I am expressly giving myself permission to win!
(To quote from another of your posts).
I wrote a post on my Tumblr blog the other day about relationships. (BTW, you can follow me there at: http://randygage.tumblr.com/ ) In that post I looked at how you relate to money.
I said your relationships with everyone and everything are actually a mirror of your relationship with yourself. Here’s how it would apply for money and prosperity…
Let’s suppose you’re insecure about your financial future. Odds are you are insecure about your future in general. Perhaps you have some money, but are fearful of losing it. People who feel that way are usually fear-based in the other areas of their lives as well.
Of course a lot of people feel guilty about making money. This comes from worthiness issues and you probably feel guilty when anything good happens to you. All these things reflect insecurities and guilt with yourself.
When you recognize your true nature, you’ll never feel guilty, fearful, or insecure about money or success. Get comfortable with yourself and you’ll be comfortable with prosperity.
So how you doing on that?
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I am expressly giving myself permission to win!
(To quote from another of your posts).
Very well said Randy. Something to work in me.
How do I get comfortable with myself?
Find out first "who" you are (write it down!) and this way you can view yourself abstractly from the outside and then decide "how you like what you see"! If you like yourself, you´re comfortable -
Usually things that "confuse" us about who we are come from things that happened to us in the past. (Bullies in school making fun of us, disapproving parents, and so on.)
To find out who you are now, I find it is often helpful to reconcile the past. Make a list of all the things in your past that caused you pain, or continue to haunt you today. (For example: if you find yourself angry all the time, or have emotional outbursts for seemingly no reason, or shoot yourself in the foot just at the point you are about to "make it," it's likely there is something from the past that has caused you to have a specific and non-desirable reaction to situations that remind you--consciously or subconsciously--of similar situations from your past.)
The most important thing to remember about the past is that it is in THE PAST. You have control over your future. The past may have shaped you, but it doesn't have to define who you are today.
On a different note Randy,I just finished your book,'Why you're Dumb,sick...' Great read.Very accessible and full of useful information.Nice job!
Hi Randy,
I improved my relationship with money in the last two years. Now I am improving my relationship with "work". I just found out that my issues with money are in reality issues with work because I wanted to prove it to my grandfather that I am a good and hard worker. So I had to lose the money I made to keep me working...
Thanks for sharing your insights.
Take care
That's an important insight for you to figure out. -RG
"Get comfortable with yourself and you’ll be comfortable with prosperity." This last sentence actually says everything. Love your article here. Thank's Randy. 🙂
A work in progress, but getting better every day and in every way!
I still sometimes feel a sense of guilt and shame about switching gears back to music.
But until the age of 26, I only really did in sporadically. (29 now).
I was far more dedicated at a younger age, but I had internalized and believe a lot of these as fact:
"There's no way you can succeed with music."
"Lots of people try, but so many fail."
"You aren't talented enough."
"It's all about luck."
"They're called starving artists for a reason."
"You're not attractive enough."
"It's time to grow up, what are you, 12?"
"Real men work for a living, they don't do stuff like that."
"You'll never amount to anything."
"Why should we help you, no one helped us."
"Rich people take from everyone."
"Rich people are snobs."
"We can't do anything for you because we're not doctors, lawyers or millionaires."
"Rich people go out of there way to hurt the little guy."
"Everyone should put other people first, because if you don't share, you're greedy."
"Owning anything nice means you care more about things than people, or you're showing off."
"The only path in life is to be unhappy and work all the time in a job that could hurt you."
"Some outside authority should make decisions for you, you aren't with it enough to make your own decisions."
"You have to do everything yourself."
And so, like Randy, I honestly believed all of this was true. We all tend to never question our parents or other people in our lives, which is something we all must do.
So, not only did I not have a relationship with myself, but I attracted negative people, and negative situations.
Do not leave your life in someone else's hands. Others may claim to know what is best for you, but only you in your heart know that.
Thomas, I agree with you 100%. We ourselves know what's best for us. Thanks for that reminder. 🙂
Randy ~
I love your blog posts!! I like telling myself...I AM WORTHY!! I have to make a lot of money...I deserve to make a lot of money! When I make a lot it confirms that I'm providing a much needed value product and that's rewarding. Plus! When I make a lot of money I have more to spend which helps increase profits for other businesses and the income for someone's household.
Many blessings to you!!
Can someone not have guilt issues but try to find others guilty?
If you are comfortable with yourself are you comfortable with others, money etc?
thinking guilt may be a core belief about being bad... they are bad, others are bad... money is bad
which then could be another core belief about not being worthy
and then be in lack, not enough
Core beliefs about thinking you're bad usually come from organized religion.
if fearful... is there an underlying fear of God? or if angry...underlying anger at God? or if can't trust... not trusting God?
July 8,2011 at 7:04 am
I believe feeling guilty about making money or prosperity attracts the opposite.
Hi RG,
Doing good. Getting better in this department.
I used to think "lucky people" got rich. Then I figured out only "important people" got rich. Then smart people. Whatever types of people got rich, I was sure of 1 thing: I wasn't in those groups 😉
After releasing much of this poisonous programming I felt worthy. So worthy, that I began to attract money with greater ease. I also released on assanine ideas like the economy, or government affecting my scrilla.
The economy or gov doesn't set your salary. You do.
If you are not making any money, YOU are not making any money. Your business has nothing to do with it.
This is a sobering, agitating, and downright freeing statement, when you accept it. If something in your life happens, it has its origin in you. Accept it. Change it. Be free of blame.
Thanks for sharing your insight RG.
Thanks RG N Other contributors.l believe all bound down to the LAW OF ATTRACTION.
I'm definitely improving. I'm making over 50% more money than I was 2 years ago.
it is really me now. i think you had been three, and it's really a frustrating feeling.
I am expressly giving myself permission to win!
(To quote from another of your posts).
Very well said Randy. Something to work in me.
How do I get comfortable with myself?
Find out first "who" you are (write it down!) and this way you can view yourself abstractly from the outside and then decide "how you like what you see"! If you like yourself, you´re comfortable -
Usually things that "confuse" us about who we are come from things that happened to us in the past. (Bullies in school making fun of us, disapproving parents, and so on.)
To find out who you are now, I find it is often helpful to reconcile the past. Make a list of all the things in your past that caused you pain, or continue to haunt you today. (For example: if you find yourself angry all the time, or have emotional outbursts for seemingly no reason, or shoot yourself in the foot just at the point you are about to "make it," it's likely there is something from the past that has caused you to have a specific and non-desirable reaction to situations that remind you--consciously or subconsciously--of similar situations from your past.)
The most important thing to remember about the past is that it is in THE PAST. You have control over your future. The past may have shaped you, but it doesn't have to define who you are today.
On a different note Randy,I just finished your book,'Why you're Dumb,sick...' Great read.Very accessible and full of useful information.Nice job!
Hi Randy,
I improved my relationship with money in the last two years. Now I am improving my relationship with "work". I just found out that my issues with money are in reality issues with work because I wanted to prove it to my grandfather that I am a good and hard worker. So I had to lose the money I made to keep me working...
Thanks for sharing your insights.
Take care
That's an important insight for you to figure out. -RG
"Get comfortable with yourself and you’ll be comfortable with prosperity." This last sentence actually says everything. Love your article here. Thank's Randy. 🙂
A work in progress, but getting better every day and in every way!
I still sometimes feel a sense of guilt and shame about switching gears back to music.
But until the age of 26, I only really did in sporadically. (29 now).
I was far more dedicated at a younger age, but I had internalized and believe a lot of these as fact:
"There's no way you can succeed with music."
"Lots of people try, but so many fail."
"You aren't talented enough."
"It's all about luck."
"They're called starving artists for a reason."
"You're not attractive enough."
"It's time to grow up, what are you, 12?"
"Real men work for a living, they don't do stuff like that."
"You'll never amount to anything."
"Why should we help you, no one helped us."
"Rich people take from everyone."
"Rich people are snobs."
"We can't do anything for you because we're not doctors, lawyers or millionaires."
"Rich people go out of there way to hurt the little guy."
"Everyone should put other people first, because if you don't share, you're greedy."
"Owning anything nice means you care more about things than people, or you're showing off."
"The only path in life is to be unhappy and work all the time in a job that could hurt you."
"Some outside authority should make decisions for you, you aren't with it enough to make your own decisions."
"You have to do everything yourself."
And so, like Randy, I honestly believed all of this was true. We all tend to never question our parents or other people in our lives, which is something we all must do.
So, not only did I not have a relationship with myself, but I attracted negative people, and negative situations.
Do not leave your life in someone else's hands. Others may claim to know what is best for you, but only you in your heart know that.
Thomas, I agree with you 100%. We ourselves know what's best for us. Thanks for that reminder. 🙂
Randy ~
I love your blog posts!! I like telling myself...I AM WORTHY!! I have to make a lot of money...I deserve to make a lot of money! When I make a lot it confirms that I'm providing a much needed value product and that's rewarding. Plus! When I make a lot of money I have more to spend which helps increase profits for other businesses and the income for someone's household.
Many blessings to you!!
Can someone not have guilt issues but try to find others guilty?
If you are comfortable with yourself are you comfortable with others, money etc?
thinking guilt may be a core belief about being bad... they are bad, others are bad... money is bad
which then could be another core belief about not being worthy
and then be in lack, not enough
Core beliefs about thinking you're bad usually come from organized religion.
if fearful... is there an underlying fear of God? or if angry...underlying anger at God? or if can't trust... not trusting God?
July 8,2011 at 7:04 am
I believe feeling guilty about making money or prosperity attracts the opposite.
Hi RG,
Doing good. Getting better in this department.
I used to think "lucky people" got rich. Then I figured out only "important people" got rich. Then smart people. Whatever types of people got rich, I was sure of 1 thing: I wasn't in those groups 😉
After releasing much of this poisonous programming I felt worthy. So worthy, that I began to attract money with greater ease. I also released on assanine ideas like the economy, or government affecting my scrilla.
The economy or gov doesn't set your salary. You do.
If you are not making any money, YOU are not making any money. Your business has nothing to do with it.
This is a sobering, agitating, and downright freeing statement, when you accept it. If something in your life happens, it has its origin in you. Accept it. Change it. Be free of blame.
Thanks for sharing your insight RG.
Thanks RG N Other contributors.l believe all bound down to the LAW OF ATTRACTION.
I'm definitely improving. I'm making over 50% more money than I was 2 years ago.
it is really me now. i think you had been three, and it's really a frustrating feeling.