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Get Laser Focused for Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 15, 2022

(Friday Filosophy 9/16/22)

Happy Freakin’ Friday!

Hope your week is going amazing.  I’m about to head out to the airport, going back to Mexico City.  But before leaving, here’s a topic you may want to reflect on: focus.

You already know how important focus is to your ability to manifest a prosperous life and become the highest possible version of yourself.  But are you really aware of all the focus killers in your life?  The cell phone and social media platforms are universally acknowledged as attention deficit disorder carriers of the utmost magnitude.  And most people with strong self-awareness understand how the clickbait model of journalism can scatter their thoughts and disperse their attention.  But are you cognizant of the many other elements that can strengthen – or murder – your ability to focus?

  • The quality of air you’re breathing.
  • What you eat.
  • The drugs (prescription or recreational) you take.
  • What you drink.
  • How much REM sleep you get.
  • The harmony of your surroundings.
  • Your ability to properly prioritize.

Your homework, if you decide to accept it: Honestly evaluate how the choices you’re making in each of these areas is serving you, or not.

Would you like to know the worst business failure I ever made?  And the prosperity lessons I learned from it? Then block off 13 minutes and 19 seconds of your life and listen to my new podcast: Your Greatest Gift for Prosperity




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Thought for the day: You’re going to have to live with yourself the rest of your life.  Make sure the dreams you’re chasing are your own, not someone else’s.


- RG

P.S. The 2023 dates for my annual Speaker School have been set.  Register here:

Previous Post: Facing Down Challenges

One comment on “Get Laser Focused for Prosperity”

  1. I'm half way thru this book called The Power of Fun.. by Catherine Price.. and she lays out in opening chapters in order to have authentic fun you need to have a sense of playfulness, flow and connection. Two of my fav words in the English language are love and fun. I love having fun!!! I feel so grateful that I love what I do and have a ton of fun doing it.. I love writing about food and wine and I love hosting wine tastings.. it's fun!!! I once visited my mom at this upscale resort in upstate NY where the temperance movement came out of and I said, you gotta wreck someone else's fun, and she said, it's not wrecking other people's fun.. and I said, you're right mom, let's ban gardening, because she was a gardening nut, we're not wrecking your fun, I mean those gardeners get so obsessed about their garden and they spend a fortune on a bunch of plants and flowers that die every season, let's ban gardening, it's for your own good.. she made a sour ball face and didn't have a reply to that proposal..

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  • One comment on “Get Laser Focused for Prosperity”

    1. I'm half way thru this book called The Power of Fun.. by Catherine Price.. and she lays out in opening chapters in order to have authentic fun you need to have a sense of playfulness, flow and connection. Two of my fav words in the English language are love and fun. I love having fun!!! I feel so grateful that I love what I do and have a ton of fun doing it.. I love writing about food and wine and I love hosting wine tastings.. it's fun!!! I once visited my mom at this upscale resort in upstate NY where the temperance movement came out of and I said, you gotta wreck someone else's fun, and she said, it's not wrecking other people's fun.. and I said, you're right mom, let's ban gardening, because she was a gardening nut, we're not wrecking your fun, I mean those gardeners get so obsessed about their garden and they spend a fortune on a bunch of plants and flowers that die every season, let's ban gardening, it's for your own good.. she made a sour ball face and didn't have a reply to that proposal..

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