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Achieving Your Goals

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 24, 2009

Did you see that date up there?  September is millimeters from being gone.  And with September goes the first three quarters of the year!  

So are you 24/30th’s of the way toward your September goals?  And three quarters of the way to your 2009 goals?  It’s worth some introspective.

And if you are not where you want to be, the point is NOT to beat yourself up.  It is to get a realistic view of the situation, reevaluate, and correct the strategy.  So why not do that today!


10 comments on “Achieving Your Goals”

  1. Funny you should say that! Just about to go out into the sunny garden and update my plan for September. (Need to make the most of it when we see the sun in the UK!)

    Thanks for the nudge - it really is incredible how the time is flying when you love what you're doing.

  2. Hey Randy
    It is never to late to refocus and get back on track.
    The train is moving but you must stay on the right path
    to become successful. Your mind must remain at peace.
    Thanks Randy and have a Peaceful and Exciting Day !!


  3. Very timely post.

    Some conversations have been going on in my Life and I came to the realization I have not established a goal based on my purpose and therefore, haven't achieved it. As we all know, you can't get there if you don't know where 'there' is!!

    Now it's time to go inside and uncover my true destiny. And then take the steps to make it happen. I find I have been letting life happen rather than creating it through choice.

    Back to the drawing board and make it happen!

  4. I was just talking to my husband about this. I personally make goals everyday. I believe that this will keep you on the right path. Thank again Randy!

  5. Whenever we feel the need to refocus goals, I think it's important to establish that ONE BIG GOAL that drives everything. Maybe it's getting a book published, maybe it's selling a $50,000 sponsorship on your site, maybe it's flipping that house for a $50,000 profit.

    Whatever it is, when you declare your ONE BIG GOAL, you can constantly ask yourself before doing anything, "Will this help me accomplish my one big goal?" If it won't, you better have a pretty good reason for doing it otherwise.

    That's how I refocus.

  6. Randy, your forward-focus is life-saving. Re-evaluation, perspective and introspection are critical for so many reasons! People can literally control their health by doing those 3 things correctly. I've written a book about that and its selling around the world! Check out "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge"

    Yocheved Golani

  7. I agree- it is a “Very timely post!”

    I have just reevaluated and corrected my strategy to move forward and need to take action.

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  • 10 comments on “Achieving Your Goals”

    1. Funny you should say that! Just about to go out into the sunny garden and update my plan for September. (Need to make the most of it when we see the sun in the UK!)

      Thanks for the nudge - it really is incredible how the time is flying when you love what you're doing.

    2. Hey Randy
      It is never to late to refocus and get back on track.
      The train is moving but you must stay on the right path
      to become successful. Your mind must remain at peace.
      Thanks Randy and have a Peaceful and Exciting Day !!


    3. Very timely post.

      Some conversations have been going on in my Life and I came to the realization I have not established a goal based on my purpose and therefore, haven't achieved it. As we all know, you can't get there if you don't know where 'there' is!!

      Now it's time to go inside and uncover my true destiny. And then take the steps to make it happen. I find I have been letting life happen rather than creating it through choice.

      Back to the drawing board and make it happen!

    4. I was just talking to my husband about this. I personally make goals everyday. I believe that this will keep you on the right path. Thank again Randy!

    5. Whenever we feel the need to refocus goals, I think it's important to establish that ONE BIG GOAL that drives everything. Maybe it's getting a book published, maybe it's selling a $50,000 sponsorship on your site, maybe it's flipping that house for a $50,000 profit.

      Whatever it is, when you declare your ONE BIG GOAL, you can constantly ask yourself before doing anything, "Will this help me accomplish my one big goal?" If it won't, you better have a pretty good reason for doing it otherwise.

      That's how I refocus.

    6. Randy, your forward-focus is life-saving. Re-evaluation, perspective and introspection are critical for so many reasons! People can literally control their health by doing those 3 things correctly. I've written a book about that and its selling around the world! Check out "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge"

      Yocheved Golani

    7. I agree- it is a “Very timely post!”

      I have just reevaluated and corrected my strategy to move forward and need to take action.

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