My best friend is part-human, part-machine. Not in a cool way like Colonel Steve Austin in the $6 Million-Dollar Man. I mean part of his brain is controlled like a bot, kinda’ like when Capta...
My best friend is part-human, part-machine. Not in a cool way like Colonel Steve Austin in the $6 Million-Dollar Man. I mean part of his brain is controlled like a bot, kinda’ like when Capta...
[Editor's Note: Below is a copy of my "Friday Filosophy" newsletter. Normally it goes exclusively to my subscribers, but since the information this week could be helpful to so many others, I’m r...
Not sure what is going on for the rest of you, but here in the U.S. (and also the U.K.), things are really getting nasty between the two main political parties. Republicans are outraged that a resta...
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