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Making Affirmations Work

Posted By: Randy GageApril 13, 2009

When you pray or meditate, it is always powerful to use statements of affirmative good.   Phrases like, “Divine Order blesses me now” create positive expectations and help anchor positive thoughts in your subconscious mind.   You are speaking in faith even before the manifestation, which attracts the positive outcome to you.   It’s also important that you speak them in present tense…

You notice I used the word “now” in the example above.  If you affirm things like “I will become a millionaire,” you’re programming your subconscious mind that it is always in the future.  Making statements in the present causes them to manifest better in my opinion.

So why make an affirmation and expectation of boundless abundance and blessings today?

10 comments on “Making Affirmations Work”

  1. I Think it is important to feel that we have the things we desrie now, because the secret is first to feel and to have with all my mind and emotions and my spirit an then ..just happened because I planed, y feell it ..thas why happened..

  2. So why make an affirmation and expectation of boundless abundance and blessings today? - Accepting the unending deliverance immediately sets the position of your mind and allows for further bounty to be accepted. This acknowledges the immediatel worthiness - not the delayed worthiness based on "if I do something good - then good will follow" mindset. And voice it out loud!

  3. So true !
    present tense is now, futur may never be !

    and it seems to be possible to say affirmations even without calling it prayer...perhaps some of us would like it better and therefore use it instead of refusing to do it !
    As long as it works it sounds good to me.
    Warmest regards to you Randy.

  4. I also think it's a good idea to concentrate on affirmations that aren't obviously false. For instance, instead of saying, "I am a millionaire" when you are not, I prefer soemthing like, "Wealth is flowing my way every single day."

  5. In my openion its powerfull to think & say posetive statements & most important feel good together.we can make affirmative about the special subject we want to happen for example:"I am rich"not "Iwill be rich " If we say this in the future it means that "One day I will b rich " I think it is not specific for univers wich love spead...
    Thank you I ove more & more each day
    Azade from Iran

  6. One of my favourite affirmations which always works for me is: "I give thanks for the abundance which comes my way from so many unexpected sources", within two days I receive more orders or a lovely card from a friend, or a compliment or a great client testimonial. This way I am not limiting what kind of abundance and it is always a wonderful surprise when it happens.

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  • 10 comments on “Making Affirmations Work”

    1. I Think it is important to feel that we have the things we desrie now, because the secret is first to feel and to have with all my mind and emotions and my spirit an then ..just happened because I planed, y feell it ..thas why happened..

    2. So why make an affirmation and expectation of boundless abundance and blessings today? - Accepting the unending deliverance immediately sets the position of your mind and allows for further bounty to be accepted. This acknowledges the immediatel worthiness - not the delayed worthiness based on "if I do something good - then good will follow" mindset. And voice it out loud!

    3. So true !
      present tense is now, futur may never be !

      and it seems to be possible to say affirmations even without calling it prayer...perhaps some of us would like it better and therefore use it instead of refusing to do it !
      As long as it works it sounds good to me.
      Warmest regards to you Randy.

    4. I also think it's a good idea to concentrate on affirmations that aren't obviously false. For instance, instead of saying, "I am a millionaire" when you are not, I prefer soemthing like, "Wealth is flowing my way every single day."

    5. In my openion its powerfull to think & say posetive statements & most important feel good together.we can make affirmative about the special subject we want to happen for example:"I am rich"not "Iwill be rich " If we say this in the future it means that "One day I will b rich " I think it is not specific for univers wich love spead...
      Thank you I ove more & more each day
      Azade from Iran

    6. One of my favourite affirmations which always works for me is: "I give thanks for the abundance which comes my way from so many unexpected sources", within two days I receive more orders or a lovely card from a friend, or a compliment or a great client testimonial. This way I am not limiting what kind of abundance and it is always a wonderful surprise when it happens.

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