In a recent post, we looked at procrastination and how most people believe that things just “happen to them.” So did you do some real thinking about that, and what you’re manifesting in your l...
In a recent post, we looked at procrastination and how most people believe that things just “happen to them.” So did you do some real thinking about that, and what you’re manifesting in your l...
We all get busy and procrastinate on some things, even if it is just once in a while. And some people procrastinate a lot. Most of those people think things “happen to them.” They give no th...
Yesterday we explored how fantasizing about the perfect ideal can prevent you from actually doing the work and creating something. Now let’s investigate another phenomenon that can preclude you fr...
I finally figured it out. What had been holding me back for months. And is probably what’s been holding you back…
We all get busy and put off things from time to time. We all procrastinate on some things, even if it is just once in a while. And some people procrastinate on things a lot. (more…)...
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