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Living a Life of Adventure

Posted By: Randy GageMay 24, 2011

Thanks so much for all the love you guys sent on yesterday’s post. One thing is certain: If your life is boring, you’re not living your true destiny.  Life should be an adventure…

Exciting, exhilarating, a little dangerous sometimes, ups and downs and everything in between.  And isn’t meant to be lived some day, but now.

When you affirm something, do it with all your heart and soul and strength.  And do it in the now.

Let go any idea of being or doing something in the future.  Infinite intelligence knows no time but the eternal now.  You can’t live a day, an hour or even a minute in the future.  You cannot live it until you reach it – and then it becomes the now.

Choose to live a life of adventure.  Now.

You up for that?


16 comments on “Living a Life of Adventure”

  1. RG,
    Thanks for sharing and I am sorry for your loss. I have had those people who have come into my life and made such a difference. I have learned to be grateful for the time we had rather than missing them. I am agree life should be one big fat adventure.

  2. Randy...
    Yesterday and today's blog could not have come at a more timely time. I am in Washington DC for meeting on behalf of the non-profit I lead. One of my journalist friends invited me to go with her to visit with the Ambassador of Indonesia and his wife. As I sat next to the Ambassador listening to Gema Sangkakala Choir I was stuck by the fact that each and every member of the Choir smiled a smile of love and pride as they sang for a room full of dignitaries and leaders of their homeland. You often teach us the important of loving what you do and affirming it. I have come to realize that while I appreciate the commercial world of being, I really am someone who loves touching lives through selfless acts of service. I do it not for money I do it for love.
    I have long lived in conflict with everyone around me pulling me into this world of seeking serious prosperity, yet my own voice has been saying "the art of giving with your heart is prosperous too." Thank you as always for being one of my teachers and saying things that tug at my heart string and remind me "the great gift of all is to listen to our hearts for our hearts know the way." Blessings, R.

  3. >>You can’t live a day, an hour or even a minute in the future. You cannot live it until you reach it – and then it becomes the now.<<

    Thanks for the reminder.


  4. "Let go any idea of being or doing something in the future."

    Randy I couldn't agree more on this statement. Sometimes we get so wrapped up into where we want to go, that we forget to live right now. Thank you for helping me today to remember this great truth.

    Mark Harbert

  5. I've learned a valuable truth from loss of loved ones, that the moment is priceless. We are given gifts through love and loss that are eternal. The imprints left by love and loss become our footprints of today. We learn to appreciate the gift of NOW. It's wonderful to dream forward and reflect backward, but the moment is where all the fullfillment is. It develops authenticity. You no longer focus on being something you are not when you value the moment. You become who you are. NOW, strips us of the roles we play, the concerns we have, the images we create, the unrealistic expectations we imagine of not being good enough, thin enough, pretty enough, rich enough, smart enough etc.. Accepting who you are, in the moment and giving all that you are, in the moment, allows you to experience a paradigm shift. You attract more, you see more, you feel more, you love more. It's life's great adventure and it's there for the taking. All we need do is live in it.

  6. Some adventures are grand & dramatic, and some are much more subtle. I've come to understand that I am an adventurer, and that my adventure is the subtle adventure of profound change: Leaving behind the way-of-being that was mine for decades, and venturing out upon the sea of Unknown Possibilities. WHAT an adventure! Whooo-eee!

  7. Such a simple post but such a subtly profound message of wisdom. I read it over 5 times. Yes, i am up for it. xoxo

  8. Обсолютно с вами согласна. Надо жить здесь и сейчас.Но почему то не получается не думать о будущем. Чаще всего живём завтрашним днём.Что делать?

  9. Sometimes I forget to live the now, although I have clear that there is not another moment to live and be happy. But sometimes I am doing something and my mind is thinking in other matter, so I neglect the precious present moment.
    Despite this, I am a very grateful person, because I believe life is really beautiful, and of course I try to make of every day an adventure. I AM very happy, prosperous and healthy RIHT NOW :))


  10. "I now live and work in harmony with my purpose." ~ Marc Allen

    Hi Randy - thank you for sharing your journey and continuing to inspire others to be present in their own lives.


  11. Brilliant thoughts Randy. Just to say I started living a new adventure yesterday when I left the UK to spend significant time in Canada. Don't quite know how it will all work out but loving the process.
    I'm living the moment - now. Can't keep the smile off my face.
    Here's to all adventurers.

  12. Thanks for the reminder Randy to live all out. Your last post reminds us that all our days are counted and none of us are here forever. Wouldn't it be great to leave such a profound mark on peoples lives when we depart as your softball coach did on yours and no doubt many others? It is not how much action, material stuff, titles or postitions we can cram into our lives but rather how much love we can pour into each deed, each encounter, that counts.
    Here are a couple of quotes for todays post - enjoy!

    “At dusk the three of us encountered an elderly lady and her beagle hiking toward us. Teetering along on a walking stick, she wore a motoring cap and held a bunch of wildflowers. I said hello and asked her where she was going. She replied in Welsh, “Rydw i yna yn barod.” We looked to Erica for a translation. “She said, ‘I’m already there.’” -“A Ramble in Wales,” from National Geographic Traveler

    "The quality of your life comes down to the quality of the moments you have on a consistent basis."

  13. JimROHn said 'where ever you are be there' i believe in the power of NOW.THANK YOU RANDY G.

  14. I always chased the adrenalin rushes and as time passes I am really learning the substance of the following

    "Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life.” — John Amatt

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  • 16 comments on “Living a Life of Adventure”

    1. RG,
      Thanks for sharing and I am sorry for your loss. I have had those people who have come into my life and made such a difference. I have learned to be grateful for the time we had rather than missing them. I am agree life should be one big fat adventure.

    2. Randy...
      Yesterday and today's blog could not have come at a more timely time. I am in Washington DC for meeting on behalf of the non-profit I lead. One of my journalist friends invited me to go with her to visit with the Ambassador of Indonesia and his wife. As I sat next to the Ambassador listening to Gema Sangkakala Choir I was stuck by the fact that each and every member of the Choir smiled a smile of love and pride as they sang for a room full of dignitaries and leaders of their homeland. You often teach us the important of loving what you do and affirming it. I have come to realize that while I appreciate the commercial world of being, I really am someone who loves touching lives through selfless acts of service. I do it not for money I do it for love.
      I have long lived in conflict with everyone around me pulling me into this world of seeking serious prosperity, yet my own voice has been saying "the art of giving with your heart is prosperous too." Thank you as always for being one of my teachers and saying things that tug at my heart string and remind me "the great gift of all is to listen to our hearts for our hearts know the way." Blessings, R.

    3. >>You can’t live a day, an hour or even a minute in the future. You cannot live it until you reach it – and then it becomes the now.<<

      Thanks for the reminder.


    4. "Let go any idea of being or doing something in the future."

      Randy I couldn't agree more on this statement. Sometimes we get so wrapped up into where we want to go, that we forget to live right now. Thank you for helping me today to remember this great truth.

      Mark Harbert

    5. I've learned a valuable truth from loss of loved ones, that the moment is priceless. We are given gifts through love and loss that are eternal. The imprints left by love and loss become our footprints of today. We learn to appreciate the gift of NOW. It's wonderful to dream forward and reflect backward, but the moment is where all the fullfillment is. It develops authenticity. You no longer focus on being something you are not when you value the moment. You become who you are. NOW, strips us of the roles we play, the concerns we have, the images we create, the unrealistic expectations we imagine of not being good enough, thin enough, pretty enough, rich enough, smart enough etc.. Accepting who you are, in the moment and giving all that you are, in the moment, allows you to experience a paradigm shift. You attract more, you see more, you feel more, you love more. It's life's great adventure and it's there for the taking. All we need do is live in it.

    6. Some adventures are grand & dramatic, and some are much more subtle. I've come to understand that I am an adventurer, and that my adventure is the subtle adventure of profound change: Leaving behind the way-of-being that was mine for decades, and venturing out upon the sea of Unknown Possibilities. WHAT an adventure! Whooo-eee!

    7. Such a simple post but such a subtly profound message of wisdom. I read it over 5 times. Yes, i am up for it. xoxo

    8. Обсолютно с вами согласна. Надо жить здесь и сейчас.Но почему то не получается не думать о будущем. Чаще всего живём завтрашним днём.Что делать?

    9. Sometimes I forget to live the now, although I have clear that there is not another moment to live and be happy. But sometimes I am doing something and my mind is thinking in other matter, so I neglect the precious present moment.
      Despite this, I am a very grateful person, because I believe life is really beautiful, and of course I try to make of every day an adventure. I AM very happy, prosperous and healthy RIHT NOW :))


    10. "I now live and work in harmony with my purpose." ~ Marc Allen

      Hi Randy - thank you for sharing your journey and continuing to inspire others to be present in their own lives.


    11. Brilliant thoughts Randy. Just to say I started living a new adventure yesterday when I left the UK to spend significant time in Canada. Don't quite know how it will all work out but loving the process.
      I'm living the moment - now. Can't keep the smile off my face.
      Here's to all adventurers.

    12. Thanks for the reminder Randy to live all out. Your last post reminds us that all our days are counted and none of us are here forever. Wouldn't it be great to leave such a profound mark on peoples lives when we depart as your softball coach did on yours and no doubt many others? It is not how much action, material stuff, titles or postitions we can cram into our lives but rather how much love we can pour into each deed, each encounter, that counts.
      Here are a couple of quotes for todays post - enjoy!

      “At dusk the three of us encountered an elderly lady and her beagle hiking toward us. Teetering along on a walking stick, she wore a motoring cap and held a bunch of wildflowers. I said hello and asked her where she was going. She replied in Welsh, “Rydw i yna yn barod.” We looked to Erica for a translation. “She said, ‘I’m already there.’” -“A Ramble in Wales,” from National Geographic Traveler

      "The quality of your life comes down to the quality of the moments you have on a consistent basis."

    13. JimROHn said 'where ever you are be there' i believe in the power of NOW.THANK YOU RANDY G.

    14. I always chased the adrenalin rushes and as time passes I am really learning the substance of the following

      "Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life.” — John Amatt

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