Denver was chilly, and Salt Lake City was flat out cold and rainy. Thankfully I’m winging my way back to Miami right now. This is the time of year that it is simply spectacular to live in Florida.
Over the weekend, I took a bike ride up the coast. The sky was overcast, the waves were a little choppy, and the breeze was blowing. The scene and atmosphere were simply surreal. Just riding along was an experience of alpha meditation.
It got me thinking about the law of attraction. Inside you and I is a unique spark of divinity that when it is recognized and nurtured, grows brighter and brighter. I created this blog with the hope that I could touch you in a way that nurtures that spark within you. And create a safe space where the community could mastermind and nurture each other (as well as me).
But that gift comes with a corresponding responsibility. For you must carry it forward. The student must become the teacher. So who around you has that spark? And what can you do today to nurture it?
Wow, this really got me thinking. I think a simple smile and hello with a compliment and a what can I do for you today approach can open the doors for serving someone. I truly believe service to others is one of the greatest gifts to mankind.
By asking someone how you can help them, not only allows you to have an opportunity to help them, but also helps them to take it to the next person, and so on, and so on.
Great post Randy, I will be thinking about this one all day
Mark Harbert
Hi Randy,
I fully agree. One way I do to pay it forward is translating some of your posts to my blog.
By first taking care of my own needs each day by starting in prayer, meditation and personal development (this helps me recognize the light in me), I ask,how can I be a blessing today? Who can I encourage? I also remind myself to share my abundance: my never ending suppy of sincere compliments, smiles, laughter, encouragement, praise, time & attention, etc. Shine on, everyone!
Awesome reminder, thanks rg
So damn beautiful - this post of yours.
I just posted on my blog too about a call I received from someone I touched ages ago, and right after that this post of yours appeared in my email.
Coincidence? Nah. You've helped nurture the divinity in me for a long time now my rocksta - and I thank you from the depths of my soul. It will be passed on.
I love you Jedi Knight of all Jedis! xoxo
Who around me has that spark? Everyone, I would think.
I like to think that, just by being an expanding being, I give everyone permission/encouragement to expand themselves.
This post is a good nudge for me to move forward with my planned workshops, the story I am writing, and the blog I am planning. These are my ways of "fanning the sparks".
I am reminded, however, that I may not know - ever! - whether I've been effective or not. I am moving towards being OK with that. I want to work, not for the Rewards, not for the Results, but simply because doing this work is my joy.
Will it lead to my greater prosperity? Probably, but possibly not directly. Will it help some other person expand their life? Maybe.
That's my thoughts about this topic for today. I am fascinated to read what others write here, because, like Randy, you are helping me to develop my spark. Thanks!!
Well, allow me to be one of the ones to say that your blog, the community you've gathered here, and the intention behind it, has definitely hit the mark you envisioned ... at least for me. 🙂
I’d like to think that as each of us awakens to how beautiful and powerful we really are, there is a natural desire to then go forth and sprinkle some of our fairy dust on others. I know I wouldn’t be doing the work I am doing now if it wasn’t for the insight, encouragement and inspiration of other superstars who chose not to keep their brilliance to themselves, but to dole it out in heaps from the heart, simply because they wanted others to shine right along with them.
To me, that just sounds like great work if you can get it … so I am signed up for the job too. 😉 Can’t think of anything I’d rather throw myself into every day than helping another remember their own magic … amazing when you use your own gifts to assist someone and then get to watch them, in turn, become a gift for the rest of the world to receive.
Pretty sure that’s how it was meant to work all along … just took me some time to remember. 😉
Thanks for YOU.
KimbraLee this is so beautiful expressed. I put this article out to my friends with the note, that Randy Gage is one of the most beautifull and caring persons I know - and to read this article, and they will know why. I love this community the best in the world!
Gorgeous. 🙂
Divinity lives within each of us, that's so true!!
I have a very important person around me with that spark, she is my little sister. I love her and I believe the best I can do to nurture her spark is being an example for her through my own life. I know she trusts in me, because our parents are not physically on this earth. They died a couple of years ago, for that reason I want to be able to help her every day so she can get that spark and be happy. I wish I could do it.
Thanks Randy for this blog, it is very useful and inspiring.
So sorry about your parents xime. Your sister is very lucky to have you! Best Wishes!
Identifying & Nurturing Talents and Tendencies.
Hi Randy,
Raising our energy when we are around people to one of "pure love" is the best way to pay it forward. Sure money is nice, material things are great, but give me a dose of pure love energy and I can do and be anything.
Hi Randy,
what a great post to conclude the day on. I definitely know that my wife has the divinity in herself as well as myself. Formerly, we didn't express it simultaneously which was a good thing because we didn't drag each other down. The even better thing is that we are learning more and more to express it simultaneously which enables us to enhance our lives and the life of those that matter to us, especially our kids.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Take care
I think it takes a lot of patience to nurture other people because they behave themselves silly, reject our help, argue with us trying to protect their limiting beliefs and so on.
And the most important is they do not say us "thanks". We do not get anything from them. And this is contradictind with the law of equal value exchange.
And I recognized that I do not like doing it. What I want is finding people, who are on their way to prosperity and have some progress and getting pleasure communicating with them.
Is it right? Are there people who are not meant to help others? Those are interesting questions to my mind.
Levon- "Love is patient, Love is Kind..."
I much prefer ifnormative articles like this to that high brow literature.
A lot of people have helped me and nurtured me along the way and in different way. Most of the time I could not or was not able to repay them in kind. But I did the same for others whom I could help. The Universe balances the books that way, or at least I choose to believe that.
Indeed you do Larissa! You are very good at acknowledging others, and that means a lot 🙂
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable ipmortcane!
jL84X9 xpxginnzgnja
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This POST is a gift!
In A Course in Miracles, it emphasizes, "that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same." Randy has demonstrated giving & receiving, and I believe this is a powerful recipe for nurturing.
Randy, you are indeed a Beacon of Light for many. YOU SHINE and rock, too.
Every day I try to convey what I learn about prosperity. Not all understand me. Not everyone wants change, but I'm sure at some point will end, in my and others. What I do is often talk about personal development books and positive thinking. I think it's best to talk about people who have achieved a higher level of prosperity and refer to these people, and not so much about yourself. At least for now, I'm starting this path. Maybe tomorrow I will be the example for others, perhaps.
Too often we are worried about putting ourselves out there because we might look stupid or offend the person we want to help. If we operate with good intentions these concerns will not be a worry.