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Learning from Failure

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 30, 2013

It’s interesting to see people’s reactions to those who reach the highest levels of success.   A lot of people think they got lucky.  Many figure they got some special treatment or secret deal that allowed them to succeed.  But here’s the strangest thing…

A great number of people look at high-level achievers and think that they live a charmed life and everything always works perfect for them.  They think successful people have never been rejected, had an idea fail, or faced a negative medical diagnosis.

And of course it’s just the opposite…

Pick the most successful person in any field:  Oprah Winfrey, Lebron James, Bill Gates, or whoever.  I promise you they had to face self-doubt, criticism, obstacles, and challenges.  I promise you they have failed.  Probably a lot more than most people.  Because here’s the fascinating thing about making it big…

Your level of success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from.

- RG

30 comments on “Learning from Failure”

  1. Speaking of Oprah, I remember reading, not that long ago, an article in her magazine that she had written.  It was about her new "OWN" network.  She wrote that her network was having troubles, and getting lots of criticism.  So, she was sad of course, but then realized some of the criticisms were true.  So, she took the information and made changes to the network.  But, not before she also assessed her many blessings.
    PS. The man in the photo looks like a advertisement for Aspirin. 🙂

  2. Speaking of Oprah, I remember reading, not that long ago, an article in her magazine that she had written.  It was about her new "OWN" network.  She wrote that her network was having troubles, and getting lots of criticism.  So, she was sad of course, but then realized some of the criticisms were true.  So, she took the information and made changes to the network.  But, not before she also assessed her many blessings.
    PS. The man in the photo looks like a advertisement for Aspirin. 🙂

  3. Yes, but it is also like Mark Cuban said : It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.

  4. Yes, but it is also like Mark Cuban said : It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.

  5. And I also believe it's part of the creative process.. We might head in one direction, hit a plateau or come to a realization a new direction is needed.. And as soon as we do, we INTEND for a new inspiration and then follow that path.. Did we fail the first time? Perhaps. But through the creative process we uncover our purpose.. And for me, that's what matters most.

  6. And I also believe it's part of the creative process.. We might head in one direction, hit a plateau or come to a realization a new direction is needed.. And as soon as we do, we INTEND for a new inspiration and then follow that path.. Did we fail the first time? Perhaps. But through the creative process we uncover our purpose.. And for me, that's what matters most.

  7. "Your level of success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from."
    I have no shortage of failures and it's very encouraging to look at them from this lens ~ now I just have to make sure I've learned from them whatever *can* be learned.

  8. "Your level of success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from."
    I have no shortage of failures and it's very encouraging to look at them from this lens ~ now I just have to make sure I've learned from them whatever *can* be learned.

  9. Wonderful! I just watched this Thai movie called The Billionaire Top Secret of a 27 year-old billionnaire, real story. Lots of trials to get to the top. You would love it rocksta - get the one w English subtitles. Xoxo

  10. Wonderful! I just watched this Thai movie called The Billionaire Top Secret of a 27 year-old billionnaire, real story. Lots of trials to get to the top. You would love it rocksta - get the one w English subtitles. Xoxo

  11. Randy, thanks a lot for the great article. As usual, very thought-provoking. At my work I have about 80% failure rate of all my ideas and in the beginning I was thinking something was wrong with them, but later I  realized it was just a normal working process. 20% of ideas survived and have been successful but without thouse that had failed I would have never found them. @Jamie Loh I also watched The Billionaire Top Secret a couple of months ago. A very powerful movie! When I was watching it, I was thinking something like 'yes, this is how any success is built'. Join you in recommending it.

  12. Randy, thanks a lot for the great article. As usual, very thought-provoking. At my work I have about 80% failure rate of all my ideas and in the beginning I was thinking something was wrong with them, but later I  realized it was just a normal working process. 20% of ideas survived and have been successful but without thouse that had failed I would have never found them. @Jamie Loh I also watched The Billionaire Top Secret a couple of months ago. A very powerful movie! When I was watching it, I was thinking something like 'yes, this is how any success is built'. Join you in recommending it.

  13. The successful failed 10x or 100x than the ordinary. They are able to suck it up, and move on with the failures. Unfortunately, schools taught us a different meaning of failure. Many are told that one failure means the end of the world. This creates so much fear on people that many rather be unhappy in their comfort zone than to really strive for their happiness.

  14. The successful failed 10x or 100x than the ordinary. They are able to suck it up, and move on with the failures. Unfortunately, schools taught us a different meaning of failure. Many are told that one failure means the end of the world. This creates so much fear on people that many rather be unhappy in their comfort zone than to really strive for their happiness.

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  • 30 comments on “Learning from Failure”

    1. Speaking of Oprah, I remember reading, not that long ago, an article in her magazine that she had written.  It was about her new "OWN" network.  She wrote that her network was having troubles, and getting lots of criticism.  So, she was sad of course, but then realized some of the criticisms were true.  So, she took the information and made changes to the network.  But, not before she also assessed her many blessings.
      PS. The man in the photo looks like a advertisement for Aspirin. 🙂

    2. Speaking of Oprah, I remember reading, not that long ago, an article in her magazine that she had written.  It was about her new "OWN" network.  She wrote that her network was having troubles, and getting lots of criticism.  So, she was sad of course, but then realized some of the criticisms were true.  So, she took the information and made changes to the network.  But, not before she also assessed her many blessings.
      PS. The man in the photo looks like a advertisement for Aspirin. 🙂

    3. Yes, but it is also like Mark Cuban said : It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.

    4. Yes, but it is also like Mark Cuban said : It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.

    5. And I also believe it's part of the creative process.. We might head in one direction, hit a plateau or come to a realization a new direction is needed.. And as soon as we do, we INTEND for a new inspiration and then follow that path.. Did we fail the first time? Perhaps. But through the creative process we uncover our purpose.. And for me, that's what matters most.

    6. And I also believe it's part of the creative process.. We might head in one direction, hit a plateau or come to a realization a new direction is needed.. And as soon as we do, we INTEND for a new inspiration and then follow that path.. Did we fail the first time? Perhaps. But through the creative process we uncover our purpose.. And for me, that's what matters most.

    7. "Your level of success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from."
      I have no shortage of failures and it's very encouraging to look at them from this lens ~ now I just have to make sure I've learned from them whatever *can* be learned.

    8. "Your level of success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from."
      I have no shortage of failures and it's very encouraging to look at them from this lens ~ now I just have to make sure I've learned from them whatever *can* be learned.

    9. Wonderful! I just watched this Thai movie called The Billionaire Top Secret of a 27 year-old billionnaire, real story. Lots of trials to get to the top. You would love it rocksta - get the one w English subtitles. Xoxo

    10. Wonderful! I just watched this Thai movie called The Billionaire Top Secret of a 27 year-old billionnaire, real story. Lots of trials to get to the top. You would love it rocksta - get the one w English subtitles. Xoxo

    11. Randy, thanks a lot for the great article. As usual, very thought-provoking. At my work I have about 80% failure rate of all my ideas and in the beginning I was thinking something was wrong with them, but later I  realized it was just a normal working process. 20% of ideas survived and have been successful but without thouse that had failed I would have never found them. @Jamie Loh I also watched The Billionaire Top Secret a couple of months ago. A very powerful movie! When I was watching it, I was thinking something like 'yes, this is how any success is built'. Join you in recommending it.

    12. Randy, thanks a lot for the great article. As usual, very thought-provoking. At my work I have about 80% failure rate of all my ideas and in the beginning I was thinking something was wrong with them, but later I  realized it was just a normal working process. 20% of ideas survived and have been successful but without thouse that had failed I would have never found them. @Jamie Loh I also watched The Billionaire Top Secret a couple of months ago. A very powerful movie! When I was watching it, I was thinking something like 'yes, this is how any success is built'. Join you in recommending it.

    13. The successful failed 10x or 100x than the ordinary. They are able to suck it up, and move on with the failures. Unfortunately, schools taught us a different meaning of failure. Many are told that one failure means the end of the world. This creates so much fear on people that many rather be unhappy in their comfort zone than to really strive for their happiness.

    14. The successful failed 10x or 100x than the ordinary. They are able to suck it up, and move on with the failures. Unfortunately, schools taught us a different meaning of failure. Many are told that one failure means the end of the world. This creates so much fear on people that many rather be unhappy in their comfort zone than to really strive for their happiness.

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