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Fighting Negativity

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 4, 2019

In the last post, I serenaded you with bubbly effervescent music of why this is the most exciting time to be alive in human history.  And I do truly believe that.  However, I could have just as easily regaled you with a snarky post about all of the negative things going on in the world today. 

  • The deep and bitter political divides
  • How people with differing opinions have such trouble debating issues instead of leveling personal attacks
  • The vast delta of inequity between the wealthy and the poor
  • How the education system is failing us
  • The insidious manipulation and brainwashing being done by the datasphere, organized religion and governments

And of course I could add another 3,456,289 bullet points to this list.  But here’s the most important reality in all this.

Positive beats negative.  Hope conquers fear.

It’s easy to let the negativity overcome you.  That’s because no news network ever led with a story about a country at peace or a plane that landed without incident.  The media runs on clickbait, and politics run on fostering hate and fear.

Superficially it can appear like the world is a very dark place.  But the vast majority of people on the planet are good.  And want to do good for others.

Be mindful of who you choose to spend your time with.  Listen to stuff like my Power Prosperity Podcast.  Stop back here every day.  Watch a cute cat video.  And remember that you live in the greatest time to be alive in human history!

- RG

2 comments on “Fighting Negativity”

  1. Couldn't agree more Randy... life is great.. feel so bad for people who off themselves.. like why didn't you get some help?? Guys like Tony Bourdain or Robin Williams, tons of money, fame and opportunity... saw a Bourdain show and he told a shrink that he gets depressed over a bad burger at the airport... like Jesssusss.. wtf are you thinking??? I got the shits from a bad burger at the SF airport.. but recovered the next day by having a healthy salad and sushi in Seattle and had a ball at a party that night on Seattle's waterfront.. roll with the punches baby... life is great..

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  • 2 comments on “Fighting Negativity”

    1. Couldn't agree more Randy... life is great.. feel so bad for people who off themselves.. like why didn't you get some help?? Guys like Tony Bourdain or Robin Williams, tons of money, fame and opportunity... saw a Bourdain show and he told a shrink that he gets depressed over a bad burger at the airport... like Jesssusss.. wtf are you thinking??? I got the shits from a bad burger at the SF airport.. but recovered the next day by having a healthy salad and sushi in Seattle and had a ball at a party that night on Seattle's waterfront.. roll with the punches baby... life is great..

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