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Holding the Right Vision

Posted By: Randy GageMay 5, 2009

Sometimes we focus on the wrong thing.  We look at what we are running away from, instead of what we desire to move toward.  This is true of the visions we hold for others, and also the vision we have for ourselves.

So as you pray for the health of yourself or others, pray not for an end to disease, but see radiant health.  Don’t look for an end to addiction, but see freedom.  You may want to escape your dingy apartment, broken down car and stack of overdue bills.  But the way to do that is to hold a vision of your new home, hot ride, and abundant bank account.

Why not take some time today to fine tune your vision?  Leave behind the thoughts of lack, and embrace the wonderful future you want to manifest.  And see the highest good for those you pray for as well.  And if you want to affirm it and make a declaration to the world, feel free to post it below!


P.S.  When you like and receive value from a particular post, will you use the “share the love” box below, and Tweet, Digg or whatever social media you use to spread the word to others?  Mad love to you!

17 comments on “Holding the Right Vision”

  1. So true about focusing on the abundance. Jack Canfield always says the mind does not take in the "not" or "no" so "Don't be sick" registers as "be sick." All affirmations/visualizations/prayers must be in the positive as you so beautifully point out, Randy!

  2. Thanx for the reminder Randy. Sometimes when things are getting tough we sometimes "forget" to focus on the positive and keep on focusing on the negatives. A short reminder like this is just what we need to put us back on track.

  3. Hello Randy,
    You are correct, what a man thinks he becomes.
    As you pray for prosperity for others, your life will
    mirror what you have prayed for.
    The wisdom that the Creator has has blessed
    you with is powerful. Lets share it with others.

  4. Focus on love for yourself, for your spouse, for your kids, for your family and for others and then you'll attract love with all its abundance, prosperity, growth, harmony, true peace and true joy and that's despite of all kinds of challenges. Praise Lord God! From Noli Manalo

  5. True, true. Focus on abundance and your body will be filled with energy to move on i.e. your are inspired. Focus on the negative and cousin fear is certain to pop up. This can lead to expiry. Be inspired or you expire.

  6. We all talk to ourselves all day long, so why not make it a positive talk? Thanks for staying on top of this message, Randy!

    Tom Larsen

  7. Hi!

    Thank you for this reminder. I love the picture of radiant health. This just came in another e-mail:

    Let the body think
    Of the Spirit streaming, pouring,
    Rushing and shining into it from
    all sides. Plotinus



  8. If you haven't made a mind movie to view every morning and every night to see your end results and etch them in your subconcious then do so as soon as possible. However instead of using your favorite song as the theme, as suggested, use music that puts you in theta as the background music to your mind movie for better and faster results. I prefer Psychyl myself but use whatever works for you.

  9. Positive Energy begets Positive Results. If you can believe it ... you can achieve it. My wonderful future is: good health of me and my family, increase of our net income, to have all of our current business ventures be a more successful and more days at the beach enjoying one another!! 8)

  10. Randy, you have made a positive difference in our lifes from reading your books on MLM and then the privilege of meeting you & attending your workshop in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Barbara & I have relocated to the USA in Nov 2007 and miss our positive colleague, so we really look forward to reading your Success & Prosperity bogs. It is like being part of your mastermind group.
    As we have faced various obstacles since arriving here it is important for us to Hold the Right Vision.

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  • 17 comments on “Holding the Right Vision”

    1. So true about focusing on the abundance. Jack Canfield always says the mind does not take in the "not" or "no" so "Don't be sick" registers as "be sick." All affirmations/visualizations/prayers must be in the positive as you so beautifully point out, Randy!

    2. Thanx for the reminder Randy. Sometimes when things are getting tough we sometimes "forget" to focus on the positive and keep on focusing on the negatives. A short reminder like this is just what we need to put us back on track.

    3. Hello Randy,
      You are correct, what a man thinks he becomes.
      As you pray for prosperity for others, your life will
      mirror what you have prayed for.
      The wisdom that the Creator has has blessed
      you with is powerful. Lets share it with others.

    4. Focus on love for yourself, for your spouse, for your kids, for your family and for others and then you'll attract love with all its abundance, prosperity, growth, harmony, true peace and true joy and that's despite of all kinds of challenges. Praise Lord God! From Noli Manalo

    5. True, true. Focus on abundance and your body will be filled with energy to move on i.e. your are inspired. Focus on the negative and cousin fear is certain to pop up. This can lead to expiry. Be inspired or you expire.

    6. We all talk to ourselves all day long, so why not make it a positive talk? Thanks for staying on top of this message, Randy!

      Tom Larsen

    7. Hi!

      Thank you for this reminder. I love the picture of radiant health. This just came in another e-mail:

      Let the body think
      Of the Spirit streaming, pouring,
      Rushing and shining into it from
      all sides. Plotinus



    8. If you haven't made a mind movie to view every morning and every night to see your end results and etch them in your subconcious then do so as soon as possible. However instead of using your favorite song as the theme, as suggested, use music that puts you in theta as the background music to your mind movie for better and faster results. I prefer Psychyl myself but use whatever works for you.

    9. Positive Energy begets Positive Results. If you can believe it ... you can achieve it. My wonderful future is: good health of me and my family, increase of our net income, to have all of our current business ventures be a more successful and more days at the beach enjoying one another!! 8)

    10. Randy, you have made a positive difference in our lifes from reading your books on MLM and then the privilege of meeting you & attending your workshop in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Barbara & I have relocated to the USA in Nov 2007 and miss our positive colleague, so we really look forward to reading your Success & Prosperity bogs. It is like being part of your mastermind group.
      As we have faced various obstacles since arriving here it is important for us to Hold the Right Vision.

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