Correcto, tienes todaa razón, conocer los habitos, comportamientos de la oersonp que deseo ser y empezar a modelarlos.
Ultimately, I believe almost all of us would like to be an enlightened person. We want to be the kind of person we like.
You want to be the kind of person you would respect, admire and appreciate. The kind of person other people would want to emulate. And the kind of person who leaves the world at least a little better, because you have lived.
So how do you become that enlightened person?
The best way I know: Think about the kind of person you want to become. Identify the beliefs, habits, and behaviors that person would exhibit. Then simply start the transformation process.
Because once you create those beliefs, develop those habits, and practice that behavior, you become that ideal person.
Ain’t it great!
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Correcto, tienes todaa razón, conocer los habitos, comportamientos de la oersonp que deseo ser y empezar a modelarlos.
That IS great! It's important to be mindful and have good esteem, I believe, to manifest this.
Correcto, tienes todaa razón, conocer los habitos, comportamientos de la oersonp que deseo ser y empezar a modelarlos.
That IS great! It's important to be mindful and have good esteem, I believe, to manifest this.