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Prejudging People

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 28, 2019

When I moved to a new area, I asked around for recommendations for a chiropractor.  I got a glowing review on one. 

But when I called to schedule an appointment, I found out she has no evening or weekend hours.  She has no staff.  So if she’s with a client, you go to voicemail. When I arrived, there was a sign in form with my name on a post it note in the waiting room because she was with a patient.

She doesn’t accept insurance.  Or credit cards.  When she came out to greet me, she was barefoot.  Which isn’t surprising now, since she appears to work that way every day.  Oh and one other thing:  She is one of the most amazing healers I have ever met.

So what’s the lesson in that for you?


4 comments on “Prejudging People”

  1. Randy, you chose the best chiropractor for your health and well-being. Her healing abilities supersede her traditional office protocol. No big deal! I have been going to a chiropractor weekly .. she doesn't "crack" you .. uses an activator, works with light sensors, muscle testing, supplements .. and has a tremendous knowledge of how the body works. If I don't feel well, I have her check me out before I see my primary doctor. Yeah to the quirky healers!

  2. Hi Randy, yeah, I remember when I first met you, at a seminar in London about 2000, I saw this cocky American with his bald head taking the mick out of everyone's cheap suit. Let's take an hour and a half for lunch, I thought is this guy serious, doesn't he know we have to get home. About 5 pm you announced your tapes at the back of the room, my ears pricked up when you mentioned the Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, which I bought... Little did I know how much my life was going to change...Best wishes, Graham UK

  3. don´t get impressed by stereotypes; in the simplest, the best things are arranged.
    Are the ideas I perceive from your relate

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  • 4 comments on “Prejudging People”

    1. Randy, you chose the best chiropractor for your health and well-being. Her healing abilities supersede her traditional office protocol. No big deal! I have been going to a chiropractor weekly .. she doesn't "crack" you .. uses an activator, works with light sensors, muscle testing, supplements .. and has a tremendous knowledge of how the body works. If I don't feel well, I have her check me out before I see my primary doctor. Yeah to the quirky healers!

    2. Hi Randy, yeah, I remember when I first met you, at a seminar in London about 2000, I saw this cocky American with his bald head taking the mick out of everyone's cheap suit. Let's take an hour and a half for lunch, I thought is this guy serious, doesn't he know we have to get home. About 5 pm you announced your tapes at the back of the room, my ears pricked up when you mentioned the Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, which I bought... Little did I know how much my life was going to change...Best wishes, Graham UK

    3. don´t get impressed by stereotypes; in the simplest, the best things are arranged.
      Are the ideas I perceive from your relate

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