal of this type of criticism is to understand the work or event more thoroughly."

          1. This begets the question: "What is your GOAL in your criticism? What are you wanting to achieve? How is your criticism serving YOU and your prosperity?"

          2. Is he regular? Above or below criticism? For me, this blog is not about Randy. He has frequently requested of you to NOT make is PERSONAL, but to discuss the ISSUES at hand and NOT make it about HIM. When you attack him - it creates a natural magnetic pull to equilibriate - others who share the other side. It's a distraction. On each post above it says "ADD TO THE DIALOGUE." ADD = +. It's POSTIVE. It's an ADDITION, not a negation. Positive can be a bright idea in critical thinking, eh? But not personal, about him... or us...

          3. But THAT (Is he above criticism? ) is not the RIGHT question to be asking - in my books. FOr me the question that seems appropriate and most effective is this: With this being called "SUCCESS and PROSPERITY BLOG" what need to be criticised is the thoughts, ideas, and practices in our OWN lives of where WE are not being Successful and Prosperous... OR criticising the ideas, concepts and practices that are shared her for them being not the BEST at taking us to our highest good and deepest servive in Success and Prosperity.

          As I started to write this I felt a sense of sadness - that your criticism comes out of feeling small - so if you can knock HIM down, then you'd feel big. And my thought is that when you become who you really want to be, you'll feel amazing, and won't have to take cheap shots to attack him. There are healthier and more productive ways to get yoru needs met...

          1. Natalie, I am not going to argue with you. You have no idea what you are talking about. And "Telling the Truth" does not interest you.


          2. Annie,

            You're right - I have no idea who you are and what your experience is...

            What's the truth you feel I'm not interested in for you?

            We all have truths - based on how we see the world. Sometimes parts of me hold different truths...

            I love to hear all parts of the turth - not one right way but ALL the truths, so that we can co-create with the fullness of ourselves!

    2. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  9. Truth be told...
    I enjoy your rants and the majority of the replies by others Often I leave the post with what I believe to be a better concept of the "rant" of the day.
    But I have found that I have been avoiding your posts lately as you have a regular antagonist that never seems to leave me inspired, rather I feel dirty after she attacks you.
    I feel I benefit from your input and that of the majority yet I find myself avoiding your posts as I don't want any more negativity in my life. There is so much good on offer here but I currently struggle with avoiding the negative and its influence. It's just like a train wreck, I know I should avoid looking but I am not strong enough to avoid it and find I'm disappointed when I do see it.
    So unfortunately I avoid your Rants, sometimes a week at a time, hoping when I can back that I'll be lifted up, educated, have my eyes opened a little more without having someone poke them out.
    Maybe I'll just go back to your cd's and books for a few months.
    Truth be told.....

    1. When you see their name on post, skip past it and read the next one. You don't have to read their comments just because you're reading this blog. Or, if you start reading something unexpectedly negative, just stop right there and move onto the next one.

    2. Well Brian, I will assume you mean me. I wish you no harm, or Randy really. Carmen gave you some good advice.

      However, if you are compelled to read what I write, some of what I say is true. And yes, truth is dirty and ugly, especially if it is about someone you look up to. But, some of what I say is just my opinion. Don't let it get to you one way or the other. Or as Carmen has suggested don't read it!

      If you really want to leave, leave. If you don't stay, I won't say anything else to you. But, I won't leave just because you don't like what I say. And, I doubt Randy will make me leave either, maybe but probably not.


      1. Annie,

        This is a comment I've heard many people say about you.

        I wonder how that makes you feel?

        I see you defending yourself, rather than taking it on board...


          1. Annie,

            DO you REALLY wonder? I've made it clear...


            When I ask direct questions like "why do you want to be here?" or "what's your purpose?" or "what energy can we bring to this blog?" or "how can we solve this?" or "how can we create this blog to be a remarkable place that inspirses, uplifts and creates Prosperity?" You don't answer... You shut down, attack, and ignore... Why is that?

            I don't enjoy your problem focused energy, I adore being around creative, inspiring, SOLUTION and BECOMING focused energy... To be clear:

            I feel powerless to stop your attacks, and unable to remove your toxicity and negativity.

            The biggest issue I have is that you don't come here to LEARN, it feels like your primary reason for being here is to attack RG. It's boring now. I find creation, growth, inspiration and healing FAR more interesting.

            I believe in LOVING people into Greatness, not breaking them down to my level. I also know that it takes some energy to change, so I'm willing to engage and work with anger to create that energy to shift past patterning. I KNOW all you say isn't persoanl to RG - that it's your stuff... And I feel for you... But honestly this year I let RG know my focus is on surrounding myself with adoring, positive, loving people... You are not being that. I've had enough of attacking people in my past... My future is shiny... not tainted with someone tarnishing the good, bright Light. I have issue that you want to poke holes daily, destroy, humiliate...

            I think too of his inner child - he had a rough childhood, dealing with MANY issues that are deeply sore for him. That's he's SO dug into and dealt with. And while he's overcome them, like ANY human being that inner child ALSO needs love, adoring, sweetness, kindness, and goodness. Randy is a human being - not a God to be challenged off a thrown. He's precious to me - the first person I call frequently if something happens, someone who's there, constant, loving, gorgeous, a beautiful soul, so good, ruthless, tough, strong, hugely magnanomous, generous, such an amazing gentleman (more that ANY man I know - even holding my hand down stairs so I won't fall in high heals and make a fool of myself!!!!!!),

            ahh - see I just burst into the tears - and it was at the thought "I LOVE RANDY." I do - a lot. I love him - and when one of my dearest friends is attacked day after day - I just don't like it. It's like you're being a bully - just because he's rich, successful, thinks, shares his ideas... He's a deeply, beautiful, and amazing friend to me... I absolutely appreciate him, feel remarkably blessed to have him alive for ALL of us and I truly hate you constantly trying to find his weak spot. It's so disrespectful.

            I have issues that you think it's your right to be a bitch when you feel like it without owning your experience.

            I find it frustrating you projecting and transfering issues onto RG, rather than working on yourself.

      2. No no no.Truth is never dirty and ugly.You sure have a real big problem.I can tell you my truth:I want you to get the hell out of here NOW

    3. Brian,

      It takes courage to share how you feel. Thanks for opening up and clearing that up. When you come for goodness, you don't want to be left with a bad taste of bitterness in your being, eh? I get you!

      I empathise, I've felt the same way. When i'm feeling the need of an injection of prosperity - that for me is open, loving, uplifting, courageous, light filled, awakening, positive, and deeply connecting to source - I touch base here with my main man!

      And then when I find attack after attack my energy goes flat, tired, bored, frustrated, irritated that RG's being misconscrewed... that it feels like a KG child playing up and acting out to get attention, rather than to learn. When I'm feeling needy I don't want that noise. I just want the juice of abundance.

      It seems it also makes you feel FRUSTRATED with yoruself - like an addict who keeps going back to one more fix, EVEN tho it's bad for you. Like a taste of victimhood? Or a shot of neediness? Things you're wanting to change in yourself. They aren't things you're wanting to embrace, eh?

      You're JUST wanting to get your goodness, and not get taken off track... And then you feel disapointed with yourself that you allowed yourself back on the tracks of destruction and negativity. YUCK, eh? And annoyed with yourself that you don't have the strength to avoid it, eh? I can hear Randy's words in my head saying "LET ME NOT AFFIRM THAT!" AND that's your reality for now - you don't have the strength, eh?

      I hear two wishes in your words that you wish could change:
      1. You wish that negativity wasn't here so you could relax, absorb it, and truly open to the full potentiality offered here...

      2. You wish you had the strength to avoid the distraction and negativity...

      And I'm wondering what solutions you have to host these two things to evolve into achievements for you? Not in a way that leaves you a martyr, a victim, a persecutor, or a rescuer... But in a way that has you lit up, inspired, and open to your highest prosperity?

      I'm gonna guess that

    4. Brian,
      I have decided not to read more post from that person, and it works for me.
      I just feed my mind with what is good for me, and that kind of comments is not. Maybe this can work for you too.
      Just an advice.
      Take care,


      1. Thanks!

        I know I can avoid the negativity and distraction.
        I appreciate your input.
        By avoiding RR's altogether, I ultimately punish myself by cutting my nose off in spite of my face.
        I just wont look at the nose!

        Again thanks.

  10. Total agree Randy, that is the energy that you sen to all of us, in the things you writte and the things you say and Aldo the things you do!, that is exactly WHY tour are one of the tpos in net worck marketing!,

  11. Great post Randy. I was that person that would not say things as not to offend others. Have I matured as a person in this respect! I would always avoid confrontation or arguments or debate. Now I like it, and can do it without getting mad, which has been huge in my life. Being able to tell someone the truth is the absolute best thing you can do in the long run for anyone, from telling them they need to lose weight, to telling a manager that the person that just checked you out at the grocery store had a bad attitude. You will make someone mad, but they will think about it, and learn from the situation or feedback, and get over it and grow as a person. Keep up the great blog dude, you are a jedi rockstar!

  12. Hi Randy,

    what is the truth ? There's probably only one truth, but many many different interpretations of the truth. Trouble starts when we allow ourselves to have our own truth, but don't allow it to others. And: How often truths are only opinions, like the question if the pants make someone's ass fat or not ? Is there an objective gauge for it ?

    Beware of taking opinions for the truth.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    Take care


  13. I am straight with others. Years ago, I was too blunt so I learned tactfulness instead. It's still the truth.

    Also, I like to take a "look in the mirror" and call myself out when my Spirit pulls at me. The Soul never lies. During, this state of Awareness, I listen very closely.

    Lastly, when others tell me the truth. I appreciate it, and agree with others on this post 'thanks for sharing.'

  14. I'm excellent at telling the truth, so much so that I actually need to work on the diplomacy end! I have a reputation for saying it like it is. I have a tendency not to edit what I'm thinking. I grew up in a household that was very much that way. I really appreciate it when people tell me how it is. Sometimes it's a bit tough, but then I know exactly what I need to do or change to improve the situation.

  15. Wonderful post Randy. Joe G's comment; “And the first place to have a good relationship and to tell the truth is with oneself.” was my first thought too.

    Many people I know have a commitment to their truth of how the world 'should' work. A bit of magical thinking I say. It's useful to say nothing rather than have a conversation with nothing to accomplish regardless of what is said.

    Integrity, a definition I use, is the degree you hold yourself true to your values and principles. There are many instances of powerful and influential people who are now demonized who lived a life of high integrity. At least you know where they stand. You are not required to agree or accommodate them; however, integrity has a way of making way for the highest power.

    The truth is also a point of view. While I have my vantage point based on personal experiences so does everyone else. Some are unwilling to see through anyone else's view or worse deny it is even possible.

    Thank you Randy for making a difference.

  16. Great post Randy.
    English is not my first language. After 10 years or so in an English speaking environment I am still struggling with the answer to the question "How are you?" as the everyday greeting. 99% of the answers are "I am good, thanks." ... Are these people telling the truth? How come there is so much negativity in the world, but when you ask the people how they are doing, the majority seems to be fine?

  17. Randy, I will never write again on your post anything negative about you or your political or philosophical leanings. So, you probably won't hear from me much.

    However, if unlike some of your friends, colleagues, and fellow bloggers you wish me to continue telling my version of truth, I will.

    I don't mind what others say, but I am being the real me. I will not speak my mind if you don't wish it.

    I wonder too, if you ever think of anything in my defense? I don't need it, I am a big girl. I just wonder that's all. Are you happy when they take a go at me? Like your friend Natalie? I really would be curious to know.

    When I criticize you it isn't out of hate. Sometimes I hate the message or the way you are giving it, but not you. I like you a lot Randy, and honestly I think you know that too. 🙂


    1. Annie,

      As you leave, I offer this...

      I wonder how you'll find healthy, positive, creative expression for that negativity? I draw, and punch pillows... that gets it out and caused less pain that attacking others 🙂

      what helped me for a stage when I was stressed and reactive was to stop myself and ask:
      "what would my highest self respond?"

      Then I knew I wouldn't react... It was REALLY hard to not ... It still is at times... and my kids will say "Mom, that reaction didnt fit the crime. Lower your voice. Don't shout so loud we can't hear you."

      So much of what I write to you is because I have been there, I am here, I do that/this. I'm just deeply wanting to break through it - and be the millionaire I am meant to be so that I can serve and touch more lives! I want that for you too...

      It makes me happy to hear you say you'll stop being negative. That's joyous to hear, thank you.

      I know when I'm in a negative habit and changing in order to succeed I have to really plan out how to make it work - so I don't fail. Because I've failed repetitively by not planning things properly... and then I feel crap about myself, and makes me feel negative again... and so the habit appears again!

      So I wonder for you - what can support you in that? I've seen you promise you won't attack before, and for a while you don't, and then something happens and you start up again. It might be interesting for you to journal what gets triggered, so you can work with a coach/counsellor on that...

      I do this - I have a page next to my bed, that when I pray/meditate and strong negative thoguhts/upsets pop up I write them down and let them know I'll work with them later... I welcome them as gifts to mine for places I need to heal and the important ones I'll take to my therapist on Tuesday.

      When I worked with teens I'd get them to design a STOP sign in their head, then a rubbish bin man would fly through their brain and sweep away the negative thoughts, and love and light would beam in to fill them up. So they could break the habit, and focus on feeling good, rather than reacting.

      Go well!

      1. Natalie, as always assuming something makes an ass of you and me. You have no idea where I am at, and I'm not sure if you have ever been here.


        1. Where are you at Annie?

          What's the next step for you?

          What support and challenge do you need?

          If I've never been there - I don't know...

          From here it feels like a negative, attacking, colluding place - fighting for attention from Randy (where there is truly no competition), and avoiding anyone who challenges you, and being friendly with those who agree with you...

          Is that how it feels for you?

          Do you like it there, being like that?

          What's your vision for who you'd like to be? FOr your highest most awesome Annie?

          As your best Annie do you need to ask Randy what he wants from you on this blog, or do you know deep inside?

          Oh Fun!

          1. Annie,

            I don't want to argue, or attack.

            I simply and purely want to have a break through - where we create this blog to be a glorious, amazing, prosperous place that has a midas touch and transforms lives...

            what are you wanting here? What do you need here?


        2. I know where you are at,it is so obvious.And I really wish for everyones best that you stop writing here.YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Hello, Annie,

      You have really gotten lots of feedback these past few days!

      Your writing reveals you as a very talented and intelligent person. Heartfelt also....

      Humbly, I would suggest that this blog is NOT about RG, but about the IDEAS and PRINCIPLES he advocates.

      My suggestion would be to spend some time trying to apply the Prosperity Principles he teaches instead of getting bogged down in critique.

      If you put even a fraction of the energy and intensity you put into critique into actually applying RG's prosperity TEACHINGS, you would a Prosperity Beacon who could light up the world!

      And help lots of others at the same time.



  18. Randy, I'm one of those people who was raised to avoid confrontation at all costs. Step 1 was recognizing that that policy doesn't really benefit me. I'm working on step 2 now. Your post helped. Thanks!

  19. thats always been a tough one for me in the past, honesty. I know honesty is a no compromise! I like the fact well it helps me understand better my behaviours of the past around that, that I used to need to please everybody so I would distort the truth. This was never for personal gain ever, or intent to deceive. But in fact it is both. This was the upbringing you spoke up RG. And now many years later things are different. Im in business and honesty is foremost in our business. Building trusting real time sincere relationships is everything in what we do. It really does make life so much easier!

  20. Randy, it is a timely and particularly inspiring post for me! Thank you!

    I've been thinking a lot lately about a certain event when due to my conflict avoidance I have acted in an insincere way.

    Reading your blog and comments of others here is helping me, also in mastering the skill of sincerity. I am grateful for this.

  21. Because Natalie keeps obfuscating the point of my posts, I will say again, and hopefully she won't comment again, that I will not criticize you, your philosophies or your politics if you Randy, not NATALIE want me to.

    I did not say I was leaving. I wonder Randy if you will answer, you not your very enthusiastic friends.


    1. Randy, I don't agree with Natalie you are tough enough for my criticisms. You are tough enough to handle this.

      I sent some tough love your way, what will you do with it?


      1. Annie,

        Even in THIS comment above you're being testy and personal. It doesn't seem to matter what Randy wants, because you do whatever you feel without regard, or respect for him anyway.

        He's shared what he wants with you before. Why don't you want to hear him?

        What part of you pretends he hasn't posted months ago what he wanted from you?

        Can you remember what he said? It was pretty darn clear....

        Randy has said CLEARLY: Do NOT make personal attacks - be a critical thinker, test out what he says, and see what works for you.

        What of his stuff have you tried? What's worked for you? What are you still needing to to practice with playfully to have a breakthrough?

  22. One more post, I know, no personal comments. But, let's face it, I am not exactly the only one around here who does it. Including you Randy. So, I just need to set that record straight.

    You have villified me on this post way more than I you. You allow others including personal friends to ruthlessly attack.

    It is personal now, and I don't care how much space there is between us.

    These friends are not loving, and honestly while we are on the topic of honesty, I am embarrassed for you. A bit worried as well. If you think that behavior is justified, I have no more reason to be here, nor do I want to. Why would you accept Natalie's comments? Nothing I have done comes close to that. It is absurd and frightening....

    Randy, you are supposed to be the professional here. Lest we forget, you have an obligation.

    If this blog doesn't look right, it is because you haven't stepped in and said one thing with sincerity about this debacle.


    1. Annie,

      Randy trusts that people on his blog are not children - they are amazing beings who can co-create, make solutions, find ways to work together, add value into each others lives. My work is a lot of helping people to be real and have self compassion. A double edges sword... Ruthlessly true, but also so good to themselves...

      This is what I'd LOVE to see from you... no personal attack - just real. authentic, ownership... Maybe NONE of this is true. Maybe some. Maybe all...

      "Natalie, I am hurt, angry, frustrated and scared. I feel triggered, annoyed, and wild that you won't leave me alone. I just want Randy to respond. I feel attacked, and upset. I don't like it. I feel tense and uptight, and I don't know how to be with all the intensity that I am feeling. I want to ATTACK you, I feel MAD with you! I don't feel protected or safe so I'm blaming Randy and hoping that he'll step in and stop you. Blah. Go away!!!! I don't feel loved by you, I feel alone. I feel small, and I want Randy to rescue me from you - because I am triggered by what you're saying and I feel villified. I am worried and feeling suspicious of you and don't trust you. I want you to leave me alone and not respond, I just want attention from Randy. When he is nice to me I feel glad on one hand, but on the other I can't let it in. It's confusing for me. It's hard feeling stuck in this. I don't want your help. I'm FINE."

      I'm feeling LOTS of compassion and love for you Annie. It's hard sometimes to be so defensive, challenging, and then feel misunderstood, eh?

      I'm sending you so much care... I'm sorry you don't feel that, don't receive that, and don't let that in. I'm sorry you don't experience the support and kindness I feel for you.

      I wish you'd know that I, we see who you are beyond and behind this... That you're special, unique and amazing... Maybe somewhere along the way you got attention by being negative and became self reliant so you wouldn't let in goodness. Maybe not...

      But you are safe to explore your best Annie here... You are welcome to adventure into the best you can become... We all want you to succeed and do so well. You are worth it Annie. And I know with that fiesty, fighting spirit that you have lots of energy that will serve you to become totally awesome... So that YOU feel it. Cos you are not bad, or horrid. you're a special, amazing, beautiful woman.

      I hope you know that, and grow that deep within you dear Annie...

      Good night now... and blessing you with the shining spirit that you are! Sweet dreams!

      1. Yes Natalie, I did want Randy's support. I don't need him to save me. Support is nice. Honestly, even though we have our disaggreements, if he was getting trampled by a bunch of horses, I would do what I could to help him. I know you don't think he is my friend, but I do.


        I'm tough, but I am not made of stone.

        1. Annie I appreciate your comments about your willingness to save me, and your passion for many of the topics is wonderful to see. However this blog is really just a place for me to create some thought-provoking discussions in the community on success and prosperity. I can't meet the needs of everyone wanting attention or love on an individual basis. Those needs must be met offline.

          I do read and notice all posts. With sometimes more than 100 comments in a day, I certainly can't even reply to all of them.

          There are no fees for this blog. It is a labor of love by me, to mastermind with people about the principles of prosperity. I don't want it to be a forum for personal attacks or debates. It's meant to be a safe space people can debate the issues. I spend many hours writing these posts and can't make responding to everything someone wants to say about me a full-time job.

          It seems you are looking for different things than this blog provides and it would be better if you found another place to express yourself. And please do know I really do wish you all the best.


          1. There are so many comments about this person. Please take into consideration that this is a great blog, and many people have made it what it is now. I strongly recommend that you limit access to people that don't care about prosperity or well-being. Please don't let this great forum become a drama show.

          2. Hello, Randy,

            I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you for dealing so adroitly and gracefully with a difficult situation on this forum.

            Thanks for taking the time for making this blog available and for sharing your ideas.

            Let's hope we can all use this forum for what it was intended--as a venue to share, mastermind, and each of us take our Prosperity to an ever more exalted level.

            Imagine what we could achieve by this great synergy of ideas, creativity, and energy.

            It would be staggering.....

            Well--you know that already. (:-))



          3. Randy,

            I appreciate you.

            I love your patience and tolerance with me, Annie and others...

            I adore how you work with challenging people with humour, space, and belief.

            I admire your grace, and focus on the good.

            And love that you have given Annie many chances, much care, and many opportunities to grow on this blog.

            I feel sad that rather than learn Annie has attacked, that the one person who could have served her has also said "ENOUGH!"

            So seeing your words are bitter sweet for me.

            Sweet because you've created the blog free of toxity - the blog hasn't been safe for many, and many have avoided it/the comments to avoid that...

            And bitter because I wonder - what more could I have done? How could I have empathised, cared, challenged, supported in a greater way to help Annie have a breakthrough...

            And yes - I know people only change when they want to, and I can't do the work for them... But I do pray that Annie gets therapy to face herself, so that she doesn't repeat the acting out of the upset inside... and push those who care away because the behaviour is unacceptable.

          4. Randy, I hope you don't mind one last post.

            I think the title of this post gave us the idea that we could say any old thing we want to, regardless how it falls on the other person.

            But, truth is much tricker than that, and knowing when to withold the truth is a very difficult road to follow. I read in "The Road Less Traveled", today that when we have a truth that might be difficult for someone else to hear we have to have self control, and decide if we are telling that person the truth out of love or because of our own selfish needs.

            I did tell you what I thought of you on this post, and it is my honest opinion, but I did without self control or without the knowing if I was doing it for the right reason. I always believed it was to help you, but it was for selfish reasons also.

            I'm in love with you or I have some kind of twisted attraction to you. Yes, I know I am married, and I do love my husband. Marriage for me has been complicated and full of unique surprises! He (my husband) is such a lovely man, he is kind and patient, and agrees with me. I can't stand it sometimes. So, I guess I did come here partly to argue with you.

            lthough, like everything that is complicated as well. I do learn a lot here, and I hoped you would be tough enough to keep me in line, since, at least on this blog I don't show much restraint.

            I guess you are doing the best thing here, I don't know if it is the right thing. But, it is probably the best for you and me.

            While I am being so terribly honest, I will say this. I was not that toxic on this blog. Or at least the toxicity was not created by me alone. I will not own the entire blame for that.

            Some of what you have said to me Randy were falsehoods. I can argue without personal attacks, I haven't always just argued with you. I think I have contributed some very valuable information to this blog, despite what you or anyone else says. I also think I have at times raised awareness and been truly supportive of my fellow bloggers. I take umbrage, at the notion that I have not done these things at all.

            I really got to the point where I could live without you commenting on my posts, even though I liked it when you did. What I wanted from you on this post, was simply to ask Natalie to leave me be. Also, to tell me wether you also wanted me to go.

            It really is unnerving to have so many people saying negative comments about me, I did want you to help me. I guess I should know by now that for me you are not going to do that, and that I just have to save myself. I still think as it is your blog, that you did not behave as gentleman here. You should have just put my comments in SPAM like you said you would, or asked that everyone stop making personal disparragements.

            I feel angry with you about your double standard. It was always okay for peopole to attack and humilate me as long as they agreed with you. I am truly not the most toxic person on this blog, look around Randy, what do you see? Now, how could you have changed things? I know what I would have changed, I told you.

            Randy, I did so want your love and attention. Obviously despite the many ways I wanted to change and save you in my codependent fury, I still think you are pretty great. I wish you well, and I wish you happiness.

            So, I guess most of my angry posts were out of feeling jealous, needy, and misunderstood.
            Sorry, really. My bad. I didn't always know where it was coming from.

            I hope this helps people, and it isn't just a vehicle for others to make more rude comments to me, for I have truly bared my soul.(and my husband knows)

            I am kinda relieved to be kicked off, but also very sad. And even though not being here anymore might be the best thing, I still wish I had a choice. Just saying.

            Well, Best Wishes to you to Randy.


            NATALIE-- I think at least you believe you have mine and RG's best interest at heart. Some of what you say is true, but some of it is way off. You really don't know me, ya know? It is difficult to fight off your onrush of help. Remember patients have to be willing!! 🙂

            Best wishes to you Natalie.


          5. Annie,

            It's so truly refreshing to hear you say "I came here to argue with you!" And sadly, THAT is the reason you can't be here... Because it makes it unsafe to have someone who has the intent to ARGUE, rather than to LEARN.

            From what you say - you are in love with Randy, and wanted him to love you too! (I personally haven't found attacking people frequently the quickest or most effective manner in getting someone to fall in love with me back!). You wanted Randy to protect you from being hurt by me, hated by others and rejected by him. It seems like you wanted him to control your actions, because you wouldn't do that for yourself. I can understand that - when you'ree feeling reactive you want to say what you want... and you'd love someone else to be the filter to stop the full throttle attack. Tho He wouldn't hold that power over anyone - it would go against his Libertarian principles.

            I can understand you feeling sad, hurt, frustrated, rejected and let down. And not feeling special enough to be protected. It makes sense you'd feel this way. And know that it's not personal. I doubt he'd EVER step into an argument with me to protect me - and it's not because he doens't CARE, it's just because he trusts that I (and you) are capable, responsible, amazing leaders who are confident, and courgeous beings able to be empowered ourselves. He doesn't mother or father out of protection and fear... He leads with belief and trust.

            What RG's intent here is to host a prosperity blog... where likeminds come together to have breakthrough's in prosperity. He creates millionaire LEADERS - who think for themselves, act with integrity, speak with truth, act responsibily and create abudance. He trusts that with the power this tribe that the people who come, will grasp the essence of the blog and begin to open to the best they can be. He believes in independence, and his teachings are so much about breaking co-dependent cycles, and allowing the space for leaders to emerge.

            He absolutely honoured that alignment with you and I here. If he believed in co-dependency, he would have responded to your every word. Or at least everytime you cried out for attention. His practice is creating leaders, not dependants and needy children. If he responded to you - he would have no integrity, as this wouldn't be embodying his truth.

            If I was responding to humiliate you, and hurt you, RG would email me to let me know I had to stop. I never did. My intent was purely to empower you, show you the negative spin you have, and request you become part of the tribe rather than fight it. It makes sense now that you say your intent was to attack. What it has meant is that people have had to stop their Prosperity focus to discipline your playing up, and acting out in unrequited love... I so wish that you just loved yourself enough to try out the Prosperity consciousness... rather than act out in codependent fury.

            My intent was to reflect your behaviour to empower you to change it. There was no personal attack - there was, though, very clear focus on behaviours, attitudes, tones, and ways of being that you displayed that I highlighted as going against the heart of Randy's blog.

            I so wish you're go through the questions I asked throughout the blog, and answer them all for yourself... You are strong enough to face yourself, and grow up into healthy ways of relating that serve you... And help you get what you want.

            Over a year ago - Randy and were laughing at how many women just love him. He's a babe magnet! Maybe he should be cloned... tho with that independent DNA struck out so he responds more to neediness, helplessness, attention seekers, and demands! But you know, I think then he wouldn't be as Great! Part of his lusciousness is his leadership - that he stays fantastically focused is probably the thing that drives females into a frenzy! 🙂

            Years ago I had a stalker on fb. He would answer every post, and send me frequent messages. If I didn't respond to him, or didn't reply quickly he's get wild with fury and attack me personally. One day I said to him that there was something in his soul that was obsessed with me. The only reason - I felt - that his soul was guiding him to me, was because there was a part of ME that his soul wanted, and needed within HIM. I asked him to find out what in me he was desperately in love with, and what he deeply needed from me - and give that to HIMSELF. I told him that our souls guide us to things, and it's up to us to realise the message. He didn't love or want ME, just like his attacks on me weren't about ME... it was ALL about him. What he deeply desired, was what his soul was craving. What he hated abotu himself where the things he was shoving onto me in attack... Just like I believe you have been here Annie! Read through the past blogs and see what you've been attacking in him and project onto him - and pick the top 6 most frequent as the parts of yourself you don't like that need to be changed for youto grow into all you can become. My hope, prayer and request of you - is also that you write down 6 things about Randy that you absolutely LOVE, lust, and desire... and create a plan for YOURSELF to create those in YOU. Find a coach to work with you on it - to overcome the blindspots, and give you accountability. You don't need a Randy Gage obsession in your life to attack! You only need an Annie - boldly bright, beautiful, and brilliant!

            Much love to you Annie!!!

  23. "Being real with each other" certainly starts with being real with oneself. And if "the secret of success is sincerity" governments are certainly excluded from any form of "success".


        1. Anonymous,

          Please stop shouting. It's hurting my ears. And jump up a few posts and read where Randy quite politely asked Annie to stop posting. I think you'll find there is nothing more to scream about.

          1. Well.I am not sure I know better.I just know I was angry yesterday,wanting again and again to read this blog peacefully and it is occupied by something that has no meaning so if you have something more to say to someone you who seam to know the best,please say it to them because i am out of here now.BYEBYE

        2. I know right?!!!!!!!

          I take 553 lines or more to say what RG says in a few sentances with ease, clarity and grace.

          I've got Lots to learn 🙂

  24. There is nothing better than being known as one really is. That gives us freedom and fluides in life. However, if people love love us as we are, we must still work onourselves to be better people every day. Being honest is the best thing we can do. Many times I felt tremendus pressure to please everyone, trying not disagree, but that made ​​me a prisoner and retracted person. Today it is not so. Today I want to be known as the real Gabriel, may be I am not pleasing everyone but I'm happy with who I am and I want to improve every day! A hug Gabriel

  25. Thank you Randy for this interesting subject
    .I see that you have a virus in this blog and it is so annoying.But I try to be patient with jumping over about a 200 lines everytime I read and it is ok so far.Some people just do not know what elegance/grace is supposed to mean.Have a great weekend

        1. You do not always have to be right and get the last word.Sometimes it can be better to really get rid of the problem.Virus or not.THINK about it.If I have a virus in my computer or my brain,it doesn´t help to be graceful.I sometimes have to have a very strong homeopathic medicin.Heard about homeopathic medicin?Like cures like.It is great.And it works!

  26. Wow.... I guess this is now Annie's blog. Stopped back in to check on feedback from your post yesterday Randy, and it's amazing how this has gone so off track. I appreciate the advice above to skip over the posts you don't want to read, but that is very hard to do when over half of it is the bickering going back and forth. Randy, a point of advice, you have a lot of readers that come here for inspiration, and thought provoking debate, but you are allowing one person to really derail the communication here. Might be time to reconsider who you block. I love reading this blog, and don't usually have time to comment much, but I also don't have time to read through comments from someone whose needs will be better served elsewhere.

    1. Good point.Thank you.When you have followed this blog for more than a year,you get really dissappointed at a time like this if you are a person like me for example.And I am VERY HONEST when I say;IT IS NOT HANDLED RIGHTEOUSLY.GOODBYE

  27. Well, Randy I feel this post is about me. Some years back I used to hold myself and not tell the truth.

    The line you said "Before they say anything, they edit it mentally in the supercomputer of their mind, screening to ensure that there’s no possible way they could offend anyone." was absolutely true in my case.

    I had a habit of editing everything to make it comforting for the other one but always felt something is missing.

    Now, I have started being more open and honest and it is helping me becoming more balanced and confident in being who I am.

    Thank you for such a great post!

  28. Nathalie,
    you sound like a super lady and I admire your tact and encouraging words and all the work you have done on yourself.

    I can't wait til Randys blog is once again filled with inspiration, light, love and wisdom.

    Being true to oneself - hmmm. So where does the " fake it til you make it come in?" Convincing your subconscious mind of something til it becomes your reality. Is this being true to yourself or is this what the " realists" call denial. I remember at a particularly difficult time in my life, choosing to affirm what I wanted in my life and affirming " every day in everyway things are getting better and better" and my father promptly reminded me to stop fooling myself and take a harsh look at the reality of the situation that things were pretty dire and getting a lot worse - just wondering.......

    1. Hilary

      Thank you... and LOTS more work to be done!!!

      Two things Rg says "I will never unknowingly lie to you." And "FAITH IT, til you make it!"

      For me - FAKE it you make it - is a LIE. You are are being superficial and conning yourself and others. A fraud. I hate that.

      But FAITH it til you make it - helps me to know "this is where I am, and with the right skills, supportive relationships, effective actions, and systems that yield results I shall do it."

      JUST affirmations - without right action, and a well thought out and effective stratgy won't change things.

      It's a starting point, and I find I can affrim all the world, but if I don't act on inspiration on the path forward, the affirmation only makes me feel okay and things don't change, eh?

  29. Natalie,

    LEAVE ME ALONE! How dare you. Go away. If Randy agrees with you and thinks your are right he is as twisted as you are sister!! Randy is not such a big prize. I used to think so, I thought he would be kind, somebody who could take criticism and laugh at it. I am in love with what I THOUGHT he would be after reading his book.

    Sadly, he is unable to take genuine criticism, without much of a sense of humor, condoning behavior such as yours and others on this blog. I am embarassed to like him. He is antithetical to everything I stand for. I didn't want to argue with him for the sake of arguing, I wanted to argue with him the definition of his philosophies so I could find my center. So, I could learn from his strength of conviction, and Independence without losing sight of who I am. And truly, hopefully help him as well.

    I have told him and you the truth. Like Harry Truman once said "I tell them the truth and they just think it's hell"

    I do not under any circumstances except your opinion of me. You are wrong. Why would you say go to a therapist, without asking me first if I already go to one. You assume a lot.

    I believe you want me to look crazy and I can only thoerize the why. I bet you know if you really thought about it. I bet it is because you do feel something similiar about Randy as well. So, leave me alone, you have already won, if he is your prize, take it. Even if I had the opportunity to be with him I am not so sure if I would want to. So, do you want to leave me alone now? Or should I keep going. It is getting a little embarassing as it is something like a fight you would see in the Animal Kingdom. I agree with other bloggers it is a bit much!!!

    I mean, sorry if I am wrong, but it looks to me like something close to the truth. But, I will admit though I am very perceptive and empathic myself, I sometimes draw the wrong conclusions.

    It makes sense to me. Why did you write all that? Are you afraid he would answer me? Or does Randy put you up to it? If so, you two are twisted. I don't know what the answer is regarding you anymore Natalie, but I know I want to keep you and your lies as far away from me as possible. It is nice to know Randy has friends like you, it makes me like him less.

    If one is to be judged by their friends it does not speak well of his character to me that you are his sidekick.

    Randy, I don't know you in person, and I am sure many of the lesson's you teach you practice. But my dealings with you and your friend show me otherwise.


    1. Annie,

      That's so frustrating for you - you created this whole expectation of all that Randy is, and all you want him to be, and he isn't living up to how you want him to be. Someone who you can attack every day, who you can criticise, and challenge and you wished he should just be able to take it, laugh at it, be always kind, always present, always loving, strong, easy going and accepting. Annie, it sounds like you want him to be a complete saint without fault!!!! What a total let down that he isn't all you made him into?! Now that you see he's human you don't even want to meet him if you had a chance. Wow. That must be disapointing for you, eh?! That must be hard to reconcile within you - I can understand why you're so infuriated now Annie. That helps me to see! Thank you. You wanted him to be your hero... to be this amazing being so awesome... and he's not who you held in exhaltation. So sore for you Annie! What a let down!

      And maybe he could be like this on some days, many days he is... but you see, Annie there are others of us on this blog too... Not ONLY Randy. We aren't as enlightened as him or as you want him to be - we need things to be safe, gentle, stable, and open - so we can practice our new growing beliefs and thoguhts without personal attack.. Where we can come to water our Prosperity without it being knocked out with your insults Annie.

      You say I've already won... I wish Annie - you know when I will have won??? Its when I'm a millionaire and financially free. That's my prize. Randy is kindly the waterer of the belief - for you, for me, for Jamie, for Sean, for all... I'm not in any competition to get Randy. I don't want to GET Randy, I just want to get ME!!!! I sometimes think that I'd love MORE attention from him, more time, more calls, more emails, more responces - but when I pause and tune in, it's really that I want more time, more calls, more emails, more responses about my BUSINESS and my success... Not Randy. But ME! My goal is to get my Greatness. I want to compete for my BEST. Randy just happens to be the mentor on the side cheering for the Greatness. If I chased after him, I'd lose MY path. If I was trying to get his attention, I'd be off MY center and trying to pull him off his. I want his shining for me and to remind me of the path, and I want me awesome to inspire others in the world.

      I'm here to compete within myself - to see who will win within me. The part of me that is lazy, a victim, blaming, frustrated and in chaos. OR the part of me that wants a breakthrough, believes in myself and generates the energy I need to become a millionaire.

      You're wondering if he makes me write to you - I promise you he'd rather I didn't. Not that he's ever told me not too. But he'd rather I work on my business, not spend hours writing to anyone. Even if I write long emails to him he'll tell me to rather work on my business!

      I wasn't afraid he'd answer you. I knew he probably wouldn't. I am surprised he asked you to leave the blog - and I know it's hard to hear that, and to honour that. I would find it hard too! I can imagine how many mixed emotions must be flooding thru you. It's always hard to be rejected!

      Something I said seems to have hurt and triggered you Annie - rather than tell me what it is that's upset you, you're saying I'm lying to you... and you feel things are twisted. And the thought of him being friends with me - the person who triggers, hurts, and upset you - makes you like him less. I can understand that - if he is friends with someone who you feel hurts you, you would find it incredulous. It makes sense to me.

      I'm sorry your experience hasn't been all you wanted, and hoped for. But I hope you'll get what you NEED.

      Much love... and joy to thee...

  30. Randy,
    Great post. I've been around for 51 years and I'm now begining to "connect the dots" which create positive thinking, sincere actions, authentic self and prosperity. What I've been thinking a lot about lately is getting back to the open mindedness, sincerirty, acceptance and curiousity we all possessed when very young. I find that the people I most like to be around are the ones who have managed to retain those qualities, and how much I need to work to regain them for myself. Children can be very honest without being cruel. I still marvel at the things my own children said when they were little. Your post reminds us that's still possible, even for us "jaded" adults.

  31. Annie, I wish I had the amount of free time that you do.
    And to the rest of the Bloggers - Being sincere is the same as having integrity. Integrity is being truthful to yourself as well as to others. I would regard integrity as a very necessary and high Human virtue.

  32. Hey Randy-
    So, here is some honest feedback that I was going to send you by email, but I figure I'm not the only one thinking it.

    I come to each blog now wondering "what is Annie's complaint about Randy today?" rather then "what can I learn today?".

    I also read it less often because of how much she thinks everything is about her. I know I am missing out on the other peoples lives and wisdom and honest searching, but I have to do so much scrolling to read others posts, or I start to get hooked by the drama that I just leave before I get sucked in to her self-centered writings one more time. ( I have tried to interact with her, but she doesn't get it that this is not the "Annie blog" so I am not willing to engage her any more. )

    I, for one, would love to see you limit her least until she begins to find other things to question then you and your "imperfections". So, from one of your honest friends....I think what you're up to here is getting very lost in "Annie" conversations and you may want to think about if it's serving what your wanting for this blog.

    Love you...and ALL of your humanity.

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  • 97 comments on “Telling the Truth”

    1. This has been something I've always felt at my core but struggled with much of my life. After years of working out the baggage I've have found that truth in relationships (be it business or personal) makes that relationship SO much better, deeper and of such a greater quality. AND, I'm much happier, I truly enjoy the relationships I have.

    2. I usually tell you the truth. I don't lie. I have only kept a truth to myself that isn't anyone else's business. I would tell you if I knew you, but not in public. Other times I have said things that were not entirely true, because at the time I may not have realized my own truth.

      I know this blog isn't about me. I do know that we had a dispute on the last blog, and you questioned the voracity of my argument. Which is about truth telling, so it is relevent to this post. Are you wishing I would just get the fuck off your blog?


      1. Annie, I'm sure you mean well and I don't know you personally, but in the sprit of today's post, I do have to be honest with you. I too, don't always agree with what Randy says, but I do think he has a great message overall that he works hard at conveying daily. I also like to see the debate here on this blog, but when I see you post a response I know automatically it is only to disagree with the message that was posted that day, and that does get monotonous. You do sound very intelligent and would like to see more feedback from you that doesn't just automatically create disagreement.

        1. Annie,

          There are 4 people who've shared a wish that you wouldn't be negative, disagreeable and attacking here.

          I just keep wondering why you do it?

          And when people do specifically ask you... rather than answering and facing it, you go into feeling sorry for yourself, rather than facing yourself. I hate to see your disempwoering yourself in this way...

          If you were an outsider looking on, and saw an 'Annie' acting out, being critical, negative, personally attacking... and it was frustrating, annoying, and draining other readers...

          What would you say to Annie?

          What does she need?

          How can others support and challenge her to come to this blog to learn, contribute, share, be curious, discover, grow in awareness, and become successfully prosperous?

          What works best for Annie?

          Do you notice that when Annie gets challenged she avoids it, tries to vie for support and colludes against the people who believe that she has better to offer?

          Can you see the dynamic she dances it?

          What might help her to break the negative cycle?

          What does Annie need and how can she get it in a healthy way that leaves her feeling loved, enjoyed, accepted... and that she gains a sense of belonging in a gifted, beautiful community that wants everyone to succeed?!

          PS The psychologist Harriet Lerner - writes beautifully on dynamics, and how to break them... The Dance of Connection: How to Talk to Someone When you're Mad, Hurt, Scared, etc...' by Harriet Lerner or The Dance of Fear

      2. What my very hard,very honest truthful ex husband used to say to me I really want to say to you Annie:WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM????????????????????????????????????

      3. Hi Annie,

        I don't normally partake in these discussions - waaaaayy above my head but, having said that, whilst I don't always agree with what Randy has to say, I do respect that which he does say and have been known to Tweet him accordingly!

        I used to go out with an Annie - come to think way back to it, I went out with 4 Annies in sequence - saved getting the name wrong!

        The weather here in Belfast is beautiful and yesterday, the country helped celebrate an incredible Royal Wedding.

        Why don't you just join the spirit of goodwill. Yup, you may not agree with Randy and that is your right, but do we really have to read about your issues? As you said, this blog is not about you but if that is what you want, well there are plenty of places to go where you can let loose as much as you want.

        Could I just remind you of the rules concerning posting here "Comment Rules: Okay kids, we want to hear what you have to say. Critical is fine, but if you're crude, rude, or tacky, we'll delete your stuff." Randy hasn't, although in my opinion he should.

        Go take a breath of the fantastic good weather we are having (here) and on your return, contribute with something we could all benefit from.

        Cheers from Belfast

    3. Hi Randy,

      Some feeling telling it like it is means being an a-hole. Not true.

      You can be passionate about something like politics without being a pr*ck. Intelligent people do this all the time. It's called offering your viewpoint without being emotionally attached to it.

      Thanks for sharing!


    4. Great article. One thought; With regards to your statement, "The free enterprise system would crash without {sincerity}." Not quite sure it could happen. Seems to me that - without sincerity and other high moral values, those companies would eventually find themselves out of business and perhaps their owners in jail (if the insincerity was coupled with thievery). And, the marketplace itself (the best natural regulator there is) would cause the sincere ones to rise to the top. So, the very nature of reward for behavior would cause more people to be sincere. 🙂 Well, going back to your original statement, if there was in fact absolutely no sincerity, I guess the free enterprise system *would* collapse. Though, difficult also to imagine a world in which "no one" was sincere. Thanks again for the post!

      1. Fortunately the argument is academic, because as you point out, the dishonest merchants create more opportunities for those that provide real value with integrity.


    5. Randy, When you live your life with integrity, there is nothing else but the truth. It all starts with how comfortable you are in your own skin.

      This statement "The real journey is about challenge and growth, and that only happens when you have real relationships based on honesty and integrity with people you can trust." is so true. What a wonderful way to live.

      Loved your post today.


    6. Great one, Randy!

      The truth will set you free.

      Thanks again for sharing. This has been one for me to ruminate on.

    7. Blimey this is a timely one for me. I'm having a bit of an ethical dilemma at the moment. I do a bit of voluntary work and a part of the work involves being a mystery shopper. It involves a fair bit of deception on my part about my circumstances. I'm good at playing my part but when the service I'm investigating does a bang up job I feel really guilty about misleading them and I feel that they've wasted their valuable time with me when they could have been helping someone else. So I'm left asking myself is it justified to use deception to expose poor services or is there a better more ethical way to test them?

      1. Why feel guilty? If someone does a great job you report that and they get the rewards and recognition they deserve. And if someone does a horrible job, that needs to come out as well. Otherwise the employees working there doing great work could lose their jobs. And you are actually doing the employee doing a poor job a favor. Their highest good is to find work they enjoy and will do competently.

        Unless you're just secret shopping my blog, to see if I actually respond to these comments... 🙂

    8. Randy, there is a lot I want to say about this post. I agree sincerity is one of the most important qualities a person can possess.

      However, knowing when to be honest and when to withold information, until the right time comes along is also important. For instance, telling someone their "ass is fat" needs to be done at the right time when the person is ready to hear it and in more kind terms. Empathy is the key. And just as sincerity is important so is empathy in intimate relationships. No real intimacy can happen without that either. Can you imagine the distance it would create between you and a loved one if you told them they look fat and they were not ready to hear it. Bad for intimacy, very bad.

      How are you doing on the sincerity gig Randy? Don't mistake sinceritiy for rude comments that are doled out in attempt to discredit criticism aimed in your direction. I am unfortunately got personal. Not disrespectful, but personal.

      I feel, (my opinion only, no one else has to agree) that you are someone who can dish it, but can't always take it. You say criticism is fine, but usually you seem very defensive and sarcastic in it's presence. Not always. I have to say at times I am very impressed at how well you take criticism, other times I am appalled at the lack of professionalism you display in the face of it.

      I think most bloggers here feel a bit intimidated criticizing you or giving you unflattering information. I know, I know, their are a bunch of bloggers out there gasping with indignity. Don't worry, I realize this is only my perspective. I say this because often when people make critical comments they apologize about it, or take it back. Not everyone, and maybe this is just their issue. But, it is something to think about. If you want honesty if have to be willing to accept it back.

      I don't know why you didn't answer my question above. But, I will assume you don't want me off your blog.

      I have taken a lot on this blog. I have dished it as well. I don't like being the critical one, but I will do it for myself and my integrity. I don't care if the others here have a favorable opinion of me or not. I even risk your favorable opinion if need be. I am not always sincere in life either, I try my best.

      I keep at you Randy because you don't always come across as having integrity in my opinion. You say what you think without empathy, but that is not integrity. I want you to have more integrity and empathy.

      Yes, I compete for your attention here, I will not deny that. So do others. Lots of women here love you and would love you to love them. But, I am working on my integrity, empathy, and centeredness all the same. I also hope to help you some too. That's the truth.


      1. Annie,

        I hear you wanting empathy from RG. That it hurts not to get full, constant and devoted attention. And when you don't get that it makes you mad and upset and makes you want to attack what feels to be his faults. It makes sense. It's a understandable.

        RG has amazing integrity. He's honest, stable, disciplined, consistently present, strong... He is reliable... And he takes criticism, and he adjusts when something is presented to him... He's good like that!

        When I see your statement "I want you to have more integrity and empathy." I feel the inner mama bear coming on, and I want to ask you to go home. I mean that in the deepest respect.

        With clients I say "if you're over THERE, telling him who to be and what to do, or in his business, who is HOME FOR YOU?"

        I PROMISE you RG does masses of growth and development. DAILY he works on himself. I've known his work for a decade, and known him closer for the last 2.5 years... I've seen MANY things improve in him. Obviously with him they are more subtle because it's not as obvious.

        Empathy is my BIG thing at the moment - I'm just creating a free call for people on it. I'm reading a book a week on empathy/trauma/parenting... I'm passionate about it... and see it's impact frequently. RG has never trained as a therapist. I personally have experienced RG's deep loving listening, and times when he's got too much on to fully step into my shoes, and wants me to hurry up and step into his Great ones. And when I poke my fingers in his pie, I just get my fingers burnt. And then we laugh... And I go back to working on me! Shifting from Victim to Creator...

        When I notice myself attacking him for either his empathy or integrity - I normally find it's because I'm sick, tired, upset, or out of integrity and not listening to myself. When I get into integrity, and have deeper empathy for myself and others amazingly I see the ways RG is empathic, and has remarkable integrity.

        My state dictates the lens I see him and what I challenge and celebrate in him. The more I challenge my integrity and pull my socks up, and the more I am totally focused on genuine empathy for myself - the LESS I'm critical of Randy.

        When I am NOT being empathic with myself, and I'm out of sense - I tend to badger him to meet my needs. It's then he and I know that I've slipped into a victim, attacking cycle. And he's mostly really gracious and brilliant with me...

        He cracks me up and it melts my resistance... and I see his beauty, goodness and high integrity...

        My request- and the place I've found power for me and hope you will too - is that instead of keeping going for HIM, can you go for YOURSELF?

        KEEP ON AT YOURSELF! That's where you'll GAIN your power. I find I lose my power when I'm attacking - as it reveals often my weakness, and shadow not theirs.

        1. Natalie, sometimes criticism is just criticism. It's what I think. Randy does it a lot, even with you, if what you say is accurate. Is he above criticism?

          So far, I am pretty sure he is just a regular person. Maybe keep some of that Mama Bear protection for someone who really needs it.

          Randy is promoting himself as an expert in prosperity, including being honest, having integrity, being a critical thinker etc. I have never made such a claim. I criticize him and his philosophy as he is claiming to be an expert.

          Finally, I really ponder why you always intercede in these moments. Don't you?


          1. Annie,

            Beloved Bob Burg is a dear man, and he often says something like "Ensure you are speaking from the same PREMISE, otherwise you're not on the same page."

            SO lets get clear - so we're together, hm?
            Starting with definition...

            "Criticism is the judgement of the merits and faults of the work or actions of an individual or group by another (the critic).

            To criticize does not necessarily imply to find fault, but the word is often taken to mean the simple expression of an objection against prejudice, or a disapproval.

            Another meaning of criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature, social movements, film, arts, and similar objects and events. The goal of this type of criticism is to understand the work or event more thoroughly."

            1. This begets the question: "What is your GOAL in your criticism? What are you wanting to achieve? How is your criticism serving YOU and your prosperity?"

            2. Is he regular? Above or below criticism? For me, this blog is not about Randy. He has frequently requested of you to NOT make is PERSONAL, but to discuss the ISSUES at hand and NOT make it about HIM. When you attack him - it creates a natural magnetic pull to equilibriate - others who share the other side. It's a distraction. On each post above it says "ADD TO THE DIALOGUE." ADD = +. It's POSTIVE. It's an ADDITION, not a negation. Positive can be a bright idea in critical thinking, eh? But not personal, about him... or us...

            3. But THAT (Is he above criticism? ) is not the RIGHT question to be asking - in my books. FOr me the question that seems appropriate and most effective is this: With this being called "SUCCESS and PROSPERITY BLOG" what need to be criticised is the thoughts, ideas, and practices in our OWN lives of where WE are not being Successful and Prosperous... OR criticising the ideas, concepts and practices that are shared her for them being not the BEST at taking us to our highest good and deepest servive in Success and Prosperity.

            As I started to write this I felt a sense of sadness - that your criticism comes out of feeling small - so if you can knock HIM down, then you'd feel big. And my thought is that when you become who you really want to be, you'll feel amazing, and won't have to take cheap shots to attack him. There are healthier and more productive ways to get yoru needs met...

            1. Natalie, I am not going to argue with you. You have no idea what you are talking about. And "Telling the Truth" does not interest you.


            2. Annie,

              You're right - I have no idea who you are and what your experience is...

              What's the truth you feel I'm not interested in for you?

              We all have truths - based on how we see the world. Sometimes parts of me hold different truths...

              I love to hear all parts of the turth - not one right way but ALL the truths, so that we can co-create with the fullness of ourselves!

      2. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    9. Truth be told...
      I enjoy your rants and the majority of the replies by others Often I leave the post with what I believe to be a better concept of the "rant" of the day.
      But I have found that I have been avoiding your posts lately as you have a regular antagonist that never seems to leave me inspired, rather I feel dirty after she attacks you.
      I feel I benefit from your input and that of the majority yet I find myself avoiding your posts as I don't want any more negativity in my life. There is so much good on offer here but I currently struggle with avoiding the negative and its influence. It's just like a train wreck, I know I should avoid looking but I am not strong enough to avoid it and find I'm disappointed when I do see it.
      So unfortunately I avoid your Rants, sometimes a week at a time, hoping when I can back that I'll be lifted up, educated, have my eyes opened a little more without having someone poke them out.
      Maybe I'll just go back to your cd's and books for a few months.
      Truth be told.....

      1. When you see their name on post, skip past it and read the next one. You don't have to read their comments just because you're reading this blog. Or, if you start reading something unexpectedly negative, just stop right there and move onto the next one.

      2. Well Brian, I will assume you mean me. I wish you no harm, or Randy really. Carmen gave you some good advice.

        However, if you are compelled to read what I write, some of what I say is true. And yes, truth is dirty and ugly, especially if it is about someone you look up to. But, some of what I say is just my opinion. Don't let it get to you one way or the other. Or as Carmen has suggested don't read it!

        If you really want to leave, leave. If you don't stay, I won't say anything else to you. But, I won't leave just because you don't like what I say. And, I doubt Randy will make me leave either, maybe but probably not.


        1. Annie,

          This is a comment I've heard many people say about you.

          I wonder how that makes you feel?

          I see you defending yourself, rather than taking it on board...


            1. Annie,

              DO you REALLY wonder? I've made it clear...


              When I ask direct questions like "why do you want to be here?" or "what's your purpose?" or "what energy can we bring to this blog?" or "how can we solve this?" or "how can we create this blog to be a remarkable place that inspirses, uplifts and creates Prosperity?" You don't answer... You shut down, attack, and ignore... Why is that?

              I don't enjoy your problem focused energy, I adore being around creative, inspiring, SOLUTION and BECOMING focused energy... To be clear:

              I feel powerless to stop your attacks, and unable to remove your toxicity and negativity.

              The biggest issue I have is that you don't come here to LEARN, it feels like your primary reason for being here is to attack RG. It's boring now. I find creation, growth, inspiration and healing FAR more interesting.

              I believe in LOVING people into Greatness, not breaking them down to my level. I also know that it takes some energy to change, so I'm willing to engage and work with anger to create that energy to shift past patterning. I KNOW all you say isn't persoanl to RG - that it's your stuff... And I feel for you... But honestly this year I let RG know my focus is on surrounding myself with adoring, positive, loving people... You are not being that. I've had enough of attacking people in my past... My future is shiny... not tainted with someone tarnishing the good, bright Light. I have issue that you want to poke holes daily, destroy, humiliate...

              I think too of his inner child - he had a rough childhood, dealing with MANY issues that are deeply sore for him. That's he's SO dug into and dealt with. And while he's overcome them, like ANY human being that inner child ALSO needs love, adoring, sweetness, kindness, and goodness. Randy is a human being - not a God to be challenged off a thrown. He's precious to me - the first person I call frequently if something happens, someone who's there, constant, loving, gorgeous, a beautiful soul, so good, ruthless, tough, strong, hugely magnanomous, generous, such an amazing gentleman (more that ANY man I know - even holding my hand down stairs so I won't fall in high heals and make a fool of myself!!!!!!),

              ahh - see I just burst into the tears - and it was at the thought "I LOVE RANDY." I do - a lot. I love him - and when one of my dearest friends is attacked day after day - I just don't like it. It's like you're being a bully - just because he's rich, successful, thinks, shares his ideas... He's a deeply, beautiful, and amazing friend to me... I absolutely appreciate him, feel remarkably blessed to have him alive for ALL of us and I truly hate you constantly trying to find his weak spot. It's so disrespectful.

              I have issues that you think it's your right to be a bitch when you feel like it without owning your experience.

              I find it frustrating you projecting and transfering issues onto RG, rather than working on yourself.

        2. No no no.Truth is never dirty and ugly.You sure have a real big problem.I can tell you my truth:I want you to get the hell out of here NOW

      3. Brian,

        It takes courage to share how you feel. Thanks for opening up and clearing that up. When you come for goodness, you don't want to be left with a bad taste of bitterness in your being, eh? I get you!

        I empathise, I've felt the same way. When i'm feeling the need of an injection of prosperity - that for me is open, loving, uplifting, courageous, light filled, awakening, positive, and deeply connecting to source - I touch base here with my main man!

        And then when I find attack after attack my energy goes flat, tired, bored, frustrated, irritated that RG's being misconscrewed... that it feels like a KG child playing up and acting out to get attention, rather than to learn. When I'm feeling needy I don't want that noise. I just want the juice of abundance.

        It seems it also makes you feel FRUSTRATED with yoruself - like an addict who keeps going back to one more fix, EVEN tho it's bad for you. Like a taste of victimhood? Or a shot of neediness? Things you're wanting to change in yourself. They aren't things you're wanting to embrace, eh?

        You're JUST wanting to get your goodness, and not get taken off track... And then you feel disapointed with yourself that you allowed yourself back on the tracks of destruction and negativity. YUCK, eh? And annoyed with yourself that you don't have the strength to avoid it, eh? I can hear Randy's words in my head saying "LET ME NOT AFFIRM THAT!" AND that's your reality for now - you don't have the strength, eh?

        I hear two wishes in your words that you wish could change:
        1. You wish that negativity wasn't here so you could relax, absorb it, and truly open to the full potentiality offered here...

        2. You wish you had the strength to avoid the distraction and negativity...

        And I'm wondering what solutions you have to host these two things to evolve into achievements for you? Not in a way that leaves you a martyr, a victim, a persecutor, or a rescuer... But in a way that has you lit up, inspired, and open to your highest prosperity?

        I'm gonna guess that

      4. Brian,
        I have decided not to read more post from that person, and it works for me.
        I just feed my mind with what is good for me, and that kind of comments is not. Maybe this can work for you too.
        Just an advice.
        Take care,


        1. Thanks!

          I know I can avoid the negativity and distraction.
          I appreciate your input.
          By avoiding RR's altogether, I ultimately punish myself by cutting my nose off in spite of my face.
          I just wont look at the nose!

          Again thanks.

    10. Total agree Randy, that is the energy that you sen to all of us, in the things you writte and the things you say and Aldo the things you do!, that is exactly WHY tour are one of the tpos in net worck marketing!,

    11. Great post Randy. I was that person that would not say things as not to offend others. Have I matured as a person in this respect! I would always avoid confrontation or arguments or debate. Now I like it, and can do it without getting mad, which has been huge in my life. Being able to tell someone the truth is the absolute best thing you can do in the long run for anyone, from telling them they need to lose weight, to telling a manager that the person that just checked you out at the grocery store had a bad attitude. You will make someone mad, but they will think about it, and learn from the situation or feedback, and get over it and grow as a person. Keep up the great blog dude, you are a jedi rockstar!

    12. Hi Randy,

      what is the truth ? There's probably only one truth, but many many different interpretations of the truth. Trouble starts when we allow ourselves to have our own truth, but don't allow it to others. And: How often truths are only opinions, like the question if the pants make someone's ass fat or not ? Is there an objective gauge for it ?

      Beware of taking opinions for the truth.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

      Take care


    13. I am straight with others. Years ago, I was too blunt so I learned tactfulness instead. It's still the truth.

      Also, I like to take a "look in the mirror" and call myself out when my Spirit pulls at me. The Soul never lies. During, this state of Awareness, I listen very closely.

      Lastly, when others tell me the truth. I appreciate it, and agree with others on this post 'thanks for sharing.'

    14. I'm excellent at telling the truth, so much so that I actually need to work on the diplomacy end! I have a reputation for saying it like it is. I have a tendency not to edit what I'm thinking. I grew up in a household that was very much that way. I really appreciate it when people tell me how it is. Sometimes it's a bit tough, but then I know exactly what I need to do or change to improve the situation.

    15. Wonderful post Randy. Joe G's comment; “And the first place to have a good relationship and to tell the truth is with oneself.” was my first thought too.

      Many people I know have a commitment to their truth of how the world 'should' work. A bit of magical thinking I say. It's useful to say nothing rather than have a conversation with nothing to accomplish regardless of what is said.

      Integrity, a definition I use, is the degree you hold yourself true to your values and principles. There are many instances of powerful and influential people who are now demonized who lived a life of high integrity. At least you know where they stand. You are not required to agree or accommodate them; however, integrity has a way of making way for the highest power.

      The truth is also a point of view. While I have my vantage point based on personal experiences so does everyone else. Some are unwilling to see through anyone else's view or worse deny it is even possible.

      Thank you Randy for making a difference.

    16. Great post Randy.
      English is not my first language. After 10 years or so in an English speaking environment I am still struggling with the answer to the question "How are you?" as the everyday greeting. 99% of the answers are "I am good, thanks." ... Are these people telling the truth? How come there is so much negativity in the world, but when you ask the people how they are doing, the majority seems to be fine?

    17. Randy, I will never write again on your post anything negative about you or your political or philosophical leanings. So, you probably won't hear from me much.

      However, if unlike some of your friends, colleagues, and fellow bloggers you wish me to continue telling my version of truth, I will.

      I don't mind what others say, but I am being the real me. I will not speak my mind if you don't wish it.

      I wonder too, if you ever think of anything in my defense? I don't need it, I am a big girl. I just wonder that's all. Are you happy when they take a go at me? Like your friend Natalie? I really would be curious to know.

      When I criticize you it isn't out of hate. Sometimes I hate the message or the way you are giving it, but not you. I like you a lot Randy, and honestly I think you know that too. 🙂


      1. Annie,

        As you leave, I offer this...

        I wonder how you'll find healthy, positive, creative expression for that negativity? I draw, and punch pillows... that gets it out and caused less pain that attacking others 🙂

        what helped me for a stage when I was stressed and reactive was to stop myself and ask:
        "what would my highest self respond?"

        Then I knew I wouldn't react... It was REALLY hard to not ... It still is at times... and my kids will say "Mom, that reaction didnt fit the crime. Lower your voice. Don't shout so loud we can't hear you."

        So much of what I write to you is because I have been there, I am here, I do that/this. I'm just deeply wanting to break through it - and be the millionaire I am meant to be so that I can serve and touch more lives! I want that for you too...

        It makes me happy to hear you say you'll stop being negative. That's joyous to hear, thank you.

        I know when I'm in a negative habit and changing in order to succeed I have to really plan out how to make it work - so I don't fail. Because I've failed repetitively by not planning things properly... and then I feel crap about myself, and makes me feel negative again... and so the habit appears again!

        So I wonder for you - what can support you in that? I've seen you promise you won't attack before, and for a while you don't, and then something happens and you start up again. It might be interesting for you to journal what gets triggered, so you can work with a coach/counsellor on that...

        I do this - I have a page next to my bed, that when I pray/meditate and strong negative thoguhts/upsets pop up I write them down and let them know I'll work with them later... I welcome them as gifts to mine for places I need to heal and the important ones I'll take to my therapist on Tuesday.

        When I worked with teens I'd get them to design a STOP sign in their head, then a rubbish bin man would fly through their brain and sweep away the negative thoughts, and love and light would beam in to fill them up. So they could break the habit, and focus on feeling good, rather than reacting.

        Go well!

        1. Natalie, as always assuming something makes an ass of you and me. You have no idea where I am at, and I'm not sure if you have ever been here.


          1. Where are you at Annie?

            What's the next step for you?

            What support and challenge do you need?

            If I've never been there - I don't know...

            From here it feels like a negative, attacking, colluding place - fighting for attention from Randy (where there is truly no competition), and avoiding anyone who challenges you, and being friendly with those who agree with you...

            Is that how it feels for you?

            Do you like it there, being like that?

            What's your vision for who you'd like to be? FOr your highest most awesome Annie?

            As your best Annie do you need to ask Randy what he wants from you on this blog, or do you know deep inside?

            Oh Fun!

            1. Annie,

              I don't want to argue, or attack.

              I simply and purely want to have a break through - where we create this blog to be a glorious, amazing, prosperous place that has a midas touch and transforms lives...

              what are you wanting here? What do you need here?


          2. I know where you are at,it is so obvious.And I really wish for everyones best that you stop writing here.YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. Hello, Annie,

        You have really gotten lots of feedback these past few days!

        Your writing reveals you as a very talented and intelligent person. Heartfelt also....

        Humbly, I would suggest that this blog is NOT about RG, but about the IDEAS and PRINCIPLES he advocates.

        My suggestion would be to spend some time trying to apply the Prosperity Principles he teaches instead of getting bogged down in critique.

        If you put even a fraction of the energy and intensity you put into critique into actually applying RG's prosperity TEACHINGS, you would a Prosperity Beacon who could light up the world!

        And help lots of others at the same time.



    18. Randy, I'm one of those people who was raised to avoid confrontation at all costs. Step 1 was recognizing that that policy doesn't really benefit me. I'm working on step 2 now. Your post helped. Thanks!

    19. thats always been a tough one for me in the past, honesty. I know honesty is a no compromise! I like the fact well it helps me understand better my behaviours of the past around that, that I used to need to please everybody so I would distort the truth. This was never for personal gain ever, or intent to deceive. But in fact it is both. This was the upbringing you spoke up RG. And now many years later things are different. Im in business and honesty is foremost in our business. Building trusting real time sincere relationships is everything in what we do. It really does make life so much easier!

    20. Randy, it is a timely and particularly inspiring post for me! Thank you!

      I've been thinking a lot lately about a certain event when due to my conflict avoidance I have acted in an insincere way.

      Reading your blog and comments of others here is helping me, also in mastering the skill of sincerity. I am grateful for this.

    21. Because Natalie keeps obfuscating the point of my posts, I will say again, and hopefully she won't comment again, that I will not criticize you, your philosophies or your politics if you Randy, not NATALIE want me to.

      I did not say I was leaving. I wonder Randy if you will answer, you not your very enthusiastic friends.


      1. Randy, I don't agree with Natalie you are tough enough for my criticisms. You are tough enough to handle this.

        I sent some tough love your way, what will you do with it?


        1. Annie,

          Even in THIS comment above you're being testy and personal. It doesn't seem to matter what Randy wants, because you do whatever you feel without regard, or respect for him anyway.

          He's shared what he wants with you before. Why don't you want to hear him?

          What part of you pretends he hasn't posted months ago what he wanted from you?

          Can you remember what he said? It was pretty darn clear....

          Randy has said CLEARLY: Do NOT make personal attacks - be a critical thinker, test out what he says, and see what works for you.

          What of his stuff have you tried? What's worked for you? What are you still needing to to practice with playfully to have a breakthrough?

    22. One more post, I know, no personal comments. But, let's face it, I am not exactly the only one around here who does it. Including you Randy. So, I just need to set that record straight.

      You have villified me on this post way more than I you. You allow others including personal friends to ruthlessly attack.

      It is personal now, and I don't care how much space there is between us.

      These friends are not loving, and honestly while we are on the topic of honesty, I am embarrassed for you. A bit worried as well. If you think that behavior is justified, I have no more reason to be here, nor do I want to. Why would you accept Natalie's comments? Nothing I have done comes close to that. It is absurd and frightening....

      Randy, you are supposed to be the professional here. Lest we forget, you have an obligation.

      If this blog doesn't look right, it is because you haven't stepped in and said one thing with sincerity about this debacle.


      1. Annie,

        Randy trusts that people on his blog are not children - they are amazing beings who can co-create, make solutions, find ways to work together, add value into each others lives. My work is a lot of helping people to be real and have self compassion. A double edges sword... Ruthlessly true, but also so good to themselves...

        This is what I'd LOVE to see from you... no personal attack - just real. authentic, ownership... Maybe NONE of this is true. Maybe some. Maybe all...

        "Natalie, I am hurt, angry, frustrated and scared. I feel triggered, annoyed, and wild that you won't leave me alone. I just want Randy to respond. I feel attacked, and upset. I don't like it. I feel tense and uptight, and I don't know how to be with all the intensity that I am feeling. I want to ATTACK you, I feel MAD with you! I don't feel protected or safe so I'm blaming Randy and hoping that he'll step in and stop you. Blah. Go away!!!! I don't feel loved by you, I feel alone. I feel small, and I want Randy to rescue me from you - because I am triggered by what you're saying and I feel villified. I am worried and feeling suspicious of you and don't trust you. I want you to leave me alone and not respond, I just want attention from Randy. When he is nice to me I feel glad on one hand, but on the other I can't let it in. It's confusing for me. It's hard feeling stuck in this. I don't want your help. I'm FINE."

        I'm feeling LOTS of compassion and love for you Annie. It's hard sometimes to be so defensive, challenging, and then feel misunderstood, eh?

        I'm sending you so much care... I'm sorry you don't feel that, don't receive that, and don't let that in. I'm sorry you don't experience the support and kindness I feel for you.

        I wish you'd know that I, we see who you are beyond and behind this... That you're special, unique and amazing... Maybe somewhere along the way you got attention by being negative and became self reliant so you wouldn't let in goodness. Maybe not...

        But you are safe to explore your best Annie here... You are welcome to adventure into the best you can become... We all want you to succeed and do so well. You are worth it Annie. And I know with that fiesty, fighting spirit that you have lots of energy that will serve you to become totally awesome... So that YOU feel it. Cos you are not bad, or horrid. you're a special, amazing, beautiful woman.

        I hope you know that, and grow that deep within you dear Annie...

        Good night now... and blessing you with the shining spirit that you are! Sweet dreams!

        1. Yes Natalie, I did want Randy's support. I don't need him to save me. Support is nice. Honestly, even though we have our disaggreements, if he was getting trampled by a bunch of horses, I would do what I could to help him. I know you don't think he is my friend, but I do.


          I'm tough, but I am not made of stone.

          1. Annie I appreciate your comments about your willingness to save me, and your passion for many of the topics is wonderful to see. However this blog is really just a place for me to create some thought-provoking discussions in the community on success and prosperity. I can't meet the needs of everyone wanting attention or love on an individual basis. Those needs must be met offline.

            I do read and notice all posts. With sometimes more than 100 comments in a day, I certainly can't even reply to all of them.

            There are no fees for this blog. It is a labor of love by me, to mastermind with people about the principles of prosperity. I don't want it to be a forum for personal attacks or debates. It's meant to be a safe space people can debate the issues. I spend many hours writing these posts and can't make responding to everything someone wants to say about me a full-time job.

            It seems you are looking for different things than this blog provides and it would be better if you found another place to express yourself. And please do know I really do wish you all the best.


            1. There are so many comments about this person. Please take into consideration that this is a great blog, and many people have made it what it is now. I strongly recommend that you limit access to people that don't care about prosperity or well-being. Please don't let this great forum become a drama show.

            2. Hello, Randy,

              I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you for dealing so adroitly and gracefully with a difficult situation on this forum.

              Thanks for taking the time for making this blog available and for sharing your ideas.

              Let's hope we can all use this forum for what it was intended--as a venue to share, mastermind, and each of us take our Prosperity to an ever more exalted level.

              Imagine what we could achieve by this great synergy of ideas, creativity, and energy.

              It would be staggering.....

              Well--you know that already. (:-))



            3. Randy,

              I appreciate you.

              I love your patience and tolerance with me, Annie and others...

              I adore how you work with challenging people with humour, space, and belief.

              I admire your grace, and focus on the good.

              And love that you have given Annie many chances, much care, and many opportunities to grow on this blog.

              I feel sad that rather than learn Annie has attacked, that the one person who could have served her has also said "ENOUGH!"

              So seeing your words are bitter sweet for me.

              Sweet because you've created the blog free of toxity - the blog hasn't been safe for many, and many have avoided it/the comments to avoid that...

              And bitter because I wonder - what more could I have done? How could I have empathised, cared, challenged, supported in a greater way to help Annie have a breakthrough...

              And yes - I know people only change when they want to, and I can't do the work for them... But I do pray that Annie gets therapy to face herself, so that she doesn't repeat the acting out of the upset inside... and push those who care away because the behaviour is unacceptable.

            4. Randy, I hope you don't mind one last post.

              I think the title of this post gave us the idea that we could say any old thing we want to, regardless how it falls on the other person.

              But, truth is much tricker than that, and knowing when to withold the truth is a very difficult road to follow. I read in "The Road Less Traveled", today that when we have a truth that might be difficult for someone else to hear we have to have self control, and decide if we are telling that person the truth out of love or because of our own selfish needs.

              I did tell you what I thought of you on this post, and it is my honest opinion, but I did without self control or without the knowing if I was doing it for the right reason. I always believed it was to help you, but it was for selfish reasons also.

              I'm in love with you or I have some kind of twisted attraction to you. Yes, I know I am married, and I do love my husband. Marriage for me has been complicated and full of unique surprises! He (my husband) is such a lovely man, he is kind and patient, and agrees with me. I can't stand it sometimes. So, I guess I did come here partly to argue with you.

              lthough, like everything that is complicated as well. I do learn a lot here, and I hoped you would be tough enough to keep me in line, since, at least on this blog I don't show much restraint.

              I guess you are doing the best thing here, I don't know if it is the right thing. But, it is probably the best for you and me.

              While I am being so terribly honest, I will say this. I was not that toxic on this blog. Or at least the toxicity was not created by me alone. I will not own the entire blame for that.

              Some of what you have said to me Randy were falsehoods. I can argue without personal attacks, I haven't always just argued with you. I think I have contributed some very valuable information to this blog, despite what you or anyone else says. I also think I have at times raised awareness and been truly supportive of my fellow bloggers. I take umbrage, at the notion that I have not done these things at all.

              I really got to the point where I could live without you commenting on my posts, even though I liked it when you did. What I wanted from you on this post, was simply to ask Natalie to leave me be. Also, to tell me wether you also wanted me to go.

              It really is unnerving to have so many people saying negative comments about me, I did want you to help me. I guess I should know by now that for me you are not going to do that, and that I just have to save myself. I still think as it is your blog, that you did not behave as gentleman here. You should have just put my comments in SPAM like you said you would, or asked that everyone stop making personal disparragements.

              I feel angry with you about your double standard. It was always okay for peopole to attack and humilate me as long as they agreed with you. I am truly not the most toxic person on this blog, look around Randy, what do you see? Now, how could you have changed things? I know what I would have changed, I told you.

              Randy, I did so want your love and attention. Obviously despite the many ways I wanted to change and save you in my codependent fury, I still think you are pretty great. I wish you well, and I wish you happiness.

              So, I guess most of my angry posts were out of feeling jealous, needy, and misunderstood.
              Sorry, really. My bad. I didn't always know where it was coming from.

              I hope this helps people, and it isn't just a vehicle for others to make more rude comments to me, for I have truly bared my soul.(and my husband knows)

              I am kinda relieved to be kicked off, but also very sad. And even though not being here anymore might be the best thing, I still wish I had a choice. Just saying.

              Well, Best Wishes to you to Randy.


              NATALIE-- I think at least you believe you have mine and RG's best interest at heart. Some of what you say is true, but some of it is way off. You really don't know me, ya know? It is difficult to fight off your onrush of help. Remember patients have to be willing!! 🙂

              Best wishes to you Natalie.


            5. Annie,

              It's so truly refreshing to hear you say "I came here to argue with you!" And sadly, THAT is the reason you can't be here... Because it makes it unsafe to have someone who has the intent to ARGUE, rather than to LEARN.

              From what you say - you are in love with Randy, and wanted him to love you too! (I personally haven't found attacking people frequently the quickest or most effective manner in getting someone to fall in love with me back!). You wanted Randy to protect you from being hurt by me, hated by others and rejected by him. It seems like you wanted him to control your actions, because you wouldn't do that for yourself. I can understand that - when you'ree feeling reactive you want to say what you want... and you'd love someone else to be the filter to stop the full throttle attack. Tho He wouldn't hold that power over anyone - it would go against his Libertarian principles.

              I can understand you feeling sad, hurt, frustrated, rejected and let down. And not feeling special enough to be protected. It makes sense you'd feel this way. And know that it's not personal. I doubt he'd EVER step into an argument with me to protect me - and it's not because he doens't CARE, it's just because he trusts that I (and you) are capable, responsible, amazing leaders who are confident, and courgeous beings able to be empowered ourselves. He doesn't mother or father out of protection and fear... He leads with belief and trust.

              What RG's intent here is to host a prosperity blog... where likeminds come together to have breakthrough's in prosperity. He creates millionaire LEADERS - who think for themselves, act with integrity, speak with truth, act responsibily and create abudance. He trusts that with the power this tribe that the people who come, will grasp the essence of the blog and begin to open to the best they can be. He believes in independence, and his teachings are so much about breaking co-dependent cycles, and allowing the space for leaders to emerge.

              He absolutely honoured that alignment with you and I here. If he believed in co-dependency, he would have responded to your every word. Or at least everytime you cried out for attention. His practice is creating leaders, not dependants and needy children. If he responded to you - he would have no integrity, as this wouldn't be embodying his truth.

              If I was responding to humiliate you, and hurt you, RG would email me to let me know I had to stop. I never did. My intent was purely to empower you, show you the negative spin you have, and request you become part of the tribe rather than fight it. It makes sense now that you say your intent was to attack. What it has meant is that people have had to stop their Prosperity focus to discipline your playing up, and acting out in unrequited love... I so wish that you just loved yourself enough to try out the Prosperity consciousness... rather than act out in codependent fury.

              My intent was to reflect your behaviour to empower you to change it. There was no personal attack - there was, though, very clear focus on behaviours, attitudes, tones, and ways of being that you displayed that I highlighted as going against the heart of Randy's blog.

              I so wish you're go through the questions I asked throughout the blog, and answer them all for yourself... You are strong enough to face yourself, and grow up into healthy ways of relating that serve you... And help you get what you want.

              Over a year ago - Randy and were laughing at how many women just love him. He's a babe magnet! Maybe he should be cloned... tho with that independent DNA struck out so he responds more to neediness, helplessness, attention seekers, and demands! But you know, I think then he wouldn't be as Great! Part of his lusciousness is his leadership - that he stays fantastically focused is probably the thing that drives females into a frenzy! 🙂

              Years ago I had a stalker on fb. He would answer every post, and send me frequent messages. If I didn't respond to him, or didn't reply quickly he's get wild with fury and attack me personally. One day I said to him that there was something in his soul that was obsessed with me. The only reason - I felt - that his soul was guiding him to me, was because there was a part of ME that his soul wanted, and needed within HIM. I asked him to find out what in me he was desperately in love with, and what he deeply needed from me - and give that to HIMSELF. I told him that our souls guide us to things, and it's up to us to realise the message. He didn't love or want ME, just like his attacks on me weren't about ME... it was ALL about him. What he deeply desired, was what his soul was craving. What he hated abotu himself where the things he was shoving onto me in attack... Just like I believe you have been here Annie! Read through the past blogs and see what you've been attacking in him and project onto him - and pick the top 6 most frequent as the parts of yourself you don't like that need to be changed for youto grow into all you can become. My hope, prayer and request of you - is also that you write down 6 things about Randy that you absolutely LOVE, lust, and desire... and create a plan for YOURSELF to create those in YOU. Find a coach to work with you on it - to overcome the blindspots, and give you accountability. You don't need a Randy Gage obsession in your life to attack! You only need an Annie - boldly bright, beautiful, and brilliant!

              Much love to you Annie!!!

    23. "Being real with each other" certainly starts with being real with oneself. And if "the secret of success is sincerity" governments are certainly excluded from any form of "success".


          1. Anonymous,

            Please stop shouting. It's hurting my ears. And jump up a few posts and read where Randy quite politely asked Annie to stop posting. I think you'll find there is nothing more to scream about.

            1. Well.I am not sure I know better.I just know I was angry yesterday,wanting again and again to read this blog peacefully and it is occupied by something that has no meaning so if you have something more to say to someone you who seam to know the best,please say it to them because i am out of here now.BYEBYE

          2. I know right?!!!!!!!

            I take 553 lines or more to say what RG says in a few sentances with ease, clarity and grace.

            I've got Lots to learn 🙂

    24. There is nothing better than being known as one really is. That gives us freedom and fluides in life. However, if people love love us as we are, we must still work onourselves to be better people every day. Being honest is the best thing we can do. Many times I felt tremendus pressure to please everyone, trying not disagree, but that made ​​me a prisoner and retracted person. Today it is not so. Today I want to be known as the real Gabriel, may be I am not pleasing everyone but I'm happy with who I am and I want to improve every day! A hug Gabriel

    25. Thank you Randy for this interesting subject
      .I see that you have a virus in this blog and it is so annoying.But I try to be patient with jumping over about a 200 lines everytime I read and it is ok so far.Some people just do not know what elegance/grace is supposed to mean.Have a great weekend

          1. You do not always have to be right and get the last word.Sometimes it can be better to really get rid of the problem.Virus or not.THINK about it.If I have a virus in my computer or my brain,it doesn´t help to be graceful.I sometimes have to have a very strong homeopathic medicin.Heard about homeopathic medicin?Like cures like.It is great.And it works!

    26. Wow.... I guess this is now Annie's blog. Stopped back in to check on feedback from your post yesterday Randy, and it's amazing how this has gone so off track. I appreciate the advice above to skip over the posts you don't want to read, but that is very hard to do when over half of it is the bickering going back and forth. Randy, a point of advice, you have a lot of readers that come here for inspiration, and thought provoking debate, but you are allowing one person to really derail the communication here. Might be time to reconsider who you block. I love reading this blog, and don't usually have time to comment much, but I also don't have time to read through comments from someone whose needs will be better served elsewhere.

      1. Good point.Thank you.When you have followed this blog for more than a year,you get really dissappointed at a time like this if you are a person like me for example.And I am VERY HONEST when I say;IT IS NOT HANDLED RIGHTEOUSLY.GOODBYE

    27. Well, Randy I feel this post is about me. Some years back I used to hold myself and not tell the truth.

      The line you said "Before they say anything, they edit it mentally in the supercomputer of their mind, screening to ensure that there’s no possible way they could offend anyone." was absolutely true in my case.

      I had a habit of editing everything to make it comforting for the other one but always felt something is missing.

      Now, I have started being more open and honest and it is helping me becoming more balanced and confident in being who I am.

      Thank you for such a great post!

    28. Nathalie,
      you sound like a super lady and I admire your tact and encouraging words and all the work you have done on yourself.

      I can't wait til Randys blog is once again filled with inspiration, light, love and wisdom.

      Being true to oneself - hmmm. So where does the " fake it til you make it come in?" Convincing your subconscious mind of something til it becomes your reality. Is this being true to yourself or is this what the " realists" call denial. I remember at a particularly difficult time in my life, choosing to affirm what I wanted in my life and affirming " every day in everyway things are getting better and better" and my father promptly reminded me to stop fooling myself and take a harsh look at the reality of the situation that things were pretty dire and getting a lot worse - just wondering.......

      1. Hilary

        Thank you... and LOTS more work to be done!!!

        Two things Rg says "I will never unknowingly lie to you." And "FAITH IT, til you make it!"

        For me - FAKE it you make it - is a LIE. You are are being superficial and conning yourself and others. A fraud. I hate that.

        But FAITH it til you make it - helps me to know "this is where I am, and with the right skills, supportive relationships, effective actions, and systems that yield results I shall do it."

        JUST affirmations - without right action, and a well thought out and effective stratgy won't change things.

        It's a starting point, and I find I can affrim all the world, but if I don't act on inspiration on the path forward, the affirmation only makes me feel okay and things don't change, eh?

    29. Natalie,

      LEAVE ME ALONE! How dare you. Go away. If Randy agrees with you and thinks your are right he is as twisted as you are sister!! Randy is not such a big prize. I used to think so, I thought he would be kind, somebody who could take criticism and laugh at it. I am in love with what I THOUGHT he would be after reading his book.

      Sadly, he is unable to take genuine criticism, without much of a sense of humor, condoning behavior such as yours and others on this blog. I am embarassed to like him. He is antithetical to everything I stand for. I didn't want to argue with him for the sake of arguing, I wanted to argue with him the definition of his philosophies so I could find my center. So, I could learn from his strength of conviction, and Independence without losing sight of who I am. And truly, hopefully help him as well.

      I have told him and you the truth. Like Harry Truman once said "I tell them the truth and they just think it's hell"

      I do not under any circumstances except your opinion of me. You are wrong. Why would you say go to a therapist, without asking me first if I already go to one. You assume a lot.

      I believe you want me to look crazy and I can only thoerize the why. I bet you know if you really thought about it. I bet it is because you do feel something similiar about Randy as well. So, leave me alone, you have already won, if he is your prize, take it. Even if I had the opportunity to be with him I am not so sure if I would want to. So, do you want to leave me alone now? Or should I keep going. It is getting a little embarassing as it is something like a fight you would see in the Animal Kingdom. I agree with other bloggers it is a bit much!!!

      I mean, sorry if I am wrong, but it looks to me like something close to the truth. But, I will admit though I am very perceptive and empathic myself, I sometimes draw the wrong conclusions.

      It makes sense to me. Why did you write all that? Are you afraid he would answer me? Or does Randy put you up to it? If so, you two are twisted. I don't know what the answer is regarding you anymore Natalie, but I know I want to keep you and your lies as far away from me as possible. It is nice to know Randy has friends like you, it makes me like him less.

      If one is to be judged by their friends it does not speak well of his character to me that you are his sidekick.

      Randy, I don't know you in person, and I am sure many of the lesson's you teach you practice. But my dealings with you and your friend show me otherwise.


      1. Annie,

        That's so frustrating for you - you created this whole expectation of all that Randy is, and all you want him to be, and he isn't living up to how you want him to be. Someone who you can attack every day, who you can criticise, and challenge and you wished he should just be able to take it, laugh at it, be always kind, always present, always loving, strong, easy going and accepting. Annie, it sounds like you want him to be a complete saint without fault!!!! What a total let down that he isn't all you made him into?! Now that you see he's human you don't even want to meet him if you had a chance. Wow. That must be disapointing for you, eh?! That must be hard to reconcile within you - I can understand why you're so infuriated now Annie. That helps me to see! Thank you. You wanted him to be your hero... to be this amazing being so awesome... and he's not who you held in exhaltation. So sore for you Annie! What a let down!

        And maybe he could be like this on some days, many days he is... but you see, Annie there are others of us on this blog too... Not ONLY Randy. We aren't as enlightened as him or as you want him to be - we need things to be safe, gentle, stable, and open - so we can practice our new growing beliefs and thoguhts without personal attack.. Where we can come to water our Prosperity without it being knocked out with your insults Annie.

        You say I've already won... I wish Annie - you know when I will have won??? Its when I'm a millionaire and financially free. That's my prize. Randy is kindly the waterer of the belief - for you, for me, for Jamie, for Sean, for all... I'm not in any competition to get Randy. I don't want to GET Randy, I just want to get ME!!!! I sometimes think that I'd love MORE attention from him, more time, more calls, more emails, more responces - but when I pause and tune in, it's really that I want more time, more calls, more emails, more responses about my BUSINESS and my success... Not Randy. But ME! My goal is to get my Greatness. I want to compete for my BEST. Randy just happens to be the mentor on the side cheering for the Greatness. If I chased after him, I'd lose MY path. If I was trying to get his attention, I'd be off MY center and trying to pull him off his. I want his shining for me and to remind me of the path, and I want me awesome to inspire others in the world.

        I'm here to compete within myself - to see who will win within me. The part of me that is lazy, a victim, blaming, frustrated and in chaos. OR the part of me that wants a breakthrough, believes in myself and generates the energy I need to become a millionaire.

        You're wondering if he makes me write to you - I promise you he'd rather I didn't. Not that he's ever told me not too. But he'd rather I work on my business, not spend hours writing to anyone. Even if I write long emails to him he'll tell me to rather work on my business!

        I wasn't afraid he'd answer you. I knew he probably wouldn't. I am surprised he asked you to leave the blog - and I know it's hard to hear that, and to honour that. I would find it hard too! I can imagine how many mixed emotions must be flooding thru you. It's always hard to be rejected!

        Something I said seems to have hurt and triggered you Annie - rather than tell me what it is that's upset you, you're saying I'm lying to you... and you feel things are twisted. And the thought of him being friends with me - the person who triggers, hurts, and upset you - makes you like him less. I can understand that - if he is friends with someone who you feel hurts you, you would find it incredulous. It makes sense to me.

        I'm sorry your experience hasn't been all you wanted, and hoped for. But I hope you'll get what you NEED.

        Much love... and joy to thee...

    30. Randy,
      Great post. I've been around for 51 years and I'm now begining to "connect the dots" which create positive thinking, sincere actions, authentic self and prosperity. What I've been thinking a lot about lately is getting back to the open mindedness, sincerirty, acceptance and curiousity we all possessed when very young. I find that the people I most like to be around are the ones who have managed to retain those qualities, and how much I need to work to regain them for myself. Children can be very honest without being cruel. I still marvel at the things my own children said when they were little. Your post reminds us that's still possible, even for us "jaded" adults.

    31. Annie, I wish I had the amount of free time that you do.
      And to the rest of the Bloggers - Being sincere is the same as having integrity. Integrity is being truthful to yourself as well as to others. I would regard integrity as a very necessary and high Human virtue.

    32. Hey Randy-
      So, here is some honest feedback that I was going to send you by email, but I figure I'm not the only one thinking it.

      I come to each blog now wondering "what is Annie's complaint about Randy today?" rather then "what can I learn today?".

      I also read it less often because of how much she thinks everything is about her. I know I am missing out on the other peoples lives and wisdom and honest searching, but I have to do so much scrolling to read others posts, or I start to get hooked by the drama that I just leave before I get sucked in to her self-centered writings one more time. ( I have tried to interact with her, but she doesn't get it that this is not the "Annie blog" so I am not willing to engage her any more. )

      I, for one, would love to see you limit her least until she begins to find other things to question then you and your "imperfections". So, from one of your honest friends....I think what you're up to here is getting very lost in "Annie" conversations and you may want to think about if it's serving what your wanting for this blog.

      Love you...and ALL of your humanity.

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