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How Much is Enough?

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 12, 2011

God I hate that question!  Because I believe that 99 percent of the time you here it, it’s uttered by someone programmed with a mind virus of lack.  But if approached the right way, the question can take you to an important lesson about living a life of happiness and meaning…  

Because the ideal place it can take you is learning how to celebrate money and material things instead of worshiping them.  How to own them, instead of them owning you.

I remember doing a seminar with Randy Schroeder a couple years ago and he related the story of his life a few years back.  He shared that he had a garage with a Mercedes, Ferrari, Lambo, and a few Porsches, but still wanted more.

So naturally I raised my hand and asked, “What’s your point?”

While it’s fun to have fun with the subject, being a guy who has always thought more is better, it’s not always so.  I don’t like to set limitations on myself, and I want to view the world through the biggest prosperity window I can.  But the important thing is to never lose sight of where the true joy comes from.

Limitations are bad.  Boundaries are good.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out how many bays I need in the garage of my next dream home.  And came to understand that if I owned my 100 favorite rides, I would still get a tinge of desire when I saw number 101 roar by.   So then I have to think really about when is enough, enough.

If I have 100 cars parked downstairs, can I really appreciate and enjoy each one, or do I take some for granted?

Truth is I drive my newest Viper more now than my last one, and the new Challenger more than the one that’s four months older.   So do I trade them in for different models, downsize the fleet, or buy another 15?

It’s about finding the sweet spot where your possessions bring you more joy than work.  (If you haven’t seen it, watch my video on Materialism or Minimalism here.)

I just had an amazing week in Hawaii.  But would I have appreciated it as much if I didn’t grow up in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin?

For Christmas I brought two very different presents.  One was a $200,000 car for myself; one was a $200 bouncy house for a very special four-year-old girl that recently came into my life.   So which do you think brought me more joy?

But here’s the danger asking that question can bring you…

Falling into the either or category.  Because the fact is I bought both, and they both give me joy.  And the fact is, you too can support your church and ski Vail.  You can help the homeless and wear Armani.  You can adopt a stray kitten and spend $250,000 on a painting for your dining room.

But that means three things…

It means you accept that you are worthy.  That you view the world through a bigger window.  And don’t let things consume you, but rather understand what level they bring joy to your life.

So how you doing on all this?  Have you found the balance where it works best for you yet?  Any other thoughts you’d add?


84 comments on “How Much is Enough?”

  1. How much is enough?

    How much love is enough?
    How much happiness is enough?
    How much living is enough?
    How much self deprivation is enough?
    How much suffering is enough?
    How many questions is enough?
    How much fitness is enough?
    How much joy is enough?
    How much money is enough?

    I don't think I could ever experience too much love, happiness, life fitness-health, joy, money.....

    I think we are critical of others when we lack that which others have that we may want more of.

    Often we just don't put in the effort to, or are scared to, earn that which we perceive others to have. There is a price to be paid for everything, often the payment goes un-noticed, just the result registers.

    Poor dietary choices, bad hygiene, lack of physical activities results ultimately in poor life expression. When is enough, enough?

    It is all very different from one being to another.

    Brian J

        1. Before you two start making out about how much you agree, I want to jolt something from you for a moment...

          You said:"There is a price to be paid for everything, often the payment goes un-noticed, just the result registers.

          Well, using that same thinking, you CAN have too much money, love, physical fitness, etc- because you have to DO something for them- you must pay a price.

          You can be SOOOO physically fit that you never get to enjoy some of the world's great foods.

          You can be SOOOO happy that you are completely un-relatable and friendless.

          You can be SOOOO rich that you never have time for anything other than money creation.

          ALL things in balance and moderation to your personal liking. Everything costs something.

          My writing this post takes the TIME from something else.

          I'm all for "Both" instead of "or", but can we PLEASE be real on this blog?

          1. Bones, excuse me while I puke. Why couldn’t someone be obscenely wealthy and be retired? Why couldn’t someone be so happy that they attract friends like bees to honey? You really seem to be taking the ‘glass half full’ approach to this dialogue.

          2. Thanks Bones, Annie is suspended right now. But I knew if we discussed wealth and prosperity, I could count on you to find the cloud in this silver lining! 🙂


          3. The whole point of this conver
            sation is balance. Loving and
            appreciating yourself while
            having empathy and respect
            for others. Living up to your Dreams
            without destroying your values.
            Replacing doubt/emptiness/lack
            with beauty/abundance and the
            opportunity change the lives of
            others. No Rain Here.

  2. Randy, you were one of the first people who taught me that life is not about "either/or" situations. It's about realizing that we can have both.

    I lived for years with all kinds of completely made-up contrasts:

    - I could be a good father OR have a successful business
    - I could buy Gucci shoes OR give money to World Vision
    - I could donate money to the church building fund OR I could vacation in Rome

    It was so frustrating. Because if you looked at my life, everything I was doing was focused on getting more prosperity in my life. But if you looked at my mindset, I was doing my best to push it away!

    Listening to the Prosperity audio set really assisted me in seeing that these things didn't have to be "either/or" situations. That I could do both.

    Life-changing stuff. And this article affirms it again for me. Thanks!


    1. Bless you Tony.
      I have lived the same limits and frustrations until my mentors (Randy Gage, Michael Masterson, Jim Rohn, etc) showed me by example, that I can live the life of my dreams without hurting or comprising my values or the lives of others. My success propels others to do the same, especially my children, who will impact the future for the better.
      I had to release limits/negative beliefs
      Prioritize my goals
      Make time work for me not the other way around
      Dream impossible dreams!
      See you at the top.

  3. i have just read the post, and am happy and fortunate and blessed to be in a position where i can truthfully hand-on-heart say that i have 'enough' in my life.
    my life is truly blessed with variety and abundance and i am truly grateful.

    1. You haven't seen what yet . . . the crabby patty formula! Sorry, Plankton, I mean Trey; Annie told me to write this. (She couldn't herself, being that she's expelled . . . oops, I mean suspended.)

  4. So have I found the balance where it works best for me yet? Not by a long shot. There are so many things I'd still like to get that would make my life easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. I don't think that I could say I have too much stuff and it's actually a drain on my energy and resources to maintain them. I could see how that could happen though. As much as I love performance cars, I could also see that having more than a handful of them would mean that some of them just sit there, never really get used, take up space and cost money for no real purpose. I don't really see the point in that. I like to use the nice stuff every day, whether that's the jewellery, glassware, a dress or the Ferrari. Otherwise it ages and it ends up being ready for disposal when it's still brand new. I agree that small things can bring immense joy. I am just salivating waiting for my new Kindle, all for $200. But I also get really excited about a brand new couch, a holiday somewhere tropical or a brand new car. I want them all!

  5. randy i dont think there never is enough as long as you live life they way you want.Ibelieve if everyone had this attitude the world would be a better place.Ihate when people put limits on themselves and they try to put limits on others who are living the life they want to live.My motto is live it up baby?

  6. Hi Randy,
    I know which present you got the most joy from, and so does the little girl!

    Around 18 years ago, I lived in Dubai and had everything. The big villa; the cars; and I travelled to over 54 countries between Carol, Singapore and Africa and even best, someone else paid for it! The reason it disappeared is not for this forum, but suffice to say, I traded bringing my children up as a father, for making more money and having "things".

    My life is now being rebuilt again slowly and I will not make the same mistakes.

    Yes you can and should have both and I believe that by having both, having prosperity, you can lead a more balanced, peaceful, and satisfying life.

    Randy, thank you for the leadership.


  7. When it comes to wanting more and creating/manifesting more, I struggled for years before clearing up past religious programming. It was hard for me to imagine God/the Universe caring if I wanted more material things with so many people (especially outside the U.S.) who didn't have the basics of life.

    It's not the amount of financial wealth that dictates how generous someone gives to others from their wealth. It's the amount of love and empathy one has. And the more one has, the more one can give.

    I see no difference in someone making 200K having whatever kind of house and cars he or she has that meets their budget and someone who makes many millions having many high end cars and many lavish houses that meets their budget.

    Either one is probably similar in how they prioritize their funds, percentage wise.

    1. Hi Alan,
      I like your post. Many stories in the Bible exemplify the case of people who have worked hard, lived true to the beliefs and values and grasped "dreams/visions" that seemed impossible to achieve. They grasped the hand of the Divine, believed where there was no physical evidence for it and achieved great things including abundance, wealth, power and the ability to affect the world. Why should it be any different today??

        1. Kathleen, I'm don't know what you
          mean with your second comment, but thanks
          for your feedback.

          I agree with your comments about
          the Bible being full of stories of those
          who manifested great wealth, power and

  8. P.S. As for which gift (the 200K car or the $200 gift for the four year old girl) gave Randy the most joy?

    Two very different situations that can't be compared. I'm guessing both were immeasurably joyous.

  9. I remember a story concearning Eric Clapton .
    He came to a turnpoint in his life where he made a 180 degree turn when he found himself waking up in a severe drug problem and short after that he was getting successful in 12 step program lost his 4 year old son falling down.

    Facing the fact that he hade made a lot of wonderful music and lived a materialistic bundande life having more than the money he ever needed in lifes times - he was confronted with the question what his wish for life was .

    - The only thing I could wish is one more day .

    I could honestly ask for other things than tomorrow if I would like to live debt free and pay back for old sins.
    Money cant buy freedom but certainly some free-from.

    Fascinating episod of my life right now - thanx , friends and mentors.

  10. Well I have to agree that we all must find our individual balance when it comes to those things that bring us Joy. Like you Randy, I'm a car buff albeit we have different tastes. And when it comes to cars, there are many categories of which vintage collectible cars are one. For the collector who's extremely prosperous and LOVES vintage cars, he probably cannot have enough of them and like fine paintings they appreciate in value. But even the collector draws the line somewhere. Ralph Lauren's collection is one of the best in the world, but he doesn't own 100 cars.

    That said, my personal desires and goals are very high, but amongst them are a circle of amazing, successful friends along with those that make a difference regardless of income. And when it comes to Love, I don't think we can ever really have enough nor give enough.

    So how much is too much? It all depends. I won't be materially happy until I have my Porsche GT3, Aston Martin Vantage, Mercedes E350 and Range Rover Sport in the garage.. and a few vintage cars too. But my REAL goal is to experience Joy every moment and enhance the lives of people all over the world.

    Thanks Randy.. as always a great post!

    1. "My REAL goal is to experience Joy every moment and enhance the lives of people all over the world."

      No finer goal, Jonathon. Touche!

      To add a bit to that, to some people, things bring the job, to others, people bring the joy, to others it takes both. We must all find our own way and not judge others.

      Life is a process of learning, and life is the best teacher. If we commit to being the best student we can be, the joy we all seek will find us.

  11. It's "enough" in a bad way when the things become who you are. We must remember that the moments of joy, regardless of how they come, are when we feel that it's "enough" in a good way. What may be enough for me, may not be enough for you.

    Ensuring that we don't judge others by our own parameters is the key to not coming from a place of lack.

    Randy, thanks for always making me think of things in a different way. I truly enjoy reading your rants.

    Best- Heather

  12. I think your approach is divine,meaning that it reaches the point of human achievement... the fulfilment of our god-given talents to help others (to bring joy and to help others attain their highest good) and to reap the bounty and joy that come from allowing that god-given talent to express itself (the rewards both spiritual and spiritual, as in a garge filled with gorgeous cars). As someone who believes in a joy-filled, prosperous, forgiving god, I am thrilled that you get to enjoy your well-earned bounty while helping others to discover their purpose, and treasures on earth!

  13. Randy,
    I really like the "no limitations, good boundaries" idea. I am learning to appreciate what quality and style bring to my life and that if something significantly improves my surroundings, lifestyle, productivity, then it is prudent to acquire it. Acquiring and sharing are very different than coveting and hoarding. Motive is very important.

  14. Reminds me of a talk Jim Rohn gave years ago. He said, "If you can make more should you? Yes. Even if you are happy with all you have, there's someone else you can bless with your excess". Of course I learned from you Randy to give only if it makes you happy to give. Thanks for that.

    Joy can be found in watching a child find a penny.

    Prosperity is far deeper than most of may ever understand.
    A long, happy, joyous life salute to you Randy!

  15. Hello!
    Reading this post I was thinking about my own experience on the subject of “either / or” and “how much is enough” in my life. Just simple instance to explain what I’m talking about. For several years I have been in the mobile phones. I was looking to them in electronic shops, searching reviews in internet, comparing different models, “ what would I prefer if…” on so on and so forth.
    I would like to notice that:
    - I don’t need more than one phone really
    - all these new models and imaginary advantages and upgrades are just a marketing trick to make us shell out and pay
    - this mania’s made me a maniac (just look at these two words that way)
    - I’ve spent so much time thinking of these phones, lost so much energy, you even can’t imagine! How many great and useful things would I have been able to create if I had invested all this passion in the more appropriate constructive directions!
    - All these dilemmas whether to buy that one or that one or the both together, should I spend money or not, why that guy already has the new model and I don’t, does he earn more, do I earn enough to afford… and so on, they are all brought up by lack of self-respect and self-confidence
    - I have bought 4 phones ( now I have no idea why and for what), but I was emotionally exhausted and disappointed!
    - That didn’t make me happier even a little bit, because that is the game! There will never be enough! Marketing and advertisement and “image issues” will always force you to desire more! If you just having bought one middle-price thing and you are feeling well and satisfied with that – think - so much guys won’t make extra profits!!! The strategy is to make you desire “super thing 100”, make you sleeping badly without that, make you buy it and then…. Yes, right, you see the “super thing 200” ads on your way to office and feel badly again!
    The resume I’ve done by all these processes is that my weakness to buy all that things and to pay so much attention is all about lack of self-respect and self-confidence! The root of this issue is that we’ve lost an ability to decide what to do, what our life should be like, what matters for me and why, etc.
    We are taught just to look for shortcuts: “to be happy you have to be like this, wear that, drive that, otherwise you are looser anyway”.
    I think, the right way to solve dilemmas like that is to listen to yourself and only to yourself! Just try to block all that outside noise and think that way: “what do I really need to myself personally? What kinds of material things fit my inner needs the most? Or how much items would satisfy my objective needs? If everyone on the Earth had had that particular thing and it doesn’t make me feel privileged to own one, would I still have been interested in? Does a possessing this one mean for me things like: “oh, how great it would be to show this one to my neighbor (co-worker, whoever esle, never matter)! Or “Peter and Jack and Julie already have it, am I worse? ”“ and so on you got the idea.
    Extra consumption doesn’t make you happier by itself! I don’t mean that you shouldn’t have big V8 SUV or new Iphone, or high performing laptop, but you need to realize and critically comprehend that you need all of that stuff to bring e.g. your family and friends to the countryside to have a picnic, to have a real (not imaginary) opportunity to work with emails and internet while you’re out of the office, create beautiful 3D building projects and so on and that is the really worth. And you have to clearly understand what makes you happy and what is just a tool being useless without purpose, what is the cause and what is the consequence! That’s the way as I see it.

  16. I don't think it is up to us, how much is enough, as much as it is, what we do with what we are given? "To whom much is given, much is expected. I interpret this to mean that what we are given, is to be enjoyed and also shared. Whether that be material or wisdom. Happiness for me is in finding the balance. The story of the talons talks about the 1, 3, and 10 talons that were given. The one with 10 multiplied it. The one with 3 multiplied it. The one with 1 buried it and did not multipy. If we waste what we are given and do not use it, then it is taken away as the story goes. Same in life. We are intended to be prosperous. This is a manifesting universe. If we waste what we are given, we receive no more. If we multiply what we are given, we prosper. My belief is that the reason we are here on this earth is to love. How we are able to do that depends greatly on what we have to give. If we hoard, we do not multiply. If we keep what we need and give then we prosper. I enjoy the best in life and feel great joy and appreciation when I book the best suite or fly privately, or buy an Armani suit, or live on the ocean. We are all intended to have everything we want if we use our god given gifts. The giving is the best part of all. When you are in a position of abundance, I believe I am to give back. Where ever I see a need, I fill it, whether that be monetarily or wisdom. No matter how many fancy cars I drive or possessions I own, nothing takes the place of the feeling inside of knowing that you were able to make a difference for someone who needed it. We do everything, ultimately to feel loved. What I finally realized is that what I was searching for was already inside of me waiting to be expressed. That's where the ultimate joy is found. And for those of us who have used wisely what has been given to us all, knows what the ultimate gift and feeling is, and it can't be bought. We already all own it. Some of us find it and share it. Others will never search and never know.

  17. "The Secret" isn't popular anymore.


    Because it's not working!


    Because people aren't changing themselves!

    You can't build a house on an old house.

    Actually the Master Key System, which was the background to The Secret, brings these things up.

    You really have to empty your cup and redefine yourself. You are not what you think, and that’s where you have to go.

    When you really find out who and what you are, you won't be able to sleep at night, because you realize what you can actually do.

    You have all the power of creation and existence within you. What more could you need!

    This is what you are here to discover. That's why you're getting pushed into the recesses of yourself, especially now. Take the opportunity!

    1. We have to do the work, empty the cup (vacuum law of prosperity) to replace the lack with fullness as you say. It's hard, painful and confusing sometimes. Unfortunately only a few will "the Secret" of prosperity and freedom and rest will go back to their beer and tv remotes and be told what to believe.

  18. Randy,

    I think I've been reading your blog for too long now what I'm about to comment on has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand but since I know you check in and read the post I'm going to go ahead and share this.

    During periods of dream state last night I found myself having a dream with you in it. I saw myself approach your house and when I entered the man I saw was very old and completely different than what your physical appearance is.

    Regardless, I knew it was you, you were surrounded by three people very close to you non of which I knew but remained closed to you for the conversation.

    Your words to me were, How is your life going now?
    My response was, better than ever before, and with that you reached for my hands and touched the tips of my fingers.

    No further words transpired only an exchange of energy took place and as I felt the energy flowing up the tips of my fingers I awoke.

    I do believe I connected to your highest self, it only reinforces my belief in the work you are doing and the service you are providing for so many that read this platform. I have not been able to get the vision out of my mind simply because it was so vivid and so real.

    My apologies if this comment is out of context but was compelled to share.

    With Gratitude

    1. So awesome.

      I've shared things like this that I've had with Randy too.

      Tho I've been awake - and had images of him in similar ways. Truly precious!

      Mr Gage. Do you know how loved you are? xox

  19. Enough is enough when you try to sleep at night wondering if you made the right decision.

    The power of greed has taken over this country and most of our lives in one way or another. And trying to raise children with confidence, respect, and good values has never been harder.

    I raised 3 children during the last 27 years, all respected individuals, earned what they received from their parents with excellent grades and wonderful values. They never asked for more than I could give, and all had brand new cars at 16 because they earned it. But enough was enough, and they all had to get a job and pay for their car insurance and gas. In my opinion there always has to be limitations.

    Having enough of everything and respecting what you have, how you got it, and having control of "you" and your future growth is enough. But always growing as a person is never enough....

  20. As a child of thy Father" enough"
    The Heart is as the Universe is endless.
    Love is endless.
    Mind is powerful.
    Enough negativity.
    Enough cancer.Enough diseases.
    Enough famine.Enough depression.
    Boy the joy in writing that.To thine own self be true.
    Light let there be light in all of our lives.
    And remember Love melts all impossible situations.
    Happiness is as happiness does.
    Love You Long Time.


  21. Hi Randy. It's like when someone says "$2000 a night for a room, I'm only going to be in it for a few hours, and I'll be asleep".
    They obviously haven't done it and more to the point, can't.. so they use the excuse to justify the miserable existence they are fully aware of. I used to do it all the time. "The car gets you from A to B so why pay a fortune for it", (how's that for negative).
    So how much is enough? All of it!
    As you say, "the ideal place it can take you is learning how to celebrate money and material things instead of worshiping them. How to own them, instead of them owning you". That's a nice place to be and I'm so glad we have you to explain it to people the way you do.
    I had better go now or Bones might think this is a solicitation to make out with you. LOL.

  22. I was in a training and the trainer, who does possess nice cars, multiple watches and other things that I desire told a story about his next door neighbor. The neighbor was asking him in an inappropriate way, "Why do you need to live like that? You don't need all those cars and watches! You're too flashy and its unnecessary!" He told us that his reply to the neighbor was, "You know what? You're looking at my lifestyle thinking of your bank account and that's why you say the things that you do. I work hard, I help, teach and train people all over the world so if I want to treat myself to the things I desire, that's what i'm going to do".

    Of course this was a neighbor before he moved out of that neighborhood into his dream home. But I see you're point, Randy, about people looking at things from a position of lack

  23. Be glad that you’re greedy; the national economy would collapse if you weren’t. — Mignon McLaughlin

    Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery. — Beverly Johnson

    I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor: Rich is better. — Sophie Tucker

    What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you
    money. — Henny Youngman

  24. In my opinion the world is a very big place, and it is also mysterious, exciting and full of wonder. That is why the world is never enough.
    Many people think that they are going to live forever, and that eventually will find a balanced happy life. But I believe there is no power on this Earth that will guarantee I live one minute longer, so the only thing left to do is to live life to the fullest, without timidity or regrets. It's like this huge playground where you just experiment and share your findings with others.
    Under this light, the only thing you can control are your own emotions and decisions, and that is a great gift we've been given.

  25. Well you got a way to go to catch Jay Leno!! ha ha... he needs a warehouse for all his wheels.. whatever gets you off... I love food and wine... I get a food blog and this guy eats in all those fou fou restaurants, 20 courses later kind of thing and I told him I can maybe do one of those once a month... for me it's too much, but some foodies love to see what a chef can do and how creative they can be...
    When I get my biz going I plan on tithing 10% to the Culinary Institute for a student media scholarship... create and give back!!

  26. Woo Hoo ... what amazing comments from all.

    Randy, I love what you said,
    "But the important thing is to never lose sight of where the true joy comes from.” AND “Limitations are bad. Boundaries are good."

    I'm really new to all this. I was raised with that 'mind virus of lack' ... anytime I flirted with financial success the spirits of my ancestors were there to reminded me that money was the 'root of all evil' and that money 'did not buy happiness' … not to mention that I should ‘know my place’ as a woman (lol).

    A couple of years ago Abraham (and NOT the biblical one) came into my life and a ‘cast of characters’ followed. Last year I gave my life a swift kick in the butt and just started over from scratch … and I do mean from scratch. There has been a great deal of turbulence on the flight, but this trip I KNOW I am going to travel down that road of abundance with no guilt. I will even finish my book 😉

    I have come to the realization that we all make way too much of this. Joy … Joy … Joy is the ‘key’. When we are feeling ‘joy’ with our earthly possessions we are on the right track. When we are ‘keeping up with the Jones’ … we’re way off track. When we are taking action with integrity … we’re on the right track. When we are ‘ants’ rather than ‘grasshoppers’ (from Aesop’s Fables), we’re on the right track. We seem to have forgotten the ‘moral to the stories’.

    When is it ‘enough’? Only when we stop launching the rockets of desire.

    Now … I’m on my way to watch Materialism or Minimalism 🙂

  27. Hi Randy

    Great topic.

    Never too much money for me. When I can buy everything what I need to fabulous life ( and I do not need 15 or 100 cars - too many things could make my life too busy. You need spend time to manage these all things, estates etc., even if you have workers).. So if I have really much I could buy things for my family, friends and later do something for the world. I would have big fun and pleasure in it! So never too much! Always is something to buy and always is some way to spend money good.


  28. all is you and you are expanding.. as long as you see you.. and you devour you(the joy of being alive) never enough is enough because you see the whole you

  29. I don't know if anybody gonna care about my post but, I've thought about that last year. For me personally, I'm not rich or have a good satisfying job, ever. Although, I have found something I like doing on the internet.

    Anyway, minus having money and a 'good paying job', I'm actually satisfied with my situation right now since last couple of years. I found out after finish paying mortgage on my house that I've literally been on a 'semi-retired' mode. I don't need much money anymore besides paying my monthly bills. I don't really care if I eat for the day except when I nd to when I'm hungry or thirsty.

    I love playing games and I can't stop myself from buying more of that. I don't go out much, even sometime I thought of traveling for holidays but even though if I have money, I'm totally homely and lazy to go through all the hassles of flying or taking the train.

    Yeah, I'll love to have more money, maybe to buy hot cars, travel around the world, try out nice food etc. But, in the end though, I thought that maybe all that aren't really what I want.

    How much is enough you ask me?

    Maybe, it doesn't really matter as long as you you're satisfied and happy with what you already have. Hey, nothing last forever, that's what I always say and materials thing can only makes you happy for awhile.

    It's the inner peace that we're all looking for?

    For me, I've found mine ..

  30. I will never get enough of the stuff that really rock my boat - experiences, knowledge, travel, people, beauty, nature, plays, books, music, growth. And while I love things, I am incredibly particular about what I allow in my space. Aesthetics & quality is more important than quantity. So for the things that I do have, I cherish with my entire being till it ceases to give me joy - then I release it to someone else. And maybe it gets replaced, with something that gives me more joy. So, it'll never be enough, for this process continues ceaselessly, and I love it. 🙂

  31. It is fascinating to me that the EXACT same people who say "don't you have enough" are the ones who ask for loans, favors, and donations for people/ things that matter to them.

  32. We all define prosperity or abundance differently because we're all different.

    For some it is the richness of family and friends. For others it is the balance in their bank account.
    For others it is what they can do for or give to others.

    The donation of your time to an organization can be 10 times more valuable than a monetary contribution...or vice versa...depending on your talents and what can be accomplished with the application of either.

    Open your mind, open your heart and you'll be surprised how much prosperity and abundance will flow into your life.

  33. "It means you accept that you are worthy."

    Any question asking about 'enough' is always from a point of view stuck in lack, insufficiency, envy or want.

    Recently I mentioned my plan for the next 150 years of my life. The reply was "Why would you want to live that long?" I said, “I could spend eternity here if They let me!”

    This week I have been contemplating the following:

    Whenever something doesn't work out the way I thought it would or think it should, instead of thinking that something went wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.

    It has been producing lots of serendipity and substantiates worthiness.

    1. "Whenever something doesn’t work out the way I thought it would or think it should, instead of thinking that something went wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent. "

      A perspective I absolutely share with you, Michael! Good stuff!



  34. Yeeeeeeeeeea Buddy ! Why not have it all!

    Life is suppose to be fun! That is why you are here this time grasshopper!

    Why you do things is important! Did you buy the bounce house because you felt guilty or Did you feel good because you brought joy into the life of the young girl?

    Both gifts to yourself are equally important. I feel good when I see joy in anyone because we are really all divine! Even when you rant!

  35. My thoughts are it's more important what you do with what is given to you. I actually view myself as a temporary custodian over everything that is given to me. If i'm stingy and hoard it all away than GOD will show me why I don't deserve those things. A few years ago I honestly thought I could retire and become a real estate tycoon. My world changed almost overnight. I've learned to be grateful for even the little things like a bed, a stove, a refrigerator. Without gratitude you cannot nor will you receive more.

  36. Randy,

    I lllooovvveee the "Money doesn't buy happiness, but NEITHER DOES POVERTY!"

    I can pretty much group my friends into 2 groups: the bigger group looks down on money and one of them speaks of money as if it literally were filth.

    And yet, she's been talking about starting a charity to help adopted/fostered children.... So she started doing the leg work to investigate what it would take to start that charity and she went to see an attorney who informed her that it would take a whole lotta money THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE!

    The other, much smaller group, composed of 4 or 5 of us individuals do believe in accumulating wealth. In our own ways, we are working on building our individual wealth. At some point in our futures, we will have the financial and emotional resources to start the charities that are near to our hearts.

    For me personally, enough is enough when I have run out of the emotional/spiritual resources to handle that level of materialism in a healthy, appropriate way.

    I recently sold one of my last Oreck air filters. Of course at the moment of sale it's now a used air filter but the lady who purchased it from me was so very excited because she was buying it for her husband who has severe allergies. Some people might say I'm greedy because I had 2 when I "really only needed one" air filter. But I had the financial resources to purchase them brand new. The woman who purchased it from me did not have that same level of financial resources to go to the Oreck store and buy one new. But the used filter she purchased from me gave her the same joy.

    So what? You have a whole bunch of new cars. Maybe you'll keep them. Maybe you'll trade them in and someone who cannot currently afford a new car will take great joy in purchasing a gently used one.

    The next time someone complains about materialism, ask THEM to donate 1 billion dollars of their own money to their favorite house of worship or charity (like Ted Turner did).

    The complainers are lack thinkers who are jealous and ashamed of admitting that they are lack thinkers so they cover up their shame by trying to make the wealth builders look greedy.

    Well, it's the "greedy" wealth builders that are able to donate huge quantities of money to worthy causes.

    It's the lack thinkers who are expecting their families to carry the burden of supporting them in their old age because they didn't believe in building wealth (of whatever size would be necessary) to support themselves independently.

    I think this insidious social norm is especially perpetuated in families. I used to earn close to $100K designing systems. It took a lot of sacrifice for me to build up to that level of income. On one vacation trip to my parents home, I was telling my mom about a business trip that I was going to take to China and other parts of Asia. You could see the jealousy on her face - my own mom! - as she said, "It must be nice."

    But ask my mom if she'll sign up to my network marketing business and she'll jump off her seat to emphasize how she's so desperately "afraid of rejection" and how she doesn't need to build financial security because "her children will support her financially in her old age along with her self-inflicted health issues/expenses."

    Take one of those "enough is enough" people, flip them over like a pancake and underneath you'll find someone who is lazy and has an entitlement mentality.

  37. Start a car museum, then you can place all of the special models in there and keep them in good condition in a place where they can be appreciated by others for years to come.

    Then you can also still go and see them without having to feel any loss for having gotten rid of one or more of your favourites.

    Having 100 cars in your garage may be seen as a bit excessive to some. Share them with others, however, and you will be loved my car lovers the World over.
    Jase 🙂

  38. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for sharing the love. This post just brings one thought to my mind, namely how we people look at the world. Some of us look through the eyes and this view is very limited. For this people it's like asking a question: "How much love is enough?" On the other hand some of us look through the heart and I believe those people see what others cannot see. This is were limitations disappears and then enough is never enough.

  39. Great post and food for thought.

    I have less stuff now that ever before and yet I have achieved more happiness and contentment. Doesn't mean it's right for everyone, but for me I have learned what matters for me, what is important to me and also redefined my values and goals. I think we have to find what works for us. The context also will change what is a priority and what's not. Just seeing my fellow Australians on the other side of the country lose their friends, family, their homes and businesses has caused me to stop and question again what truly matters and is where I am spending my energy, time and money a reflection of what I say I value.
    So many people reacted to this by wanting to cancel Australia Day celebrations and fireworks. I disagree being able to come together and celebrate is an important part of life. Celebrate our successes big and small is part of an attitude of gratitude.

  40. Hey RG- I found your post very interesting. I don't know if the answer is easy one way or another but here's my take on it. It's not about how much we have. 100 cars or 200. The prosperity consciousness is the same wether it's 5 cars or 100. The bouncy house or 100 cars are the same thing. Is it practical to have 100 cars? Compared to what and under whose rules? Maybe the practicality of what others perceive of excess is the ability to now share even more. I say damn the practicality. Wether its 100 cars, 100 homes or 100 Prada shoes, there is no limit to your worthiness in the eyes of consciousness. The rules are only ours. Thanks mate.

  41. Randy,

    Wow, you bring up some important questions. I believe at any point in a person's life, whether they have very little material posessions or everything they could ever want, there can be a "feeling" of not-enoughness.

    I think it's important to realize it's only a feeling and it can easily be released.

    At the same time, we will always be a creative being, so will constantly be creating more. It's what you do with it and how grateful for what you have that matters.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post!


  42. How Much is Enough? Kinda depends... are you talking about my stuff or my Hubby's? Like George Carlin said, "Ever notice how other people's stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?"

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  • 84 comments on “How Much is Enough?”

    1. How much is enough?

      How much love is enough?
      How much happiness is enough?
      How much living is enough?
      How much self deprivation is enough?
      How much suffering is enough?
      How many questions is enough?
      How much fitness is enough?
      How much joy is enough?
      How much money is enough?

      I don't think I could ever experience too much love, happiness, life fitness-health, joy, money.....

      I think we are critical of others when we lack that which others have that we may want more of.

      Often we just don't put in the effort to, or are scared to, earn that which we perceive others to have. There is a price to be paid for everything, often the payment goes un-noticed, just the result registers.

      Poor dietary choices, bad hygiene, lack of physical activities results ultimately in poor life expression. When is enough, enough?

      It is all very different from one being to another.

      Brian J

          1. Before you two start making out about how much you agree, I want to jolt something from you for a moment...

            You said:"There is a price to be paid for everything, often the payment goes un-noticed, just the result registers.

            Well, using that same thinking, you CAN have too much money, love, physical fitness, etc- because you have to DO something for them- you must pay a price.

            You can be SOOOO physically fit that you never get to enjoy some of the world's great foods.

            You can be SOOOO happy that you are completely un-relatable and friendless.

            You can be SOOOO rich that you never have time for anything other than money creation.

            ALL things in balance and moderation to your personal liking. Everything costs something.

            My writing this post takes the TIME from something else.

            I'm all for "Both" instead of "or", but can we PLEASE be real on this blog?

            1. Bones, excuse me while I puke. Why couldn’t someone be obscenely wealthy and be retired? Why couldn’t someone be so happy that they attract friends like bees to honey? You really seem to be taking the ‘glass half full’ approach to this dialogue.

            2. Thanks Bones, Annie is suspended right now. But I knew if we discussed wealth and prosperity, I could count on you to find the cloud in this silver lining! 🙂


            3. The whole point of this conver
              sation is balance. Loving and
              appreciating yourself while
              having empathy and respect
              for others. Living up to your Dreams
              without destroying your values.
              Replacing doubt/emptiness/lack
              with beauty/abundance and the
              opportunity change the lives of
              others. No Rain Here.

    2. Randy, you were one of the first people who taught me that life is not about "either/or" situations. It's about realizing that we can have both.

      I lived for years with all kinds of completely made-up contrasts:

      - I could be a good father OR have a successful business
      - I could buy Gucci shoes OR give money to World Vision
      - I could donate money to the church building fund OR I could vacation in Rome

      It was so frustrating. Because if you looked at my life, everything I was doing was focused on getting more prosperity in my life. But if you looked at my mindset, I was doing my best to push it away!

      Listening to the Prosperity audio set really assisted me in seeing that these things didn't have to be "either/or" situations. That I could do both.

      Life-changing stuff. And this article affirms it again for me. Thanks!


      1. Bless you Tony.
        I have lived the same limits and frustrations until my mentors (Randy Gage, Michael Masterson, Jim Rohn, etc) showed me by example, that I can live the life of my dreams without hurting or comprising my values or the lives of others. My success propels others to do the same, especially my children, who will impact the future for the better.
        I had to release limits/negative beliefs
        Prioritize my goals
        Make time work for me not the other way around
        Dream impossible dreams!
        See you at the top.

    3. i have just read the post, and am happy and fortunate and blessed to be in a position where i can truthfully hand-on-heart say that i have 'enough' in my life.
      my life is truly blessed with variety and abundance and i am truly grateful.

      1. You haven't seen what yet . . . the crabby patty formula! Sorry, Plankton, I mean Trey; Annie told me to write this. (She couldn't herself, being that she's expelled . . . oops, I mean suspended.)

    4. So have I found the balance where it works best for me yet? Not by a long shot. There are so many things I'd still like to get that would make my life easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. I don't think that I could say I have too much stuff and it's actually a drain on my energy and resources to maintain them. I could see how that could happen though. As much as I love performance cars, I could also see that having more than a handful of them would mean that some of them just sit there, never really get used, take up space and cost money for no real purpose. I don't really see the point in that. I like to use the nice stuff every day, whether that's the jewellery, glassware, a dress or the Ferrari. Otherwise it ages and it ends up being ready for disposal when it's still brand new. I agree that small things can bring immense joy. I am just salivating waiting for my new Kindle, all for $200. But I also get really excited about a brand new couch, a holiday somewhere tropical or a brand new car. I want them all!

    5. randy i dont think there never is enough as long as you live life they way you want.Ibelieve if everyone had this attitude the world would be a better place.Ihate when people put limits on themselves and they try to put limits on others who are living the life they want to live.My motto is live it up baby?

    6. Hi Randy,
      I know which present you got the most joy from, and so does the little girl!

      Around 18 years ago, I lived in Dubai and had everything. The big villa; the cars; and I travelled to over 54 countries between Carol, Singapore and Africa and even best, someone else paid for it! The reason it disappeared is not for this forum, but suffice to say, I traded bringing my children up as a father, for making more money and having "things".

      My life is now being rebuilt again slowly and I will not make the same mistakes.

      Yes you can and should have both and I believe that by having both, having prosperity, you can lead a more balanced, peaceful, and satisfying life.

      Randy, thank you for the leadership.


    7. When it comes to wanting more and creating/manifesting more, I struggled for years before clearing up past religious programming. It was hard for me to imagine God/the Universe caring if I wanted more material things with so many people (especially outside the U.S.) who didn't have the basics of life.

      It's not the amount of financial wealth that dictates how generous someone gives to others from their wealth. It's the amount of love and empathy one has. And the more one has, the more one can give.

      I see no difference in someone making 200K having whatever kind of house and cars he or she has that meets their budget and someone who makes many millions having many high end cars and many lavish houses that meets their budget.

      Either one is probably similar in how they prioritize their funds, percentage wise.

      1. Hi Alan,
        I like your post. Many stories in the Bible exemplify the case of people who have worked hard, lived true to the beliefs and values and grasped "dreams/visions" that seemed impossible to achieve. They grasped the hand of the Divine, believed where there was no physical evidence for it and achieved great things including abundance, wealth, power and the ability to affect the world. Why should it be any different today??

          1. Kathleen, I'm don't know what you
            mean with your second comment, but thanks
            for your feedback.

            I agree with your comments about
            the Bible being full of stories of those
            who manifested great wealth, power and

    8. P.S. As for which gift (the 200K car or the $200 gift for the four year old girl) gave Randy the most joy?

      Two very different situations that can't be compared. I'm guessing both were immeasurably joyous.

    9. I remember a story concearning Eric Clapton .
      He came to a turnpoint in his life where he made a 180 degree turn when he found himself waking up in a severe drug problem and short after that he was getting successful in 12 step program lost his 4 year old son falling down.

      Facing the fact that he hade made a lot of wonderful music and lived a materialistic bundande life having more than the money he ever needed in lifes times - he was confronted with the question what his wish for life was .

      - The only thing I could wish is one more day .

      I could honestly ask for other things than tomorrow if I would like to live debt free and pay back for old sins.
      Money cant buy freedom but certainly some free-from.

      Fascinating episod of my life right now - thanx , friends and mentors.

    10. Well I have to agree that we all must find our individual balance when it comes to those things that bring us Joy. Like you Randy, I'm a car buff albeit we have different tastes. And when it comes to cars, there are many categories of which vintage collectible cars are one. For the collector who's extremely prosperous and LOVES vintage cars, he probably cannot have enough of them and like fine paintings they appreciate in value. But even the collector draws the line somewhere. Ralph Lauren's collection is one of the best in the world, but he doesn't own 100 cars.

      That said, my personal desires and goals are very high, but amongst them are a circle of amazing, successful friends along with those that make a difference regardless of income. And when it comes to Love, I don't think we can ever really have enough nor give enough.

      So how much is too much? It all depends. I won't be materially happy until I have my Porsche GT3, Aston Martin Vantage, Mercedes E350 and Range Rover Sport in the garage.. and a few vintage cars too. But my REAL goal is to experience Joy every moment and enhance the lives of people all over the world.

      Thanks Randy.. as always a great post!

      1. "My REAL goal is to experience Joy every moment and enhance the lives of people all over the world."

        No finer goal, Jonathon. Touche!

        To add a bit to that, to some people, things bring the job, to others, people bring the joy, to others it takes both. We must all find our own way and not judge others.

        Life is a process of learning, and life is the best teacher. If we commit to being the best student we can be, the joy we all seek will find us.

    11. It's "enough" in a bad way when the things become who you are. We must remember that the moments of joy, regardless of how they come, are when we feel that it's "enough" in a good way. What may be enough for me, may not be enough for you.

      Ensuring that we don't judge others by our own parameters is the key to not coming from a place of lack.

      Randy, thanks for always making me think of things in a different way. I truly enjoy reading your rants.

      Best- Heather

    12. I think your approach is divine,meaning that it reaches the point of human achievement... the fulfilment of our god-given talents to help others (to bring joy and to help others attain their highest good) and to reap the bounty and joy that come from allowing that god-given talent to express itself (the rewards both spiritual and spiritual, as in a garge filled with gorgeous cars). As someone who believes in a joy-filled, prosperous, forgiving god, I am thrilled that you get to enjoy your well-earned bounty while helping others to discover their purpose, and treasures on earth!

    13. Randy,
      I really like the "no limitations, good boundaries" idea. I am learning to appreciate what quality and style bring to my life and that if something significantly improves my surroundings, lifestyle, productivity, then it is prudent to acquire it. Acquiring and sharing are very different than coveting and hoarding. Motive is very important.

    14. Reminds me of a talk Jim Rohn gave years ago. He said, "If you can make more should you? Yes. Even if you are happy with all you have, there's someone else you can bless with your excess". Of course I learned from you Randy to give only if it makes you happy to give. Thanks for that.

      Joy can be found in watching a child find a penny.

      Prosperity is far deeper than most of may ever understand.
      A long, happy, joyous life salute to you Randy!

    15. Hello!
      Reading this post I was thinking about my own experience on the subject of “either / or” and “how much is enough” in my life. Just simple instance to explain what I’m talking about. For several years I have been in the mobile phones. I was looking to them in electronic shops, searching reviews in internet, comparing different models, “ what would I prefer if…” on so on and so forth.
      I would like to notice that:
      - I don’t need more than one phone really
      - all these new models and imaginary advantages and upgrades are just a marketing trick to make us shell out and pay
      - this mania’s made me a maniac (just look at these two words that way)
      - I’ve spent so much time thinking of these phones, lost so much energy, you even can’t imagine! How many great and useful things would I have been able to create if I had invested all this passion in the more appropriate constructive directions!
      - All these dilemmas whether to buy that one or that one or the both together, should I spend money or not, why that guy already has the new model and I don’t, does he earn more, do I earn enough to afford… and so on, they are all brought up by lack of self-respect and self-confidence
      - I have bought 4 phones ( now I have no idea why and for what), but I was emotionally exhausted and disappointed!
      - That didn’t make me happier even a little bit, because that is the game! There will never be enough! Marketing and advertisement and “image issues” will always force you to desire more! If you just having bought one middle-price thing and you are feeling well and satisfied with that – think - so much guys won’t make extra profits!!! The strategy is to make you desire “super thing 100”, make you sleeping badly without that, make you buy it and then…. Yes, right, you see the “super thing 200” ads on your way to office and feel badly again!
      The resume I’ve done by all these processes is that my weakness to buy all that things and to pay so much attention is all about lack of self-respect and self-confidence! The root of this issue is that we’ve lost an ability to decide what to do, what our life should be like, what matters for me and why, etc.
      We are taught just to look for shortcuts: “to be happy you have to be like this, wear that, drive that, otherwise you are looser anyway”.
      I think, the right way to solve dilemmas like that is to listen to yourself and only to yourself! Just try to block all that outside noise and think that way: “what do I really need to myself personally? What kinds of material things fit my inner needs the most? Or how much items would satisfy my objective needs? If everyone on the Earth had had that particular thing and it doesn’t make me feel privileged to own one, would I still have been interested in? Does a possessing this one mean for me things like: “oh, how great it would be to show this one to my neighbor (co-worker, whoever esle, never matter)! Or “Peter and Jack and Julie already have it, am I worse? ”“ and so on you got the idea.
      Extra consumption doesn’t make you happier by itself! I don’t mean that you shouldn’t have big V8 SUV or new Iphone, or high performing laptop, but you need to realize and critically comprehend that you need all of that stuff to bring e.g. your family and friends to the countryside to have a picnic, to have a real (not imaginary) opportunity to work with emails and internet while you’re out of the office, create beautiful 3D building projects and so on and that is the really worth. And you have to clearly understand what makes you happy and what is just a tool being useless without purpose, what is the cause and what is the consequence! That’s the way as I see it.

    16. I don't think it is up to us, how much is enough, as much as it is, what we do with what we are given? "To whom much is given, much is expected. I interpret this to mean that what we are given, is to be enjoyed and also shared. Whether that be material or wisdom. Happiness for me is in finding the balance. The story of the talons talks about the 1, 3, and 10 talons that were given. The one with 10 multiplied it. The one with 3 multiplied it. The one with 1 buried it and did not multipy. If we waste what we are given and do not use it, then it is taken away as the story goes. Same in life. We are intended to be prosperous. This is a manifesting universe. If we waste what we are given, we receive no more. If we multiply what we are given, we prosper. My belief is that the reason we are here on this earth is to love. How we are able to do that depends greatly on what we have to give. If we hoard, we do not multiply. If we keep what we need and give then we prosper. I enjoy the best in life and feel great joy and appreciation when I book the best suite or fly privately, or buy an Armani suit, or live on the ocean. We are all intended to have everything we want if we use our god given gifts. The giving is the best part of all. When you are in a position of abundance, I believe I am to give back. Where ever I see a need, I fill it, whether that be monetarily or wisdom. No matter how many fancy cars I drive or possessions I own, nothing takes the place of the feeling inside of knowing that you were able to make a difference for someone who needed it. We do everything, ultimately to feel loved. What I finally realized is that what I was searching for was already inside of me waiting to be expressed. That's where the ultimate joy is found. And for those of us who have used wisely what has been given to us all, knows what the ultimate gift and feeling is, and it can't be bought. We already all own it. Some of us find it and share it. Others will never search and never know.

    17. "The Secret" isn't popular anymore.


      Because it's not working!


      Because people aren't changing themselves!

      You can't build a house on an old house.

      Actually the Master Key System, which was the background to The Secret, brings these things up.

      You really have to empty your cup and redefine yourself. You are not what you think, and that’s where you have to go.

      When you really find out who and what you are, you won't be able to sleep at night, because you realize what you can actually do.

      You have all the power of creation and existence within you. What more could you need!

      This is what you are here to discover. That's why you're getting pushed into the recesses of yourself, especially now. Take the opportunity!

      1. We have to do the work, empty the cup (vacuum law of prosperity) to replace the lack with fullness as you say. It's hard, painful and confusing sometimes. Unfortunately only a few will "the Secret" of prosperity and freedom and rest will go back to their beer and tv remotes and be told what to believe.

    18. Randy,

      I think I've been reading your blog for too long now what I'm about to comment on has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand but since I know you check in and read the post I'm going to go ahead and share this.

      During periods of dream state last night I found myself having a dream with you in it. I saw myself approach your house and when I entered the man I saw was very old and completely different than what your physical appearance is.

      Regardless, I knew it was you, you were surrounded by three people very close to you non of which I knew but remained closed to you for the conversation.

      Your words to me were, How is your life going now?
      My response was, better than ever before, and with that you reached for my hands and touched the tips of my fingers.

      No further words transpired only an exchange of energy took place and as I felt the energy flowing up the tips of my fingers I awoke.

      I do believe I connected to your highest self, it only reinforces my belief in the work you are doing and the service you are providing for so many that read this platform. I have not been able to get the vision out of my mind simply because it was so vivid and so real.

      My apologies if this comment is out of context but was compelled to share.

      With Gratitude

      1. So awesome.

        I've shared things like this that I've had with Randy too.

        Tho I've been awake - and had images of him in similar ways. Truly precious!

        Mr Gage. Do you know how loved you are? xox

    19. Enough is enough when you try to sleep at night wondering if you made the right decision.

      The power of greed has taken over this country and most of our lives in one way or another. And trying to raise children with confidence, respect, and good values has never been harder.

      I raised 3 children during the last 27 years, all respected individuals, earned what they received from their parents with excellent grades and wonderful values. They never asked for more than I could give, and all had brand new cars at 16 because they earned it. But enough was enough, and they all had to get a job and pay for their car insurance and gas. In my opinion there always has to be limitations.

      Having enough of everything and respecting what you have, how you got it, and having control of "you" and your future growth is enough. But always growing as a person is never enough....

    20. As a child of thy Father" enough"
      The Heart is as the Universe is endless.
      Love is endless.
      Mind is powerful.
      Enough negativity.
      Enough cancer.Enough diseases.
      Enough famine.Enough depression.
      Boy the joy in writing that.To thine own self be true.
      Light let there be light in all of our lives.
      And remember Love melts all impossible situations.
      Happiness is as happiness does.
      Love You Long Time.


    21. Hi Randy. It's like when someone says "$2000 a night for a room, I'm only going to be in it for a few hours, and I'll be asleep".
      They obviously haven't done it and more to the point, can't.. so they use the excuse to justify the miserable existence they are fully aware of. I used to do it all the time. "The car gets you from A to B so why pay a fortune for it", (how's that for negative).
      So how much is enough? All of it!
      As you say, "the ideal place it can take you is learning how to celebrate money and material things instead of worshiping them. How to own them, instead of them owning you". That's a nice place to be and I'm so glad we have you to explain it to people the way you do.
      I had better go now or Bones might think this is a solicitation to make out with you. LOL.

    22. I was in a training and the trainer, who does possess nice cars, multiple watches and other things that I desire told a story about his next door neighbor. The neighbor was asking him in an inappropriate way, "Why do you need to live like that? You don't need all those cars and watches! You're too flashy and its unnecessary!" He told us that his reply to the neighbor was, "You know what? You're looking at my lifestyle thinking of your bank account and that's why you say the things that you do. I work hard, I help, teach and train people all over the world so if I want to treat myself to the things I desire, that's what i'm going to do".

      Of course this was a neighbor before he moved out of that neighborhood into his dream home. But I see you're point, Randy, about people looking at things from a position of lack

    23. Be glad that you’re greedy; the national economy would collapse if you weren’t. — Mignon McLaughlin

      Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery. — Beverly Johnson

      I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor: Rich is better. — Sophie Tucker

      What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you
      money. — Henny Youngman

    24. In my opinion the world is a very big place, and it is also mysterious, exciting and full of wonder. That is why the world is never enough.
      Many people think that they are going to live forever, and that eventually will find a balanced happy life. But I believe there is no power on this Earth that will guarantee I live one minute longer, so the only thing left to do is to live life to the fullest, without timidity or regrets. It's like this huge playground where you just experiment and share your findings with others.
      Under this light, the only thing you can control are your own emotions and decisions, and that is a great gift we've been given.

    25. Well you got a way to go to catch Jay Leno!! ha ha... he needs a warehouse for all his wheels.. whatever gets you off... I love food and wine... I get a food blog and this guy eats in all those fou fou restaurants, 20 courses later kind of thing and I told him I can maybe do one of those once a month... for me it's too much, but some foodies love to see what a chef can do and how creative they can be...
      When I get my biz going I plan on tithing 10% to the Culinary Institute for a student media scholarship... create and give back!!

    26. Woo Hoo ... what amazing comments from all.

      Randy, I love what you said,
      "But the important thing is to never lose sight of where the true joy comes from.” AND “Limitations are bad. Boundaries are good."

      I'm really new to all this. I was raised with that 'mind virus of lack' ... anytime I flirted with financial success the spirits of my ancestors were there to reminded me that money was the 'root of all evil' and that money 'did not buy happiness' … not to mention that I should ‘know my place’ as a woman (lol).

      A couple of years ago Abraham (and NOT the biblical one) came into my life and a ‘cast of characters’ followed. Last year I gave my life a swift kick in the butt and just started over from scratch … and I do mean from scratch. There has been a great deal of turbulence on the flight, but this trip I KNOW I am going to travel down that road of abundance with no guilt. I will even finish my book 😉

      I have come to the realization that we all make way too much of this. Joy … Joy … Joy is the ‘key’. When we are feeling ‘joy’ with our earthly possessions we are on the right track. When we are ‘keeping up with the Jones’ … we’re way off track. When we are taking action with integrity … we’re on the right track. When we are ‘ants’ rather than ‘grasshoppers’ (from Aesop’s Fables), we’re on the right track. We seem to have forgotten the ‘moral to the stories’.

      When is it ‘enough’? Only when we stop launching the rockets of desire.

      Now … I’m on my way to watch Materialism or Minimalism 🙂

    27. Hi Randy

      Great topic.

      Never too much money for me. When I can buy everything what I need to fabulous life ( and I do not need 15 or 100 cars - too many things could make my life too busy. You need spend time to manage these all things, estates etc., even if you have workers).. So if I have really much I could buy things for my family, friends and later do something for the world. I would have big fun and pleasure in it! So never too much! Always is something to buy and always is some way to spend money good.


    28. all is you and you are expanding.. as long as you see you.. and you devour you(the joy of being alive) never enough is enough because you see the whole you

    29. I don't know if anybody gonna care about my post but, I've thought about that last year. For me personally, I'm not rich or have a good satisfying job, ever. Although, I have found something I like doing on the internet.

      Anyway, minus having money and a 'good paying job', I'm actually satisfied with my situation right now since last couple of years. I found out after finish paying mortgage on my house that I've literally been on a 'semi-retired' mode. I don't need much money anymore besides paying my monthly bills. I don't really care if I eat for the day except when I nd to when I'm hungry or thirsty.

      I love playing games and I can't stop myself from buying more of that. I don't go out much, even sometime I thought of traveling for holidays but even though if I have money, I'm totally homely and lazy to go through all the hassles of flying or taking the train.

      Yeah, I'll love to have more money, maybe to buy hot cars, travel around the world, try out nice food etc. But, in the end though, I thought that maybe all that aren't really what I want.

      How much is enough you ask me?

      Maybe, it doesn't really matter as long as you you're satisfied and happy with what you already have. Hey, nothing last forever, that's what I always say and materials thing can only makes you happy for awhile.

      It's the inner peace that we're all looking for?

      For me, I've found mine ..

    30. I will never get enough of the stuff that really rock my boat - experiences, knowledge, travel, people, beauty, nature, plays, books, music, growth. And while I love things, I am incredibly particular about what I allow in my space. Aesthetics & quality is more important than quantity. So for the things that I do have, I cherish with my entire being till it ceases to give me joy - then I release it to someone else. And maybe it gets replaced, with something that gives me more joy. So, it'll never be enough, for this process continues ceaselessly, and I love it. 🙂

    31. It is fascinating to me that the EXACT same people who say "don't you have enough" are the ones who ask for loans, favors, and donations for people/ things that matter to them.

    32. We all define prosperity or abundance differently because we're all different.

      For some it is the richness of family and friends. For others it is the balance in their bank account.
      For others it is what they can do for or give to others.

      The donation of your time to an organization can be 10 times more valuable than a monetary contribution...or vice versa...depending on your talents and what can be accomplished with the application of either.

      Open your mind, open your heart and you'll be surprised how much prosperity and abundance will flow into your life.

    33. "It means you accept that you are worthy."

      Any question asking about 'enough' is always from a point of view stuck in lack, insufficiency, envy or want.

      Recently I mentioned my plan for the next 150 years of my life. The reply was "Why would you want to live that long?" I said, “I could spend eternity here if They let me!”

      This week I have been contemplating the following:

      Whenever something doesn't work out the way I thought it would or think it should, instead of thinking that something went wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.

      It has been producing lots of serendipity and substantiates worthiness.

      1. "Whenever something doesn’t work out the way I thought it would or think it should, instead of thinking that something went wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent. "

        A perspective I absolutely share with you, Michael! Good stuff!



    34. Yeeeeeeeeeea Buddy ! Why not have it all!

      Life is suppose to be fun! That is why you are here this time grasshopper!

      Why you do things is important! Did you buy the bounce house because you felt guilty or Did you feel good because you brought joy into the life of the young girl?

      Both gifts to yourself are equally important. I feel good when I see joy in anyone because we are really all divine! Even when you rant!

    35. My thoughts are it's more important what you do with what is given to you. I actually view myself as a temporary custodian over everything that is given to me. If i'm stingy and hoard it all away than GOD will show me why I don't deserve those things. A few years ago I honestly thought I could retire and become a real estate tycoon. My world changed almost overnight. I've learned to be grateful for even the little things like a bed, a stove, a refrigerator. Without gratitude you cannot nor will you receive more.

    36. Randy,

      I lllooovvveee the "Money doesn't buy happiness, but NEITHER DOES POVERTY!"

      I can pretty much group my friends into 2 groups: the bigger group looks down on money and one of them speaks of money as if it literally were filth.

      And yet, she's been talking about starting a charity to help adopted/fostered children.... So she started doing the leg work to investigate what it would take to start that charity and she went to see an attorney who informed her that it would take a whole lotta money THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE!

      The other, much smaller group, composed of 4 or 5 of us individuals do believe in accumulating wealth. In our own ways, we are working on building our individual wealth. At some point in our futures, we will have the financial and emotional resources to start the charities that are near to our hearts.

      For me personally, enough is enough when I have run out of the emotional/spiritual resources to handle that level of materialism in a healthy, appropriate way.

      I recently sold one of my last Oreck air filters. Of course at the moment of sale it's now a used air filter but the lady who purchased it from me was so very excited because she was buying it for her husband who has severe allergies. Some people might say I'm greedy because I had 2 when I "really only needed one" air filter. But I had the financial resources to purchase them brand new. The woman who purchased it from me did not have that same level of financial resources to go to the Oreck store and buy one new. But the used filter she purchased from me gave her the same joy.

      So what? You have a whole bunch of new cars. Maybe you'll keep them. Maybe you'll trade them in and someone who cannot currently afford a new car will take great joy in purchasing a gently used one.

      The next time someone complains about materialism, ask THEM to donate 1 billion dollars of their own money to their favorite house of worship or charity (like Ted Turner did).

      The complainers are lack thinkers who are jealous and ashamed of admitting that they are lack thinkers so they cover up their shame by trying to make the wealth builders look greedy.

      Well, it's the "greedy" wealth builders that are able to donate huge quantities of money to worthy causes.

      It's the lack thinkers who are expecting their families to carry the burden of supporting them in their old age because they didn't believe in building wealth (of whatever size would be necessary) to support themselves independently.

      I think this insidious social norm is especially perpetuated in families. I used to earn close to $100K designing systems. It took a lot of sacrifice for me to build up to that level of income. On one vacation trip to my parents home, I was telling my mom about a business trip that I was going to take to China and other parts of Asia. You could see the jealousy on her face - my own mom! - as she said, "It must be nice."

      But ask my mom if she'll sign up to my network marketing business and she'll jump off her seat to emphasize how she's so desperately "afraid of rejection" and how she doesn't need to build financial security because "her children will support her financially in her old age along with her self-inflicted health issues/expenses."

      Take one of those "enough is enough" people, flip them over like a pancake and underneath you'll find someone who is lazy and has an entitlement mentality.

    37. Start a car museum, then you can place all of the special models in there and keep them in good condition in a place where they can be appreciated by others for years to come.

      Then you can also still go and see them without having to feel any loss for having gotten rid of one or more of your favourites.

      Having 100 cars in your garage may be seen as a bit excessive to some. Share them with others, however, and you will be loved my car lovers the World over.
      Jase 🙂

    38. Hi Randy,

      Thanks for sharing the love. This post just brings one thought to my mind, namely how we people look at the world. Some of us look through the eyes and this view is very limited. For this people it's like asking a question: "How much love is enough?" On the other hand some of us look through the heart and I believe those people see what others cannot see. This is were limitations disappears and then enough is never enough.

    39. Great post and food for thought.

      I have less stuff now that ever before and yet I have achieved more happiness and contentment. Doesn't mean it's right for everyone, but for me I have learned what matters for me, what is important to me and also redefined my values and goals. I think we have to find what works for us. The context also will change what is a priority and what's not. Just seeing my fellow Australians on the other side of the country lose their friends, family, their homes and businesses has caused me to stop and question again what truly matters and is where I am spending my energy, time and money a reflection of what I say I value.
      So many people reacted to this by wanting to cancel Australia Day celebrations and fireworks. I disagree being able to come together and celebrate is an important part of life. Celebrate our successes big and small is part of an attitude of gratitude.

    40. Hey RG- I found your post very interesting. I don't know if the answer is easy one way or another but here's my take on it. It's not about how much we have. 100 cars or 200. The prosperity consciousness is the same wether it's 5 cars or 100. The bouncy house or 100 cars are the same thing. Is it practical to have 100 cars? Compared to what and under whose rules? Maybe the practicality of what others perceive of excess is the ability to now share even more. I say damn the practicality. Wether its 100 cars, 100 homes or 100 Prada shoes, there is no limit to your worthiness in the eyes of consciousness. The rules are only ours. Thanks mate.

    41. Randy,

      Wow, you bring up some important questions. I believe at any point in a person's life, whether they have very little material posessions or everything they could ever want, there can be a "feeling" of not-enoughness.

      I think it's important to realize it's only a feeling and it can easily be released.

      At the same time, we will always be a creative being, so will constantly be creating more. It's what you do with it and how grateful for what you have that matters.

      Thanks for the thought provoking post!


    42. How Much is Enough? Kinda depends... are you talking about my stuff or my Hubby's? Like George Carlin said, "Ever notice how other people's stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?"

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