As most of you know, I’m currently on a sabbatical (details here), wandering the world, working on me, and writing the sequel to Risky Is the New Safe. (more…)...
As most of you know, I’m currently on a sabbatical (details here), wandering the world, working on me, and writing the sequel to Risky Is the New Safe. (more…)...
You really can predict the future with an uncanny degree of accuracy. And no, you don't have to be a mystic, have “insider” information, or use a crystal ball. There are some variables you c...
It’s been such a great ride writing and now getting ready to start promoting Risky Is the New Safe soon. One of the most rewarding elements is getting the endorsements streaming in every day. I...
Well we've been talking about books a lot lately, and you guys have come up with some great ones that have impacted your life. Now there’s a new one out that you should know about.
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