Thanks for this post today Randy. It reaffirms for me my need for quiet reflection. I've decided to go back to walking as it was a great relief for me mentally and physically.
As always, you are a great inspiration for me.
It was 20-some years ago and things were broken down for me. I was sick, broke, and miserable. And the financial stress seemed to be making everything else worse. I felt there was a chance to break out of the drama and become successful. But also felt it wouldn’t happen if I couldn’t get healthy.
And that turned out to be the case. It’s pretty hard to be amazing when you’re sick all the time. Health is such a vital part of success, happiness and prosperity. So all this week the posts will look at health and wellness. And there’s no better place to begin than your mental health…
Because abundant health, like most things, is created in the mind first. Three areas to look at in this first post:
Number one is giving yourself some time for peace and harmony. If you run your mind like an out of control turbine engine all the time, it will eventually break down. Even just a few minutes of meditation each day will do wonders for you.
That doesn’t mean you need a mat, have to cross your legs, burn candles, and chant mantras. It could be as simple as turning off the TV and radio in the mornings, and giving yourself some time for quiet reflection. Peaceful walks or silent drives. Spend some time in contemplative thoughts and also spend some time in the space between thoughts.
Number two is what you feed your mind. We talk about this a lot here, so I won’t belabor it. But if the bulk of your mental diet is CSI, Law & Order and Desperate Housewives, you’re going to have a hard time manifesting true prosperity in your life. And remember to find some times for crossword puzzles, Sudoku or other brainteasers. These create new neural pathways in your brain and will keep you sharp and alert many years in the future.
And finally, number three is knowing when you need professional help. Mental illness – and I’ll define mental illness as co-dependency, addictions, narcissism, fear of intimacy, and lots of similar dysfunctional behavior – always reinvents itself. You quit one addiction and pat yourself on the back, not facing the face that you’ve simply replaced it with a different one. You can’t do brain surgery on yourself, and you can’t do mental health counseling on yourself either. So if you need help, seek it out.
How are you doing on this? Do you feed your mind a healthy diet, challenge it, and give it times for rest? Are you creating a mindset that will serve your desire for a prosperous life?
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Thanks for this post today Randy. It reaffirms for me my need for quiet reflection. I've decided to go back to walking as it was a great relief for me mentally and physically.
As always, you are a great inspiration for me.
Great post! I agree completely about having a healthy mental diet, quiet reflection is a key staple of that diet. What goes in mentally is expressed physically. What is impressed on the subconscious is expressed in the personality. Also I think we must be aware of not just what we choose to put in our mind, but what is put in our mind unconsciously. We must be the filter that only allows things conducive to the life we want to live to enter. I recently wrote a post very similiar to this one, actually titled "The Mental Diet"
I also like how you note that people quit one addiction and pick up a new one. I am assuming this stems not from the thing you are addicted to, but from having an addictive personality. But so many people miss out on the beuaty of life because they are too stubborn to get the help they need.
Hi Randy,
It's been a challenging couple of weeks for me. I took over a business that has the potential to be very successful, but has been neglected terribly.
What I notice about this environment is that no one seems to care about it. Not one of the people, who depend on clients to keep their business running, has any ideas about how to keep them. In other words, they take their clients for granted, instead of being of service to them.
This has all been very discouraging. I've felt defeated and a little lost. Then I realized all of that is in my head. In an instant, I decided to change my thought patterns and take what felt like the more risky option, begin getting rid of the negativity. I heard something that resonated with me when I was going around in my head worrisome..."worry about your own thoughts. If you can't find peace there, you won't find it anywhere". I also keep in mind your "Circle of Five"--and if I want healthy thoughts and success then I need to surround myself with healthy, successful people. Since this business is now mine, I guess the rest of the Negative Nancy's have to go! Sending you love and light Randy.
Hi Tonya-
Wayne Dyer says, "worrying is praying for what you don't want."
Also, keep in mind that taking over a business that has been neglected can be a great opportunity. Don't let it discourage you, have it excite you. Have the attitude of, "Boy, with my attention, skills and discipline, this thing will rock!" Good luck!
Man, this is good stuff Randy! Meditating since December and am amazed at the positive difference in every aspect of my life. Have you heard of Abraham-Hicks guided meditation book/CD. Awesomeness!
Interestingly, I just got addicted to Sudoku this weekend. I'm sure the addiction part isn't good, but at least it's not drugs, right?
Lastly, I love how you make your points ie. "you can't do brain surgery on yourself" No argument there. Thanks Randy!
I do my best each day to 'quiet my mind' just as I rise. Sometimes it goes well.. others not as much. I also take time each day to exercise outdoors focusing on my breathing and doing my best NOT to think.
I also live a very healthy lifestyle which is free from processed foods, sugar, milk, red meat and fast foods and I haven't taken a doctor prescribed drug in over 30 years. I do have to say that the number of herbal supplements I take daily is pretty large, since I am somewhat obsessed with physical health.
But as you say here Randy, our health physically, mentally and spiritually is extremely important. I also practice Gratitude knowing that the more grateful we are, the higher we evolve.
I used to be the rat on the wheel. What I realized was that I was doing exactly that, running and not thinking. It was my solution to avoiding me, which I found out later. I will always give credit first and foremost to my savior, Jesus, for saving me from myself, but that's where the work begins. It's a process. I make sure I get 7-8 hrs. of sleep a night. I start each day with a prayer of gratitude and ask God to open the bible to where he wants me to read and meditate on. Motion = emotion, so exercise is key. I work out 4 to 5 times a week for 1 to 1/2 hours. I can hear you now. I don't have time. We all have time for the things we place value on. Aren't you worth it!! I watch very little tv and listen to KLOVE radio when I'm in the car. I continue my day by doing the most important thing on my list. When I work, I work. When I play, I play. Sundays is my reenergize day. I go to church, usually take a walk on the beach, cook some new recipe I found on food network, visit with family and or friends. I also try to read one book a week. I don't read fiction, can't handle the romantic novels right now, but something that expands my mind. I'm rereading, the purpose driven life, by Rick Warren. Great book to help you on your journey if you are asking yourself, what on earth am I here for? I am far from perfect and would be untruthful if I said I consistently stay on this routine, but for the most part I do and it has taken my life to a healthy prosperous place. One more thing, I have been following David Wolfe for a time. He is a cutting edge educator on natural wellness. Since Randy is focusing on health going forward, this might be a great place to go for mental and physical health products to help support your individual situations. Here's the website. I have no affiliation, just great knowledge in this area. He's one of the best. Have a great week everyone.
loved the purpose driven life by Rick Warren, really great book/cd!
Hi Eve,
You may want to revisit like I am. I like to reread great books. I always learn something new the second time around.
Sounds good. I like reading things when others are familiar with it. I have the cd's and can listen to them on my way to work.
Another good cd book is 7 Wonders that will change your life by Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow.
And I am doing Randy's year long Prosperity course. All great stuff!
Dear Randy
With many thanks to you, here's where I am:
TV is off except for the odd documentary about nature, technology, basically learning what people are learning out there. Very careful about watching any news.
Exercise, regular, looking to increase vigour and being more deliberate and specific.
Food, emphasis on plants and vegetables, some protein, selected carbo. Regular supplementation with high quality proven products.
Reading regularly for close on 7 years, philosophy, psychology, health, spiritual, classics, selected fiction. Now looking at writing. Pleased to be outgrowing the Sudoku I feed I am getting, now to look for more challenging level.
Only one bout of 'flu in 4 years and that coincided with a personal bout of emotion, no accident.
Looking younger this year than last year, three years in a row.
Better body shape, energy and emotional state than 10 years ago.
Much better at relating with people, less loading myself on others, more aware of how I affect people and how I allow them to affect me, way lots more to learn here.
Certainly very much happier, more confident and even adventurous at work now than I've ever been.
Have learned to be adventurous and to take that risk of making mistakes or a fool of myself so necessary to continue to grow.
To quote you, Randy, some of the best stories may never be told - I cannot say how many more years and how much more quality of life I have now gained from looking after my physical, mental and spiritual health.
I certainly feel that continuing to grow has kept me green, fresh and appealing (not just to others, but to myself too).
Good for you!!
Your insight is so valuable to me. Thanks Randy.
I agree with you Randy! How about that? Mental health is so important, and it definitly has an impact on our physical health. I would only add these things, and these are things I work on myself.
1.)Maintaining and having positive social relationships 2.) Integrating some kind of spirituality in ones' life. 3.) Getting help as soon as possible, it can even be checking in with a friend, and please try not to feel stigmatized by seeking help. If you feel stressed or are struggling to maintain balance seek help as soon as possible, to ward off getting sicker or have coinciding physical ailments as well, like sleeplessness,or high blood pressure.
Mental health is an ongoing process, for everyone! Keep a positive attitude, a hardship has the potential to define for us our greatest strengths.
Great post Randy... taking time to be in-between thought is
so powerful. Most of our thoughts aren't pure positive thought...
so meditation is great for 'no thought'... which is equal to
pure positive thought.
Thanks again for a good read!
Great post Randy, I feed y mind daily with either Think & Grow Rich, something of yours, or today it was Robert K. I do spend time reflecting and also with nothing on my mind, I do know that I need to shut the brain down more and have nothing going on up there!
My latest project is involving hypnosis. If you can't connect with your subconscious all the happy thoughts in the world will only do so much good! Onward and upward! LOL!
again, thank you randy for your wisdom-sharings that help me and many "see" the way a little more clearer... (((o)))
I really like this one Randy! Mental health is the key to how you handle life and how successfull you are going to be. This is my field of operation, and I love doing it. I help people get rid of unwanted conditions and limiting beliefs, and to see the change in a person, is worth everything. And you are right, this you cannot do by yourself, untill you reached a high level of consciousness, like you have. To be able to do this, I have to create a mindset in myself "to be there comfortably" no matter what, and that also includes giving myself time for peace and harmony, or as you also describes it "spend some time in space between thoughts".
On my computer I installed Mind Master, that is really good, so every time I'm on there all these positive statements comes up. :-)And I read books on selfdevelopment (yours right now. That is how I'm doing on this.
Thank's for your care, share and great writing.
I finally work on it hours a day.And it heals me faster than I thought possible.Maybe because of my child who always have been a healthy one,and because I eat very healthy food these days,reading As a man thinketh,watching Jim Rohn on You tube,reading your blog,making forgiveness sheets,sleaping well in the night,no TV maybe 20 mins a day maximum,and a bunch of fresch air down by the sea.I feel I have to speed this up now before my life runs away.Keeping my mind calm,of course!
So, I really needed this today. 🙂
Dear Me,
S-l-o-w D-o-w-n!
Being an action girl myself, I have a tendency to spend most of my time in 'full-speed ahead' mode. GREAT for getting shit done ... but sometimes creates extra work when a project is in the works and I finally get quiet and pause long enough to listen to my internal wisdom and discover I need to attempt a different approach. Or, that the solution to a problem was just sitting there quietly - waiting for me to give it some attention! 😉
Still ... and always ... learning to take time to BE while I am so busy DOING
what a great post for the first day of national screen free week! Screen free week is a campaign to get families to turn off the tv, computer, hand held games, etc. and spend the time together! 🙂
Hola Randy, excelente los 3 puntos a seguir para una buena salud mental para siempre.Gracias
Great post, Randy!
"And finally, number three is knowing when you need professional help."
Unfortunately, some of the people who most need professional help in dealing with behavioral issues, don't know they need it. (Or worse yet, steadfastly maintain that they DO NOT need it, because they're "normal" and it's everyone else's problem.)
Anyone have a suggestion on how to get someone to seek professional help, when they don't know they need it?
Unfortunately people who are pushed to seek professional help usually aren't open to getting it. Many people have to come to that decision themselves. Most mental health professionals will tell you that the people who are forced into treatment by court orders, etc fight the whole process and get nothing out of it.
Yes,I am aware of that too after having too people in the family who really need professionell help,always telling me how sick I am,how much problem I have and how I need to search for help.I am working on forgiving them,trying to see why I met these people.Unfortunately I guess that when you have gone over a certain edge,you have lost your focus enough to not be able to see it anymore OR you know it,but your subconsious mind tells you the pain will be too hard if you search for help.I have heard the advice;Run away and never look back.If everybody do that,these people will be alone and maybe then they will search for help.But it is not YOUR problem.I guess that is the hardest to realize.You have to run away,if those people hurt you too badly.t is your responsability for yourself if you cannot handle it in a way of integrity.But it is hard if it is your mother,father of your child or sister,for example.
Jim, that can be a tough one. I was in private practice as a psychotherapist for 15 years and now provide life and business coaching.
I've never seen a person make any changes unless and until they were ready to do so...and for their own reasons. That makes sense, I'm pretty much the same way; I change when I want to. Isn't that the way it works?
I think the best we can do is to always mentally see the person at their best when we think of them or are around them. Hold a vision of them living from their highest self, at peace, successful, effectively dealing with their challenges, loving, etc.
No doubt that your physical body and mind need to be in optimal health in order to achieve maximum abundance and prosperity. Meditation is a great tool for allowing some silent and still time. I actually lay down when I do it and no I have never fallen asleep.
Nice post, Randy. I'm big on physical health - kinda' hard to be prosperous if your body is dying. That's an ongoing process of collecting & sifting information (intellectually + intuitively) and putting What Works into practice. So far, so good.
In the mental health area, I've really become aware recently that I've GOT to get in control of my mind. I must live by the beliefs I choose, rather than the (non-serving) habit-beliefs.
Many of my habitual beliefs do "serve" to create the pleasant life I have. I need a tweak-up, however, if I want to manifest an Awesome Life (and I do).
All that said...I probably teeter on the edge of spending toooo much time in meditation, mullitation and personal-revampification. Action is important, too. Or...
Randy! would you recommend that a person wait to take action until she has a mind that is closer to 80% positive? That question puzzles me a great deal. Can I trust myself to make smart decisions....yet?
If I'm still asking the that an indication that I have more homework to do first, before making any Large Financial Decisions?
Hmmmm....I'm developing Prosperity Consciousness,'s still kinda' 50/50. Maybe I need to run with a new belief: I can trust myself to make good financial decisions. Hmmmmm........
Once you're at 51% in positive thoughts, you can build on that and things get better and better.
When the e-mailed landed in my inbox this morning, I was really drawn to the first few lines of this blog. I absolutely agree with you Randy, you just can't be at your best when you're not healthy. It's not fun.
I've been working on a long-term health issue for a while. I did break through a couple of years ago, but only for a few months and then I slid backwards again. I was getting up after 6.5 hours of sleep feeling fresh and eager to start the day. My mind was always sharp and I had the energy to go all day long, even concentrate late into the night if I wanted to. When I finally put my head on the pillow, sleep came quickly and easily. I was thrilled at how great I felt, how much I could accomplish in a day, how happy I was and how nice I was to others. That's the real me.
I'm fully committed to living a healthy mental life as well as a healthy physical life. My TV is off except for DVDs of choice. I last watched free-to-air TV for 20 or 30 minutes back in August 2010 just to catch an update on the federal election. I live alone and have plenty of quiet time to think. Sometimes if I decide to cook up something new (it doesn't happen often!), I might as well be meditating as I get completely lost in the process. In summer I lie in the sun in my courtyard and just chill out.
I've been reading books every day for probably close to 10 years now. In the past 3 years the subject of economics has dominated but at other times it's been health, personal development/psychology, sales, personal finance etc. Randy's blog is great. I also read numerous other newsletters, blogs and websites. Recently I purchased a full-day online seminar and I'm still in the process of watching that.
I am a shopoholic.I have a desire to buy things,especially on the internet.I buy and buy and 50% of it I do not want after that.Alcohol,cigarettes,candies etc i quit long time ago but shopping is difficult.Maybe it sort of includes all my bad habits;waisting money,desiring things etc.And the I finally got that excellent idea that I am going to shop,from now on,only things with a value.I started to learn to know everything about jewelry.Now gold is my big interest,and i buy rings,neclesses, idea is brilliant.I can still do shopping,and the value will raise too.In the future I will start with Shares,when my jewelry fortune is big enough so I can sell it and by shares.Nomore shams,shoes,ornamental,frames...just gold and silver.It makes me happy,and I do not have to quit my addiction.Thanks for a great post Randy.You are excellent!
Very well said Sensei! Thats why I will star a a personal coaching process to improve my skills y get out of my mind all my lmiting thoughts. Thanks!
Healthy mind also needs proper nutrition and physical exercise - healthy mind in the healthy body, said the ancient philosophers. Addictions, of any sort, are related to fear, and as you said, too often replaced rather than healed. However, sometimes 'replacement therapy' can be the only way to allow time for growth; growth itself is never painless, in fact often makes you despair.
Complete awareness would be my definition for Healthy Mind; achieving it is a revealing journey in itself but well worth taking.
Randy, Love your focus for this week. I, like you, was sick, broke, and miserable. My strong will to improve things made all the difference in the world.
I am a follower of Eckhart Tolle. This is a quote from him: "The vital question is whether at this moment--the only one there is--whether the aliveness of now is being obscured by concepts in the mind, by unnecessary mind activity that adds nothing to the richness of the moment. In other words, are you trapped in your head?" This is where I used to me until I learned to feel the aliveness of the present moment.
I Spend 1-2 Hours Per Day In Self Development. In Addition, I have a room in my home where I sit Quietly 30-45 Minutes per day Thinking, Praying and Meditating.
Hi Randy, reading your post of Healthy Mind, I want to share with you that this three areas are bassically effective.. because without knowing this tips, the past year I have a great deppression and well thank God I realized that I was bad and need professional help.. then, I began reading motivational books, going to seminars of the company that I work, etc... And let me tell you that now I have a different view of my life...
Blessings for you!
Good for you Maria!
tanx randy
Awww. I love Desperate Housewives...
If I can watch Jeopardy and get at least 40 per cent of the answers as quick as the contestants, I'm doing Ok.
Completely understand what your stance in this matter. Though I’d disagree on some of the finer particulars, I feel you did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks.
Thanks for this post today Randy. It reaffirms for me my need for quiet reflection. I've decided to go back to walking as it was a great relief for me mentally and physically.
As always, you are a great inspiration for me.
Great post! I agree completely about having a healthy mental diet, quiet reflection is a key staple of that diet. What goes in mentally is expressed physically. What is impressed on the subconscious is expressed in the personality. Also I think we must be aware of not just what we choose to put in our mind, but what is put in our mind unconsciously. We must be the filter that only allows things conducive to the life we want to live to enter. I recently wrote a post very similiar to this one, actually titled "The Mental Diet"
I also like how you note that people quit one addiction and pick up a new one. I am assuming this stems not from the thing you are addicted to, but from having an addictive personality. But so many people miss out on the beuaty of life because they are too stubborn to get the help they need.
Hi Randy,
It's been a challenging couple of weeks for me. I took over a business that has the potential to be very successful, but has been neglected terribly.
What I notice about this environment is that no one seems to care about it. Not one of the people, who depend on clients to keep their business running, has any ideas about how to keep them. In other words, they take their clients for granted, instead of being of service to them.
This has all been very discouraging. I've felt defeated and a little lost. Then I realized all of that is in my head. In an instant, I decided to change my thought patterns and take what felt like the more risky option, begin getting rid of the negativity. I heard something that resonated with me when I was going around in my head worrisome..."worry about your own thoughts. If you can't find peace there, you won't find it anywhere". I also keep in mind your "Circle of Five"--and if I want healthy thoughts and success then I need to surround myself with healthy, successful people. Since this business is now mine, I guess the rest of the Negative Nancy's have to go! Sending you love and light Randy.
Hi Tonya-
Wayne Dyer says, "worrying is praying for what you don't want."
Also, keep in mind that taking over a business that has been neglected can be a great opportunity. Don't let it discourage you, have it excite you. Have the attitude of, "Boy, with my attention, skills and discipline, this thing will rock!" Good luck!
Man, this is good stuff Randy! Meditating since December and am amazed at the positive difference in every aspect of my life. Have you heard of Abraham-Hicks guided meditation book/CD. Awesomeness!
Interestingly, I just got addicted to Sudoku this weekend. I'm sure the addiction part isn't good, but at least it's not drugs, right?
Lastly, I love how you make your points ie. "you can't do brain surgery on yourself" No argument there. Thanks Randy!
I do my best each day to 'quiet my mind' just as I rise. Sometimes it goes well.. others not as much. I also take time each day to exercise outdoors focusing on my breathing and doing my best NOT to think.
I also live a very healthy lifestyle which is free from processed foods, sugar, milk, red meat and fast foods and I haven't taken a doctor prescribed drug in over 30 years. I do have to say that the number of herbal supplements I take daily is pretty large, since I am somewhat obsessed with physical health.
But as you say here Randy, our health physically, mentally and spiritually is extremely important. I also practice Gratitude knowing that the more grateful we are, the higher we evolve.
I used to be the rat on the wheel. What I realized was that I was doing exactly that, running and not thinking. It was my solution to avoiding me, which I found out later. I will always give credit first and foremost to my savior, Jesus, for saving me from myself, but that's where the work begins. It's a process. I make sure I get 7-8 hrs. of sleep a night. I start each day with a prayer of gratitude and ask God to open the bible to where he wants me to read and meditate on. Motion = emotion, so exercise is key. I work out 4 to 5 times a week for 1 to 1/2 hours. I can hear you now. I don't have time. We all have time for the things we place value on. Aren't you worth it!! I watch very little tv and listen to KLOVE radio when I'm in the car. I continue my day by doing the most important thing on my list. When I work, I work. When I play, I play. Sundays is my reenergize day. I go to church, usually take a walk on the beach, cook some new recipe I found on food network, visit with family and or friends. I also try to read one book a week. I don't read fiction, can't handle the romantic novels right now, but something that expands my mind. I'm rereading, the purpose driven life, by Rick Warren. Great book to help you on your journey if you are asking yourself, what on earth am I here for? I am far from perfect and would be untruthful if I said I consistently stay on this routine, but for the most part I do and it has taken my life to a healthy prosperous place. One more thing, I have been following David Wolfe for a time. He is a cutting edge educator on natural wellness. Since Randy is focusing on health going forward, this might be a great place to go for mental and physical health products to help support your individual situations. Here's the website. I have no affiliation, just great knowledge in this area. He's one of the best. Have a great week everyone.
loved the purpose driven life by Rick Warren, really great book/cd!
Hi Eve,
You may want to revisit like I am. I like to reread great books. I always learn something new the second time around.
Sounds good. I like reading things when others are familiar with it. I have the cd's and can listen to them on my way to work.
Another good cd book is 7 Wonders that will change your life by Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow.
And I am doing Randy's year long Prosperity course. All great stuff!
Dear Randy
With many thanks to you, here's where I am:
TV is off except for the odd documentary about nature, technology, basically learning what people are learning out there. Very careful about watching any news.
Exercise, regular, looking to increase vigour and being more deliberate and specific.
Food, emphasis on plants and vegetables, some protein, selected carbo. Regular supplementation with high quality proven products.
Reading regularly for close on 7 years, philosophy, psychology, health, spiritual, classics, selected fiction. Now looking at writing. Pleased to be outgrowing the Sudoku I feed I am getting, now to look for more challenging level.
Only one bout of 'flu in 4 years and that coincided with a personal bout of emotion, no accident.
Looking younger this year than last year, three years in a row.
Better body shape, energy and emotional state than 10 years ago.
Much better at relating with people, less loading myself on others, more aware of how I affect people and how I allow them to affect me, way lots more to learn here.
Certainly very much happier, more confident and even adventurous at work now than I've ever been.
Have learned to be adventurous and to take that risk of making mistakes or a fool of myself so necessary to continue to grow.
To quote you, Randy, some of the best stories may never be told - I cannot say how many more years and how much more quality of life I have now gained from looking after my physical, mental and spiritual health.
I certainly feel that continuing to grow has kept me green, fresh and appealing (not just to others, but to myself too).
Good for you!!
Your insight is so valuable to me. Thanks Randy.
I agree with you Randy! How about that? Mental health is so important, and it definitly has an impact on our physical health. I would only add these things, and these are things I work on myself.
1.)Maintaining and having positive social relationships 2.) Integrating some kind of spirituality in ones' life. 3.) Getting help as soon as possible, it can even be checking in with a friend, and please try not to feel stigmatized by seeking help. If you feel stressed or are struggling to maintain balance seek help as soon as possible, to ward off getting sicker or have coinciding physical ailments as well, like sleeplessness,or high blood pressure.
Mental health is an ongoing process, for everyone! Keep a positive attitude, a hardship has the potential to define for us our greatest strengths.
Great post Randy... taking time to be in-between thought is
so powerful. Most of our thoughts aren't pure positive thought...
so meditation is great for 'no thought'... which is equal to
pure positive thought.
Thanks again for a good read!
Great post Randy, I feed y mind daily with either Think & Grow Rich, something of yours, or today it was Robert K. I do spend time reflecting and also with nothing on my mind, I do know that I need to shut the brain down more and have nothing going on up there!
My latest project is involving hypnosis. If you can't connect with your subconscious all the happy thoughts in the world will only do so much good! Onward and upward! LOL!
again, thank you randy for your wisdom-sharings that help me and many "see" the way a little more clearer... (((o)))
I really like this one Randy! Mental health is the key to how you handle life and how successfull you are going to be. This is my field of operation, and I love doing it. I help people get rid of unwanted conditions and limiting beliefs, and to see the change in a person, is worth everything. And you are right, this you cannot do by yourself, untill you reached a high level of consciousness, like you have. To be able to do this, I have to create a mindset in myself "to be there comfortably" no matter what, and that also includes giving myself time for peace and harmony, or as you also describes it "spend some time in space between thoughts".
On my computer I installed Mind Master, that is really good, so every time I'm on there all these positive statements comes up. :-)And I read books on selfdevelopment (yours right now. That is how I'm doing on this.
Thank's for your care, share and great writing.
I finally work on it hours a day.And it heals me faster than I thought possible.Maybe because of my child who always have been a healthy one,and because I eat very healthy food these days,reading As a man thinketh,watching Jim Rohn on You tube,reading your blog,making forgiveness sheets,sleaping well in the night,no TV maybe 20 mins a day maximum,and a bunch of fresch air down by the sea.I feel I have to speed this up now before my life runs away.Keeping my mind calm,of course!
So, I really needed this today. 🙂
Dear Me,
S-l-o-w D-o-w-n!
Being an action girl myself, I have a tendency to spend most of my time in 'full-speed ahead' mode. GREAT for getting shit done ... but sometimes creates extra work when a project is in the works and I finally get quiet and pause long enough to listen to my internal wisdom and discover I need to attempt a different approach. Or, that the solution to a problem was just sitting there quietly - waiting for me to give it some attention! 😉
Still ... and always ... learning to take time to BE while I am so busy DOING
what a great post for the first day of national screen free week! Screen free week is a campaign to get families to turn off the tv, computer, hand held games, etc. and spend the time together! 🙂
Hola Randy, excelente los 3 puntos a seguir para una buena salud mental para siempre.Gracias
Great post, Randy!
"And finally, number three is knowing when you need professional help."
Unfortunately, some of the people who most need professional help in dealing with behavioral issues, don't know they need it. (Or worse yet, steadfastly maintain that they DO NOT need it, because they're "normal" and it's everyone else's problem.)
Anyone have a suggestion on how to get someone to seek professional help, when they don't know they need it?
Unfortunately people who are pushed to seek professional help usually aren't open to getting it. Many people have to come to that decision themselves. Most mental health professionals will tell you that the people who are forced into treatment by court orders, etc fight the whole process and get nothing out of it.
Yes,I am aware of that too after having too people in the family who really need professionell help,always telling me how sick I am,how much problem I have and how I need to search for help.I am working on forgiving them,trying to see why I met these people.Unfortunately I guess that when you have gone over a certain edge,you have lost your focus enough to not be able to see it anymore OR you know it,but your subconsious mind tells you the pain will be too hard if you search for help.I have heard the advice;Run away and never look back.If everybody do that,these people will be alone and maybe then they will search for help.But it is not YOUR problem.I guess that is the hardest to realize.You have to run away,if those people hurt you too badly.t is your responsability for yourself if you cannot handle it in a way of integrity.But it is hard if it is your mother,father of your child or sister,for example.
Jim, that can be a tough one. I was in private practice as a psychotherapist for 15 years and now provide life and business coaching.
I've never seen a person make any changes unless and until they were ready to do so...and for their own reasons. That makes sense, I'm pretty much the same way; I change when I want to. Isn't that the way it works?
I think the best we can do is to always mentally see the person at their best when we think of them or are around them. Hold a vision of them living from their highest self, at peace, successful, effectively dealing with their challenges, loving, etc.
No doubt that your physical body and mind need to be in optimal health in order to achieve maximum abundance and prosperity. Meditation is a great tool for allowing some silent and still time. I actually lay down when I do it and no I have never fallen asleep.
Nice post, Randy. I'm big on physical health - kinda' hard to be prosperous if your body is dying. That's an ongoing process of collecting & sifting information (intellectually + intuitively) and putting What Works into practice. So far, so good.
In the mental health area, I've really become aware recently that I've GOT to get in control of my mind. I must live by the beliefs I choose, rather than the (non-serving) habit-beliefs.
Many of my habitual beliefs do "serve" to create the pleasant life I have. I need a tweak-up, however, if I want to manifest an Awesome Life (and I do).
All that said...I probably teeter on the edge of spending toooo much time in meditation, mullitation and personal-revampification. Action is important, too. Or...
Randy! would you recommend that a person wait to take action until she has a mind that is closer to 80% positive? That question puzzles me a great deal. Can I trust myself to make smart decisions....yet?
If I'm still asking the that an indication that I have more homework to do first, before making any Large Financial Decisions?
Hmmmm....I'm developing Prosperity Consciousness,'s still kinda' 50/50. Maybe I need to run with a new belief: I can trust myself to make good financial decisions. Hmmmmm........
Once you're at 51% in positive thoughts, you can build on that and things get better and better.
When the e-mailed landed in my inbox this morning, I was really drawn to the first few lines of this blog. I absolutely agree with you Randy, you just can't be at your best when you're not healthy. It's not fun.
I've been working on a long-term health issue for a while. I did break through a couple of years ago, but only for a few months and then I slid backwards again. I was getting up after 6.5 hours of sleep feeling fresh and eager to start the day. My mind was always sharp and I had the energy to go all day long, even concentrate late into the night if I wanted to. When I finally put my head on the pillow, sleep came quickly and easily. I was thrilled at how great I felt, how much I could accomplish in a day, how happy I was and how nice I was to others. That's the real me.
I'm fully committed to living a healthy mental life as well as a healthy physical life. My TV is off except for DVDs of choice. I last watched free-to-air TV for 20 or 30 minutes back in August 2010 just to catch an update on the federal election. I live alone and have plenty of quiet time to think. Sometimes if I decide to cook up something new (it doesn't happen often!), I might as well be meditating as I get completely lost in the process. In summer I lie in the sun in my courtyard and just chill out.
I've been reading books every day for probably close to 10 years now. In the past 3 years the subject of economics has dominated but at other times it's been health, personal development/psychology, sales, personal finance etc. Randy's blog is great. I also read numerous other newsletters, blogs and websites. Recently I purchased a full-day online seminar and I'm still in the process of watching that.
I am a shopoholic.I have a desire to buy things,especially on the internet.I buy and buy and 50% of it I do not want after that.Alcohol,cigarettes,candies etc i quit long time ago but shopping is difficult.Maybe it sort of includes all my bad habits;waisting money,desiring things etc.And the I finally got that excellent idea that I am going to shop,from now on,only things with a value.I started to learn to know everything about jewelry.Now gold is my big interest,and i buy rings,neclesses, idea is brilliant.I can still do shopping,and the value will raise too.In the future I will start with Shares,when my jewelry fortune is big enough so I can sell it and by shares.Nomore shams,shoes,ornamental,frames...just gold and silver.It makes me happy,and I do not have to quit my addiction.Thanks for a great post Randy.You are excellent!
Very well said Sensei! Thats why I will star a a personal coaching process to improve my skills y get out of my mind all my lmiting thoughts. Thanks!
Healthy mind also needs proper nutrition and physical exercise - healthy mind in the healthy body, said the ancient philosophers. Addictions, of any sort, are related to fear, and as you said, too often replaced rather than healed. However, sometimes 'replacement therapy' can be the only way to allow time for growth; growth itself is never painless, in fact often makes you despair.
Complete awareness would be my definition for Healthy Mind; achieving it is a revealing journey in itself but well worth taking.
Randy, Love your focus for this week. I, like you, was sick, broke, and miserable. My strong will to improve things made all the difference in the world.
I am a follower of Eckhart Tolle. This is a quote from him: "The vital question is whether at this moment--the only one there is--whether the aliveness of now is being obscured by concepts in the mind, by unnecessary mind activity that adds nothing to the richness of the moment. In other words, are you trapped in your head?" This is where I used to me until I learned to feel the aliveness of the present moment.
I Spend 1-2 Hours Per Day In Self Development. In Addition, I have a room in my home where I sit Quietly 30-45 Minutes per day Thinking, Praying and Meditating.
Hi Randy, reading your post of Healthy Mind, I want to share with you that this three areas are bassically effective.. because without knowing this tips, the past year I have a great deppression and well thank God I realized that I was bad and need professional help.. then, I began reading motivational books, going to seminars of the company that I work, etc... And let me tell you that now I have a different view of my life...
Blessings for you!
Good for you Maria!
tanx randy
Awww. I love Desperate Housewives...
If I can watch Jeopardy and get at least 40 per cent of the answers as quick as the contestants, I'm doing Ok.
Completely understand what your stance in this matter. Though I’d disagree on some of the finer particulars, I feel you did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks.