I love it! Short and sweet and oh so true. It's great when you can take it the step further and evaluate why the bad things are happening and what beliefs or thoughts *you* need to change.
In past posts we’ve talked about the real reason things happen to all of us. So did you do some real thinking about that, and what you are manifesting in your life?
Do you see yourself as the architect of everything that happens to you, or still believe you are a victim of random happenstance?
If you’re like most people, you think something like this: “Oh I agree with Randy on the power of the mind and how we attract and manifest things, EXCEPT for this bad stuff in my life right now, because obviously I had nothing to do with that!”
Of course most people would be wrong.
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I love it! Short and sweet and oh so true. It's great when you can take it the step further and evaluate why the bad things are happening and what beliefs or thoughts *you* need to change.
Randy: One of Denise's favorite movie lines is in the Adams Family Values when the girl at camp responds to a request for a volunteer and she spouts out: "I'll be the victim!" And Wednesday replies "All your life!"
Ah-h-h! The Eagles sing one of our favorite songs "Turn on the tube and what I see? A whole lotta people crying don't blame me. They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else. Spend all of their time feeling sorry for themselves. Victim of this, victim of that. Mama's too thin and your Daddy's too fat!
Get Over It!
I believe in:
Full responsibility architecture
123 Main street
Miami FL
... Today I met a guy who stands in the beginning of this year in one of his lowest point in his businesslife and he saw that the most people around him were telling things, like "it´s better when he give up your business!" No one told him "don´t give up!", but himself. He knew that tomorrow a lot of them would laugh about him, when he would give up. And this was his motivation; just not give them this chance to laugh. The times changed. And today (after 6 months) his business is growing and growing. Did he decide to be the architect of his business? What a difference in between to the opposite behaviour of other people...!
I think the Eagles have some of the most profound and poetic lyrics of any artists of all time!
I am trying to introduce positive thinking to a 13 year old that doesn't live with us. She has the explanation and demonstrations videos so now it's is up to her with our validating to bring it into her life. I see a very happy 14 year old full of positivity what do you see?
I am the architect in my life- both good & bad. I am learning from my choices so I can be a better architect.
Well said, as always.
We are magnets. If it happened we attracted. It's that simple. When I decided to take responsibility for my life - the good, the bad, and everything in between - it improved dramatically.
I'm sure its all within us and some days that is a great feeling and others less so!
I really make a conscious effort to control my thinking in line with Law of Attraction teachings but sometimes I find it a little overwhelming that we have so much power through thought.
Thanks Randy for sharing.
Someone told me once, 'we all cry out for accountability, until we're given it.'
Accepting that we've attracted what we have in our lives can sometimes be a bitter pill. But if acknowledged as such, it can also be a freeing experience.
Bright Blessings to you...
Jhanna Dawson
I actually don't believe we "attract" or "manifest" anything. But I most certainly believe that we are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us based on the decisions we make.
It's not New Age mumbo jumbo, it's simple cause and effect.
hi Randy
one of the characteristics of the beatable people is to justify their happenings and use exceptions, meanwhile prosperous people never use exceptions and never think that whatever happens for them is make up of the chance. this is one of the greatest contrasts between prosperous and poor people.
thanks for your lovely teachings Randy.
best regards
First, I want to thank you for such a great seminar today at FSA!
As you say, our attitude determines if we are victims or architects, even in the midst of losses and transitions. We may not chose at times what happens to us, but, we can still choose how to handle such situation and transform it.
Have a beautiful week-end,
As a strategically important part of the ancient silk road, the present day Xinjiang region has historically been a crossroad of a rich mix of cultures. ,
I love it! Short and sweet and oh so true. It's great when you can take it the step further and evaluate why the bad things are happening and what beliefs or thoughts *you* need to change.
Randy: One of Denise's favorite movie lines is in the Adams Family Values when the girl at camp responds to a request for a volunteer and she spouts out: "I'll be the victim!" And Wednesday replies "All your life!"
Ah-h-h! The Eagles sing one of our favorite songs "Turn on the tube and what I see? A whole lotta people crying don't blame me. They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else. Spend all of their time feeling sorry for themselves. Victim of this, victim of that. Mama's too thin and your Daddy's too fat!
Get Over It!
I believe in:
Full responsibility architecture
123 Main street
Miami FL
... Today I met a guy who stands in the beginning of this year in one of his lowest point in his businesslife and he saw that the most people around him were telling things, like "it´s better when he give up your business!" No one told him "don´t give up!", but himself. He knew that tomorrow a lot of them would laugh about him, when he would give up. And this was his motivation; just not give them this chance to laugh. The times changed. And today (after 6 months) his business is growing and growing. Did he decide to be the architect of his business? What a difference in between to the opposite behaviour of other people...!
I think the Eagles have some of the most profound and poetic lyrics of any artists of all time!
I am trying to introduce positive thinking to a 13 year old that doesn't live with us. She has the explanation and demonstrations videos so now it's is up to her with our validating to bring it into her life. I see a very happy 14 year old full of positivity what do you see?
I am the architect in my life- both good & bad. I am learning from my choices so I can be a better architect.
Well said, as always.
We are magnets. If it happened we attracted. It's that simple. When I decided to take responsibility for my life - the good, the bad, and everything in between - it improved dramatically.
I'm sure its all within us and some days that is a great feeling and others less so!
I really make a conscious effort to control my thinking in line with Law of Attraction teachings but sometimes I find it a little overwhelming that we have so much power through thought.
Thanks Randy for sharing.
Someone told me once, 'we all cry out for accountability, until we're given it.'
Accepting that we've attracted what we have in our lives can sometimes be a bitter pill. But if acknowledged as such, it can also be a freeing experience.
Bright Blessings to you...
Jhanna Dawson
I actually don't believe we "attract" or "manifest" anything. But I most certainly believe that we are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us based on the decisions we make.
It's not New Age mumbo jumbo, it's simple cause and effect.
hi Randy
one of the characteristics of the beatable people is to justify their happenings and use exceptions, meanwhile prosperous people never use exceptions and never think that whatever happens for them is make up of the chance. this is one of the greatest contrasts between prosperous and poor people.
thanks for your lovely teachings Randy.
best regards
First, I want to thank you for such a great seminar today at FSA!
As you say, our attitude determines if we are victims or architects, even in the midst of losses and transitions. We may not chose at times what happens to us, but, we can still choose how to handle such situation and transform it.
Have a beautiful week-end,
As a strategically important part of the ancient silk road, the present day Xinjiang region has historically been a crossroad of a rich mix of cultures. ,