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Taking Inventory of the People in Your Life

Posted By: Randy GageJune 19, 2018

Aristotle suggested that the goal of life is to maximize your happiness by living virtuously, fulfilling your own potential as a human – and engaging with friends, family and others in mutually beneficial activities.

And that last part is where the danger lies…

In the last post, I mentioned how the people you associate with have a dramatic and vital role in how you think, and the perspective you develop toward life.

Jim Rohn suggested your income would be the average of the five people you spend the most time with.  Personally, I believe this median average holds true for all areas of your prosperity: health, marriage, relationships, etc.  Which takes us back to the issue I mentioned yesterday…

How you can backslide back to negative thinking.

In order for your thoughts to keep moving upward, your programming has to be following the same trajectory.  And sometimes – oftentimes – that is going to mean that as you move toward enlightenment, you will have to change some of the people in your life.  Not to be negative, but here is the reality today…

Most people are not aware they are being programmed with lack and limitation.  Most people are not doing daily self-development.  Most people react to stimuli, but aren’t actually mindful; the thinker of the thought.  As a result of all this, the default setting for most people is a negative mindset.

So with all this in mind, take an inventory of the people you are spending a lot of time with, online and off.   How would you rate their default setting towards money, success, health, and happiness?

Again, not trying to be negative, simply honest.  So the odds are great that you are surrounded with many negative people.  You probably work with, live with, or are married to some.  So what do you do about it?

That’s where we’ll pick up in the next post.  In the meantime, please check in below.


2 comments on “Taking Inventory of the People in Your Life”

  1. If would like to add to this great topic by adding that our thoughts are some of the friends we also need to let go of. Thoughts do become things, just as people in your life have a direct affect on our character development. What we expose ourselves to outwardly, on a consistent basis, will ultimately manifest itself into something tangible. I totally believe that right believing equals right living and right living is something of a mystery to most these days. Our thoughts are probably one of the most difficult things to master, if that is even possible, but by making a conscious effort to stay in the moment and divert the negative thoughts when they come in, the negative people almost seem to vaporize right along with them. Light removes darkness and positive thoughts and gratitude deflects negative people from staying or entering your life. They don't like the light because they have to grow in it.

  2. Great topic. I remember when you first introduced this into my life. And yes I have been clearing people out and it’s good to be amongst people with a positive mindset.

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  • 2 comments on “Taking Inventory of the People in Your Life”

    1. If would like to add to this great topic by adding that our thoughts are some of the friends we also need to let go of. Thoughts do become things, just as people in your life have a direct affect on our character development. What we expose ourselves to outwardly, on a consistent basis, will ultimately manifest itself into something tangible. I totally believe that right believing equals right living and right living is something of a mystery to most these days. Our thoughts are probably one of the most difficult things to master, if that is even possible, but by making a conscious effort to stay in the moment and divert the negative thoughts when they come in, the negative people almost seem to vaporize right along with them. Light removes darkness and positive thoughts and gratitude deflects negative people from staying or entering your life. They don't like the light because they have to grow in it.

    2. Great topic. I remember when you first introduced this into my life. And yes I have been clearing people out and it’s good to be amongst people with a positive mindset.

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