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Living in Lack is a Crime Against Humanity

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 25, 2020

Some people think I’m crazy when I suggest that when we are unhealthy, unhappy, or poor, it is an aberration from our natural state.  But I truly believe this.  When we’re living in lack it is because we have strayed from our path, lost the plot, and are denying our true destiny. 

You were born to be healthy, happy, and rich.  Any time you are living in lack – it is a crime against humanity.  It doesn’t matter if you believe in a god or evolution, if you’re living in lack, it is an insult and repudiation to the force that created you. 

Anxiety is not your natural state, harmony is.

Disease is not your natural state, health is.

Poverty is not your natural state, prosperity is.

Acorns are meant to grow into oak trees, caterpillars are meant to become butterflies, and humans are meant to live lives of prosperity.  I can’t as easily support the last example with the science of the first two, but I believe it with every fiber of my being. 

Reverend Charles Fillmore shocked the religious community of his time when he suggested that poverty was a sin.  People are still shocked or even angry when I affirm this declaration more than half a century later.  I think these reactions happen because people don’t understand the actual meaning of the word sin.  Let’s explore the definition in three different contexts…

Most people define sin in the Biblical context, or at least what they perceive that to be, such as doing the things forbidden in the ten commandments.  But the writing we recognize as the Bible today was originally written in Aramaic. And the Aramaic definition of sin is "to miss the mark.” If you have a more metaphysical approach, you might subscribe to the characterization of sin from The Course in Miracles, which defines sin as “a lack of love.”  Finally, if we move away from the religious or spiritual realms, another dictionary definition of sin is “a willful or deliberate violation of moral principle.”

The reason I keep Fillmore’s statement alive today is because I believe living in lack meets all three of these definitions of sin. 

I believe when you are poor you are:

  1. Missing the mark in your life;
  2. Rejecting the love you are meant to experience; and,
  3. Violating your moral responsibility to live the best possible life you can, in accordance with the gifts, opportunities and potential you possess. 

If you’re like most people living in lack, you’re probably not doing this consciously.  Much more likely, it’s because of the negative programming and limiting beliefs you have adopted along your journey.  You may have accepted a belief that poverty is spiritual, you are unworthy of happiness, or that you are meant to struggle through life in order to receive an afterlife of harmony.  But your life is not a dress rehearsal for the real thing.  Your life is your real life.  You should use it becoming the highest possible version of yourself, not accept it as an ongoing experience of lack and limitation. 

Certainly, you will face challenges along the way.  That’s part of the process, and those challenges will provide opportunities for growth and development.  But a life worth living should also include you experiencing the payoff and rewards of that growth and development.  Challenge is healthy, it causes you to become better.  But don’t fall into the false premise that your life is meant to be a continuous series of unrelenting struggles.  It is not. 

It’s important to note I’m not suggesting poor people are bad people.  There are good people who are poor and bad people who are rich.  Nor am I suggesting that if you were born poor, it is somehow your fault.  It isn’t.  My premise is that if you are born poor (as I was) and remain poor (as I did for 30+ years), that is a sin.  By any and all of the three definitions above.Your natural state is health.  It is only when you are out of sync that disease enters your body.  Unhappiness is neither normal nor healthy. Unhappiness is a choice.  Likewise, struggling for existence is not noble, natural, or necessary.  Prosperity is your birthright.  For those of us not born into prosperity, it is our moral prerogative to evolve into it. 

Your natural state is health.  It is only when you are out of sync that disease enters your body.  Unhappiness is neither normal nor healthy. Unhappiness is a choice.  Likewise, struggling for existence is not noble, natural, or necessary.  Prosperity is your birthright.  For those of us not born into prosperity, it is our moral prerogative to evolve into it. 

When you live your life by the universal laws of prosperity, wealth comes to you as naturally as rain waters the flowers.  Sometimes there are droughts, and sometimes there are monsoons, but ultimately the ecosystem rights itself in the end. 

There is another side of this coin…

As a society, which is simply a collection of us all – we must be mindful of the privileges, opportunities and advantages we have experienced – and do our part to ensure that others have the same chances as we did.  None of us will be completely prosperous until all of us are prosperous.  We’ll explore that more in some future posts.  In the meantime, would love to see your thoughts and comments below.


- RG

8 comments on “Living in Lack is a Crime Against Humanity”

  1. Indeed poor people are bad people: they hate those who have more than them, otherwise they wouldn't be poor. Of course this is because of the brainwashing they have been exposed to, but this doesn't change the fact that they make no effort to change it.

    I think we should stop seeing poor idiots as people with hearts of gold and no greed. They're like a virus, working to take you down in every way (just check what the antifa and blm doing). And the reason we should dislike them is because they're capable of change, so no excuse for them. It is indeed their choice to keep themselves in the "victim's" state. There is nothing good in this at all.

    Observation exposes the brutal immorality in the mainstream teachings in the bible (I say mainstream, because the bible is full of capitalistic values. More on that later). According to it, you should help the poor, be nice to people, love as much folks as you can, etc. But when it comes to money, it is okay not not make any effort to gain it, and it is okay to let your loved ones to starve to death because of the lack of money. It is okay to them to be poor, and it is okay to you to be unable to help them, causing endless horror and suffering this way. But, you should be NICE to them, and treat them nicely.

    What a load of garbage!

    Imagine the opposite: you can be angry with people, you can hate them, you can treat them badly, BUT if they need money and you have it, you are required to support them, by the law of God, because being poor is no joke, according to the "Father".

    This way we would live in a million times better word.

    And also, because of the bible and other modern religions, we call virgins as "innocent" people, just because they haven't had sex yet. This effectively tells your subconscious mind that the moment you loose your virginity you are impure forever, so you can find your profession in the porn industry, because you're done anyway!

    How awesome, isn't it?

    Let me share you one of the capitalistic stories in the bible, in case if you don't believe me:

    Matthew 25:14-30

    "A Story about Three Servants

    The kingdom is also like what happened when a man went away and put his three servants in charge of all he owned. The man knew what each servant could do. So he handed five thousand coins to the first servant, two thousand to the second, and one thousand to the third. Then he left the country.

    As soon as the man had gone, the servant with the five thousand coins used them to earn five thousand more. The servant who had two thousand coins did the same with his money and earned two thousand more. But the servant with one thousand coins dug a hole and hid his master’s money in the ground.

    Some time later the master of those servants returned. He called them in and asked what they had done with his money. The servant who had been given five thousand coins brought them in with the five thousand that he had earned. He said, “Sir, you gave me five thousand coins, and I have earned five thousand more.”

    “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!”

    Next, the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in and said, “Sir, you gave me two thousand coins, and I have earned two thousand more.”

    “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!”

    The servant who had been given one thousand coins then came in and said, “Sir, I know that you are hard to get along with. You harvest what you don’t plant and gather crops where you haven’t scattered seed. I was frightened and went out and hid your money in the ground. Here is every single coin!”

    The master of the servant told him, “You are lazy and good-for-nothing! You know that I harvest what I don’t plant and gather crops where I haven’t scattered seed. You could have at least put my money in the bank, so that I could have earned interest on it.”

    Then the master said, “Now your money will be taken away and given to the servant with ten thousand coins! Everyone who has something will be given more, and they will have more than enough. But everything will be taken from those who don’t have anything. You are a worthless servant, and you will be thrown out into the dark where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain.”"

    Not among the mainstream teachings, that's for sure!

    "Your natural state is health." Which means your natural state is being rich!

    Thank you Randy!

    1. There are poor people who hate those with more money, and some people with money who hate those with less. But please don't equate that to mean that poor people are bad people, as that doesn't stand the logic test.

  2. Hi Randy, let's look at the 100m hurdles and equate this to prosperity, to me each hurdle represented a shift in mind set, the shift in mindset being to relearn everything from a spiritual standpoint and still at the same point not becoming some brainwashed christian.. which is why i love the works of filmore, cady, ponder (thanks for all those introductions)
    But i was blessed with an inquisitive mind, i think most people don't even know where the race track is....LOVE G

  3. Great message! I'm glad you mentioned sharing the power of prosperity with others.

    People don't like to listen to a sermon as much as they live to witness the principles of a sermon being lived.

    If poor people have only known lack, poverty, and limited opportunities; we can be a conduit to help them shatter their self imposed prison and embrace the success God has planned for them.

  4. This is really making me think! I wonder how many people regularly pray to help the poor and then walk by a homeless person without making eye contact. The causes of poverty are many and varied and unfortunately society in general blames those found in that position for being there.

    This is simply unjust!

    I live in the UK and well the pandemic... This is leading a lot of people into serious financial difficulty, especially the self-employed that have fallen through the Safety net of help set out by the government. This is mostly due to timing. Yet I would bet a lot of money that these people will wind up being blamed for their position.

    More needs to be done to tackle the underlying issues and the sheer ignorance about what are the causes of poverty. This needs to start in the education system and move the emphasis of passing often useless exams (anyone use logarithms, sines, cosines since school?) and start by educating young people about life skills e.g. taxes, entrepreneurship and being able to think logically for themselves.

  5. poverty is not sin because it is not something you can do. it is not an action, it is not a decision, it is a state, a temporary condition.

    for such a statement to make sense, it would be the actions or decisions that lead to poverty that could be considered sin. but then again some of those actions or decisions are clearly not sinful. for instance, refusing a job that would require one to miss the mark in one way or another, in a context wherein one won't have an income to rely on for the foreseeable future. so not all actions or decisions that lead to poverty are necessarily sinful, quite the contrary. the idea of a test of faith is not based on fiction. it is something that can actually be experienced for real.

    so, ultimately, it is rather the belief that poverty must be avoided, at all costs and at all times, that leads to error. in other words, there are moments when choosing poverty is the right way forward, the decision that doesn't miss the mark. for instance, when an opportunity to receive an income would require one to commit a crime, or give up on one's dream.

    as discussed in response to another of your posts, poverty has its function. for some individuals, it is part of the right trajectory, a necessary passage for them to learn a lesson or atone for a past misunderstanding.

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  • 8 comments on “Living in Lack is a Crime Against Humanity”

    1. Indeed poor people are bad people: they hate those who have more than them, otherwise they wouldn't be poor. Of course this is because of the brainwashing they have been exposed to, but this doesn't change the fact that they make no effort to change it.

      I think we should stop seeing poor idiots as people with hearts of gold and no greed. They're like a virus, working to take you down in every way (just check what the antifa and blm doing). And the reason we should dislike them is because they're capable of change, so no excuse for them. It is indeed their choice to keep themselves in the "victim's" state. There is nothing good in this at all.

      Observation exposes the brutal immorality in the mainstream teachings in the bible (I say mainstream, because the bible is full of capitalistic values. More on that later). According to it, you should help the poor, be nice to people, love as much folks as you can, etc. But when it comes to money, it is okay not not make any effort to gain it, and it is okay to let your loved ones to starve to death because of the lack of money. It is okay to them to be poor, and it is okay to you to be unable to help them, causing endless horror and suffering this way. But, you should be NICE to them, and treat them nicely.

      What a load of garbage!

      Imagine the opposite: you can be angry with people, you can hate them, you can treat them badly, BUT if they need money and you have it, you are required to support them, by the law of God, because being poor is no joke, according to the "Father".

      This way we would live in a million times better word.

      And also, because of the bible and other modern religions, we call virgins as "innocent" people, just because they haven't had sex yet. This effectively tells your subconscious mind that the moment you loose your virginity you are impure forever, so you can find your profession in the porn industry, because you're done anyway!

      How awesome, isn't it?

      Let me share you one of the capitalistic stories in the bible, in case if you don't believe me:

      Matthew 25:14-30

      "A Story about Three Servants

      The kingdom is also like what happened when a man went away and put his three servants in charge of all he owned. The man knew what each servant could do. So he handed five thousand coins to the first servant, two thousand to the second, and one thousand to the third. Then he left the country.

      As soon as the man had gone, the servant with the five thousand coins used them to earn five thousand more. The servant who had two thousand coins did the same with his money and earned two thousand more. But the servant with one thousand coins dug a hole and hid his master’s money in the ground.

      Some time later the master of those servants returned. He called them in and asked what they had done with his money. The servant who had been given five thousand coins brought them in with the five thousand that he had earned. He said, “Sir, you gave me five thousand coins, and I have earned five thousand more.”

      “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!”

      Next, the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in and said, “Sir, you gave me two thousand coins, and I have earned two thousand more.”

      “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!”

      The servant who had been given one thousand coins then came in and said, “Sir, I know that you are hard to get along with. You harvest what you don’t plant and gather crops where you haven’t scattered seed. I was frightened and went out and hid your money in the ground. Here is every single coin!”

      The master of the servant told him, “You are lazy and good-for-nothing! You know that I harvest what I don’t plant and gather crops where I haven’t scattered seed. You could have at least put my money in the bank, so that I could have earned interest on it.”

      Then the master said, “Now your money will be taken away and given to the servant with ten thousand coins! Everyone who has something will be given more, and they will have more than enough. But everything will be taken from those who don’t have anything. You are a worthless servant, and you will be thrown out into the dark where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain.”"

      Not among the mainstream teachings, that's for sure!

      "Your natural state is health." Which means your natural state is being rich!

      Thank you Randy!

      1. There are poor people who hate those with more money, and some people with money who hate those with less. But please don't equate that to mean that poor people are bad people, as that doesn't stand the logic test.

    2. Hi Randy, let's look at the 100m hurdles and equate this to prosperity, to me each hurdle represented a shift in mind set, the shift in mindset being to relearn everything from a spiritual standpoint and still at the same point not becoming some brainwashed christian.. which is why i love the works of filmore, cady, ponder (thanks for all those introductions)
      But i was blessed with an inquisitive mind, i think most people don't even know where the race track is....LOVE G

    3. Great message! I'm glad you mentioned sharing the power of prosperity with others.

      People don't like to listen to a sermon as much as they live to witness the principles of a sermon being lived.

      If poor people have only known lack, poverty, and limited opportunities; we can be a conduit to help them shatter their self imposed prison and embrace the success God has planned for them.

    4. This is really making me think! I wonder how many people regularly pray to help the poor and then walk by a homeless person without making eye contact. The causes of poverty are many and varied and unfortunately society in general blames those found in that position for being there.

      This is simply unjust!

      I live in the UK and well the pandemic... This is leading a lot of people into serious financial difficulty, especially the self-employed that have fallen through the Safety net of help set out by the government. This is mostly due to timing. Yet I would bet a lot of money that these people will wind up being blamed for their position.

      More needs to be done to tackle the underlying issues and the sheer ignorance about what are the causes of poverty. This needs to start in the education system and move the emphasis of passing often useless exams (anyone use logarithms, sines, cosines since school?) and start by educating young people about life skills e.g. taxes, entrepreneurship and being able to think logically for themselves.

    5. poverty is not sin because it is not something you can do. it is not an action, it is not a decision, it is a state, a temporary condition.

      for such a statement to make sense, it would be the actions or decisions that lead to poverty that could be considered sin. but then again some of those actions or decisions are clearly not sinful. for instance, refusing a job that would require one to miss the mark in one way or another, in a context wherein one won't have an income to rely on for the foreseeable future. so not all actions or decisions that lead to poverty are necessarily sinful, quite the contrary. the idea of a test of faith is not based on fiction. it is something that can actually be experienced for real.

      so, ultimately, it is rather the belief that poverty must be avoided, at all costs and at all times, that leads to error. in other words, there are moments when choosing poverty is the right way forward, the decision that doesn't miss the mark. for instance, when an opportunity to receive an income would require one to commit a crime, or give up on one's dream.

      as discussed in response to another of your posts, poverty has its function. for some individuals, it is part of the right trajectory, a necessary passage for them to learn a lesson or atone for a past misunderstanding.

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