Sometimes we have to get out of balance long enough to stay in balance later. At one point in my life, my spiritual walk was suffering as I had neglected it - hence, other areas in my life suffered.
When I came back to my spiritual side, I let it or should I say I forced it to consume me - even out of balance, to ge tback into balance... Sometimes it meant I hade make a conscious choice even when I felt like doing something different.
Thanks for your time -
Sometimes we have to get out of balance long enough to stay in balance later. At one point in my life, my spiritual walk was suffering as I had neglected it - hence, other areas in my life suffered.
When I came back to my spiritual side, I let it or should I say I forced it to consume me - even out of balance, to ge tback into balance... Sometimes it meant I hade make a conscious choice even when I felt like doing something different.
Thanks for your time -
Great Post!
I think managing my priorities constantly makes it easier to manage my activities (my schedule), and I never leave out the things that light me up - like hanging out with close friends, a run on the beach, working out, dancing, watching a movie and a few more things 🙂 And so, I always work out time for them.
To me it's always just a matter of managing what you do with your time.
BTW: I think being balanced has also something to do with balancing activities, like meditation - I meditate every morning and evening, and I'm quite balanced most of the time.
Interesting read .. I've allowed my physical world to get out of balance in a financial sense which has therefore impacted enormously on all the other worlds. To bring it back into balance the choice is let go of that which is causing the stress - debt by selling my home and get back into flow.
When you can allow yourself to recognise that money is an energy, the fear of the lack of it can drain you. When you recognise that by balancing your income/expenditure in what seems to be a drastic manner, you can be energised to inspire and create what it is you really want and need.
Not very welll..... when some person tell me you did things in the wrong way... y accepted ... but i feell out of balance very bad... i Know that i related that kind of things with be rejected... i am trying to see know, that ,in the right way.. as an oprotunity to grow up..
Interesting... have you considered the concept of harmony rather than balance...?