Not sure I would characterise what you have said as "unfair" as only the individual can decide if they want to choose "guilt" as a responsive feeling to this post. Although you were the first person who got me "thinking about my thoughts", there are now a number of resources I use to protect and challenge the thoughts I'm thinking. Perhaps the most important now is my wife as she is fully on board with our love of "thoughts become things - choose the good ones"
Not sure how she'll take to being described as a "resource" though!!!
Not sure I would characterise what you have said as "unfair" as only the individual can decide if they want to choose "guilt" as a responsive feeling to this post. Although you were the first person who got me "thinking about my thoughts", there are now a number of resources I use to protect and challenge the thoughts I'm thinking. Perhaps the most important now is my wife as she is fully on board with our love of "thoughts become things - choose the good ones"
Not sure how she'll take to being described as a "resource" though!!!
So many of my thoughts are habitual... I am challenging them daily, and changing my perspective to my advantage.
I'm learning about, and experiencing more of my amazing Prosperity power, by releasing illusions, lies, memes, beliefs and stories - or "mini-self-concepts" I call them, that arn't serving me. I so revere TRULY prosperous "personal prosperity power" #Victory