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Inner Peace and Outer Peace

Posted By: Randy GageMay 15, 2018

We live in tumultuous times.  There are wars and natural disasters, political divisiveness and hate.  It can be hard to remember that peace is always possible.  And it always starts with inner peace.

When you center in peace, you create an inner harmony that makes your life so much more worth living.  And you inspire those around you to reach for peace as well.

When we envision peace together, we create a consciousness that ripples around the globe.  You can’t control the world. But a world of true prosperity and harmony can only begin with inner peace.  So sometimes you need to block out the world around you and have a little "church."  The words from one of my favorite songs comes to mind:

"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me..."


2 comments on “Inner Peace and Outer Peace”

  1. Hi Randy,

    As a Social Work graduate and a business person who have seen so many talented people getting trapped in life or their business, I totally agree with you that every success move depends on inner peace.

    At peace with who we are, what we believe in, what we do and how we live life!

    Thank you for this powerful message, Randy!

  2. Sorry for the spelling mistake, Randy.

    I have re-submitted another comment. Please arrange to have this one deleted. Thank you!

    Viola Tam

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  • 2 comments on “Inner Peace and Outer Peace”

    1. Hi Randy,

      As a Social Work graduate and a business person who have seen so many talented people getting trapped in life or their business, I totally agree with you that every success move depends on inner peace.

      At peace with who we are, what we believe in, what we do and how we live life!

      Thank you for this powerful message, Randy!

    2. Sorry for the spelling mistake, Randy.

      I have re-submitted another comment. Please arrange to have this one deleted. Thank you!

      Viola Tam

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