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Poverty is Evil

Posted By: Randy GageApril 13, 2011

“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter.”

Those words come from the character Francisco d'Anconia in Ayn Rand’s seminal novel, Atlas Shrugged. Today is a good time to visit this, because part one of the movie adaptation opens April 15 in limited release.  We’ve had a lot of discussion about the book recently and those posts demonstrate how insidious and prevalent the negative mind viruses about money are.

That meme “money is evil” is just one of a number of fallacies about money.  Here are some common myths about money and the actual reality:

Myth: Money is evil.

Reality: Poverty is evil.  It causes people to lie, cheat, steal and even kill.  There is nothing noble or spiritual about poverty.

Myth: Money changes you.

Reality: Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are.

Myth: Rich people lie, cheat and steal.

Reality: People lie, cheat and steal.  And truth is, rich people have less cause to do so.   I remember flying the Concorde, waiting in the special lounge and needing to use the rest room.  My carry-on luggage had passport, tickets, and about $10,000 in various currencies, but I didn’t want to schlep it to the bathroom.   Thinking about it, I decided that the people in the lounge were all rich and they didn’t need to steal my stuff.  So I left it.  Try that in the subway station!

Myth: You need money to make money.

Reality: You need an idea to make money.  No one has a money shortage, only an idea shortage.  As Atlas Shrugged demonstrates so well, prosperity is created by solving challenges, and creating value.

Myth: Rich people only think about money.

Reality: Rich people almost never have to think about money.  Poor people have to think about it all the time.

Myth: Rich people are stuck up and snobby.

Reality: Personally I see a lot more poor people who are jealous, judgmental, and condescending towards rich people than the other way around.  Most wealthy people I know support a lot of causes to help the less fortunate.

Myth: Star athletes and CEOs are overpaid.

Reality: No one comes to the football stadium to see the owners, managers, or trainers.  Stars sell tickets, which sustain their sports and provide the incomes for everyone else.  Corporate CEOs run companies and are responsible for the profitability that provides return to stockholders, products or services to the market, and jobs for employees.

Myth: It is the responsibility of people farther ahead of you to help you, and it is your moral prerogative to help those less fortunate than you.

Reality: This is just a racket run by the looters and co-dependents.  Now personally I hope you do help those less fortunate than you, and I do a great deal myself.  But you should do it because you desire to, it brings you happiness, and those you help are deserving of the assistance.

Myth: Prosperity has nothing to do with money.  If you are healthy and have good relationships, you’re prosperous.

Reality: Certainly health and loving relationships are part of prosperity.  But if you have to worry about making the mortgage or your car payment, that is not true prosperity.

Myth: Spiritual leaders and social workers should subsist on a meager existence so there’s more money for their causes. 

Reality: Personally I want my minister to be driving a Bentley or Lamborghini, because that tells me that he or she is qualified to teach the true spiritual principles of prosperity.  And if you have a cause that is near and dear to your heart, wouldn’t you want to create a benefit package that would attract the very best candidates to apply?  Having the best person running the organization is ultimately what will help the most people.

So what do you think about all this?  Do you agree or disagree?  And what are some other myths about money?

And be sure and find a theatre showing Atlas Shrugged! Then check back and let us know what you think!


143 comments on “Poverty is Evil”

  1. Poverty is indeed evil's always been evil to me,in all my moments of struggle it's brought forth nothing but trouble.
    Even when you look at this in a Christian perspective, God wants you to prosper,that's a fact and most certainly biblical.
    Besides,it's hard to help others when you are impoverished yourself.The reason I put forth so much effort in my work and studies is that I'm expecting to be wealthy because I believe!

  2. Great list Randy! A myth that crippled me for a long time was that "If you make money quick it will leave you quick". And maybe I took that the wrong way from the person who said that to me, but I took it as having to work long and hard for someone else.

    And yes I believe in perseverance, persistence, and doing the right things long enough consistently.

    But I've found "relatively quick" is the best way to make money. 4 years is definitely quick compared to 40 years

  3. -RG,

    Well done!

    Before anyone screws it up and gets it wrong...

    1 Timothy 6:10

    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


  4. Thanks I enjoyed your article - I first read Atlas Shrugged at university in the 60's and it made an enormous impression. Since then I have tried to read it every few years and I always find some new insight. Can't wait to see the movie

    1. I have yet to read Atlas Shrugged. I'm an avid reader and this is definitely my type of book, but I've just somehow never gotten to it. Now, with the movie coming out, I'm inspired to get a copy and tuck in to it.

  5. Ranting Randy!....You have written many wonderful things that I have enjoyed and passed on, now and then. The money myths are close to the top of my faves.....passing on the the link with encouragement to become a fan. Thanks RR.

  6. Yes Randy, In order to be rich you do have to lie, cheat and steal. You have to lie in bed at night thinking of all the people you know. You have to cheat away time every day to build your fortune and you have to steal every good quote your hear!!!!! That's the way you get rich!!!!

    1. Trey,

      I feel so badly for you because you harbor such venom, hatred, and jealosy. You will be in my prayers today sir and I hope you make it a great day!

      Great post Randy!!

      1. Matt, hi!
        I think Trey was being "funny". I do not how this way of expressing yourself is called, you know there are metaphors, there is irony, there is sarcasm, but I do not know the term for this one.
        Read it again, you'll see that he means well.
        Unless of course I misread it. 🙂

    2. Trey,

      You are infected with mind virus. I hope you can see the value that give to me by Randy's teaching.

  7. Randy, this is great stuff! Great job of busting the myths folks have around wealth! What seems clear to me, that there are many beliefs people create to protect their egos rather than make a difference in their lives! Would you agree?


      1. Yes Randy! I was one of those guys thinking for a long time all these myth, like it is true. But now I began to think different. 100%. Thanks Sensei for so clear message.

  8. Randy,

    I agree with everything you said. That's why I have chosen to steps I have to change my life. I have learned a lot from Mahatma Gandhi. "To be the change you seek." Though I have learned as I'm sure you have too it's much smaller crowd near the top. Even when it's just the way one thinks...interesting...

  9. here's a mind virus: heaven is empty or it's lonely at the top.

    another: bad boys(girls)are more fun.

    lies I tell you! Lies and tails!!

  10. Thanks, Randy. I don't recognize any of these as my particular money-mind-virus, but I know that somewhere, hidden in my field of unawareness, there are some counter-productive money-viruses. If there weren't...I'd be enjoying a Rapidly Increasing Income, rather than this slowly increasing (thank God!) income.

    Would you agree with this theory?

  11. Randy,

    my dad had an interesting experience some time ago at his church...

    He was attending the Sunday sermon where the priest was saying his usual rich people are bad... Then the priest proceeded to chew out the congregation because they were not donating enough money to the church basket that they pass around!!!

    This is for real! My dad was so enraged when he came home from church that day. He could not believe that the priest dare tell the congregation that what they had donated was not good enough!

    I think organized religion plays a very large part in a hypocrisy of one hand castigating the rich and the other hand reaching out to collect more and more and more and more....

    1. "I think organized religion plays a very large part in a hypocrisy of one hand castigating the rich and the other hand reaching out to collect more and more and more and more"...that's a crude, rude, tacky and LAZY statement you just made about organized religion. Its akin to labelling Germans as pro-facists. Go do your homework before making bold claims and yet hide in anonymity.

  12. Great article Randy. I'm a long time fan of Ayn Rand, and like Hanna above, I reread Atlas every few years. It's the users guide for life on Earth.

    And yes, the National League has it right, pitchers should hit.


  13. Here's another one:
    "It's only money."
    If you said that about a friend or a significant other, would they hang out with you?

    1. Yes Joe, I should have included that one! If we study quantum physics we know that at its essence, money like everything else is actually energy vibrations. And saying, "It's just money" or "They're just things" repels that energy.


      1. Randy and Joe -

        Thank you both so much...

        This is the one - this is the meme that keeps running through my mind, and occasionally out my mouth...

        I have been trying to find what was holding me back for years, and this one never occurred to me.

        It just shows how sinister these things can be.

        I was reading through these comments and I got to this one, and Randy's response, and I GOT it. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.

        Now I only have to practice the opposite thought process to make it more dominant.

        Thank you both for this.

        Thank you Randy for your great posting (as usual).

        Like Hanna and Robert, I read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead at university in the '70s and have gone back to it a number of times.

        I am also a fan of the old Garry Cooper version of The Fountainhead, and am looking forward to Atlas Shrugged (which I always preferred as a book) - hoping that it will help more people to see the truth about prosperity.


  14. The love of money is the root to all evil. So many people misunderstand this biblical statement. Money is spoken of in the bible a lot for a good reason. It's not money that's evil, it's loving it. Money or the lack of it is the source of so much pain and suffering. It's what makes and breaks wars, marriages, business. Money just makes you into more of what you are so if you are not a quality person without it you won't be a quality person with it. If you don't give a penny out of a dollar you won't give a $100,000 out of a million. If you worship all the stuff that money can get you and you value yourself and other people by their wealth, then you will just get more of it when money is in your life. It's not about how much money you have, it's what you do with it and how you value it. If you think you are nothing without it, then you will be nothing with it. The quality people with money do more than anyone will ever know. They feed hungry children, keep people in their homes, support people who can't support themselves, etc.... How can money be bad unless we internalize it as so. We can't give what we don't have and if we are developed with a quality of humble character, then money will only allow us to be better than we are.

    1. Yes. I think like Mrs. H&P above you'll appreciate this month's seminar. We're going to deal with the spiritual discernment necessary for manifesting prosperity.


    2. Yes, agreed. the love of money is the root of evil. Greed, lust etc etc. Well done Mary-Ellen, i totally agree with you!!!

      1. Thanks Annie. I misunderstood this for many years and want to pass the knowledge and wisdom along in hopes that it shifts others beliefs about it. Have a great day.

  15. Boy oh boy I sure have lots of work to do on myself, I think I've heard every one of those growing up... really appreciate your insights Randy, you should team up with the Myth Busters! 🙂

  16. Hey Randy :

    Keep kickin' up!

    I know that I had less stress in my life when I was rich - I am now am as low as I have ever been. However, I feel that when I am down to nothing God is up to something.

    I will see you on the beaches of the world again one day soon!

  17. As the saying goes, money is not everything but without money and with the NEED for it, it does become everything you think about so you don't let any good IDEAS in, blocking what you truly deserve FREEDOM.
    Great article.

  18. Всё правильно. Не деньги делают человека злым, а их отсутствие. Когда есть деньги, хочется помочь другим их научится привлекать. Но конечно не у всех получается в традиционной жизни делится сокровенным. Настоящее богатство, это три составных человека. Здоровье, разум, душа. Деньги это приложение к богатству. Когда выполнены все критерии, можно считать человека богатым. Спасибо. (извените пишу с ошибками)

  19. These are right on the money! Lol!
    Many argue you don't need money to
    be prosperous. Not true, money can
    enhance every area of your life.
    Its interesting how the Bible and
    Religion(return to bondage)
    disagree on this subject. There
    are countless examples in the
    Bible of prosperous people
    impacting their world for the

  20. Thanks for revisiting Atlas Shrugged, Randy. That book let me survive mindless socialism in India.

    Here's a small statistic. After leaving my job with a European bank, due to a toxic work environment, in 2004, my skills, my energy and earnings have taken a quantum leap. Even with great uncertainty, I approach life with eagerness and anticipation, only because of one belief, that money will come to me anyway, because I deserve it!

  21. Great post Randy!
    I loved that part!prosperity is created by solving challenges, and creating value.So true!
    Value seems to be the pillar of prosperity. Become more valuable ,first yourself and after giving the value that you possess.Another myth is:Only the lucky ones make money.I don't have luck! That's another big excuse.If the current circumstances are not so pink you can create them:)

    Thanks for sharing,

  22. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I think it's all about beliefs... so many people just stucked inside their minds and can't get out of that false beliefs. Another thing is television... worthless and mindless TV series on every channel. Television is the greatest thief of our time. Ask people how many books have they read recently and probably most of them will say - not many. Ask them what is going on CSI or so, and they will tell you every episode... Sad but true. I will finish with this: First you have to have something in your heart and in your head, befroe you will have something in your wallet.
    Thanks Randy, and GOD bless.

  23. Hi Randy,
    I agree totally with your thoughts and what you write.
    You helped me to change my thoughts on prosperity some years ago - for which I thank you, so am now an avid supporter of what you espouse above.
    But you know.... sometimes it takes time for a person to come to understand and and be cognizant of these spirtual laws.... so maybe we should learn to be patient with those who still resonate on a level lower than we now purport to follow?

    It's easy to be 'self-righteous' and demean those who don't follow these great ideas and ways... but maybe we've all come from that level sometime in out past....
    So let's help those who are still in the dark, to find the light and thus enlighten the world!

    Love, Light, Abundance & Prosperity...
    Vance.... UK

      1. Randy, I think you are a good example of being patient and you do a lot to help others.

        Vance, I agree with what you are saying, I see it a lot. People acting self righteous. It's nice to see others recognize the need for it.

      2. Pleasure Randy.... Yes I know you are a 'Red' under Big Al's 4 colour scheme system....and like to make / see things happen instantly 🙂

        Guess it's all about trying to have compassion for other people - even for how they think if different to ones own thinking - difficult and one's working on it all the time I guess.
        But really it doesn't matter how others think of you or what you say or think; it's like Maslow said.... or at least a take on his saying 'to be independent of the good (or bad) opinion of what other people think of you'; or as another saying goes.... "What other people think of you is none of your business".
        This then removes the necessity or concerning oneself with waht others do think of you!

  24. love the book Atlas Shruigged and took your advice to read it at least once a year. looking forward to th movie.
    Thanks for all you do!!!

  25. Randy,

    My man.
    You'RE magnificiant..
    I feel the heat of the energy coming from you to me...

    Warm Regards from Istanbul, the centre of the World


  26. I cannot agree more, this is soooooooo true!!!!!!
    People that think money is evil are just jealous of not having it or deserve it.

  27. Money is energy. Any ideas we associate with it, WE decide to label it with. It's just neutral. Of course the if you're in harmony with this neutral stuff you can acquire it in boatloads, doing amazing things with your life, in other's lives, and helping cure the mental virus known as poverty by demonstrating your prosperity. Thanks Randy!


      1. Hmm. I always thought it was about having to earn your money.

        It could make money seem like an implausibilty to a child who is hearing it. That's not good. But, maybe it is okay for kids to know money must be earned.


        PS How do you get to the premise money is infinite?

    1. I found a 1 1/2 ft tall "Fotofalls" metal 'tree' that stands on a desktop. Its flexible branches have clips on the ends. I attached dollar bills from my business revenue...ta-dum, it's a Money Tree!

  28. Very interesting article Randy and I've read a lot of yours and this one many times. Never really rang the bell completely until this previous week.
    When business slowed, I downsized my life and sold my car. Ever since, I've worked hard to help grow a company and we are still growing. I decided it was time to pay myself back for the hard work and bought myself a very nice Cadillac.
    Friends and others asked me why I would go and buy a typical pretentious car. My answer is simple. It's not. I work my butt off and have put in 50+ hour weeks sometimes to grow and succeed. I go into the office early and leave late for my own prosperity. My question isn't why, but why not reward myself for my own hard work that has paid off?
    That's not greed or love of money. That's celebrating your own hard work and the progress you have made. They could have the same thing if they had the same drive and motivation. Instead, they spend their energy pointing out what they deem as a pretentious car, instead of using their energy to prosper, realize the reward, and pay themselves for their hard work. I truly got a first hand grasp of the mind virus mentality you spoke of today. Still working hard.

    1. And don't feel like you have to justify buying yourself something nice that you can afford. You deserve it!

  29. Wow, I totally missed that Atlas is coming out as a movie. Thank you Randy! I'll be there tomorrow at the first showing. Been loving the book for decades.

  30. I think this is a bit of a stupid article personally.

    To say that poverty is evil because it forces people to cheat and steal is ludicrous... Mr Gauge, I sincerely hope no one in in your lifetime that you know needs to go through drought, famine and disease like in Africa... of course, these people are blatantly evil... people are people, they will lie cheat and steal if that is in their nature whether they are rich or whether they are poor.

    shame on you... and whilst im at it, i'd love to see you donate a million to africa... go on I dare you

    1. Funny you mention Afica. A continent with a history of corruption. Famine to the poor while the greedy keep all of the foreign aid money and eat like kings. This isn't greed of the wealthy but greed of the self-serving who cheat their people and cry for more help from the west, only to fill their tables with food while the poor starve. This is the greed of those who don't want free thought, impose their will of dominance on their people, and then keep them from the opportunity of education. All of the money in the world will not change Africa until Africa is ready to change. Until the people are free and educated. This will lift up the people. Shame on you for throwing that at Randy Gage. He was a personal friend of mine outside of this business, before I knew of this blog and his personal accomplishments. I have seen his commitment to his friends and others. I have witnessed his generosity first hand. Pick on someone else because you couldn't imagine how much he cares and looks out for others.

      1. It is easy to point fingers at others when you live behind closed doors. Randy does not need protection, he is an authentic person, gives back to others and shares his knowledge to inspire others to grow.
        It is his audience that needs protection, needs to grow, learn values and become more. That is Randy's purpose, to teach us what he has learned from his own hard knocks, as many great leaders who teach. It is our choice to learn, absorb, and put into practice the lessons from others. Randy stands tall and deserving so.

    2. Who call himself "mephisto"?
      All of us who were poor and came out of poverty, undertand this concept.
      May be you have to be more successfull to understand it.
      Great article Randy!

  31. Randy,

    What you're saying is only half of the whole truth. Our minds are dual so are our ideas, but think, one side of the truth does not exist without the other, they are inseparable, they are born together, and they die together. So, you are right and he is right, but both together, not separately.
    Read my book called "Know yourself - Rise above the illusion of this world" and you will see what is really beyond those two concepts: poverty and prosperity.

    Janina Wojtkiewicz, author.

  32. I don't disagree with all of these premises, but a few I definitly disagree with.

    I don't think it is a good idea to call POVERITY EVIL. It isn't any more evil than wealth. If it isn't evil to be wealthy it isn't evil to be poor either. It is two different ways of being in the world. Some people with money are evil and some impoverished people are evil. Evil people will blame whatever circumstances they are in, but doing evil is a choice.

    Money isn't evil I agree, money is just a thing. The power that comes with lots of wealth is usually what corrupts people. Also, the false notion that more and more money will make them lovable or happier, that is myth. I think joy belongs to anyone wealthy or impoverished, it has nothing to do with any kind of Materialism. That is what Mother Theresa was refering to in her quote "To give you must have", she meant to give love and joy you must first have it.

    I like the reality "Money doesn't change you it reveals who you are" that's great. If you are someone who likes to have control and power over others, money will reveal that cruelty to others even more. If one is altruistic and kind money will real that characteristic even more. Not that those characteristics aren't noticeable without money, but it could bring a spotlight on either one of those.

    "It is a moral perogative to help those less fortunate than you." That is a reality for me. Not that I have to help everyone, but it is important to help those we can. This is my Christian perspective, so not everyone may agree. It doesn't come to me from wanting to be a good Catholic,(that will never happen), It comes from Jesus's teaching that what you do to those "little ones" you do to me. Which, I take ultimately to mean if we turn our backs on those we can help, we are hurting ourselves and God, because we are all one. Yes, you should choose who you want to help, or what cause you like the best, because otherwise you would go CRAZY trying to help everyone (isn't possible). And you don't neccessarily need to be uber wealthy to do this.

    On a personal note: please do not villify co-dependence and put it in the same grouping as looters. I found that one very offensive. We all have bits of codependece in us, lets celebrate our shortcomings and remember it is God's way of helping us to become more whole. When counter-dependency and codependency meet there is a chance for interdependecy, that is the place of transcendence.

    Interdependency is the place where people claim their innerpower, and take responsibility for their own lives, but at the same time know that many of their needs depend on other people and the earth itself.

    Interdependent people know how awful consummerism is to our planet. No matter how much wealth we attain, the earth does not have infinite abundance, the earth is finite and has limited resources we need to protect, together.

    We all have the interdependent need to be loved. Every one wealthy, middle class, impoverished. Let's love one another and break free from the words and lies that keep us apart. Like some of the Myths you mention. Money isn't evil, povery isn't evil, rich people arn't all snobs, poor people arn't all theifs, murders, and cheats. Codependents are not blood suckers, and counterdependents aren't callous and unloveable. Both of those issues, we all struggle with, to become beautifully interconnected. We are all out here together in this world and while we must take personal responsibility, we also must use this personal power wisely, and for the yes, GEATER GOOD.

    Randy, I also think that the belief about poverty being evil may not serve you, especially when you are a caring person who donates so much time and money to these causes.

    Last, sometimes giving out greater monetary rewards attracts the best candidates, but that is not always true. Believe me, when I tell you I have met some of the finest people I have ever known in the occupations you mention. I think it really is a personality difference. Some people really do not desire money in the same way. Their are those who want a meaning behind their paycheck more than a check with a large amount. Not to say if a large check had the right meaning behind it, that person would turn it down.:)

    However, I agree pay these people more. Do you know the abuses Social Workers and Teachers take? The amount of education required? Lots.

    The best person running the organization, yes that is helpful. A lot of Social Work organizations are poorly run. Those agencies would be helped a lot by someone like you running them! 🙂

    Sincerely, Annie

      1. Thanks, I'm learning. 🙂 You are right, no one can kill my ideals and dreams. Really, you didn't do that anyway, I think your ideas and philosophies are helping me refine, and challenge my beliefs for the better!


  33. Hello Randy

    Normally I only read your post, think on your ideas and never share my thoughs.

    But Today, you really hit me with this post. It has been a great way to explain everyone simple ideas that are affecting everyone.

    Thank you for this post.


  34. Hi Randy,

    awesome post. My wife and I just attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar last weekend in Berlin and pulled some of our disempowering money beliefs to the surface. One of my biggest ones was that one:"You have to do something unethical and dishonest to become rich and take advantage of other people." Saying "No" to this consciously is already good, but not enough, we have to go back in time emotionally to feel the emotions again. Chances are we are angry about our own decision what aggravates the negative programming.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    Take care


  35. Hola from Beijing rocksta! 🙂 Can't even tweet this out from here, but will definitely get the word out cos this is one of the most important posts you've ever written!

    Thanks for introducing Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - EVERYONE should read it. Her philosophy is truly empowering & really honors the greatness of the human race.

    It translated to me that living from the standpoint of being the best that we can be and giving will result in an abundance of wealth being created as a natural outcome, while approaching life from the opposite extreme of taking/ wanting something for nothing will result in poverty (material & spiritual) - hence therein lies the true evil.

    Therefore, the result of where I am now is a great clue to me on whether I'm being congruent or otherwise. Keeps me on track & this post is another great piece to print out & re-read often. Thanks so much! XOXO

  36. Randy,
    Since the announcement that Atlas Shrugged had been made into a movie, more and more people are reading the book. Ayn Rand told a wonderful story showing the evil tendancies that surround money.

    Your post goes hand in hand with Atlas Shrugged. The point I agree with the most is
    "Reality: You need an idea to make money. No one has a money shortage, only an idea shortage. As Atlas Shrugged demonstrates so well, prosperity is created by solving challenges, and creating value." Last summer my grandson wanted some money for something, so he set up a snow cone stand in front of his house. He soon earned enough money to buy what he wanted. It started with an idea.

    Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

  37. At the age of 23, after being a "starving artist" dancer since high school, I read "Atlas Shrugged". It changed my life and I never looked back. I let go of the friends that looked down their noses at making money, decided that although I had no corporate experience to find a job that could make me "real" money. And, as the Law of Attraction always seems to work or "Ask and Ye Shall Receive", a friend of a friend got me an interview as a "headhunter", and I have loved making money every since!
    Read the Book!!!

  38. Hi Randy,
    I'm from Chile and here is often used this :
    "I,m poor but honest"
    and this one:
    "reach people do not go to heaven"
    I grew up hearing phrases like these, but I work every day to change those ideas in my mind.
    Best regards and hugs


  39. My absolute favorite line in this post ...

    Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are.

    So simple and so profound.

    Money is a tool ... It is a magnifier. It is energy that gives us power to CREATE. How we use it and which direction we focus that energy certainly provides the world insight to our values, our character ... even our agendas!

    If we value beauty, we will create long-term beauty. If we are still lost in our vices ... we will chase them ever faster, down a short, dead-end road.

    It's about choices - which is why I believe all the work we do on our internal landscape as we grow towards manifesting our external prosperity serves us so well once we arrive at the space where we are ready to embrace it.

    LOVE this post.


  40. and this is why I LOVE you, Randy! I first heard you in Florida this past January... this is a huge limiting belief you help me tear down! 🙂

  41. There's no such thing as "good" and "evil"... those are just stories we make up as humans. Money just is. It has nothing to with morality, good, evil or god. My opinion.

  42. I totally agree poverty is evil, lack of money traps you in a rut.
    Money is energy, it does not change people but it makes life easier, such as allowing you to go to places and purchase goods, in reality it opens doors for you that have been previously shut.
    In other words every one benefits and so does the world economy.

  43. Hi Randy!
    This is a great post. Fortunately I am very aware of these false data about money, since you made me aware of them and how that controles you if you are not. I remember one that impressed me very much as a child, and I did not understand why it could be like this "It is as impossible for a rich person to go to heaven, as it is for a camel to crawl through an eye of a needle". I actually spent a lot of time wondering about that one. It is easier to recognice these when money is directly mentioned, but I also discovered more hidden ones like "don't aim TOO high" or "be realistic". these also influence this area, and kind of kill your dreams to make something of yourself. I'm really changing my life right now, and I got so many positive things happening with this. I also tried what you sugested in one of your videos, it is the one where you tell about in stead of bills you call it blessings already recieved. I wrote my creditors angel, and it worked. Actually I use a lot of your exelent advice, and it has made a huge difference. Thank You!

  44. I don't watch the news. However a friend of mine posted, on FB, an article from TMZ the other day about a celebrity who had turned down a request from the Make a Wish Foundation. The angle the report took, as well as my friend, was how dare she, living in "The Hamptons", being a celebrity, and making a ton of money say no to a charity. I said to my friend where she lived had nothing to do with it. She is free to make her choices like anyone else. My friend didn't agree with me.She felt because of "her status" in life, she was obligated to say yes, it was the least she could do.
    I think it's interesting the news lead with this to get the people on their side and mad at the celebrity!
    A conversation came up in our car today among my children (8 and 3) and myself about money. We were discussing that you could not eat money, and I said money was dirty and full of germs. Even as the words were coming out of my mouth I was thinking,"I don't want them to think money is dirty and full of germs." I quickly clarified that I was speaking of the potential for paper money and coins to have germs from being handled by many people... not "money" in general being dirty and full of germs.

    I would have never thought to clarify that thought before I started evaluating memes, viruses, myths, etc. "When you know better, you do better." I am certainly working teach my kids to "know better", so they can "better". They are my legacy.

    I just downloaded Atlas Shrugged to my computer last night! About to start listening.

    Believing the Best!

  45. As with any accomplishments that the human being is persistent with, and if faith comes into play, let it be faith driven, and not money driven. There are no "roots" in money, its whether you choose to build with it and then it will take roots, which, at that point, you will be prosperous.

  46. The poverty mindset is surely evil. I worked a part time job for over a year dealing with children within foster care and within state custody. The parents and some of the foster parents were the most messed up people I have ever met. I was always astonished by the way they presented themselves and the victim mentality that went along with the lifestyle. I recently left the job. I just really could not take it anymore. The children were fine; it was the parents. I saw the other side of the tracks and it is not pretty. Poverty is evil and it poisons.

  47. Hi fellow boggers,
    I have tried to give inspiration to all of you with what wisdom I have been given to give but I need to ask something of you tonight. With all my wisdom, success and understanding about life, I have experieced a serious loss tonight. I believe that god does not give us any more than we can handle and I believe that, but I ask all of you to pray for me tonight for the strength to get thought an unimaginable loss. I am in so much pain. Please pray for me that God give me the strength to endure this. Thank you. M-E

    1. Dear Mary-Ellen!

      So sorry for your loss. If there is anything I can do to help tell me. I'm a good listener. If you need to talk feel free to call me (004586821129). I send you loads of positive thoughts!


      1. Mary Ellen,
        It's been a few days now and i pray that all is well with you. i only just found your comment now. But you are no alone in this. You are never alone. EVER.. This is your time to FEEL.. the truth that you are never ALONE.. I pray you are feeling better today. xo

        Randy.. Your post is outstanding.. this is breakthrough thinking and will free many.. thank you.

  48. Having Money is OK, if it makes you happy. Being happy without money is even better. That way when you don't have it (which we all go through at times) we can still find things to do and enjoy life without it.

    Money should be used as a tool to enhance peoples lives, not necessarily only the life of the creator of it but all people.

    That's why Network Marketing is such a powerful concept, Creating wealth happens by helping others create wealth.

    Charity is OK if it gives someone a leg up but once they are standing they need to learn to walk on their own.

  49. Randy, I love your post today. I wholeheartedly agree with your comment that money just makes you more of what you already are - that it amplifies who you are.

    I've heard some people say that they're not materialistic - that's a classic warning sign for me to stay away! Money affects everything that's important in life, so it sure does matter.

    To those of you that would like some positive programming on wealthy people, watch the movie 'The Blind Side' with Sandra Bullock. It's outstanding.

  50. Wow...I'm so far down here at the bottom, I feel like I missed a party or something.
    Just wanted to say, as always, your write the the truth!
    Great stuff, Mr. Gage!


  51. My favourite answer: No one has a money shortage, only an idea shortage.
    That's so great, it's like the story you should read just before you go to bed. Thanks Randy!

  52. Well, Randy, I agree with your ideas more than disagree, but have you ever thought that different nationalities have their own views about money? I'm from Russia and I can say that a lot of rich russian people are thinking about it in another way. It's not money that brings happiness, but a lot of money does. If you earn lots of money, every day you need more and more...and you can't stop it. They order the murder of their competitors 'cause one day someone crossed their road in business...It's very popular here, in Russia I mean. We have another ideas about money. We don't like rich people 'caus we don't believe in "honest money". We love to say that "money doesn't smell". It means that it doesn't matter what exactly you do for earning money...Cheat, kill, steal... Whatever...The most of our entrepreneurs privatized our national riches in 1990th(after the Soviet Union collapsed)and now you can find them in the "A-list". It was an illegal way of privatization when you could buy a factory for a trifling sum...Now you understand in which way the leds are growing... From the past... "Gazprom", "Norilsky Nikel", "Rusoil",etc...We don't have a middle class like America has. 30% of russian people are living below the poverty line. And they can't do smth 'cause our goverment doesn't want to help them. Just only 2-5% are really rich persons. I mean their incomes are more than 5000$ per month.

    1. I have spent a lot of time in Russia, and there certainly is a gap between the very wealthy and the millions struggling. But I don't believe these beliefs mentioned above are serving you.

      Remember true prosperity - which includes money, material things, love, health and spiritual sustenance - is always a value-for-value exchange. It only comes from living by spiritual laws.

      1. Of course not! I'm not a rich girl, but earns enough money for my living. I just want to say that sometimes we're in captivity of external circumstances and can't be free. It's not a dream, Randy, very often it's our cruel reality. But anyway, I trust you 'cause I have a lot of experienсes in my life as you have. And I know: If you really want something, just do it! Thanks))))
        Julia K. From Russia with best regards

    2. Hi Julia, I'm from Mexico.
      My sister in law is from Rusia, and I hear this history you are telling from her, but it is trufe that this believes doesn't serve you... There ALL true, no matter in which country you live.
      I've been in Network Marketing for 11 years and I've some group there in Rusia. People who were poor and now they are earning a lot of many

      1. sorry... my mistake
        I was saying:
        ... they are earning a lot of money helping others to get out of poverty.
        It is HONEST money, earned honestly, there, in Rusia.
        May be, what the people in the new Rusia has to learn is HOW they can be more than they are now. How they can bring more value to the market place. How they can help other, and by helping others, help themselves.
        We are more influenced by the internal circumstances than the external circumstances.
        What we think is what we are.
        (And sorry for my bad english).
        Greetings from Mexico: Enrique.

  53. Wonderful... you nailed it with this one Randy. It's a shame how these myths hold people back from their true potential, simply because they've been fed false information since childhood!

    Namaste' my friend ~ Gary

  54. I made a "mind movie" to change my beliefs about money... it includes music, affirmations and pictures. I have the link as my website if you would like to see it or use it ( watch daily to help manifest your dreams).

  55. Hi Randy,
    what is about that one:

    "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime".
    Honore de Balzac ?
    Could you please comment?

  56. Randy, when you share your insightful wisdom on prosperity it brings us full circle back into reality and why we are share our gifts and talents with the world. We are spirits in human form expressing ourselves through ideas turned into energy that is shared with others. An idea is a gift to us from the universe when shared we receive money. There is nothing that can be done without giving and receiving energy in the form of money for an idea coming from a service or product. If we understand and live by universal laws as shared in a quote from Rev Ike, "The best way to help a poor person is to not become one" is how you live life to its fullest.

  57. Just thought of another phrase - taken from the Bible - but with a better take on it to my mind:
    'The love of money is the root of all evil!'

    Better...'The lack of money is the root of all evil!'

  58. "Atlas Shrugged" is a perfect example of what people can do when they get together.

    Unfortunately people working together - and collectivist leaders like John Galt - are exactly what she stood against - and testified against when she was a "friendly witness" at the HUAC trials.

  59. Thanks again Randy.

    Saying this because it's funny, but there is some truth to it.

    If we learned anything from James Bond movies is that being evil means fabulous clothing and awesome art and furniture in well-designed (for the 60s) homes.

    However, the films teach us that the villains only have these things because they're willing to exploit and kill people to get them. (and sometimes hold the world hostage.)

    And that's better to be more like James Bond and defend the status quo. (Sean Connery is the best Bond IMO)

  60. Great! Was waiting on this post! would not have read this book if you would not have talked 'bout it long ago 🙂
    Spread the word people 'bout Atlas Shrugged, they still need to make money & we need also to bring the movie to Europe!!! (see group on facebook 'bout that)
    Also the novel is now in the top 10 on Amazon bestseller's list (top 100), coming from rank 75 last thursday 🙂 even captured it on my blog, such a great news!

  61. Hey Elizabeth.i like da facts uve given us about money.ill try put them i practice.nice day nthanks.

  62. Great article as usual Randy.
    For far too long too many of us have bought into the lies about prosperity and money. Money is not evil and those who desire to be prosperous are in most cases not greedy or criminals. Many persons allow a lack mentality to keep them down in life.

  63. For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. - 1 Timothy 6:10

    Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. - 1 Timothy 6:17

    Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. - 1 Timothy 6:18

  64. I just want to add something to this wonderful post. Poverty is a mindset. Just because you do not have a sound financial system in place, does not mean you have to be impoverished. It does not mean you have to make poor choices, it does not mean that you can not live a fulfilling life.
    It means you have to learn to make good choices that are within your means. Choices are something that we all can control and our bank account has nothing to do with it. Wealthy people make very poor choices. Having a large amounts of money does not determine your happiness. It is your choices in life that determine your happiness. If you choose to learn self-development, to put to use the things you learn to improve your life, you will grow and become prosperous. Choose wisely.

  65. This is one of the ignorant things I have ever read. Poverty is not evil. Neither is money. People are evil from the very richest and to very poorest. Also consider that there's many types of evil. As you mentioned above, you left all your belongings in the lounge because you knew no one would steal it. That doesn't make these people saints. You don't know if they go home to beat their wives or hire child prostitutes or even worse. There is poor people who steal to support their families and make sure their children have food to eat and a warm bed to sleep in. Is that evil? Is it?

    "Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are."

    If you need money to "reveal who you really are" then you're materialistic and incredibly ignorant.

    And why to people bring religion into this? I hope they know if you really, REALLY follow the bible and all of it's rules you wouldn't be able to even use a computer, drive a car, cut your hair, wear flashy clothes, ect. You'd have to live a simple life to be a "true Christian".

    If you think money is all there is to life, then you are a damned fool.

  66. I agree. Poverty is a sin. and it leads to all the causes stated. However, I am a very poor person because I was born poor. And like some of us said, I never asked to be born. But here we are. Born. Brought to the world by our poor parents. I made a friend who is rich and hes not like how some people say about the rich. I see faults in both sides. I see the poor stealing and killing and I see some rich people looking down on the poor or pushing them away from success while the other rich is trying to help. It's crazy! Good post but I'm not gonna put my belongings in a subway station because 95% of the time it'll get stolen. 5% reported to the police lost in found. Now if I am with rich people I can actually feel safe and put my things down by them. They have no reason to steal my stuff. Hey they could have a better quality version of what I have LOL!

  67. I agree. Poverty is a sin. and it leads to all the causes stated. However, I am a very poor person because I was born poor. And like some of us said, I never asked to be born. But here we are. Born. Brought to the world by our poor parents. I made a friend who is rich and hes not like how some people say about the rich. I see faults in both sides. I see the poor stealing and killing and I see some rich people looking down on the poor or pushing them away from success while the other rich is trying to help. It's crazy! Good post but I'm not gonna put my belongings in a subway station because 95% of the time it'll get stolen. 5% reported to the police lost in found. Now if I am with rich people I can actually feel safe and put my things down by them. They have no reason to steal my stuff. Hey they could have a better quality version of what I have LOL!

  68. @Carol Scheid how exactly am i supposed to choose between saran wrap or a cantaloupe?  they cost about the same.  i need the saran wrap to wrap my food but if i buy the saran wrap i can't buy the cantaloupe.  if i buy the cantaloupe i have no way to store what i won't eat in a day.  poverty is NOT a mindset, it is a hellish trap and a torture.  you obviously are not true poverty and you should hold your tongue about something you don't know and don't have to "live" (can't really call it living because it isn't).  have to SUFFER.
    by the way, i'm having malnutrition for dinner tonight.  and i eat the same meal every day.

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  • 143 comments on “Poverty is Evil”

    1. Poverty is indeed evil's always been evil to me,in all my moments of struggle it's brought forth nothing but trouble.
      Even when you look at this in a Christian perspective, God wants you to prosper,that's a fact and most certainly biblical.
      Besides,it's hard to help others when you are impoverished yourself.The reason I put forth so much effort in my work and studies is that I'm expecting to be wealthy because I believe!

    2. Great list Randy! A myth that crippled me for a long time was that "If you make money quick it will leave you quick". And maybe I took that the wrong way from the person who said that to me, but I took it as having to work long and hard for someone else.

      And yes I believe in perseverance, persistence, and doing the right things long enough consistently.

      But I've found "relatively quick" is the best way to make money. 4 years is definitely quick compared to 40 years

    3. -RG,

      Well done!

      Before anyone screws it up and gets it wrong...

      1 Timothy 6:10

      For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


    4. Thanks I enjoyed your article - I first read Atlas Shrugged at university in the 60's and it made an enormous impression. Since then I have tried to read it every few years and I always find some new insight. Can't wait to see the movie

      1. I have yet to read Atlas Shrugged. I'm an avid reader and this is definitely my type of book, but I've just somehow never gotten to it. Now, with the movie coming out, I'm inspired to get a copy and tuck in to it.

    5. Ranting Randy!....You have written many wonderful things that I have enjoyed and passed on, now and then. The money myths are close to the top of my faves.....passing on the the link with encouragement to become a fan. Thanks RR.

    6. Yes Randy, In order to be rich you do have to lie, cheat and steal. You have to lie in bed at night thinking of all the people you know. You have to cheat away time every day to build your fortune and you have to steal every good quote your hear!!!!! That's the way you get rich!!!!

      1. Trey,

        I feel so badly for you because you harbor such venom, hatred, and jealosy. You will be in my prayers today sir and I hope you make it a great day!

        Great post Randy!!

        1. Matt, hi!
          I think Trey was being "funny". I do not how this way of expressing yourself is called, you know there are metaphors, there is irony, there is sarcasm, but I do not know the term for this one.
          Read it again, you'll see that he means well.
          Unless of course I misread it. 🙂

      2. Trey,

        You are infected with mind virus. I hope you can see the value that give to me by Randy's teaching.

    7. Randy, this is great stuff! Great job of busting the myths folks have around wealth! What seems clear to me, that there are many beliefs people create to protect their egos rather than make a difference in their lives! Would you agree?


        1. Yes Randy! I was one of those guys thinking for a long time all these myth, like it is true. But now I began to think different. 100%. Thanks Sensei for so clear message.

    8. Randy,

      I agree with everything you said. That's why I have chosen to steps I have to change my life. I have learned a lot from Mahatma Gandhi. "To be the change you seek." Though I have learned as I'm sure you have too it's much smaller crowd near the top. Even when it's just the way one thinks...interesting...

    9. here's a mind virus: heaven is empty or it's lonely at the top.

      another: bad boys(girls)are more fun.

      lies I tell you! Lies and tails!!

    10. Thanks, Randy. I don't recognize any of these as my particular money-mind-virus, but I know that somewhere, hidden in my field of unawareness, there are some counter-productive money-viruses. If there weren't...I'd be enjoying a Rapidly Increasing Income, rather than this slowly increasing (thank God!) income.

      Would you agree with this theory?

    11. Randy,

      my dad had an interesting experience some time ago at his church...

      He was attending the Sunday sermon where the priest was saying his usual rich people are bad... Then the priest proceeded to chew out the congregation because they were not donating enough money to the church basket that they pass around!!!

      This is for real! My dad was so enraged when he came home from church that day. He could not believe that the priest dare tell the congregation that what they had donated was not good enough!

      I think organized religion plays a very large part in a hypocrisy of one hand castigating the rich and the other hand reaching out to collect more and more and more and more....

      1. "I think organized religion plays a very large part in a hypocrisy of one hand castigating the rich and the other hand reaching out to collect more and more and more and more"...that's a crude, rude, tacky and LAZY statement you just made about organized religion. Its akin to labelling Germans as pro-facists. Go do your homework before making bold claims and yet hide in anonymity.

    12. Great article Randy. I'm a long time fan of Ayn Rand, and like Hanna above, I reread Atlas every few years. It's the users guide for life on Earth.

      And yes, the National League has it right, pitchers should hit.


    13. Here's another one:
      "It's only money."
      If you said that about a friend or a significant other, would they hang out with you?

      1. Yes Joe, I should have included that one! If we study quantum physics we know that at its essence, money like everything else is actually energy vibrations. And saying, "It's just money" or "They're just things" repels that energy.


        1. Randy and Joe -

          Thank you both so much...

          This is the one - this is the meme that keeps running through my mind, and occasionally out my mouth...

          I have been trying to find what was holding me back for years, and this one never occurred to me.

          It just shows how sinister these things can be.

          I was reading through these comments and I got to this one, and Randy's response, and I GOT it. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.

          Now I only have to practice the opposite thought process to make it more dominant.

          Thank you both for this.

          Thank you Randy for your great posting (as usual).

          Like Hanna and Robert, I read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead at university in the '70s and have gone back to it a number of times.

          I am also a fan of the old Garry Cooper version of The Fountainhead, and am looking forward to Atlas Shrugged (which I always preferred as a book) - hoping that it will help more people to see the truth about prosperity.


    14. The love of money is the root to all evil. So many people misunderstand this biblical statement. Money is spoken of in the bible a lot for a good reason. It's not money that's evil, it's loving it. Money or the lack of it is the source of so much pain and suffering. It's what makes and breaks wars, marriages, business. Money just makes you into more of what you are so if you are not a quality person without it you won't be a quality person with it. If you don't give a penny out of a dollar you won't give a $100,000 out of a million. If you worship all the stuff that money can get you and you value yourself and other people by their wealth, then you will just get more of it when money is in your life. It's not about how much money you have, it's what you do with it and how you value it. If you think you are nothing without it, then you will be nothing with it. The quality people with money do more than anyone will ever know. They feed hungry children, keep people in their homes, support people who can't support themselves, etc.... How can money be bad unless we internalize it as so. We can't give what we don't have and if we are developed with a quality of humble character, then money will only allow us to be better than we are.

      1. Yes. I think like Mrs. H&P above you'll appreciate this month's seminar. We're going to deal with the spiritual discernment necessary for manifesting prosperity.


      2. Yes, agreed. the love of money is the root of evil. Greed, lust etc etc. Well done Mary-Ellen, i totally agree with you!!!

        1. Thanks Annie. I misunderstood this for many years and want to pass the knowledge and wisdom along in hopes that it shifts others beliefs about it. Have a great day.

    15. Boy oh boy I sure have lots of work to do on myself, I think I've heard every one of those growing up... really appreciate your insights Randy, you should team up with the Myth Busters! 🙂

    16. Hey Randy :

      Keep kickin' up!

      I know that I had less stress in my life when I was rich - I am now am as low as I have ever been. However, I feel that when I am down to nothing God is up to something.

      I will see you on the beaches of the world again one day soon!

    17. As the saying goes, money is not everything but without money and with the NEED for it, it does become everything you think about so you don't let any good IDEAS in, blocking what you truly deserve FREEDOM.
      Great article.

    18. Всё правильно. Не деньги делают человека злым, а их отсутствие. Когда есть деньги, хочется помочь другим их научится привлекать. Но конечно не у всех получается в традиционной жизни делится сокровенным. Настоящее богатство, это три составных человека. Здоровье, разум, душа. Деньги это приложение к богатству. Когда выполнены все критерии, можно считать человека богатым. Спасибо. (извените пишу с ошибками)

    19. These are right on the money! Lol!
      Many argue you don't need money to
      be prosperous. Not true, money can
      enhance every area of your life.
      Its interesting how the Bible and
      Religion(return to bondage)
      disagree on this subject. There
      are countless examples in the
      Bible of prosperous people
      impacting their world for the

    20. Thanks for revisiting Atlas Shrugged, Randy. That book let me survive mindless socialism in India.

      Here's a small statistic. After leaving my job with a European bank, due to a toxic work environment, in 2004, my skills, my energy and earnings have taken a quantum leap. Even with great uncertainty, I approach life with eagerness and anticipation, only because of one belief, that money will come to me anyway, because I deserve it!

    21. Great post Randy!
      I loved that part!prosperity is created by solving challenges, and creating value.So true!
      Value seems to be the pillar of prosperity. Become more valuable ,first yourself and after giving the value that you possess.Another myth is:Only the lucky ones make money.I don't have luck! That's another big excuse.If the current circumstances are not so pink you can create them:)

      Thanks for sharing,

    22. Hi Randy,

      Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I think it's all about beliefs... so many people just stucked inside their minds and can't get out of that false beliefs. Another thing is television... worthless and mindless TV series on every channel. Television is the greatest thief of our time. Ask people how many books have they read recently and probably most of them will say - not many. Ask them what is going on CSI or so, and they will tell you every episode... Sad but true. I will finish with this: First you have to have something in your heart and in your head, befroe you will have something in your wallet.
      Thanks Randy, and GOD bless.

    23. Hi Randy,
      I agree totally with your thoughts and what you write.
      You helped me to change my thoughts on prosperity some years ago - for which I thank you, so am now an avid supporter of what you espouse above.
      But you know.... sometimes it takes time for a person to come to understand and and be cognizant of these spirtual laws.... so maybe we should learn to be patient with those who still resonate on a level lower than we now purport to follow?

      It's easy to be 'self-righteous' and demean those who don't follow these great ideas and ways... but maybe we've all come from that level sometime in out past....
      So let's help those who are still in the dark, to find the light and thus enlighten the world!

      Love, Light, Abundance & Prosperity...
      Vance.... UK

        1. Randy, I think you are a good example of being patient and you do a lot to help others.

          Vance, I agree with what you are saying, I see it a lot. People acting self righteous. It's nice to see others recognize the need for it.

        2. Pleasure Randy.... Yes I know you are a 'Red' under Big Al's 4 colour scheme system....and like to make / see things happen instantly 🙂

          Guess it's all about trying to have compassion for other people - even for how they think if different to ones own thinking - difficult and one's working on it all the time I guess.
          But really it doesn't matter how others think of you or what you say or think; it's like Maslow said.... or at least a take on his saying 'to be independent of the good (or bad) opinion of what other people think of you'; or as another saying goes.... "What other people think of you is none of your business".
          This then removes the necessity or concerning oneself with waht others do think of you!

    24. love the book Atlas Shruigged and took your advice to read it at least once a year. looking forward to th movie.
      Thanks for all you do!!!

    25. Randy,

      My man.
      You'RE magnificiant..
      I feel the heat of the energy coming from you to me...

      Warm Regards from Istanbul, the centre of the World


    26. I cannot agree more, this is soooooooo true!!!!!!
      People that think money is evil are just jealous of not having it or deserve it.

    27. Money is energy. Any ideas we associate with it, WE decide to label it with. It's just neutral. Of course the if you're in harmony with this neutral stuff you can acquire it in boatloads, doing amazing things with your life, in other's lives, and helping cure the mental virus known as poverty by demonstrating your prosperity. Thanks Randy!


        1. Hmm. I always thought it was about having to earn your money.

          It could make money seem like an implausibilty to a child who is hearing it. That's not good. But, maybe it is okay for kids to know money must be earned.


          PS How do you get to the premise money is infinite?

      1. I found a 1 1/2 ft tall "Fotofalls" metal 'tree' that stands on a desktop. Its flexible branches have clips on the ends. I attached dollar bills from my business revenue...ta-dum, it's a Money Tree!

    28. Very interesting article Randy and I've read a lot of yours and this one many times. Never really rang the bell completely until this previous week.
      When business slowed, I downsized my life and sold my car. Ever since, I've worked hard to help grow a company and we are still growing. I decided it was time to pay myself back for the hard work and bought myself a very nice Cadillac.
      Friends and others asked me why I would go and buy a typical pretentious car. My answer is simple. It's not. I work my butt off and have put in 50+ hour weeks sometimes to grow and succeed. I go into the office early and leave late for my own prosperity. My question isn't why, but why not reward myself for my own hard work that has paid off?
      That's not greed or love of money. That's celebrating your own hard work and the progress you have made. They could have the same thing if they had the same drive and motivation. Instead, they spend their energy pointing out what they deem as a pretentious car, instead of using their energy to prosper, realize the reward, and pay themselves for their hard work. I truly got a first hand grasp of the mind virus mentality you spoke of today. Still working hard.

      1. And don't feel like you have to justify buying yourself something nice that you can afford. You deserve it!

    29. Wow, I totally missed that Atlas is coming out as a movie. Thank you Randy! I'll be there tomorrow at the first showing. Been loving the book for decades.

    30. I think this is a bit of a stupid article personally.

      To say that poverty is evil because it forces people to cheat and steal is ludicrous... Mr Gauge, I sincerely hope no one in in your lifetime that you know needs to go through drought, famine and disease like in Africa... of course, these people are blatantly evil... people are people, they will lie cheat and steal if that is in their nature whether they are rich or whether they are poor.

      shame on you... and whilst im at it, i'd love to see you donate a million to africa... go on I dare you

      1. Funny you mention Afica. A continent with a history of corruption. Famine to the poor while the greedy keep all of the foreign aid money and eat like kings. This isn't greed of the wealthy but greed of the self-serving who cheat their people and cry for more help from the west, only to fill their tables with food while the poor starve. This is the greed of those who don't want free thought, impose their will of dominance on their people, and then keep them from the opportunity of education. All of the money in the world will not change Africa until Africa is ready to change. Until the people are free and educated. This will lift up the people. Shame on you for throwing that at Randy Gage. He was a personal friend of mine outside of this business, before I knew of this blog and his personal accomplishments. I have seen his commitment to his friends and others. I have witnessed his generosity first hand. Pick on someone else because you couldn't imagine how much he cares and looks out for others.

        1. It is easy to point fingers at others when you live behind closed doors. Randy does not need protection, he is an authentic person, gives back to others and shares his knowledge to inspire others to grow.
          It is his audience that needs protection, needs to grow, learn values and become more. That is Randy's purpose, to teach us what he has learned from his own hard knocks, as many great leaders who teach. It is our choice to learn, absorb, and put into practice the lessons from others. Randy stands tall and deserving so.

      2. Who call himself "mephisto"?
        All of us who were poor and came out of poverty, undertand this concept.
        May be you have to be more successfull to understand it.
        Great article Randy!

    31. Randy,

      What you're saying is only half of the whole truth. Our minds are dual so are our ideas, but think, one side of the truth does not exist without the other, they are inseparable, they are born together, and they die together. So, you are right and he is right, but both together, not separately.
      Read my book called "Know yourself - Rise above the illusion of this world" and you will see what is really beyond those two concepts: poverty and prosperity.

      Janina Wojtkiewicz, author.

    32. I don't disagree with all of these premises, but a few I definitly disagree with.

      I don't think it is a good idea to call POVERITY EVIL. It isn't any more evil than wealth. If it isn't evil to be wealthy it isn't evil to be poor either. It is two different ways of being in the world. Some people with money are evil and some impoverished people are evil. Evil people will blame whatever circumstances they are in, but doing evil is a choice.

      Money isn't evil I agree, money is just a thing. The power that comes with lots of wealth is usually what corrupts people. Also, the false notion that more and more money will make them lovable or happier, that is myth. I think joy belongs to anyone wealthy or impoverished, it has nothing to do with any kind of Materialism. That is what Mother Theresa was refering to in her quote "To give you must have", she meant to give love and joy you must first have it.

      I like the reality "Money doesn't change you it reveals who you are" that's great. If you are someone who likes to have control and power over others, money will reveal that cruelty to others even more. If one is altruistic and kind money will real that characteristic even more. Not that those characteristics aren't noticeable without money, but it could bring a spotlight on either one of those.

      "It is a moral perogative to help those less fortunate than you." That is a reality for me. Not that I have to help everyone, but it is important to help those we can. This is my Christian perspective, so not everyone may agree. It doesn't come to me from wanting to be a good Catholic,(that will never happen), It comes from Jesus's teaching that what you do to those "little ones" you do to me. Which, I take ultimately to mean if we turn our backs on those we can help, we are hurting ourselves and God, because we are all one. Yes, you should choose who you want to help, or what cause you like the best, because otherwise you would go CRAZY trying to help everyone (isn't possible). And you don't neccessarily need to be uber wealthy to do this.

      On a personal note: please do not villify co-dependence and put it in the same grouping as looters. I found that one very offensive. We all have bits of codependece in us, lets celebrate our shortcomings and remember it is God's way of helping us to become more whole. When counter-dependency and codependency meet there is a chance for interdependecy, that is the place of transcendence.

      Interdependency is the place where people claim their innerpower, and take responsibility for their own lives, but at the same time know that many of their needs depend on other people and the earth itself.

      Interdependent people know how awful consummerism is to our planet. No matter how much wealth we attain, the earth does not have infinite abundance, the earth is finite and has limited resources we need to protect, together.

      We all have the interdependent need to be loved. Every one wealthy, middle class, impoverished. Let's love one another and break free from the words and lies that keep us apart. Like some of the Myths you mention. Money isn't evil, povery isn't evil, rich people arn't all snobs, poor people arn't all theifs, murders, and cheats. Codependents are not blood suckers, and counterdependents aren't callous and unloveable. Both of those issues, we all struggle with, to become beautifully interconnected. We are all out here together in this world and while we must take personal responsibility, we also must use this personal power wisely, and for the yes, GEATER GOOD.

      Randy, I also think that the belief about poverty being evil may not serve you, especially when you are a caring person who donates so much time and money to these causes.

      Last, sometimes giving out greater monetary rewards attracts the best candidates, but that is not always true. Believe me, when I tell you I have met some of the finest people I have ever known in the occupations you mention. I think it really is a personality difference. Some people really do not desire money in the same way. Their are those who want a meaning behind their paycheck more than a check with a large amount. Not to say if a large check had the right meaning behind it, that person would turn it down.:)

      However, I agree pay these people more. Do you know the abuses Social Workers and Teachers take? The amount of education required? Lots.

      The best person running the organization, yes that is helpful. A lot of Social Work organizations are poorly run. Those agencies would be helped a lot by someone like you running them! 🙂

      Sincerely, Annie

        1. Thanks, I'm learning. 🙂 You are right, no one can kill my ideals and dreams. Really, you didn't do that anyway, I think your ideas and philosophies are helping me refine, and challenge my beliefs for the better!


    33. Hello Randy

      Normally I only read your post, think on your ideas and never share my thoughs.

      But Today, you really hit me with this post. It has been a great way to explain everyone simple ideas that are affecting everyone.

      Thank you for this post.


    34. Hi Randy,

      awesome post. My wife and I just attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar last weekend in Berlin and pulled some of our disempowering money beliefs to the surface. One of my biggest ones was that one:"You have to do something unethical and dishonest to become rich and take advantage of other people." Saying "No" to this consciously is already good, but not enough, we have to go back in time emotionally to feel the emotions again. Chances are we are angry about our own decision what aggravates the negative programming.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

      Take care


    35. Hola from Beijing rocksta! 🙂 Can't even tweet this out from here, but will definitely get the word out cos this is one of the most important posts you've ever written!

      Thanks for introducing Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - EVERYONE should read it. Her philosophy is truly empowering & really honors the greatness of the human race.

      It translated to me that living from the standpoint of being the best that we can be and giving will result in an abundance of wealth being created as a natural outcome, while approaching life from the opposite extreme of taking/ wanting something for nothing will result in poverty (material & spiritual) - hence therein lies the true evil.

      Therefore, the result of where I am now is a great clue to me on whether I'm being congruent or otherwise. Keeps me on track & this post is another great piece to print out & re-read often. Thanks so much! XOXO

    36. Randy,
      Since the announcement that Atlas Shrugged had been made into a movie, more and more people are reading the book. Ayn Rand told a wonderful story showing the evil tendancies that surround money.

      Your post goes hand in hand with Atlas Shrugged. The point I agree with the most is
      "Reality: You need an idea to make money. No one has a money shortage, only an idea shortage. As Atlas Shrugged demonstrates so well, prosperity is created by solving challenges, and creating value." Last summer my grandson wanted some money for something, so he set up a snow cone stand in front of his house. He soon earned enough money to buy what he wanted. It started with an idea.

      Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

    37. At the age of 23, after being a "starving artist" dancer since high school, I read "Atlas Shrugged". It changed my life and I never looked back. I let go of the friends that looked down their noses at making money, decided that although I had no corporate experience to find a job that could make me "real" money. And, as the Law of Attraction always seems to work or "Ask and Ye Shall Receive", a friend of a friend got me an interview as a "headhunter", and I have loved making money every since!
      Read the Book!!!

    38. Hi Randy,
      I'm from Chile and here is often used this :
      "I,m poor but honest"
      and this one:
      "reach people do not go to heaven"
      I grew up hearing phrases like these, but I work every day to change those ideas in my mind.
      Best regards and hugs


    39. My absolute favorite line in this post ...

      Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are.

      So simple and so profound.

      Money is a tool ... It is a magnifier. It is energy that gives us power to CREATE. How we use it and which direction we focus that energy certainly provides the world insight to our values, our character ... even our agendas!

      If we value beauty, we will create long-term beauty. If we are still lost in our vices ... we will chase them ever faster, down a short, dead-end road.

      It's about choices - which is why I believe all the work we do on our internal landscape as we grow towards manifesting our external prosperity serves us so well once we arrive at the space where we are ready to embrace it.

      LOVE this post.


    40. and this is why I LOVE you, Randy! I first heard you in Florida this past January... this is a huge limiting belief you help me tear down! 🙂

    41. There's no such thing as "good" and "evil"... those are just stories we make up as humans. Money just is. It has nothing to with morality, good, evil or god. My opinion.

    42. I totally agree poverty is evil, lack of money traps you in a rut.
      Money is energy, it does not change people but it makes life easier, such as allowing you to go to places and purchase goods, in reality it opens doors for you that have been previously shut.
      In other words every one benefits and so does the world economy.

    43. Hi Randy!
      This is a great post. Fortunately I am very aware of these false data about money, since you made me aware of them and how that controles you if you are not. I remember one that impressed me very much as a child, and I did not understand why it could be like this "It is as impossible for a rich person to go to heaven, as it is for a camel to crawl through an eye of a needle". I actually spent a lot of time wondering about that one. It is easier to recognice these when money is directly mentioned, but I also discovered more hidden ones like "don't aim TOO high" or "be realistic". these also influence this area, and kind of kill your dreams to make something of yourself. I'm really changing my life right now, and I got so many positive things happening with this. I also tried what you sugested in one of your videos, it is the one where you tell about in stead of bills you call it blessings already recieved. I wrote my creditors angel, and it worked. Actually I use a lot of your exelent advice, and it has made a huge difference. Thank You!

    44. I don't watch the news. However a friend of mine posted, on FB, an article from TMZ the other day about a celebrity who had turned down a request from the Make a Wish Foundation. The angle the report took, as well as my friend, was how dare she, living in "The Hamptons", being a celebrity, and making a ton of money say no to a charity. I said to my friend where she lived had nothing to do with it. She is free to make her choices like anyone else. My friend didn't agree with me.She felt because of "her status" in life, she was obligated to say yes, it was the least she could do.
      I think it's interesting the news lead with this to get the people on their side and mad at the celebrity!
      A conversation came up in our car today among my children (8 and 3) and myself about money. We were discussing that you could not eat money, and I said money was dirty and full of germs. Even as the words were coming out of my mouth I was thinking,"I don't want them to think money is dirty and full of germs." I quickly clarified that I was speaking of the potential for paper money and coins to have germs from being handled by many people... not "money" in general being dirty and full of germs.

      I would have never thought to clarify that thought before I started evaluating memes, viruses, myths, etc. "When you know better, you do better." I am certainly working teach my kids to "know better", so they can "better". They are my legacy.

      I just downloaded Atlas Shrugged to my computer last night! About to start listening.

      Believing the Best!

    45. As with any accomplishments that the human being is persistent with, and if faith comes into play, let it be faith driven, and not money driven. There are no "roots" in money, its whether you choose to build with it and then it will take roots, which, at that point, you will be prosperous.

    46. The poverty mindset is surely evil. I worked a part time job for over a year dealing with children within foster care and within state custody. The parents and some of the foster parents were the most messed up people I have ever met. I was always astonished by the way they presented themselves and the victim mentality that went along with the lifestyle. I recently left the job. I just really could not take it anymore. The children were fine; it was the parents. I saw the other side of the tracks and it is not pretty. Poverty is evil and it poisons.

    47. Hi fellow boggers,
      I have tried to give inspiration to all of you with what wisdom I have been given to give but I need to ask something of you tonight. With all my wisdom, success and understanding about life, I have experieced a serious loss tonight. I believe that god does not give us any more than we can handle and I believe that, but I ask all of you to pray for me tonight for the strength to get thought an unimaginable loss. I am in so much pain. Please pray for me that God give me the strength to endure this. Thank you. M-E

      1. Dear Mary-Ellen!

        So sorry for your loss. If there is anything I can do to help tell me. I'm a good listener. If you need to talk feel free to call me (004586821129). I send you loads of positive thoughts!


        1. Mary Ellen,
          It's been a few days now and i pray that all is well with you. i only just found your comment now. But you are no alone in this. You are never alone. EVER.. This is your time to FEEL.. the truth that you are never ALONE.. I pray you are feeling better today. xo

          Randy.. Your post is outstanding.. this is breakthrough thinking and will free many.. thank you.

    48. Having Money is OK, if it makes you happy. Being happy without money is even better. That way when you don't have it (which we all go through at times) we can still find things to do and enjoy life without it.

      Money should be used as a tool to enhance peoples lives, not necessarily only the life of the creator of it but all people.

      That's why Network Marketing is such a powerful concept, Creating wealth happens by helping others create wealth.

      Charity is OK if it gives someone a leg up but once they are standing they need to learn to walk on their own.

    49. Randy, I love your post today. I wholeheartedly agree with your comment that money just makes you more of what you already are - that it amplifies who you are.

      I've heard some people say that they're not materialistic - that's a classic warning sign for me to stay away! Money affects everything that's important in life, so it sure does matter.

      To those of you that would like some positive programming on wealthy people, watch the movie 'The Blind Side' with Sandra Bullock. It's outstanding.

    50. Wow...I'm so far down here at the bottom, I feel like I missed a party or something.
      Just wanted to say, as always, your write the the truth!
      Great stuff, Mr. Gage!


    51. My favourite answer: No one has a money shortage, only an idea shortage.
      That's so great, it's like the story you should read just before you go to bed. Thanks Randy!

    52. Well, Randy, I agree with your ideas more than disagree, but have you ever thought that different nationalities have their own views about money? I'm from Russia and I can say that a lot of rich russian people are thinking about it in another way. It's not money that brings happiness, but a lot of money does. If you earn lots of money, every day you need more and more...and you can't stop it. They order the murder of their competitors 'cause one day someone crossed their road in business...It's very popular here, in Russia I mean. We have another ideas about money. We don't like rich people 'caus we don't believe in "honest money". We love to say that "money doesn't smell". It means that it doesn't matter what exactly you do for earning money...Cheat, kill, steal... Whatever...The most of our entrepreneurs privatized our national riches in 1990th(after the Soviet Union collapsed)and now you can find them in the "A-list". It was an illegal way of privatization when you could buy a factory for a trifling sum...Now you understand in which way the leds are growing... From the past... "Gazprom", "Norilsky Nikel", "Rusoil",etc...We don't have a middle class like America has. 30% of russian people are living below the poverty line. And they can't do smth 'cause our goverment doesn't want to help them. Just only 2-5% are really rich persons. I mean their incomes are more than 5000$ per month.

      1. I have spent a lot of time in Russia, and there certainly is a gap between the very wealthy and the millions struggling. But I don't believe these beliefs mentioned above are serving you.

        Remember true prosperity - which includes money, material things, love, health and spiritual sustenance - is always a value-for-value exchange. It only comes from living by spiritual laws.

        1. Of course not! I'm not a rich girl, but earns enough money for my living. I just want to say that sometimes we're in captivity of external circumstances and can't be free. It's not a dream, Randy, very often it's our cruel reality. But anyway, I trust you 'cause I have a lot of experienсes in my life as you have. And I know: If you really want something, just do it! Thanks))))
          Julia K. From Russia with best regards

      2. Hi Julia, I'm from Mexico.
        My sister in law is from Rusia, and I hear this history you are telling from her, but it is trufe that this believes doesn't serve you... There ALL true, no matter in which country you live.
        I've been in Network Marketing for 11 years and I've some group there in Rusia. People who were poor and now they are earning a lot of many

        1. sorry... my mistake
          I was saying:
          ... they are earning a lot of money helping others to get out of poverty.
          It is HONEST money, earned honestly, there, in Rusia.
          May be, what the people in the new Rusia has to learn is HOW they can be more than they are now. How they can bring more value to the market place. How they can help other, and by helping others, help themselves.
          We are more influenced by the internal circumstances than the external circumstances.
          What we think is what we are.
          (And sorry for my bad english).
          Greetings from Mexico: Enrique.

    53. Wonderful... you nailed it with this one Randy. It's a shame how these myths hold people back from their true potential, simply because they've been fed false information since childhood!

      Namaste' my friend ~ Gary

    54. I made a "mind movie" to change my beliefs about money... it includes music, affirmations and pictures. I have the link as my website if you would like to see it or use it ( watch daily to help manifest your dreams).

    55. Hi Randy,
      what is about that one:

      "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime".
      Honore de Balzac ?
      Could you please comment?

    56. Randy, when you share your insightful wisdom on prosperity it brings us full circle back into reality and why we are share our gifts and talents with the world. We are spirits in human form expressing ourselves through ideas turned into energy that is shared with others. An idea is a gift to us from the universe when shared we receive money. There is nothing that can be done without giving and receiving energy in the form of money for an idea coming from a service or product. If we understand and live by universal laws as shared in a quote from Rev Ike, "The best way to help a poor person is to not become one" is how you live life to its fullest.

    57. Just thought of another phrase - taken from the Bible - but with a better take on it to my mind:
      'The love of money is the root of all evil!'

      Better...'The lack of money is the root of all evil!'

    58. "Atlas Shrugged" is a perfect example of what people can do when they get together.

      Unfortunately people working together - and collectivist leaders like John Galt - are exactly what she stood against - and testified against when she was a "friendly witness" at the HUAC trials.

    59. Thanks again Randy.

      Saying this because it's funny, but there is some truth to it.

      If we learned anything from James Bond movies is that being evil means fabulous clothing and awesome art and furniture in well-designed (for the 60s) homes.

      However, the films teach us that the villains only have these things because they're willing to exploit and kill people to get them. (and sometimes hold the world hostage.)

      And that's better to be more like James Bond and defend the status quo. (Sean Connery is the best Bond IMO)

    60. Great! Was waiting on this post! would not have read this book if you would not have talked 'bout it long ago 🙂
      Spread the word people 'bout Atlas Shrugged, they still need to make money & we need also to bring the movie to Europe!!! (see group on facebook 'bout that)
      Also the novel is now in the top 10 on Amazon bestseller's list (top 100), coming from rank 75 last thursday 🙂 even captured it on my blog, such a great news!

    61. Hey Elizabeth.i like da facts uve given us about money.ill try put them i practice.nice day nthanks.

    62. Great article as usual Randy.
      For far too long too many of us have bought into the lies about prosperity and money. Money is not evil and those who desire to be prosperous are in most cases not greedy or criminals. Many persons allow a lack mentality to keep them down in life.

    63. For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. - 1 Timothy 6:10

      Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. - 1 Timothy 6:17

      Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. - 1 Timothy 6:18

    64. I just want to add something to this wonderful post. Poverty is a mindset. Just because you do not have a sound financial system in place, does not mean you have to be impoverished. It does not mean you have to make poor choices, it does not mean that you can not live a fulfilling life.
      It means you have to learn to make good choices that are within your means. Choices are something that we all can control and our bank account has nothing to do with it. Wealthy people make very poor choices. Having a large amounts of money does not determine your happiness. It is your choices in life that determine your happiness. If you choose to learn self-development, to put to use the things you learn to improve your life, you will grow and become prosperous. Choose wisely.

    65. This is one of the ignorant things I have ever read. Poverty is not evil. Neither is money. People are evil from the very richest and to very poorest. Also consider that there's many types of evil. As you mentioned above, you left all your belongings in the lounge because you knew no one would steal it. That doesn't make these people saints. You don't know if they go home to beat their wives or hire child prostitutes or even worse. There is poor people who steal to support their families and make sure their children have food to eat and a warm bed to sleep in. Is that evil? Is it?

      "Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are."

      If you need money to "reveal who you really are" then you're materialistic and incredibly ignorant.

      And why to people bring religion into this? I hope they know if you really, REALLY follow the bible and all of it's rules you wouldn't be able to even use a computer, drive a car, cut your hair, wear flashy clothes, ect. You'd have to live a simple life to be a "true Christian".

      If you think money is all there is to life, then you are a damned fool.

    66. I agree. Poverty is a sin. and it leads to all the causes stated. However, I am a very poor person because I was born poor. And like some of us said, I never asked to be born. But here we are. Born. Brought to the world by our poor parents. I made a friend who is rich and hes not like how some people say about the rich. I see faults in both sides. I see the poor stealing and killing and I see some rich people looking down on the poor or pushing them away from success while the other rich is trying to help. It's crazy! Good post but I'm not gonna put my belongings in a subway station because 95% of the time it'll get stolen. 5% reported to the police lost in found. Now if I am with rich people I can actually feel safe and put my things down by them. They have no reason to steal my stuff. Hey they could have a better quality version of what I have LOL!

    67. I agree. Poverty is a sin. and it leads to all the causes stated. However, I am a very poor person because I was born poor. And like some of us said, I never asked to be born. But here we are. Born. Brought to the world by our poor parents. I made a friend who is rich and hes not like how some people say about the rich. I see faults in both sides. I see the poor stealing and killing and I see some rich people looking down on the poor or pushing them away from success while the other rich is trying to help. It's crazy! Good post but I'm not gonna put my belongings in a subway station because 95% of the time it'll get stolen. 5% reported to the police lost in found. Now if I am with rich people I can actually feel safe and put my things down by them. They have no reason to steal my stuff. Hey they could have a better quality version of what I have LOL!

    68. @Carol Scheid how exactly am i supposed to choose between saran wrap or a cantaloupe?  they cost about the same.  i need the saran wrap to wrap my food but if i buy the saran wrap i can't buy the cantaloupe.  if i buy the cantaloupe i have no way to store what i won't eat in a day.  poverty is NOT a mindset, it is a hellish trap and a torture.  you obviously are not true poverty and you should hold your tongue about something you don't know and don't have to "live" (can't really call it living because it isn't).  have to SUFFER.
      by the way, i'm having malnutrition for dinner tonight.  and i eat the same meal every day.

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