RG, good post. After interviewing over 1,300 self-made millionaires/billionaires since 1984, I concur. What i've found is that many people seek wealth expecting happiness, but once they acquire it, they realize that it's best benefit is not having to worry about it. I suggest that people attain wealth so they can turn their attention towards the things in life that truly matter. It's a lot more fun when the "money-monkey" if off of your back. On a personal note, I have always appreciated the manner in which you continue to push the envelop of critical thinking, Randy. It's always inspired me to try to do the same. Thank you for your example over the past 20 years. You've made a difference in my life, as you have for so many others.
RG, good post. After interviewing over 1,300 self-made millionaires/billionaires since 1984, I concur. What i've found is that many people seek wealth expecting happiness, but once they acquire it, they realize that it's best benefit is not having to worry about it. I suggest that people attain wealth so they can turn their attention towards the things in life that truly matter. It's a lot more fun when the "money-monkey" if off of your back. On a personal note, I have always appreciated the manner in which you continue to push the envelop of critical thinking, Randy. It's always inspired me to try to do the same. Thank you for your example over the past 20 years. You've made a difference in my life, as you have for so many others.
So great to see you on here. And love watching you develop and evolve your own work.
Totalmente de acuerdo Randy
So true. And I also agree with Steve. It’s hard to be fully present and enjoy all the gifts that life gives us if we are preoccupied with making ends meet. Freeing our mind from concerns of how we are going handle life’s unexpected turns requires an abundance of money or an abundance of faith. The nice thing about money is that it doesn’t wax and wane based on our mood, thoughts, or feelings throughout the day... a nice buffer to support faith. 😉