What a great discussion going on the last post Faith It Until You Make It!. Check it if you haven’t already. David raises as interesting question there. He asks, “You got any spiritual advice for an agnostic leaning towards atheist?”
Well as a matter of fact I do! 🙂 As I’ve stated before, I’m not much into labels. And I’m not so arrogant as the fundamentalists to believe the name I use for God has to be the only one, and everyone else will rot and burn in Hell.
Take the person brought up as a typical Southern Baptist. They’ll swear by their Christianity as the only way. Yet if that same person were raised in Iran, they’d likely swear Christians were infidels. The fundamentalists on both sides (and those from other religions) will hold their holy book as the word of God and “proof” of their righteousness, but of course these are all just interpretations written by man.
Most people’s religious beliefs are simply the brainwashing they received as a child. Very few have done any real critical thinking about it. And as soon as religion is even mentioned, their brain freezes, and their knee-jerk emotional programmed reaction kicks in.
So if you’re agnostic or atheist, you may actually have a head start on the issue of harnessing the power of faith. That’s because this may release you from some of the brainwashed emotion that prevents many people from rational thought.
Personally I do believe in God. But I don’t feel the need to shove my religious beliefs down everyone’s throat. And as said earlier, the labels are as important as the principles. I choose to look at the universal principles that govern us, and approach things from the metaphysical avenue.
So I would suggest that even if you don’t believe in God, it makes sense to believe there is some sort of higher power at work. Now whether you call that Infinite Power, universal law, nature, abundance, or camel dung isn’t really important in my eyes. I just believe that the odds of the universe getting created randomly or man evolving from the amoeba by accident are about the same as a tornado passing through a junkyard and assembling the materials there into a Boeing 747.
Now let’s go back to the power of faith, and how we can view this from a metaphysical standpoint…
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, in particular, the relationship between mind and matter. So let’s explore how that relationship works in terms of faith and prosperity consciousness.
I have told you many times that you were born to be healthy, happy, and prosperous. You were born to be rich. So do I really believe that everyone in the world can be wealthy?
As a matter of fact, I do. Now I also understand that each person will only manifest their prosperity to the degree that they understand the consciousness that provides it. And I know there are a lot of confused people in the world right now.
Emmet Fox once stated, “…the thing you see in the outer is the precipitation on the physical plane of a mental equivalent held by one or more people. The secret of successful living is to build up the mental equivalent that you want, and to get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want.”
So what does all this mean?
Quite simply, your prosperity already exists as an ideal in your mind, on the Super-conscious level. Metaphysically speaking, this means that you already have the fulfillment of your prosperity – otherwise you could not have desired it in the first place.
There is a Divine idea for every part of your abundant life. At this very second, in Infinite Mind, there is the idea of total abundance, vibrant health, your perfect vocation, and healthy relationships. Your dream home, designer clothes, a red Lamborghini, or any other material manifestation of prosperity you desire are there as well.
Your prosperity comes from the Power stored within you, waiting for your demand…
Now in order to manifest your good on the physical plane, it is necessary for you to build a bridge between these realms. You must open the channel for your good to appear.
In your true nature, you are a perfect individualization of Infinite Power. This Infinite Power created man in its image. Thus you are the Self-expression of the Infinite Power of the Universe.
Read that last sentence again.
Because you are the manifestation of this Power – this Power is expressing Itself as you – it cannot leave or forsake Its own Self-expression. Infinite Power is above you, below you, next to you, within you, and projecting Itself AS you.
That means that not only are you the image and likeness of this Power, but you are forever one with this Power. You and this Power are one, and can never be separated. And once you understand this at every level of your consciousness, your true awakening has arrived. That is when your faith brings forth your prosperity in the physical realm.
This Infinite Power expresses itself as you, me and everyone (and everything) else on the planet (and millions of other planets).
So how then can we define this expression?
Please share your thoughts, and that’s where we’ll pick up on the next post. And just so you know, I’m about to leave Barcelona, heading out on a cruise. So I won’t be tweeting or posting blogs so much this week, but I’ll check in when I can.
There's a label for your view - s.b.n.r. - spiritual, but not religious. I know you don't like labels but it accurately describes how many of us feel. There is a facebook community for us. Check it out...
Keep up the good work!
I just started reading "Jesus Life Coach" (I have had this for a long time but had not read it.) In it the author, Laurie Beth Jones, says:
"When He told his apostles, "Go tell everyone what you have seen and heard," He wasn't telling them to bonk people on the head with their (as yet nonexistent) Bibles and convert them to think as they did. He was calling them to testify to the transformed lives they had seen ... how blind people could see, how lame people could walk, how mute people could speak, how those who were covered in ashes of despair wore a garland of hope.
That same power- that same divine desire for wholeness and healing- is still at work today...waiting merely to be called upon, listened to, and believed.
Until we focus and define what is most important to us, we live our lives in a haze of other-directed urgencies.
Fulfillment is beyond "success". Knowing the difference will determine what roads and actions you choose to take throughout the day. The shift of a few inches either way can make all the difference...You will become more of a voice, rather than an echo, and daily begin to paint what you love."
In "The Passion Test" the authors, Janet & Chris Attwood, say:
1.) Intention (get clear on what you love)
2.) Attention
3.) No Tension
In "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", Catherine Ponder says about the link between thought & supply:
"...your mind is your connecting link with it. Your attitudes, your mental concepts, beliefs, and outlook are your connecting links...Prosperous thinking opens the way to prosperous results."
"In your true nature, you are a perfect individualization of Infinite Power. This Infinite Power created man in its image. Thus you are the Self-expression of the Infinite Power of the Universe."
Having been born in that image with everything we need already "on board' in our DNA, we need only recognize that power and accept by FAITH that it is ours....and connect to its Source.
Hi Randy,
Thank you for these great posts. The last 2 have been amazing.
I've been doing a lot of thinking and I've had several "aha" moments.
This Infinite Power created man in its image. Thus you are the Self-expression of the Infinite Power of the Universe." I FINALLY get it what this means. I am (we all are) prosperous spiritual beings. Everything we want, need and have is already here. Just believe! It's sinking in now and that's so exciting for me! 🙂
So knowing that the Infinite Power expresses itself as you and me
I believe the best way to define this expression is by living our passion, the gifts given to us by our Creator. In living our passion we will create the prosperity we desire in our lives.
Thank you for living your passion Randy. You do it so well!!!
Hugs, Ann
Each and every one of these posts are certainly much more than a daily affirmation and require much attention and deep thought. This one is even more so. Randy, I don't know if you've read Spinoza's ethics but it seems your interpretation of God is similar to his and it's been given a prosperity interpretation. Shakespeare, in his prose, revealed his belief of the universal law of checks and balances. After reading this post, I can't see how anyone could argue against the principles, suggested mode of belief, and philosophy that is presented here. I have trouble believing that a higher power has purposely created the universe and left us to our own devices. Man may never quite learn the mysteries of how life came to be on this earth yet, evolution, slowly taking place, from the simple to the complex, over billions of years, seems to be the most plausible theory to date. In my own life, I have seen the Universal law of checks and balances take place, ( not to just me but to other people as well ) and it is quite uncanny.
Yes obviously these are not the usual short blog posts you find most places. I wanted this site and my work to be self-development for critical thinkers. So I'm very grateful so many of you are willing to do the work.
Another question, I hope You can answer, related to this atheist/agnostic person
How do this person apply - the Prosperity Law of Tithing?
Wow, what a great post. THis was the most thought provoking post. I was kidding someone and said just because you don't believe in GOd doesn't mean that he is not within you. That would be like not believing in blood and denying it when it ran out of your veins after you were cut.
However, it is everyone's right to believe what they want to. An agnostic does not have the brainwashing a baptist has unless they were raised baptist and it caused them to lose their faith.
I have been in several religions and now believe in the metaphysical world as my truth. It doesn't mean everyone has to accept this.
Have a great time on the cruise. I did that 2 years ago.
Wow Randy, now I'm impressed! 🙂
This is very reminiscent of the essence of the "Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles written in 1910.
"There is a thinking stuff of which all things are made which penetrates, permeates and fills the inter-spaces of the Universe..
A thought held in this substance produces the thing imaged by the thought
A person can form things in his thoughts and by impressing them upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created
In order to do this he must move from the competitive to the creative mind. He must have a clear mental picture of exactly what he wants and must do- with FAITH, purpose and gratitude- all that can be done each day in an efficient manner.
The key is holding the thought, The Truth, in spite of all appearances."
The last statement is very relevant and connects with what you say Randy. KNOWING that the Abundance is available to us and holding to our vision IN SPITE of what others may say or think, or what contrary elements may surface is the key. I believe you're saying this with today's post where Faith is concerned.
Great survivor story from India. Classicial Indian dancer Adanda Shankar Jayant shares her story and her art. "A story of overcoming setbacks, obstacles & challenges that life throws at you...The Power of thought, choice, focus...bringing ourselves to the attention of something that so animates, so moves you... and the power of an image... to ride our own inner strength"
Excellent post, as usual!
"There is a Divine idea for every part of your abundant life. At this very second, in Infinite Mind, there is the idea of total abundance, vibrant health, your perfect vocation, and healthy relationships. Your dream home, designer clothes, a red Lamborghini, or any other material manifestation of prosperity you desire are there as well."
Obviously you must be smoking the good stuff. : ) I am sincerely trying to follow you Randy but can't see that your philosophy is based on any sound theological, biological or psychological principles. I'll give you mystical ... but I just can't go there as a critical thinker. Entertaining stuff but difficult to take seriously.
Wouldn't the "Infinte Mind" always have existed? If so, our Medieval ancestors should have been able to unleash their inner abundance and dream their way out of poverty, right? Weren't they born to be wealthy too?
No, they had to sacrifice to provide for their families, work very hard and hope to not die prematurely. We do too when you get right down to it. You are inventing mumbo jumbo that simply distracts people from reality. Respectfully speaking of course.
Your Infinite Mind is no less a modern, man-made invention than the religions you criticize here, right?
You would make an interesting dinner guest : ) I do find this entertaining and I appreciate your intellect and passion. Thanks for being open to other views. I'm trying too.
I don't know what an infinite mind actually is, but,
I guess it means , in this case, we all desire something and we all have our ideal house, chair, pair of shoes, situation etc. Now the difficult thing is to go and earn the money to acquire it. I think the best way to be prosperous is to do what you have a talent for and then go and sell that good or service. Our medieval ancestors did not have much chance to be prosperous because there was not much industry, technology, or specialiation of labour. It's only really in the past 100 years or so that the potential to get rich has been open to just about anybody. Think about it, there are people who are multi - millionares who simply read the news to you over the television - but they are very good at it. There are all kinds of industries and specializations of labour now - you just have to find your calling. Or figure out what good or service you can sell. But you got to do the work and figuring.
There's another label I get a lot. It's called heathen. I'm sure there's a Facebook group for that too! 🙂
Wifi on this ship is worthless, so please see my prosperity book or album for a detailed explanation.
Well I don't deny having smoked a great deal of the good stuff in my day. But alas, those days are behind me now.
As I said, I do look at things from the metaphysical standpoint. And spiritual things must be discerned from a spiritual standpoint. Like religion, they can't be "proved" with physical evidence, just as you can't prove the existence of God. (And no fundamentalists, because the Bible says so does not qualify as proof.) But I do believe sometimes being an intellectual involves critical thinking outside the norm of linear thought and exploring possibilities. As Commander Spock said, "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains—however improbable—must be the truth."
While I don't think our Medieval ancestors could "dream their way" to prosperity, I do believe they had the power to manifest it. But you can only do so after you develop that consciousness. And humans have been very slow to do this.
Dreams have to be nourish by already acquired knowledge. If you haven't had the taste or feel of something, how can you dream it?
For those mediaval people, the only thing they knew was what they were living. So, they couldn't dream a better life because they didn't know there was better. Well, they might have been able to dream for a bigger rabbit stew.... Just adding to the fire.... 😉
Dammit I just wrote the world's greatest comment and it erased when I tried to submit. Second time this has happened.
In a nutshell, of course the Meidival folks knew of a btter life. Those were the people suppressing them. The self-actualization concepts Randy promotes are nto available to everyone. They're not within everyone. They;re only available to those at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. Which is almost nobody.
That is why I dismiss the fact that these metaphysical conditions are available to all. They're not. They can only be considered by the elite who have the time on their hands to ponder such things. My friends in the slums of India know what the rest of the world is like and dreaming about it won;t get them out. They just want a taste of soup or a clean blanket.
Also, Randy I do not consider you a heathen. I recognize your spirituality. It's just a little off-kilter.
Cheers, Mark
It is true that there are certain places on this earth where prosperity would be very difficult to manifest. It's much more possible to manifest it (selling stuff to make money) in industrialized economies with a great variety of things to trade.
Yeah my heathen comment was in reply to Bob's response above. Evidently wordpress did a new comment program and some things are still a little glitchy. It seems to be fixed now.
Got an email from Ian Percy saying;
"If you're ever sitting around wishing you had something mind-bending to think about you could try this guy..."