Last year, I had one of my happiest ever Christmas experiences ever. It happened because I adopted a few residents on a campus for people with intellectual disabilities. Each resident creates a ...
Last year, I had one of my happiest ever Christmas experiences ever. It happened because I adopted a few residents on a campus for people with intellectual disabilities. Each resident creates a ...
As you know by now, I’m off on sabbatical, but I wanted to drop in to wish you all a blessed and joyful holiday season, and a very Merry Christmas if you celebrate that sort of thing. My Plan A wa...
(With prolific apologies to the estate of Clement Clark Moore)
Back in the day, I used to write a satirical version of this childhood yuletide classic to my newsletter subscribers. Somewhere arou...
Every year around Christmas, I hear people imploring others to remember, “the reason for the season.” (It’s almost as if they’re suggesting there is an alternate purpose than getting a new H...
One of the most controversial chapters in Risky Is the New Safe is the one titled, “Selfishness is the New Altruism.” Once people read it, they understand that it is really about enlightened sel...
Well kids, it’s that time of year again. For what started as a lark, and has now turned into an annual competition for fame and fortune: My annual “Night Before Christmas” contest. (more&hel...
To celebrate my Christmas morning, I rode my bike along the chain of islands on the Venetian Causeway. I stopped afterward at the park, and just laid on the ground, sucking a blade of grass, taking ...
Ok so this is year five or six in my tradition of butchering the traditional Christmas classic. But since we now have the technology of the blog at our disposal, I have a great idea! Since my skil...
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