One of the best ways I know to move forward is to work backward. First you decide the outcome you want to achieve. Then break down what you would have to do to make that happen. (more…)...
One of the best ways I know to move forward is to work backward. First you decide the outcome you want to achieve. Then break down what you would have to do to make that happen. (more…)...
How well do you work with teams? I must admit, I’ve always been a loner. I play for the team in softball, but usually go it alone in business and most other areas in life. (more…)...
A while back we discussed the paradox that discipline creates freedom. And self-discipline is the ultimate freedom builder. (more…)...
I just want you to know, I have perfect nail beds. (more…)...
A while back, I was sitting in the Tampa airport waiting to go home.  A severe summer thunderstorm came from seemingly nowhere, suspending all flights. (more…)...
In yesterday’s post we talked about being wrong. But what about when you’re right? I noticed another funny coincidence when I look objectively at myself… (more…)...
So what does it take to admit you’re wrong? And how often do you do that? (more…)...
There are times we struggle to make a decision. We go back and forth, agonizing over which way to turn. I think when this is the case, often it is because we really know the right choice, but donâ...
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