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Live Rich!

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 22, 2010

You know what prosperity is really about?  Living rich.  And rich means many things to many people.  

Got a chance to really reflect on that with an email I got from Art Jonak.  He was relaying the story of a guy that recently sold his home, cars, and pretty much all his possessions.  He now can carry everything he owns in a backpack.

He’s joined what he’s calling the minimalism movement.  Says that all of the things he had were bringing him stress, and now he feels free.

If that’s working for him, good on him.  If memory serves, he has one pair of jeans, two pair of shorts, and five t-shirts.  It almost sounds romantic.  Kind of like joining the monastery, which I considered at one time in my life.

But neither the monastery life nor the minimalism life are the life for me…

I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy.  But I also love picking out the right Stefano Ricci tie to pull together a suit for an elegant dinner.  Putting on a tux for the opening night gala at the opera.  Perusing the key drawer to decide which sports car to take today.

Yes money and things come with responsibilities.  And when they bring you stress it’s time to release them.  But they can also bring you joy.

It’s not just things, of course…

Living rich is having energy to play with your kids or grandkids.  Having people around you who you love.  And doing work with meaning all spring to mind.

One thing is certain.  If your life is boring, it’s not the life you were meant to live.

So what does all this mean to you?  What does living rich look like to you?  And are you living that way?


46 comments on “Live Rich!”

  1. I got that story too, sent by one of the famous IM Gurus.

    He will now start travelling around the world, so at this time in his life, he just don't need all the things he had ... the millondollar home, sportscar etc.

    He still own his business and assets, so he's not "poor", just experimenting (I think) if the minimalism lifestyle can bring him MORE joy, MORE freedom, MORE fulfillment

    If it's working for him, as You say RG, GOOD for him and his prosperity & abundance

  2. He'll be better off for it. I did something similiar once in my life and it really helps 'set you straight' in my opinion.

    Now I have lots of 'stuff' again, but I'm not so attached to it or anything else that I get stressed much.

    Living rich to me is being happy and knowing you're gonna be ok. That doesn't have to mean having a lot of money. We have good food, good times, good love and good sleep. To me, that IS rich.

  3. Again we need to be cautious about putting things into polarities as we are so prone to do in our culture. It's all ONE thing. There's this incredible buffet table from the Universe and you can pick up a knapsack and five T-shirts or the keys to a Bentley - or both.

    An item in the news today said the Future Farmers Association of America hit an all time high in membership - over 560,000. IT people, stock brokers, lawyers are making choices to connect with something else, something more earthy, in their life. Holding an amazing tomato they've grown is as thrilling as a huge commission check. This is just like picking up another plate and going back to the buffet table for something different.

    I help a charter school called Starshine Academy located on the street in Arizona that had the most drive-by shootings of any place in the state. It's built around a perpetual garden. Most of these high-risk kids have never connected to the earth unless they had their face shoved in it. But something magical happens when they work in the garden. In fact if two kids are fighting they're sent to the garden to work together. An hour later they're best of friends.

    So in my view there is nothing "minimalist" about connecting to the earth at all. As you say Randy, the question we all should answer is "What makes you rich?"

    1. A quick addition to my note above...

      That street with the most drive-by shootings? It is now virtually crime free, so much so that Starbucks opened a location right near the school. Houses and yards are all cleaned up and the neighborhood is amazing. Many attribute this to Starshine Academy - and to the experience of the garden.

  4. I have been living rich for the last 2 yrs. I released a toxic person from my life and have been doing all the things I have ever wanted. I even found someone new to share it with. I am truly blessed and have been living my life to the fullest! 🙂

  5. Living Rich??

    Being full of joy and peace every day regardless of outside adornments.

    Waking up happy and excited about the opportunities everyday offers.

    Being able to help others physically, spiritually, emotionally or financially when guided to do so.

    Being full of gratitude for this wonderful opportunity to live this life.

    Knowing the choice is YOURS!

  6. I love food, wine and beer... so I feel rich when I have a great meal... anything from a b-que burger and beer to a 6 course tasting dinner matched with different wines turns my crank... my goal is to move to Sonoma, just love being around that food and wine culture, such a love for what they do with no Sideways pretension... my biz card will say, shoot me if I ever say, with just a hint of asparagus....

  7. 10 years ago I had very little in material terms, yet many people were jealous of me, they told me that my life was so rich and I seemed filled with golden light. Meditation was my key back then, I think I need to take it up again! If you are rich on the inside then you will shine with it on the outside.

    1. 10 years ago, I was practicing yoga while in the middle of a very difficult divorce. And as strange as it may seem, this period was not as awful for me as it was seen from the outside. Why? Because I was rich from the inside, as you say it Elly. I need to take it up too. Maybe we could practice together? 😉

    2. Elly and Anne, Your comments really resonated with me. I've been getting messages /signs everywhere to meditate...but I'm not sure how. Do you just do mantra's, think of nothing, visualize something that uplifts you...PLEASE do share.

  8. Living rich is a state of contentment with who I am, what I do, what I have and my current situation. When I love myself, feel confident, appreciate things/people around me, it is easier to feel me "truly rich" (material and spiritual prosperous) and relaxed

  9. I think the big lesson we can take away from what Art's friend decided to do is simply that if one follows the can get into a very stressful existence.

    The key is to shed all that causes the stress, keep and build on what is just the right fit for you!

    You can own any vehicle without owning a house that comes with taxes, maintenance, upkeep, insurance payments...etc..on and on...

    ..if you really did enjoy a garden you can also have that without a big home and yard..simply rent a spot of land the size you want to use for your garden.

    You can live in a camper at plug in overnight pay cottages, rooms or whatever..there are no limits if one simply decides what pleases them most.

    One older couple is actually living their retirement years on a cruise ship! Quite the 'retirement community'.

    Clothing? Choices. One can rent clothes and so many other things now that if we are only using some things a few times a year...just no reason to have to 'house and care for' those things year round. Or store really dressy clothes in a small self storage unit..don't need a whole house.

    My point is that one does not have to become a hobo nor do without any aspect of the lifestyle they truly wish to have in order to become a minimalist.

    To me, the minimalist lifestyle means shedding all excess things in my life..that don't contribute to my peace and happiness and keeping only those things that please me...

    The choices are endless!


  10. I say whatever makes you happy. Really happy.

    Living rich is having the means to acquire whatever you want, in a manner which you enjoy. So it's a full life in the spiritual, mental and material realms. Kind of like the Wallace Wattles school of thought.

    Ryan Biddulph

  11. Living rich to me equates with living my Dream. And I'm not there yet, but I hold the vision and am taking the necessary steps towards arriving at my 'destination'.

    In some ways we are similar in that living rich to me means that I have a beautiful home in addition to vacation homes, luxury European cars, a 50' Baltic sailboat and a beautiful partner. It also means running a company that is inspiring people globally through the media and educational programs we create which in turn allows us to travel the world as well. It also means giving back to the community as much as possible while showing my gratitude on a daily basis.

    And finally living rich means having a healthy body and mind, friends and family I love and most of all, living a life of purpose.

    From my lips to God's ears..

  12. Randy,
    Thank you for the post. Your life is inspiring. Your description of the key drawer to pick which car to drive... I love that visual. And the tie to pick out for the great suit (the opening of The Family Man where he is picking his clothes for the day is a great scene that popped in my head when I read that) I appreciate you reminding me to script out my future in richer and more elaborate detail. Here's to you!

  13. Living rich means living free in all ways: spiritually, financially, physically, mentally, emotionally.....

  14. Hi Randy

    What do you think of the simple life? Is it prosperity?

    Take the village fisherman scenario for example...he`s fit and healthy, has a family and friends who he loves and has great relationships with. He loves his job as a fisherman. He makes enough money to take care of basic needs for himself and his family. He doesnt want the responsiblities that come with more money and posessions. He loves life as it is.

    Do you think that is prosperity considering he doesnt have more money - which he doesnt want?

    1. Sounds good, theoretically. But there is a real world. What if the day comes when he or his family member, or his friend needs some medical operation (nobody lives 4ever) and the fisherman does not afford to pay for it?

      If somebody dies because of the lack of money - is it true prosperity?

      Let's imagine a fisherman in Botswana, Africa. Life expectancy there - 33,9 years. May be fishermen there are really happy, but I would not be happy, if I would know that I (and my family) would live twice longer, if we have had enough money...

  15. Richard & I are doing the minimalist thing starting Nov 1st - and going to Miami to start cause I am not doing another winter in Portland without sun! From there we plan to hop around the country/World and follow the sun. For me living rich is about having great experiences. 😉

  16. Some of these people become minimalists because they can afford to do so. Many of them are within 10 years of retirement age and have had professional incomes. Even though they are living the simple life they still have a big bank account. It would be very stressfull to have a monimalist life without any back-up.

  17. I can't believe what I have been reading. Many of the comments are full of stealthy lack programming memes. Can you believe it Randy??? A bunch of sinners out there keep hypnotizing themselves that currency & accessories aren't essential. Money isn't important until the day someone comes to take their furniture away. Nowdays, excessity is a necessity. Can you live with peace of mind having more month at the end of the paycheck? You can't have true freedom without financial freedom, period! Fiscal freedom permits you to be, do, and have whatever you desire anywhere, anytime, and with whoever. But again, that may not be important to you. You might be content joining the minimalism religion and shrinking your dreams to the size of your wallet. I experimented with the simple lifestyle movement and I simply became a fake happy person attracting an abundance of limitations. There is no correlation between possessions and stress; it's only a human construct. I love owning or accessing goods/resources that improve the quality of life for me and others. Now, using earned income to acquire and maintain possessions is a responsibility where a constant cashflow must be maintained. Passive and portfolio income are abolishing. Stress is a by-product of bad management of resources/prosperity. There is no substitute to having time & money freedom. The difference between life & death comes down to how much money you have. If what I have written here disturbs you, there is no hope for you.

    Richly yours,

    1. Glad you checked in with this. I do feel there has been some inherent limiting beliefs in some of the responses. Not sure if I'll deal with it on a follow up post or the next Prosperity TV.


      1. Thanks God for that. I checked in last night and was amazed. I thought I'd crossed into an alternate universe or something. But then I didn't have the balls to comment. 🙁

    2. Not disturbed at all. Being a minimalist doesn't mean you don't want the buldging wallet, 9 digit bank balance and the choice to purchase WHATEVER you want. It simply means not having crap around you. The guy described by Randy appears to have taken it a lot further as stated by another reader, possibly because he is travelling.

      I have 2 cars instead of 10 that we could afford because they would take up too much of the backyard and that means 2 extra cars to clean and maintain. Get me? Removing 2 cars, means less work but when I get the urge for a new car, I sell one and upgrade. Being a minimalist is enjoying and savouring each experience. Well that's my take on minimalist living and I love it.

  18. Great question Randy. It isn't the pursuit of happiness for me. I enjoy 'happy' as much as anyone but it has always occurred like just another drug to me.

    There is something about joy though that can be found in the pursuit of anything. All too often the rush to get through what we are doing or engaging in the suffering misses where the joy is. Joy is always found in a moment of insight answering the question "what may I savor here?"

    This last week I heard my granddaughter laugh and that enjoyment is priceless. I am rich for I live a life of my choosing full of daily insights.

  19. What that means to me is that life is about living in a way that makes you happy. If the responsibilities of having 'stuff' in your life stress you out, then yeah, I guess you're probably better off without them. But I'm with you Randy, it's not the life for me. Neither is the monastery (I nearly fell off my chair laughing!). But for me, living a rich life sounds exactly like your version Randy. Lots of friends and family that love and support me, a beautiful and loving spouse, a fabulous home, a knock-out wardrobe including hand-made shoes and bags and a stable of magnificent performance cars to choose from. Am I living it? No. I love my home and my car, but they're far from my dream. I really enjoy my job, but it's too stressful.

  20. .. I don't have the time now to go into this with many words but had to get this out: this is another great post ! ..

  21. The mystical path of a yogi I for twenty have persued is not one of boredom.
    I don't know the minimalism movement, it doesn't occur prosperrous. How could anyone grow big business out of it?I couldn't be done to enroll people at large in such a lifestyle. And if not then there is no fuel to maintaining it. Cashflow is missing.
    I believe that the more outward directed you are, also the deeper you can go.
    Freedom is found in expansion.
    Ultimately in fact it is a matter of life and death.

    Not wanting the responsibilities that comes from being and becoming more doesn't sound prosperous to me either (as with the fisherman).

    I go with your first statement Randy: "You know what prosperity is really about?  Living rich."
    That is why I am drawn to you.

    In wonder and respect - Pierre Leyssac, CPH

  22. Randy,
    Just think thought it takes the guy no time to do a vision board. Ok I will behave.

    I saw that too. Art Jonak came from very humble beginnings and he is a very nice man. In his MLM he strives not to hype. They don't come into town in limo's or Masserati's . I think that is nice, however I think people that join MLM's do it because they want a special life. Otherwise, they would go get a part time job.

    Having nice things is part of prosperity. When someone loves only money and nothing else that is not prosperity because they are not balanced. So I think it is God's pleasure to give us the key to the kingdom. It is our right to take action and receive.

    Ask Art what he was doing on Tony Rush's post on Facebook?


  23. providing for my self, my partner, the sister-in-law and the cat. All is gratifying - All is good and rich. Contibutions to the community, providing council and leadership/mentorship to promote safe healthy communities to live in. Keep me enriched. Walking through life with a single set of jeans and an REI back pack hardly to me is enriching.

  24. Rich to me is writing a check to pay anything I want; pay for a home and fave car in cash. Dress, eat and travel like I want; being able to pay for top notch health care and have the energy to enjoy my loved ones like Randy talks about in the blog.

  25. Randy and co.,

    I think the whole trend towards minimalism is an offshoot of the current economic circumstances. People feel some guilt about owning things/doing well. There is a well-known Internet marketer who, although he provides a lot of training material,

    Sadly, many people in the location independent movement have fallen prey to this. While I certainly admire their techniques, and their visions, it is obvious they are infected with negative memes. I fear that even my own blog is infected with, and spreading some of them.

    If minimalism makes someone happy, more power to them, but like Randy, I want some material things in my life.

    Dorothy- you and I want the same things. I want the freedom to live well.

  26. HI Randy,
    I know I coudn't live in the trend of minimalism, nor the monestry, I am all for living the life of the rich and having whatever my heart desires, and the freedom and choice of whatever money can buy, I wil be able to help others and donate to whatever wildlife and endangered species I want to, by supporting breeding programs amoung other things. My hubby and myself are not there yet, but we are working on it and bit by bit more things are manifesting themselves in that direction for us,
    one day we would both like to meet you in person, maybe somewhere while relaxing in the bahamas.
    Many thanks to you, you seem to send the right stuff at the right time, giving inspiration to so many.
    With that I send you love and light. Take care and never stop living the good life.

  27. Hey Randy, I also love wearing casual clothes and elegant clothes for going out to dinner, or theater, or concert or to an other event. Living rich also means having more energy - so as you described here in your post. About owning material things: The one loves to have more cars, or own several houses - like on on the beach, one in the mountains, one penthouse in the city; the other one loves to travel more like a jetsetter ... But there are also people who don´t care that much for the luxury belongings and feel themselves great knowing that they have enough money and need not to worry about that. But times changes and people also change their minds. The one who has bought a lot before in younger years starts to "sort out belongings" - while the other "is a late developer" and starts to purchase ´till the doctor comes ....

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  • 46 comments on “Live Rich!”

    1. I got that story too, sent by one of the famous IM Gurus.

      He will now start travelling around the world, so at this time in his life, he just don't need all the things he had ... the millondollar home, sportscar etc.

      He still own his business and assets, so he's not "poor", just experimenting (I think) if the minimalism lifestyle can bring him MORE joy, MORE freedom, MORE fulfillment

      If it's working for him, as You say RG, GOOD for him and his prosperity & abundance

    2. He'll be better off for it. I did something similiar once in my life and it really helps 'set you straight' in my opinion.

      Now I have lots of 'stuff' again, but I'm not so attached to it or anything else that I get stressed much.

      Living rich to me is being happy and knowing you're gonna be ok. That doesn't have to mean having a lot of money. We have good food, good times, good love and good sleep. To me, that IS rich.

    3. Again we need to be cautious about putting things into polarities as we are so prone to do in our culture. It's all ONE thing. There's this incredible buffet table from the Universe and you can pick up a knapsack and five T-shirts or the keys to a Bentley - or both.

      An item in the news today said the Future Farmers Association of America hit an all time high in membership - over 560,000. IT people, stock brokers, lawyers are making choices to connect with something else, something more earthy, in their life. Holding an amazing tomato they've grown is as thrilling as a huge commission check. This is just like picking up another plate and going back to the buffet table for something different.

      I help a charter school called Starshine Academy located on the street in Arizona that had the most drive-by shootings of any place in the state. It's built around a perpetual garden. Most of these high-risk kids have never connected to the earth unless they had their face shoved in it. But something magical happens when they work in the garden. In fact if two kids are fighting they're sent to the garden to work together. An hour later they're best of friends.

      So in my view there is nothing "minimalist" about connecting to the earth at all. As you say Randy, the question we all should answer is "What makes you rich?"

      1. A quick addition to my note above...

        That street with the most drive-by shootings? It is now virtually crime free, so much so that Starbucks opened a location right near the school. Houses and yards are all cleaned up and the neighborhood is amazing. Many attribute this to Starshine Academy - and to the experience of the garden.

    4. I have been living rich for the last 2 yrs. I released a toxic person from my life and have been doing all the things I have ever wanted. I even found someone new to share it with. I am truly blessed and have been living my life to the fullest! 🙂

    5. Living Rich??

      Being full of joy and peace every day regardless of outside adornments.

      Waking up happy and excited about the opportunities everyday offers.

      Being able to help others physically, spiritually, emotionally or financially when guided to do so.

      Being full of gratitude for this wonderful opportunity to live this life.

      Knowing the choice is YOURS!

    6. I love food, wine and beer... so I feel rich when I have a great meal... anything from a b-que burger and beer to a 6 course tasting dinner matched with different wines turns my crank... my goal is to move to Sonoma, just love being around that food and wine culture, such a love for what they do with no Sideways pretension... my biz card will say, shoot me if I ever say, with just a hint of asparagus....

    7. 10 years ago I had very little in material terms, yet many people were jealous of me, they told me that my life was so rich and I seemed filled with golden light. Meditation was my key back then, I think I need to take it up again! If you are rich on the inside then you will shine with it on the outside.

      1. 10 years ago, I was practicing yoga while in the middle of a very difficult divorce. And as strange as it may seem, this period was not as awful for me as it was seen from the outside. Why? Because I was rich from the inside, as you say it Elly. I need to take it up too. Maybe we could practice together? 😉

      2. Elly and Anne, Your comments really resonated with me. I've been getting messages /signs everywhere to meditate...but I'm not sure how. Do you just do mantra's, think of nothing, visualize something that uplifts you...PLEASE do share.

    8. Living rich is a state of contentment with who I am, what I do, what I have and my current situation. When I love myself, feel confident, appreciate things/people around me, it is easier to feel me "truly rich" (material and spiritual prosperous) and relaxed

    9. I think the big lesson we can take away from what Art's friend decided to do is simply that if one follows the can get into a very stressful existence.

      The key is to shed all that causes the stress, keep and build on what is just the right fit for you!

      You can own any vehicle without owning a house that comes with taxes, maintenance, upkeep, insurance payments...etc..on and on...

      ..if you really did enjoy a garden you can also have that without a big home and yard..simply rent a spot of land the size you want to use for your garden.

      You can live in a camper at plug in overnight pay cottages, rooms or whatever..there are no limits if one simply decides what pleases them most.

      One older couple is actually living their retirement years on a cruise ship! Quite the 'retirement community'.

      Clothing? Choices. One can rent clothes and so many other things now that if we are only using some things a few times a year...just no reason to have to 'house and care for' those things year round. Or store really dressy clothes in a small self storage unit..don't need a whole house.

      My point is that one does not have to become a hobo nor do without any aspect of the lifestyle they truly wish to have in order to become a minimalist.

      To me, the minimalist lifestyle means shedding all excess things in my life..that don't contribute to my peace and happiness and keeping only those things that please me...

      The choices are endless!


    10. I say whatever makes you happy. Really happy.

      Living rich is having the means to acquire whatever you want, in a manner which you enjoy. So it's a full life in the spiritual, mental and material realms. Kind of like the Wallace Wattles school of thought.

      Ryan Biddulph

    11. Living rich to me equates with living my Dream. And I'm not there yet, but I hold the vision and am taking the necessary steps towards arriving at my 'destination'.

      In some ways we are similar in that living rich to me means that I have a beautiful home in addition to vacation homes, luxury European cars, a 50' Baltic sailboat and a beautiful partner. It also means running a company that is inspiring people globally through the media and educational programs we create which in turn allows us to travel the world as well. It also means giving back to the community as much as possible while showing my gratitude on a daily basis.

      And finally living rich means having a healthy body and mind, friends and family I love and most of all, living a life of purpose.

      From my lips to God's ears..

    12. Randy,
      Thank you for the post. Your life is inspiring. Your description of the key drawer to pick which car to drive... I love that visual. And the tie to pick out for the great suit (the opening of The Family Man where he is picking his clothes for the day is a great scene that popped in my head when I read that) I appreciate you reminding me to script out my future in richer and more elaborate detail. Here's to you!

    13. Living rich means living free in all ways: spiritually, financially, physically, mentally, emotionally.....

    14. Hi Randy

      What do you think of the simple life? Is it prosperity?

      Take the village fisherman scenario for example...he`s fit and healthy, has a family and friends who he loves and has great relationships with. He loves his job as a fisherman. He makes enough money to take care of basic needs for himself and his family. He doesnt want the responsiblities that come with more money and posessions. He loves life as it is.

      Do you think that is prosperity considering he doesnt have more money - which he doesnt want?

      1. Sounds good, theoretically. But there is a real world. What if the day comes when he or his family member, or his friend needs some medical operation (nobody lives 4ever) and the fisherman does not afford to pay for it?

        If somebody dies because of the lack of money - is it true prosperity?

        Let's imagine a fisherman in Botswana, Africa. Life expectancy there - 33,9 years. May be fishermen there are really happy, but I would not be happy, if I would know that I (and my family) would live twice longer, if we have had enough money...

    15. Richard & I are doing the minimalist thing starting Nov 1st - and going to Miami to start cause I am not doing another winter in Portland without sun! From there we plan to hop around the country/World and follow the sun. For me living rich is about having great experiences. 😉

    16. Some of these people become minimalists because they can afford to do so. Many of them are within 10 years of retirement age and have had professional incomes. Even though they are living the simple life they still have a big bank account. It would be very stressfull to have a monimalist life without any back-up.

    17. I can't believe what I have been reading. Many of the comments are full of stealthy lack programming memes. Can you believe it Randy??? A bunch of sinners out there keep hypnotizing themselves that currency & accessories aren't essential. Money isn't important until the day someone comes to take their furniture away. Nowdays, excessity is a necessity. Can you live with peace of mind having more month at the end of the paycheck? You can't have true freedom without financial freedom, period! Fiscal freedom permits you to be, do, and have whatever you desire anywhere, anytime, and with whoever. But again, that may not be important to you. You might be content joining the minimalism religion and shrinking your dreams to the size of your wallet. I experimented with the simple lifestyle movement and I simply became a fake happy person attracting an abundance of limitations. There is no correlation between possessions and stress; it's only a human construct. I love owning or accessing goods/resources that improve the quality of life for me and others. Now, using earned income to acquire and maintain possessions is a responsibility where a constant cashflow must be maintained. Passive and portfolio income are abolishing. Stress is a by-product of bad management of resources/prosperity. There is no substitute to having time & money freedom. The difference between life & death comes down to how much money you have. If what I have written here disturbs you, there is no hope for you.

      Richly yours,

      1. Glad you checked in with this. I do feel there has been some inherent limiting beliefs in some of the responses. Not sure if I'll deal with it on a follow up post or the next Prosperity TV.


        1. Thanks God for that. I checked in last night and was amazed. I thought I'd crossed into an alternate universe or something. But then I didn't have the balls to comment. 🙁

      2. Not disturbed at all. Being a minimalist doesn't mean you don't want the buldging wallet, 9 digit bank balance and the choice to purchase WHATEVER you want. It simply means not having crap around you. The guy described by Randy appears to have taken it a lot further as stated by another reader, possibly because he is travelling.

        I have 2 cars instead of 10 that we could afford because they would take up too much of the backyard and that means 2 extra cars to clean and maintain. Get me? Removing 2 cars, means less work but when I get the urge for a new car, I sell one and upgrade. Being a minimalist is enjoying and savouring each experience. Well that's my take on minimalist living and I love it.

    18. Great question Randy. It isn't the pursuit of happiness for me. I enjoy 'happy' as much as anyone but it has always occurred like just another drug to me.

      There is something about joy though that can be found in the pursuit of anything. All too often the rush to get through what we are doing or engaging in the suffering misses where the joy is. Joy is always found in a moment of insight answering the question "what may I savor here?"

      This last week I heard my granddaughter laugh and that enjoyment is priceless. I am rich for I live a life of my choosing full of daily insights.

    19. What that means to me is that life is about living in a way that makes you happy. If the responsibilities of having 'stuff' in your life stress you out, then yeah, I guess you're probably better off without them. But I'm with you Randy, it's not the life for me. Neither is the monastery (I nearly fell off my chair laughing!). But for me, living a rich life sounds exactly like your version Randy. Lots of friends and family that love and support me, a beautiful and loving spouse, a fabulous home, a knock-out wardrobe including hand-made shoes and bags and a stable of magnificent performance cars to choose from. Am I living it? No. I love my home and my car, but they're far from my dream. I really enjoy my job, but it's too stressful.

    20. .. I don't have the time now to go into this with many words but had to get this out: this is another great post ! ..

    21. The mystical path of a yogi I for twenty have persued is not one of boredom.
      I don't know the minimalism movement, it doesn't occur prosperrous. How could anyone grow big business out of it?I couldn't be done to enroll people at large in such a lifestyle. And if not then there is no fuel to maintaining it. Cashflow is missing.
      I believe that the more outward directed you are, also the deeper you can go.
      Freedom is found in expansion.
      Ultimately in fact it is a matter of life and death.

      Not wanting the responsibilities that comes from being and becoming more doesn't sound prosperous to me either (as with the fisherman).

      I go with your first statement Randy: "You know what prosperity is really about?  Living rich."
      That is why I am drawn to you.

      In wonder and respect - Pierre Leyssac, CPH

    22. Randy,
      Just think thought it takes the guy no time to do a vision board. Ok I will behave.

      I saw that too. Art Jonak came from very humble beginnings and he is a very nice man. In his MLM he strives not to hype. They don't come into town in limo's or Masserati's . I think that is nice, however I think people that join MLM's do it because they want a special life. Otherwise, they would go get a part time job.

      Having nice things is part of prosperity. When someone loves only money and nothing else that is not prosperity because they are not balanced. So I think it is God's pleasure to give us the key to the kingdom. It is our right to take action and receive.

      Ask Art what he was doing on Tony Rush's post on Facebook?


    23. providing for my self, my partner, the sister-in-law and the cat. All is gratifying - All is good and rich. Contibutions to the community, providing council and leadership/mentorship to promote safe healthy communities to live in. Keep me enriched. Walking through life with a single set of jeans and an REI back pack hardly to me is enriching.

    24. Rich to me is writing a check to pay anything I want; pay for a home and fave car in cash. Dress, eat and travel like I want; being able to pay for top notch health care and have the energy to enjoy my loved ones like Randy talks about in the blog.

    25. Randy and co.,

      I think the whole trend towards minimalism is an offshoot of the current economic circumstances. People feel some guilt about owning things/doing well. There is a well-known Internet marketer who, although he provides a lot of training material,

      Sadly, many people in the location independent movement have fallen prey to this. While I certainly admire their techniques, and their visions, it is obvious they are infected with negative memes. I fear that even my own blog is infected with, and spreading some of them.

      If minimalism makes someone happy, more power to them, but like Randy, I want some material things in my life.

      Dorothy- you and I want the same things. I want the freedom to live well.

    26. HI Randy,
      I know I coudn't live in the trend of minimalism, nor the monestry, I am all for living the life of the rich and having whatever my heart desires, and the freedom and choice of whatever money can buy, I wil be able to help others and donate to whatever wildlife and endangered species I want to, by supporting breeding programs amoung other things. My hubby and myself are not there yet, but we are working on it and bit by bit more things are manifesting themselves in that direction for us,
      one day we would both like to meet you in person, maybe somewhere while relaxing in the bahamas.
      Many thanks to you, you seem to send the right stuff at the right time, giving inspiration to so many.
      With that I send you love and light. Take care and never stop living the good life.

    27. Hey Randy, I also love wearing casual clothes and elegant clothes for going out to dinner, or theater, or concert or to an other event. Living rich also means having more energy - so as you described here in your post. About owning material things: The one loves to have more cars, or own several houses - like on on the beach, one in the mountains, one penthouse in the city; the other one loves to travel more like a jetsetter ... But there are also people who don´t care that much for the luxury belongings and feel themselves great knowing that they have enough money and need not to worry about that. But times changes and people also change their minds. The one who has bought a lot before in younger years starts to "sort out belongings" - while the other "is a late developer" and starts to purchase ´till the doctor comes ....

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