I am thinking people are addicted to the memes... to noise... to tv etc...
and probably will sabotage themselves when trying to change...
because that is what they have learned to believe...
it is where we are comfortable...
Quite the kerfuffle from the last post on how organized religion brainwashes people in ways that lead to self-sabotage and destructive behavior. Lots of comments from people who think I’m out to get religion, or failing to recognize the many good things many religions do. Those are really not the issues.
I have no problem with people believing whatever they want and have no desire to be the thought police. I recognize that many religions do much charity work. My only role here is to point out a couple really important things:
The basic premise of organized religion is flawed. These “sacred texts” that people believe are personally written by God, were in fact written by men, have been revised over time, and contain many errors, and inaccuracies. (Not to mention a lot of barbaric savagery.) The stories they perpetuate are so outlandish, no rational person not brainwashed by memes could reasonably believe them.
Unreason is running rampant in the world today, and that is very dangerous for us all. If you build your purpose and values around false superstitions from the Stone Age and Iron Age, they’re not going to serve you in the real world today. You have to stay in touch with reality.
There may be an afterlife. There may be a heaven. I don’t know and neither do you. Neither does your Rabbi, Priest, Minister, or the new Pope. It doesn’t serve any of us to pretend that we do. The only way to protect yourself against mind viruses is to be willing to dispassionately consider new evidence and arguments using reason and logic. And no rational person with an unimpeded mind could buy the stories they’re selling.
The basis of organized religion’s mind control recruiting tactics is creating worthiness issues in your psyche. The premise is that you are flawed and conveniently, they have the only road to salvation. By convincing people the only real reward is in the afterlife, they cause them to needlessly suffer and sabotage themselves in the real life. And that’s what my work is about. It causes me great pain to see people sabotaging their own health, happiness and prosperity because of mind viruses they aren’t even aware they are programmed with.
I hope you’re watching all the sensational media coverage of the new Pope with a critical mind, and noticing all of the lack memes that are flying around.
The Cardinals picked a guy from South America to be Pope because that’s really where their base is now, there and Africa. It’s no coincidence: these two continents are the poorest, so membership is on the rise there. In places like Europe and North America as education and the standard of living rise, the number of believers is declining. The more educated a society is, the less religious it is.
It certainly was a brilliant marketing stroke picking Jorge Mario Bergoglio. (And other than Scientology, Apple, and Nike – no one has better marketing than the Vatican.) By all accounts he really does seem to be a well meaning human being; someone who really has dedicated his life to helping the poor. And by choosing to name himself after Francis of Assisi and be “the Pope for the poor,” he feeds into the “it’s noble to suffer and be poor” meme that the Catholics have taken to the bank for centuries.
What organized religions brilliantly do is create worthiness issues. You get programmed that you are not worthy and deserving, so from that point forward your subconscious mind puts the brakes on anything that starts to look like it going to bring you inordinate happiness or great wealth.
As you see with Pope Francis, they like to romanticize being poor and insinuate that wealth is evil. (Even though the Vatican is one of the richest entities on earth.) You get programmed that money is bad, and then when you start to make too much of it, you feel guilty and your subconscious works to bring you back to an “acceptable” level of wealth.
Consciously you strive for more, but the subconscious works to sabotage you. And in that battle, the subconscious always wins.
While religion is a major cause of this programming, they’re certainly not alone. Governments also need you to be needy and work hard at keeping you as an indentured servant of the state. (For more on that, read chapter one of Why You’re Dumb, Sick & Broke, & How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH! And for more on why someone would choose victim-hood, you’ll find some insights in chapter four.)
Much of this negative programming from organized religion and governments then gets widely transmitted as memes through the data-sphere: TV, radio, books, blogs, movies, social media, etc. You’ll also see how that takes place in my book. On the next post, we’ll explore some other causes of worthiness issues that come from how you were raised. Until then, please keep sharing your thoughts below.
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I am thinking people are addicted to the memes... to noise... to tv etc...
and probably will sabotage themselves when trying to change...
because that is what they have learned to believe...
it is where we are comfortable...
FanTAStic post. Thank you.
FanTAStic post. Thank you.
Courageous and succinct post. Perfectly summarizes how the population has been conditioned for centuries. What an amazing spectacle in Rome the other day, with thousands of people packed into St. Peter's Square watching the pomp, while in Chile the ALMA opened its eyes on the universe to much less fanfare.
Courageous and succinct post. Perfectly summarizes how the population has been conditioned for centuries. What an amazing spectacle in Rome the other day, with thousands of people packed into St. Peter's Square watching the pomp, while in Chile the ALMA opened its eyes on the universe to much less fanfare.
What's interesting is I happened to watch "Da Vinci Code" again and these posts came to mind in the midst of it. For someone who's yet to experience travel to Rome, I had no idea the extent of the Vatican not to mention the width and breadth of the campus. And that all points to the fact that this is a business focused on expansion through leveraging the memes you mention here.. And as you also say it's not religion alone. For me, ANY entity that claims there are rules we 'should' or ''must' follow is not one I will buy into. Last time I checked, when a being is born into this world, nobody hands them a 'rule book'. That happens when they're exposed to the memes their parents have adopted and then expanded as they're told they 'must' attend church, synagogue, etc. And of course the public education systems are also good at brainwashing too.. Don't get me started about education! Anyway, I'm grateful for these posts Randy..As one who doesn't believe in RULES, this is a breath of fresh air!
What's interesting is I happened to watch "Da Vinci Code" again and these posts came to mind in the midst of it. For someone who's yet to experience travel to Rome, I had no idea the extent of the Vatican not to mention the width and breadth of the campus. And that all points to the fact that this is a business focused on expansion through leveraging the memes you mention here.. And as you also say it's not religion alone. For me, ANY entity that claims there are rules we 'should' or ''must' follow is not one I will buy into. Last time I checked, when a being is born into this world, nobody hands them a 'rule book'. That happens when they're exposed to the memes their parents have adopted and then expanded as they're told they 'must' attend church, synagogue, etc. And of course the public education systems are also good at brainwashing too.. Don't get me started about education! Anyway, I'm grateful for these posts Randy..As one who doesn't believe in RULES, this is a breath of fresh air!
Randy, you were right about me. In a way, I certainly did behave like a crazy idiot and a petulant child. In general, however, I am not a crazy idiot, and I do not always respond as a petulant child.
I fear you don't understand me, but I don't make that very easy.
Anyway, your insights do help me. So if you don't mind, I will continue to read your blog posts. May God help us all, right? I think it would be wise if I just read though for a while.
You said I didn't have the emotional maturity to discuss any post. I think that was a little unfair. So, I will show you now with this post:
Protecting yourself against memes: Memes are schemata, like how we organize information in our brains. So, it is very important to protect ourselves from ideas that are not truthful. However, we all have the ability to accept a meme, an idea if you will, or not.
Religion I think forces ideas on to people that are not true and some accept it as God's Word, and others do not. Never lose sight that we are all individuals, and no two people will necessarily take away the same beliefs even after encountering it time and time again.
I am not sure as an adult if I have to protect myself from memes, as much as try to clear out the ones I learned along the way that are not helpful.
One more thing about Religion and Memes. Spirituality and Faith are the most important part of Religion. Whatever guides us to this Faith and Bliss we are meant to feel is important, and for everyone that journey is different.
Randy, you were right about me. In a way, I certainly did behave like a crazy idiot and a petulant child. In general, however, I am not a crazy idiot, and I do not always respond as a petulant child.
I fear you don't understand me, but I don't make that very easy.
Anyway, your insights do help me. So if you don't mind, I will continue to read your blog posts. May God help us all, right? I think it would be wise if I just read though for a while.
You said I didn't have the emotional maturity to discuss any post. I think that was a little unfair. So, I will show you now with this post:
Protecting yourself against memes: Memes are schemata, like how we organize information in our brains. So, it is very important to protect ourselves from ideas that are not truthful. However, we all have the ability to accept a meme, an idea if you will, or not.
Religion I think forces ideas on to people that are not true and some accept it as God's Word, and others do not. Never lose sight that we are all individuals, and no two people will necessarily take away the same beliefs even after encountering it time and time again.
I am not sure as an adult if I have to protect myself from memes, as much as try to clear out the ones I learned along the way that are not helpful.
One more thing about Religion and Memes. Spirituality and Faith are the most important part of Religion. Whatever guides us to this Faith and Bliss we are meant to feel is important, and for everyone that journey is different.
Oh, one more thing. I was not right on the last post. I should never have used my angry feelings to hurt another person. So, I am sorry. I got out of control. I think you do some really good work Randy.
Oh, one more thing. I was not right on the last post. I should never have used my angry feelings to hurt another person. So, I am sorry. I got out of control. I think you do some really good work Randy.
"In places like Europe and North America as education and the standard of living rise, the number of believers is declining. The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I think you are completely wrong here and I'd like to share why... You seem to be referring to the same "standard of living" that the government does. 40 years ago, a family could afford two cars, a decent holiday each year and to raise their children on one income. Today that is unheard of. Today, we are born into $187k worth of debt. Today, 2 parents have to work to pay for a mediocre life. Today, we allow our kindergartens and schools to raise our children and instill values in them. And this brings me to our second point: religion in the West is dying not because we are smarter (I am not sure why you seem to think there is a link between religion and intelligence?!) it is dying out because our education system is breeding it out of us. This is because of the cognitive dissonance that has been introduced to replace the values once taught by religion that are now deemed "offensive" to some people.
Randy, I like what you do. But you say some things which I find utterly ignorant and without rational thought. Maybe you should sometimes think twice before straying from what you are very good at: instilling positive and powerful messages for people to use to better their lives, instead of attacking something like religion which is a very private and individual aspect of people's lives.
You're talking about the last 20 or 30 years. I'm talking about the last couple centuries. Yes there is more consumer debt now than there was a decade or two ago. But if you look at the overall standard of living and quality of life in Europe for the last hundred years while the church has been in decline years - it has risen quite dramatically.
@Randy_Gage You could argue it either way, as it's subjective. And a lot of this consumer debt (which as an aside is the highest it's been in human history, not just the last decades) is fuelling this so called rise. Interestingly you didn't address the point about education: don't you think it is more likely that religion is becoming less popular due to the brainwashing at school? That is, the removal of teaching traditional religion-based values in place of things like directives (memes) from the UN etc? Surely that is a more logical reason of why people are turning away from religion - they are being raised that way. Not "they're smarter these days" as you seem to imply.
@Randy_Gage I'd like to point out further to the below that by your idea of quality of life/the standard of living in e.g. South America has also risen over the last 100 years... I'm not going to go to the trouble of verifying with stats, but I'll bet you that the rate of religion has not fallen. This supports the argument that it is actually government through its education system and memes that it instills into kids that is responsible for religion becoming less popular.
"In places like Europe and North America as education and the standard of living rise, the number of believers is declining. The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I think you are completely wrong here and I'd like to share why... You seem to be referring to the same "standard of living" that the government does. 40 years ago, a family could afford two cars, a decent holiday each year and to raise their children on one income. Today that is unheard of. Today, we are born into $187k worth of debt. Today, 2 parents have to work to pay for a mediocre life. Today, we allow our kindergartens and schools to raise our children and instill values in them. And this brings me to our second point: religion in the West is dying not because we are smarter (I am not sure why you seem to think there is a link between religion and intelligence?!) it is dying out because our education system is breeding it out of us. This is because of the cognitive dissonance that has been introduced to replace the values once taught by religion that are now deemed "offensive" to some people.
Randy, I like what you do. But you say some things which I find utterly ignorant and without rational thought. Maybe you should sometimes think twice before straying from what you are very good at: instilling positive and powerful messages for people to use to better their lives, instead of attacking something like religion which is a very private and individual aspect of people's lives.
Wow! That's all I can say because it rings so true for me, so much so that I can no longer kneel in Church while repeating "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you.... "
It took me a long time to understand and acknowledge that " I am the creator" and I am just as worthy as every other individual soul expressing and creating on this planet.
Thank You for wisdom as always.
Wow! That's all I can say because it rings so true for me, so much so that I can no longer kneel in Church while repeating "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you.... "
It took me a long time to understand and acknowledge that " I am the creator" and I am just as worthy as every other individual soul expressing and creating on this planet.
Thank You for wisdom as always.
You're talking about the last 20 or 30 years. I'm talking about the last couple centuries. Yes there is more consumer debt now than there was a decade or two ago. But if you look at the overall standard of living and quality of life in Europe for the last hundred years while the church has been in decline years - it has risen quite dramatically.
Wake Up from Your Sleep
Watch what God does,
and then you do it,
like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.
Mostly what God does is love you.
Keep company with him and learn a life of love.
Observe how Christ loved us.
His love was not cautious but extravagant.
He didn’t love in order to get something from us
but to give everything of himself to us.
Love like that.
Ephesians 5:1-2
Great post.
Great post.
Hello, Randy,
Notwithstanding my rant over yesterday’s post, as soon as Francis was elected, and all of his “humility” came to the fore, I did sense a serious anti-Prosperity message. Riding the streetcar to work, living in a simple room, etc--all supposedly indicating what a spiritual man he is. And, of course, totally in sync with the meme that "it's spiritual to be poor."
Though the new Pope may might make a big thing of “helping the poor,” unless the church ever teaches Prosperity, helping the poor will only be a temporary bandage. And I doubt that the Catholic Church will ever promote Prosperity to the masses.
Sometimes the “bandage” is needed in desperate situations, as I referenced yesterday. And that does make the people helped feel loved, cared for, etc.---for a short time.
But without an underlying philosophy of Prosperity principles, something along the lines of Fillmore’s marvelous explanation of Divine Substance being the pervading force in the Universe, I fear and am in fact certain that the new Pope and the church will indeed perpetuate guilt, unworthiness, etc.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Also fascinating to see the media, which often embraces the same “anti-wealth” memes as religion , fawning over Francis’s humility and ennoblement of poverty.
Did you know that there was an entirely other side of Jesus's teachings which has been largely expurgated from the Canonical Gospels? That was the teaching of how to attain Divine Consciousness. Pretty much all Christian sects stress the "redemptive" aspect of the Gospels [poor,sorry sinners, wno must repent and be redeemed.] I don't know any sect which openly teaches the Divine Consciousness aspect, much of which is found in the so-called Apocryphal Gospels.. William Walker Atkinson has some interesting info on this in his "Mystical Christianity."
Hello, Randy,
Notwithstanding my rant over yesterday’s post, as soon as Francis was elected, and all of his “humility” came to the fore, I did sense a serious anti-Prosperity message. Riding the streetcar to work, living in a simple room, etc--all supposedly indicating what a spiritual man he is. And, of course, totally in sync with the meme that "it's spiritual to be poor."
Though the new Pope may might make a big thing of “helping the poor,” unless the church ever teaches Prosperity, helping the poor will only be a temporary bandage. And I doubt that the Catholic Church will ever promote Prosperity to the masses.
Sometimes the “bandage” is needed in desperate situations, as I referenced yesterday. And that does make the people helped feel loved, cared for, etc.---for a short time.
But without an underlying philosophy of Prosperity principles, something along the lines of Fillmore’s marvelous explanation of Divine Substance being the pervading force in the Universe, I fear and am in fact certain that the new Pope and the church will indeed perpetuate guilt, unworthiness, etc.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Also fascinating to see the media, which often embraces the same “anti-wealth” memes as religion , fawning over Francis’s humility and ennoblement of poverty.
Did you know that there was an entirely other side of Jesus's teachings which has been largely expurgated from the Canonical Gospels? That was the teaching of how to attain Divine Consciousness. Pretty much all Christian sects stress the "redemptive" aspect of the Gospels [poor,sorry sinners, wno must repent and be redeemed.] I don't know any sect which openly teaches the Divine Consciousness aspect, much of which is found in the so-called Apocryphal Gospels.. William Walker Atkinson has some interesting info on this in his "Mystical Christianity."
Thanks for this post!!! In sure glad I'm not alone !!
Thanks for this post!!! In sure glad I'm not alone !!
I hope u don't mind ? I shared this on my page
I hope u don't mind ? I shared this on my page
Hi Randy
I've loved both of your recent posts. I was raised without religion. Mum & Dad wanted me and my sister to have the freedom to choose our own when we grew up, if we wanted to. This has made it much easier to critically evaluate the topic, and I'm very grateful for their approach.
Hi Randy
I've loved both of your recent posts. I was raised without religion. Mum & Dad wanted me and my sister to have the freedom to choose our own when we grew up, if we wanted to. This has made it much easier to critically evaluate the topic, and I'm very grateful for their approach.
Good reading thx!
Good reading thx!
Well said!
Well said!
all i have to say is respect... is all..
all i have to say is respect... is all..
but i have to say also that our world is so damn bad cause we humans kept attacking each other verbally and phisically .. we r more directed to money than love.. sad that no faith or hope or even the little bit of mercy exist in our hearts.. we r blessed to live in a country that is not poor to be able to have and do things.. will be awesome if we were willing to quit a little and help others. just saying
but i have to say also that our world is so damn bad cause we humans kept attacking each other verbally and phisically .. we r more directed to money than love.. sad that no faith or hope or even the little bit of mercy exist in our hearts.. we r blessed to live in a country that is not poor to be able to have and do things.. will be awesome if we were willing to quit a little and help others. just saying
Francis of Assisi.
Yeap, I thought of you, your message and your current blogpost in the very moment they announced on TV his (the Pope´s) new message for the world.
Holy crap. Voices in our EU-country got loud, hoping for a new-comer!
Ha! God again shows his humour. But, he´s not out there....
The new Pope was N°2, last time they elected a new Pope, when Germany "won". That German guy probably did right when he decided for retiring, they see more than they´re allowed to show.
The Afterlife!
That´s another thing. I think they came and still come up with this story to program people by reason to give them a chance to quite "happily" or maybe really happy let go of life in the very moment they will die. It´s a good option for the soul or psyche when you come to the door of leaving for good but that means everyone has to undergo a hundred thousand tests in life, following a pre-written script to finally get there - and that it is the only (right) way!
That´s ridiculous.
I agree when you write that they need more folks to follow them and keep the church alive, guess: because they lose so many folks who turn away from the old church in our new science age.
(new age?)
....but the church and the bible-book are hundreds of years old and the book is so well known and probably still famous, for sure their church-network still somewhat alive but they won´t show us how it really looks behind their rotten curtains, in terms of believers & followers nowadays.
This step gives some deeper insight to me.
Great discussion - congrats for the dozens of replies to the other post from yesterday -
Francis of Assisi.
Yeap, I thought of you, your message and your current blogpost in the very moment they announced on TV his (the Pope´s) new message for the world.
Holy crap. Voices in our EU-country got loud, hoping for a new-comer!
Ha! God again shows his humour. But, he´s not out there....
The new Pope was N°2, last time they elected a new Pope, when Germany "won". That German guy probably did right when he decided for retiring, they see more than they´re allowed to show.
The Afterlife!
That´s another thing. I think they came and still come up with this story to program people by reason to give them a chance to quite "happily" or maybe really happy let go of life in the very moment they will die. It´s a good option for the soul or psyche when you come to the door of leaving for good but that means everyone has to undergo a hundred thousand tests in life, following a pre-written script to finally get there - and that it is the only (right) way!
That´s ridiculous.
I agree when you write that they need more folks to follow them and keep the church alive, guess: because they lose so many folks who turn away from the old church in our new science age.
(new age?)
....but the church and the bible-book are hundreds of years old and the book is so well known and probably still famous, for sure their church-network still somewhat alive but they won´t show us how it really looks behind their rotten curtains, in terms of believers & followers nowadays.
This step gives some deeper insight to me.
Great discussion - congrats for the dozens of replies to the other post from yesterday -
GinaCarr Thanks 4 the love!
GinaCarr Thanks 4 the love!
Glad you highlighted this event because immediately i saw the media emphasizing on how saintly the new Pope is, the simple life he leads, and charity work he does.... i just remembered what you said about our minds being programmed to value simplicity and in a way poverty. My mind was alert and i have to consciously remind myself that my value is not based on these things. Kudos to the Pope. that's his style and he is a beneficiary of a legacy that esteems his kind but the reality is that when you dont have money in this world you are not part of society and the same people who praise the Pope for who he is are the same ones shunning you away.
Glad you highlighted this event because immediately i saw the media emphasizing on how saintly the new Pope is, the simple life he leads, and charity work he does.... i just remembered what you said about our minds being programmed to value simplicity and in a way poverty. My mind was alert and i have to consciously remind myself that my value is not based on these things. Kudos to the Pope. that's his style and he is a beneficiary of a legacy that esteems his kind but the reality is that when you dont have money in this world you are not part of society and the same people who praise the Pope for who he is are the same ones shunning you away.
You fixed the livefire comment issue very quickly. Awesome! and thanks for the speedy response.
If the car dealership had responded so quickly I guess they would have had an extra $100k for a range rover 🙂
You fixed the livefire comment issue very quickly. Awesome! and thanks for the speedy response.
If the car dealership had responded so quickly I guess they would have had an extra $100k for a range rover 🙂
Thanks to Randy I am more aware of memes. Last year I attended to a mass and it was shocking to me when the priest told God... "Please, help us be poorer every day" and the audience accepted that idea without questioning it.
Thanks to Randy I am more aware of memes. Last year I attended to a mass and it was shocking to me when the priest told God... "Please, help us be poorer every day" and the audience accepted that idea without questioning it.
i love your take on religion
i love your take on religion
@Randy_Gage You could argue it either way, as it's subjective. And a lot of this consumer debt (which as an aside is the highest it's been in human history, not just the last decades) is fuelling this so called rise. Interestingly you didn't address the point about education: don't you think it is more likely that religion is becoming less popular due to the brainwashing at school? That is, the removal of teaching traditional religion-based values in place of things like directives (memes) from the UN etc? Surely that is a more logical reason of why people are turning away from religion - they are being raised that way. Not "they're smarter these days" as you seem to imply.
i dont agree with this: "The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I had once a conversation with an Indian man, and telling him this same statement.. And he answered, that the most educated and richest people in India are claiming to be the most religious.. And imho it is the same in muslim countries too..
i dont agree with this: "The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I had once a conversation with an Indian man, and telling him this same statement.. And he answered, that the most educated and richest people in India are claiming to be the most religious.. And imho it is the same in muslim countries too..
@Randy_Gage I'd like to point out further to the below that by your idea of quality of life/the standard of living in e.g. South America has also risen over the last 100 years... I'm not going to go to the trouble of verifying with stats, but I'll bet you that the rate of religion has not fallen. This supports the argument that it is actually government through its education system and memes that it instills into kids that is responsible for religion becoming less popular.
Hi, I am a catholic and i liked the article, but I think
It is not the cardinals who are creating the mindviruses, but its the "us"-people and the media which is creating articles, that the blind mass wants to read.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Hi, I am a catholic and i liked the article, but I think
It is not the cardinals who are creating the mindviruses, but its the "us"-people and the media which is creating articles, that the blind mass wants to read.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Sometimes the religion is creating our mindviruses, but sometimes our mindviruses are infiltrating the religious environment. Just like RG sad: "It seems to be spiritual to be poor."
Sometimes the religion is creating our mindviruses, but sometimes our mindviruses are infiltrating the religious environment. Just like RG sad: "It seems to be spiritual to be poor."
100% agree with each and every word in this post
100% agree with each and every word in this post
consider concentrating more on money being taken from friends and family vis-a-vis through mlm's , its more your style and will stroke your ego while you talk about your personal travels and such.
consider concentrating more on money being taken from friends and family vis-a-vis through mlm's , its more your style and will stroke your ego while you talk about your personal travels and such.
well said randy!! Stop religions now! they are a cancer to humanity
well said randy!! Stop religions now! they are a cancer to humanity
Agree.. Even if haven't saw this article., its already in my level of Awareness.. Good Article Mr. Randy..
Hope you will have a training here in the Philippines... I'm an avid follower and learning alot from you. I myself too is a Professional Network Marketer
Agree.. Even if haven't saw this article., its already in my level of Awareness.. Good Article Mr. Randy..
Hope you will have a training here in the Philippines... I'm an avid follower and learning alot from you. I myself too is a Professional Network Marketer
No words could express how I feel right now. Couldn't wait for the next post. You should be the "Pope" if you ask me? A Pope for those who has higher level of consciousness. LOL. Thank you, Thank you! 🙂
No words could express how I feel right now. Couldn't wait for the next post. You should be the "Pope" if you ask me? A Pope for those who has higher level of consciousness. LOL. Thank you, Thank you! 🙂
Oh yeah, I just remembered, one of our President here in my country, the Philippines, had a similar motto as the Pope. "Erap para sa mahirap" as they call him (Trans: Erap for the poor.)" The irony is that the people he intended to help is the same people who brought him down from his position. You can just imagine how crazy people can get because of this mind viruses flying around. Even one of our Country's boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, is being "Attacked" by the very people who once was admiring him. If you could only watch our local news, you should be able to know this issues. Bottom line is that no matter how good our intention is, as long as we are infected by this memes (specially from organized religions) and we are not doing anything about it, we will keep on sabotaging our success.
Oh yeah, I just remembered, one of our President here in my country, the Philippines, had a similar motto as the Pope. "Erap para sa mahirap" as they call him (Trans: Erap for the poor.)" The irony is that the people he intended to help is the same people who brought him down from his position. You can just imagine how crazy people can get because of this mind viruses flying around. Even one of our Country's boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, is being "Attacked" by the very people who once was admiring him. If you could only watch our local news, you should be able to know this issues. Bottom line is that no matter how good our intention is, as long as we are infected by this memes (specially from organized religions) and we are not doing anything about it, we will keep on sabotaging our success.
Are we responsible for our worthiness issues?
I think so.... we have the choice who we listen to & what we believe.
We have the choice to believe in God. That God is love. God is good. God forgives.
That we were created by God so he can love us, he is always with us.
He wants us to be filled with the fruits of the Spirit.
We have a purpose. We have unique gifts.... and we have good works to do.
Our good works are unique... it may not mean a "job"... And God wants us all to be prosperous.
But God's love doesn't depend on our work or good works, deeds we do...
It is unconditional love.
So we choice who we listen to & believe... there are many good preachers and ministers out there...
everyone is valuable... everyone has gifts... everyone has a message...
And everyone grew up in this world...
so they may believe we are born sinners, instead of born with love.
or they may believe other common myths about God...He is angry, punishing, bad, mean, etc
or that to be spiritual we need to take a poverty vow... money is evil...
So we need to listen to people, read books, the bible, etc... but be aware of common myths, fears, negativity, and limiting beliefs. When we see them in others, look at how it is true in ourselves...
Sin & fear happen in this world. False beliefs. Limiting beliefs. Negative thoughts.
Be thankful... see your value & others value... love all... value all...
Instead of working to be valuable... know that you are valuable... and others are...
stop comparing
stop trying to please others
stop trying to be like others... use you own gifts... what you enjoy doing...
be you.
Thinking worthiness starts with knowing you have a purpose, you are unconditionally love, you are valuable, you are forgiven, you have unique gifts... and so does everyone else.
Be thankful for your life & others.
and we are responsible for the people we hang out with...
love everyone... unconditional love, no rules required to love someone...
but hang out with people on the same path...
you can still love people if you aren't present with them
what is good for you may not be good for them... so don't sabotage each other...
support each others growth, goals, etc...
And we may not knowingly try to sabotage others.. We just share what we enjoy & believe...
It is everyone's own responsibility... don't try to people please...
For example, I have food allergies (food addictions), and I like the food I need to avoid...
So it is easier to not be around the food I like but I can't eat.
It is not other people's responsibility to change what they eat,
It is my responsibility to change what I eat & what food I am around.
Today in his first media appearance as Pope, Francis said, he wants "a poor church for the poor."
Nuff said........
Today in his first media appearance as Pope, Francis said, he wants "a poor church for the poor."
Nuff said........
I agree with you
I agree with you
Very interesting way to discuss an issue of Choice in Humans. 🙂
Very interesting way to discuss an issue of Choice in Humans. 🙂
Made me think of you Randy...lol!!
The most important relationship in the world is that relationship one has with their subconscious mind. From Zero Lmits lll ~ Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
Yes, it's a quote, however it's very appropriate here I beleive.
Interesting 🙂 since 2004; im inlove to ur lesson in life from breakthrough U to this prosperity blog. No other self guru had thr courage to post like this. By the way tnx Randy for the "Risky"frm i..philippines
The damage that the church combined with the state has done to Argentina, the county where the new pope comes from is hard to imagine if you have not lived there.
Argentina lost 90% of the post world war migrants in 1970 who repatriated when Peron came back for another go. This populist party is the only party in power, there is no opposition party and this has been so for decades. The culture of this nation has changed from a powerhouse similar to what is Brazil today, and this was (back in the 30ties to the 60ties, to what it is now, a poor corrupt nation that has brainwashed their citizen in believing that all their problems are to blame on the bad USA or UK or anyone that has money.
What the state and the church have done and in particular this very "pope" personally has done is hard to grasp, however yesterdays celebrations gives us an inside.
21 March is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and chosen as the beginning of a new year, and celebrated world wide as "Harmony day". Argentina has instituted 21 March as "The day against racism and xenophobia"
I am sure you can see the difference. The bad white American hate us, we have a day to hate them back.
Politics and religion are powerful tools to manipulate the massess into believing that everything is an outside fault. Nothing I need to do to change myself. IT is the others that have to change for me.
Sad really
1st time on your site. Found you on stumble and WOW man, you said a mouthful of truth. Several years ago I found myself unfulfilled from a religous standpoint and I went in search of the history of the Bible and found lots of random things. Like King James being a homosexual, yet the church continues to use the Bible and many don't know it and when you tell them there's so much silence you can hear a cricket fart! I also read how the story of ceation was STOLEN from Egypt and so much more. When you've been in church all your life and you start to look elsewhere for that Higher Power that I KNOW exists you start to think about hell, fire and brimstone if you go astray and you're pulled back in b/c no one wants to go to that kind of place. And Jesus coming in a cloud of glory is supposedly the actuall sun in the sky and based on the zodiac and all that stuff. When you're searching for the truth it's hard to see and hear sometimes. Thank you
Nicely written!!
I am thinking people are addicted to the memes... to noise... to tv etc...
and probably will sabotage themselves when trying to change...
because that is what they have learned to believe...
it is where we are comfortable...
FanTAStic post. Thank you.
FanTAStic post. Thank you.
Courageous and succinct post. Perfectly summarizes how the population has been conditioned for centuries. What an amazing spectacle in Rome the other day, with thousands of people packed into St. Peter's Square watching the pomp, while in Chile the ALMA opened its eyes on the universe to much less fanfare.
Courageous and succinct post. Perfectly summarizes how the population has been conditioned for centuries. What an amazing spectacle in Rome the other day, with thousands of people packed into St. Peter's Square watching the pomp, while in Chile the ALMA opened its eyes on the universe to much less fanfare.
What's interesting is I happened to watch "Da Vinci Code" again and these posts came to mind in the midst of it. For someone who's yet to experience travel to Rome, I had no idea the extent of the Vatican not to mention the width and breadth of the campus. And that all points to the fact that this is a business focused on expansion through leveraging the memes you mention here.. And as you also say it's not religion alone. For me, ANY entity that claims there are rules we 'should' or ''must' follow is not one I will buy into. Last time I checked, when a being is born into this world, nobody hands them a 'rule book'. That happens when they're exposed to the memes their parents have adopted and then expanded as they're told they 'must' attend church, synagogue, etc. And of course the public education systems are also good at brainwashing too.. Don't get me started about education! Anyway, I'm grateful for these posts Randy..As one who doesn't believe in RULES, this is a breath of fresh air!
What's interesting is I happened to watch "Da Vinci Code" again and these posts came to mind in the midst of it. For someone who's yet to experience travel to Rome, I had no idea the extent of the Vatican not to mention the width and breadth of the campus. And that all points to the fact that this is a business focused on expansion through leveraging the memes you mention here.. And as you also say it's not religion alone. For me, ANY entity that claims there are rules we 'should' or ''must' follow is not one I will buy into. Last time I checked, when a being is born into this world, nobody hands them a 'rule book'. That happens when they're exposed to the memes their parents have adopted and then expanded as they're told they 'must' attend church, synagogue, etc. And of course the public education systems are also good at brainwashing too.. Don't get me started about education! Anyway, I'm grateful for these posts Randy..As one who doesn't believe in RULES, this is a breath of fresh air!
Randy, you were right about me. In a way, I certainly did behave like a crazy idiot and a petulant child. In general, however, I am not a crazy idiot, and I do not always respond as a petulant child.
I fear you don't understand me, but I don't make that very easy.
Anyway, your insights do help me. So if you don't mind, I will continue to read your blog posts. May God help us all, right? I think it would be wise if I just read though for a while.
You said I didn't have the emotional maturity to discuss any post. I think that was a little unfair. So, I will show you now with this post:
Protecting yourself against memes: Memes are schemata, like how we organize information in our brains. So, it is very important to protect ourselves from ideas that are not truthful. However, we all have the ability to accept a meme, an idea if you will, or not.
Religion I think forces ideas on to people that are not true and some accept it as God's Word, and others do not. Never lose sight that we are all individuals, and no two people will necessarily take away the same beliefs even after encountering it time and time again.
I am not sure as an adult if I have to protect myself from memes, as much as try to clear out the ones I learned along the way that are not helpful.
One more thing about Religion and Memes. Spirituality and Faith are the most important part of Religion. Whatever guides us to this Faith and Bliss we are meant to feel is important, and for everyone that journey is different.
Randy, you were right about me. In a way, I certainly did behave like a crazy idiot and a petulant child. In general, however, I am not a crazy idiot, and I do not always respond as a petulant child.
I fear you don't understand me, but I don't make that very easy.
Anyway, your insights do help me. So if you don't mind, I will continue to read your blog posts. May God help us all, right? I think it would be wise if I just read though for a while.
You said I didn't have the emotional maturity to discuss any post. I think that was a little unfair. So, I will show you now with this post:
Protecting yourself against memes: Memes are schemata, like how we organize information in our brains. So, it is very important to protect ourselves from ideas that are not truthful. However, we all have the ability to accept a meme, an idea if you will, or not.
Religion I think forces ideas on to people that are not true and some accept it as God's Word, and others do not. Never lose sight that we are all individuals, and no two people will necessarily take away the same beliefs even after encountering it time and time again.
I am not sure as an adult if I have to protect myself from memes, as much as try to clear out the ones I learned along the way that are not helpful.
One more thing about Religion and Memes. Spirituality and Faith are the most important part of Religion. Whatever guides us to this Faith and Bliss we are meant to feel is important, and for everyone that journey is different.
Oh, one more thing. I was not right on the last post. I should never have used my angry feelings to hurt another person. So, I am sorry. I got out of control. I think you do some really good work Randy.
Oh, one more thing. I was not right on the last post. I should never have used my angry feelings to hurt another person. So, I am sorry. I got out of control. I think you do some really good work Randy.
"In places like Europe and North America as education and the standard of living rise, the number of believers is declining. The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I think you are completely wrong here and I'd like to share why... You seem to be referring to the same "standard of living" that the government does. 40 years ago, a family could afford two cars, a decent holiday each year and to raise their children on one income. Today that is unheard of. Today, we are born into $187k worth of debt. Today, 2 parents have to work to pay for a mediocre life. Today, we allow our kindergartens and schools to raise our children and instill values in them. And this brings me to our second point: religion in the West is dying not because we are smarter (I am not sure why you seem to think there is a link between religion and intelligence?!) it is dying out because our education system is breeding it out of us. This is because of the cognitive dissonance that has been introduced to replace the values once taught by religion that are now deemed "offensive" to some people.
Randy, I like what you do. But you say some things which I find utterly ignorant and without rational thought. Maybe you should sometimes think twice before straying from what you are very good at: instilling positive and powerful messages for people to use to better their lives, instead of attacking something like religion which is a very private and individual aspect of people's lives.
You're talking about the last 20 or 30 years. I'm talking about the last couple centuries. Yes there is more consumer debt now than there was a decade or two ago. But if you look at the overall standard of living and quality of life in Europe for the last hundred years while the church has been in decline years - it has risen quite dramatically.
@Randy_Gage You could argue it either way, as it's subjective. And a lot of this consumer debt (which as an aside is the highest it's been in human history, not just the last decades) is fuelling this so called rise. Interestingly you didn't address the point about education: don't you think it is more likely that religion is becoming less popular due to the brainwashing at school? That is, the removal of teaching traditional religion-based values in place of things like directives (memes) from the UN etc? Surely that is a more logical reason of why people are turning away from religion - they are being raised that way. Not "they're smarter these days" as you seem to imply.
@Randy_Gage I'd like to point out further to the below that by your idea of quality of life/the standard of living in e.g. South America has also risen over the last 100 years... I'm not going to go to the trouble of verifying with stats, but I'll bet you that the rate of religion has not fallen. This supports the argument that it is actually government through its education system and memes that it instills into kids that is responsible for religion becoming less popular.
"In places like Europe and North America as education and the standard of living rise, the number of believers is declining. The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I think you are completely wrong here and I'd like to share why... You seem to be referring to the same "standard of living" that the government does. 40 years ago, a family could afford two cars, a decent holiday each year and to raise their children on one income. Today that is unheard of. Today, we are born into $187k worth of debt. Today, 2 parents have to work to pay for a mediocre life. Today, we allow our kindergartens and schools to raise our children and instill values in them. And this brings me to our second point: religion in the West is dying not because we are smarter (I am not sure why you seem to think there is a link between religion and intelligence?!) it is dying out because our education system is breeding it out of us. This is because of the cognitive dissonance that has been introduced to replace the values once taught by religion that are now deemed "offensive" to some people.
Randy, I like what you do. But you say some things which I find utterly ignorant and without rational thought. Maybe you should sometimes think twice before straying from what you are very good at: instilling positive and powerful messages for people to use to better their lives, instead of attacking something like religion which is a very private and individual aspect of people's lives.
Wow! That's all I can say because it rings so true for me, so much so that I can no longer kneel in Church while repeating "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you.... "
It took me a long time to understand and acknowledge that " I am the creator" and I am just as worthy as every other individual soul expressing and creating on this planet.
Thank You for wisdom as always.
Wow! That's all I can say because it rings so true for me, so much so that I can no longer kneel in Church while repeating "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you.... "
It took me a long time to understand and acknowledge that " I am the creator" and I am just as worthy as every other individual soul expressing and creating on this planet.
Thank You for wisdom as always.
You're talking about the last 20 or 30 years. I'm talking about the last couple centuries. Yes there is more consumer debt now than there was a decade or two ago. But if you look at the overall standard of living and quality of life in Europe for the last hundred years while the church has been in decline years - it has risen quite dramatically.
Wake Up from Your Sleep
Watch what God does,
and then you do it,
like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.
Mostly what God does is love you.
Keep company with him and learn a life of love.
Observe how Christ loved us.
His love was not cautious but extravagant.
He didn’t love in order to get something from us
but to give everything of himself to us.
Love like that.
Ephesians 5:1-2
Great post.
Great post.
Hello, Randy,
Notwithstanding my rant over yesterday’s post, as soon as Francis was elected, and all of his “humility” came to the fore, I did sense a serious anti-Prosperity message. Riding the streetcar to work, living in a simple room, etc--all supposedly indicating what a spiritual man he is. And, of course, totally in sync with the meme that "it's spiritual to be poor."
Though the new Pope may might make a big thing of “helping the poor,” unless the church ever teaches Prosperity, helping the poor will only be a temporary bandage. And I doubt that the Catholic Church will ever promote Prosperity to the masses.
Sometimes the “bandage” is needed in desperate situations, as I referenced yesterday. And that does make the people helped feel loved, cared for, etc.---for a short time.
But without an underlying philosophy of Prosperity principles, something along the lines of Fillmore’s marvelous explanation of Divine Substance being the pervading force in the Universe, I fear and am in fact certain that the new Pope and the church will indeed perpetuate guilt, unworthiness, etc.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Also fascinating to see the media, which often embraces the same “anti-wealth” memes as religion , fawning over Francis’s humility and ennoblement of poverty.
Did you know that there was an entirely other side of Jesus's teachings which has been largely expurgated from the Canonical Gospels? That was the teaching of how to attain Divine Consciousness. Pretty much all Christian sects stress the "redemptive" aspect of the Gospels [poor,sorry sinners, wno must repent and be redeemed.] I don't know any sect which openly teaches the Divine Consciousness aspect, much of which is found in the so-called Apocryphal Gospels.. William Walker Atkinson has some interesting info on this in his "Mystical Christianity."
Hello, Randy,
Notwithstanding my rant over yesterday’s post, as soon as Francis was elected, and all of his “humility” came to the fore, I did sense a serious anti-Prosperity message. Riding the streetcar to work, living in a simple room, etc--all supposedly indicating what a spiritual man he is. And, of course, totally in sync with the meme that "it's spiritual to be poor."
Though the new Pope may might make a big thing of “helping the poor,” unless the church ever teaches Prosperity, helping the poor will only be a temporary bandage. And I doubt that the Catholic Church will ever promote Prosperity to the masses.
Sometimes the “bandage” is needed in desperate situations, as I referenced yesterday. And that does make the people helped feel loved, cared for, etc.---for a short time.
But without an underlying philosophy of Prosperity principles, something along the lines of Fillmore’s marvelous explanation of Divine Substance being the pervading force in the Universe, I fear and am in fact certain that the new Pope and the church will indeed perpetuate guilt, unworthiness, etc.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Also fascinating to see the media, which often embraces the same “anti-wealth” memes as religion , fawning over Francis’s humility and ennoblement of poverty.
Did you know that there was an entirely other side of Jesus's teachings which has been largely expurgated from the Canonical Gospels? That was the teaching of how to attain Divine Consciousness. Pretty much all Christian sects stress the "redemptive" aspect of the Gospels [poor,sorry sinners, wno must repent and be redeemed.] I don't know any sect which openly teaches the Divine Consciousness aspect, much of which is found in the so-called Apocryphal Gospels.. William Walker Atkinson has some interesting info on this in his "Mystical Christianity."
Thanks for this post!!! In sure glad I'm not alone !!
Thanks for this post!!! In sure glad I'm not alone !!
I hope u don't mind ? I shared this on my page
I hope u don't mind ? I shared this on my page
Hi Randy
I've loved both of your recent posts. I was raised without religion. Mum & Dad wanted me and my sister to have the freedom to choose our own when we grew up, if we wanted to. This has made it much easier to critically evaluate the topic, and I'm very grateful for their approach.
Hi Randy
I've loved both of your recent posts. I was raised without religion. Mum & Dad wanted me and my sister to have the freedom to choose our own when we grew up, if we wanted to. This has made it much easier to critically evaluate the topic, and I'm very grateful for their approach.
Good reading thx!
Good reading thx!
Well said!
Well said!
all i have to say is respect... is all..
all i have to say is respect... is all..
but i have to say also that our world is so damn bad cause we humans kept attacking each other verbally and phisically .. we r more directed to money than love.. sad that no faith or hope or even the little bit of mercy exist in our hearts.. we r blessed to live in a country that is not poor to be able to have and do things.. will be awesome if we were willing to quit a little and help others. just saying
but i have to say also that our world is so damn bad cause we humans kept attacking each other verbally and phisically .. we r more directed to money than love.. sad that no faith or hope or even the little bit of mercy exist in our hearts.. we r blessed to live in a country that is not poor to be able to have and do things.. will be awesome if we were willing to quit a little and help others. just saying
Francis of Assisi.
Yeap, I thought of you, your message and your current blogpost in the very moment they announced on TV his (the Pope´s) new message for the world.
Holy crap. Voices in our EU-country got loud, hoping for a new-comer!
Ha! God again shows his humour. But, he´s not out there....
The new Pope was N°2, last time they elected a new Pope, when Germany "won". That German guy probably did right when he decided for retiring, they see more than they´re allowed to show.
The Afterlife!
That´s another thing. I think they came and still come up with this story to program people by reason to give them a chance to quite "happily" or maybe really happy let go of life in the very moment they will die. It´s a good option for the soul or psyche when you come to the door of leaving for good but that means everyone has to undergo a hundred thousand tests in life, following a pre-written script to finally get there - and that it is the only (right) way!
That´s ridiculous.
I agree when you write that they need more folks to follow them and keep the church alive, guess: because they lose so many folks who turn away from the old church in our new science age.
(new age?)
....but the church and the bible-book are hundreds of years old and the book is so well known and probably still famous, for sure their church-network still somewhat alive but they won´t show us how it really looks behind their rotten curtains, in terms of believers & followers nowadays.
This step gives some deeper insight to me.
Great discussion - congrats for the dozens of replies to the other post from yesterday -
Francis of Assisi.
Yeap, I thought of you, your message and your current blogpost in the very moment they announced on TV his (the Pope´s) new message for the world.
Holy crap. Voices in our EU-country got loud, hoping for a new-comer!
Ha! God again shows his humour. But, he´s not out there....
The new Pope was N°2, last time they elected a new Pope, when Germany "won". That German guy probably did right when he decided for retiring, they see more than they´re allowed to show.
The Afterlife!
That´s another thing. I think they came and still come up with this story to program people by reason to give them a chance to quite "happily" or maybe really happy let go of life in the very moment they will die. It´s a good option for the soul or psyche when you come to the door of leaving for good but that means everyone has to undergo a hundred thousand tests in life, following a pre-written script to finally get there - and that it is the only (right) way!
That´s ridiculous.
I agree when you write that they need more folks to follow them and keep the church alive, guess: because they lose so many folks who turn away from the old church in our new science age.
(new age?)
....but the church and the bible-book are hundreds of years old and the book is so well known and probably still famous, for sure their church-network still somewhat alive but they won´t show us how it really looks behind their rotten curtains, in terms of believers & followers nowadays.
This step gives some deeper insight to me.
Great discussion - congrats for the dozens of replies to the other post from yesterday -
GinaCarr Thanks 4 the love!
GinaCarr Thanks 4 the love!
Glad you highlighted this event because immediately i saw the media emphasizing on how saintly the new Pope is, the simple life he leads, and charity work he does.... i just remembered what you said about our minds being programmed to value simplicity and in a way poverty. My mind was alert and i have to consciously remind myself that my value is not based on these things. Kudos to the Pope. that's his style and he is a beneficiary of a legacy that esteems his kind but the reality is that when you dont have money in this world you are not part of society and the same people who praise the Pope for who he is are the same ones shunning you away.
Glad you highlighted this event because immediately i saw the media emphasizing on how saintly the new Pope is, the simple life he leads, and charity work he does.... i just remembered what you said about our minds being programmed to value simplicity and in a way poverty. My mind was alert and i have to consciously remind myself that my value is not based on these things. Kudos to the Pope. that's his style and he is a beneficiary of a legacy that esteems his kind but the reality is that when you dont have money in this world you are not part of society and the same people who praise the Pope for who he is are the same ones shunning you away.
You fixed the livefire comment issue very quickly. Awesome! and thanks for the speedy response.
If the car dealership had responded so quickly I guess they would have had an extra $100k for a range rover 🙂
You fixed the livefire comment issue very quickly. Awesome! and thanks for the speedy response.
If the car dealership had responded so quickly I guess they would have had an extra $100k for a range rover 🙂
Thanks to Randy I am more aware of memes. Last year I attended to a mass and it was shocking to me when the priest told God... "Please, help us be poorer every day" and the audience accepted that idea without questioning it.
Thanks to Randy I am more aware of memes. Last year I attended to a mass and it was shocking to me when the priest told God... "Please, help us be poorer every day" and the audience accepted that idea without questioning it.
i love your take on religion
i love your take on religion
@Randy_Gage You could argue it either way, as it's subjective. And a lot of this consumer debt (which as an aside is the highest it's been in human history, not just the last decades) is fuelling this so called rise. Interestingly you didn't address the point about education: don't you think it is more likely that religion is becoming less popular due to the brainwashing at school? That is, the removal of teaching traditional religion-based values in place of things like directives (memes) from the UN etc? Surely that is a more logical reason of why people are turning away from religion - they are being raised that way. Not "they're smarter these days" as you seem to imply.
i dont agree with this: "The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I had once a conversation with an Indian man, and telling him this same statement.. And he answered, that the most educated and richest people in India are claiming to be the most religious.. And imho it is the same in muslim countries too..
i dont agree with this: "The more educated a society is, the less religious it is." I had once a conversation with an Indian man, and telling him this same statement.. And he answered, that the most educated and richest people in India are claiming to be the most religious.. And imho it is the same in muslim countries too..
@Randy_Gage I'd like to point out further to the below that by your idea of quality of life/the standard of living in e.g. South America has also risen over the last 100 years... I'm not going to go to the trouble of verifying with stats, but I'll bet you that the rate of religion has not fallen. This supports the argument that it is actually government through its education system and memes that it instills into kids that is responsible for religion becoming less popular.
Hi, I am a catholic and i liked the article, but I think
It is not the cardinals who are creating the mindviruses, but its the "us"-people and the media which is creating articles, that the blind mass wants to read.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Hi, I am a catholic and i liked the article, but I think
It is not the cardinals who are creating the mindviruses, but its the "us"-people and the media which is creating articles, that the blind mass wants to read.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Sometimes the religion is creating our mindviruses, but sometimes our mindviruses are infiltrating the religious environment. Just like RG sad: "It seems to be spiritual to be poor."
Sometimes the religion is creating our mindviruses, but sometimes our mindviruses are infiltrating the religious environment. Just like RG sad: "It seems to be spiritual to be poor."
100% agree with each and every word in this post
100% agree with each and every word in this post
consider concentrating more on money being taken from friends and family vis-a-vis through mlm's , its more your style and will stroke your ego while you talk about your personal travels and such.
consider concentrating more on money being taken from friends and family vis-a-vis through mlm's , its more your style and will stroke your ego while you talk about your personal travels and such.
well said randy!! Stop religions now! they are a cancer to humanity
well said randy!! Stop religions now! they are a cancer to humanity
Agree.. Even if haven't saw this article., its already in my level of Awareness.. Good Article Mr. Randy..
Hope you will have a training here in the Philippines... I'm an avid follower and learning alot from you. I myself too is a Professional Network Marketer
Agree.. Even if haven't saw this article., its already in my level of Awareness.. Good Article Mr. Randy..
Hope you will have a training here in the Philippines... I'm an avid follower and learning alot from you. I myself too is a Professional Network Marketer
No words could express how I feel right now. Couldn't wait for the next post. You should be the "Pope" if you ask me? A Pope for those who has higher level of consciousness. LOL. Thank you, Thank you! 🙂
No words could express how I feel right now. Couldn't wait for the next post. You should be the "Pope" if you ask me? A Pope for those who has higher level of consciousness. LOL. Thank you, Thank you! 🙂
Oh yeah, I just remembered, one of our President here in my country, the Philippines, had a similar motto as the Pope. "Erap para sa mahirap" as they call him (Trans: Erap for the poor.)" The irony is that the people he intended to help is the same people who brought him down from his position. You can just imagine how crazy people can get because of this mind viruses flying around. Even one of our Country's boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, is being "Attacked" by the very people who once was admiring him. If you could only watch our local news, you should be able to know this issues. Bottom line is that no matter how good our intention is, as long as we are infected by this memes (specially from organized religions) and we are not doing anything about it, we will keep on sabotaging our success.
Oh yeah, I just remembered, one of our President here in my country, the Philippines, had a similar motto as the Pope. "Erap para sa mahirap" as they call him (Trans: Erap for the poor.)" The irony is that the people he intended to help is the same people who brought him down from his position. You can just imagine how crazy people can get because of this mind viruses flying around. Even one of our Country's boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, is being "Attacked" by the very people who once was admiring him. If you could only watch our local news, you should be able to know this issues. Bottom line is that no matter how good our intention is, as long as we are infected by this memes (specially from organized religions) and we are not doing anything about it, we will keep on sabotaging our success.
Are we responsible for our worthiness issues?
I think so.... we have the choice who we listen to & what we believe.
We have the choice to believe in God. That God is love. God is good. God forgives.
That we were created by God so he can love us, he is always with us.
He wants us to be filled with the fruits of the Spirit.
We have a purpose. We have unique gifts.... and we have good works to do.
Our good works are unique... it may not mean a "job"... And God wants us all to be prosperous.
But God's love doesn't depend on our work or good works, deeds we do...
It is unconditional love.
So we choice who we listen to & believe... there are many good preachers and ministers out there...
everyone is valuable... everyone has gifts... everyone has a message...
And everyone grew up in this world...
so they may believe we are born sinners, instead of born with love.
or they may believe other common myths about God...He is angry, punishing, bad, mean, etc
or that to be spiritual we need to take a poverty vow... money is evil...
So we need to listen to people, read books, the bible, etc... but be aware of common myths, fears, negativity, and limiting beliefs. When we see them in others, look at how it is true in ourselves...
Sin & fear happen in this world. False beliefs. Limiting beliefs. Negative thoughts.
Be thankful... see your value & others value... love all... value all...
Instead of working to be valuable... know that you are valuable... and others are...
stop comparing
stop trying to please others
stop trying to be like others... use you own gifts... what you enjoy doing...
be you.
Thinking worthiness starts with knowing you have a purpose, you are unconditionally love, you are valuable, you are forgiven, you have unique gifts... and so does everyone else.
Be thankful for your life & others.
and we are responsible for the people we hang out with...
love everyone... unconditional love, no rules required to love someone...
but hang out with people on the same path...
you can still love people if you aren't present with them
what is good for you may not be good for them... so don't sabotage each other...
support each others growth, goals, etc...
And we may not knowingly try to sabotage others.. We just share what we enjoy & believe...
It is everyone's own responsibility... don't try to people please...
For example, I have food allergies (food addictions), and I like the food I need to avoid...
So it is easier to not be around the food I like but I can't eat.
It is not other people's responsibility to change what they eat,
It is my responsibility to change what I eat & what food I am around.
Today in his first media appearance as Pope, Francis said, he wants "a poor church for the poor."
Nuff said........
Today in his first media appearance as Pope, Francis said, he wants "a poor church for the poor."
Nuff said........
I agree with you
I agree with you
Very interesting way to discuss an issue of Choice in Humans. 🙂
Very interesting way to discuss an issue of Choice in Humans. 🙂
Made me think of you Randy...lol!!
The most important relationship in the world is that relationship one has with their subconscious mind. From Zero Lmits lll ~ Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
Yes, it's a quote, however it's very appropriate here I beleive.
Interesting 🙂 since 2004; im inlove to ur lesson in life from breakthrough U to this prosperity blog. No other self guru had thr courage to post like this. By the way tnx Randy for the "Risky"frm i..philippines
The damage that the church combined with the state has done to Argentina, the county where the new pope comes from is hard to imagine if you have not lived there.
Argentina lost 90% of the post world war migrants in 1970 who repatriated when Peron came back for another go. This populist party is the only party in power, there is no opposition party and this has been so for decades. The culture of this nation has changed from a powerhouse similar to what is Brazil today, and this was (back in the 30ties to the 60ties, to what it is now, a poor corrupt nation that has brainwashed their citizen in believing that all their problems are to blame on the bad USA or UK or anyone that has money.
What the state and the church have done and in particular this very "pope" personally has done is hard to grasp, however yesterdays celebrations gives us an inside.
21 March is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and chosen as the beginning of a new year, and celebrated world wide as "Harmony day". Argentina has instituted 21 March as "The day against racism and xenophobia"
I am sure you can see the difference. The bad white American hate us, we have a day to hate them back.
Politics and religion are powerful tools to manipulate the massess into believing that everything is an outside fault. Nothing I need to do to change myself. IT is the others that have to change for me.
Sad really
1st time on your site. Found you on stumble and WOW man, you said a mouthful of truth. Several years ago I found myself unfulfilled from a religous standpoint and I went in search of the history of the Bible and found lots of random things. Like King James being a homosexual, yet the church continues to use the Bible and many don't know it and when you tell them there's so much silence you can hear a cricket fart! I also read how the story of ceation was STOLEN from Egypt and so much more. When you've been in church all your life and you start to look elsewhere for that Higher Power that I KNOW exists you start to think about hell, fire and brimstone if you go astray and you're pulled back in b/c no one wants to go to that kind of place. And Jesus coming in a cloud of glory is supposedly the actuall sun in the sky and based on the zodiac and all that stuff. When you're searching for the truth it's hard to see and hear sometimes. Thank you
Nicely written!!